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Chapter 3800, The Seventh Road to the Abyss

 On the abyss road at the junction of the two major countries, various conflicts will inevitably break out. The long-standing historical disputes have become particularly clear after coming to this world. Three days and one small battle, five days

A big battle has long been a common occurrence for players in Britain and France!

But today's situation is a little different. Due to the changes in the mountains and rivers, players on both sides have fallen into chaos. Unfortunately, a team of the Knights of the Round Table was trapped on the changed battlefield, unable to kill the enemy and with no hope of breaking out.

, could only ask for help from the higher-ups, and Guinevere hurried over to support. Unexpectedly, the bastard who caused such a big thing turned out to be Lin Zheng, and she almost killed Lin Zheng at that time.


"What are you looking at?!" Guinevere, who was still very angry, glared at Lin Zheng fiercely, "There is also the matter of Merlin, I haven't settled the score with you yet!"

Lin Zheng curled his lips when he heard this, "I was the one who found Merlin."

"Isn't it great what you got back?!" Guinevere said and grabbed Lin Zheng's neck angrily, this fool! This idiot! This brainless devil!

"Weier——!" Xun said with a smile, "Although I don't object to your point of view, Yiping is almost out of breath!"

After hearing this, Guinevere finally came to her senses from her rage. When she took a closer look, she saw that the stupid devil in her hand was already foaming at the mouth. She was so frightened that she quickly let go of her hand.

After laughing for a while, A-Xian said: "Well, Wei'er, this is not the first day you have met Yiping. Everyone knows that he is a fool, so don't dwell on it anymore."

Hearing this, Lin Zheng, who was rubbing his neck, rolled his eyes again, "A-Xian——!"

"Do you have an opinion?" Ah Xian asked, suppressing a smile, "This is not my opinion alone."

Tsk——! Forget it, I’m too lazy to argue with these meaningless women, neither of them know what’s so great about me. After pouting, Lin Zheng looked at the seventh abyss road in front of him.

"Speaking of which, I really didn't expect that the road to the seventh abyss is right here!"

Guinevere snorted coldly, then raised her eyes and looked away. Although she was reluctant to agree with this idiot devil, she had to admit that the location of the seventh abyss road really surprised her.

Because not far from here is the city of Uruk where she and Lin Zheng had arrived.

When she thought of the memories in the city of Uruk, Guinevere's expression became complicated, and then she looked at Fite with some resentment. Originally, she had killed Morgan Le Fay with her own hands, but in the end,

After that woman fell into hell, she was trained by Fit to become a docile sheep!

"I'm very sorry, Miss Weier."

After hearing this, Guinevere showed a helpless look, "Forget it, Feit!" She sighed, "Now that I think about it, what Artolis said is quite right. No matter what, she

She is our last relative, even if she feels sorry for us, now we should forgive her."

Glancing at the sighing Guinevere, Lin Zheng couldn't help but reveal a smile. He once really hated Morgan, but after experiencing so many things, his mentality has changed a lot from the original one.

The big difference is that as time goes by, having a family member by her side is better than anything else, especially now that she has changed. However, they have put aside their hatred for Morgan, but there are still people who hate her for what she once was.

What you did is so heartbreaking!

Then he lamented that hatred was difficult to resolve, but in a sudden change, the person responsible for the hatred appeared! In a flash of golden light, the flamboyant and gorgeous Queen Shining appeared in front of Lin Zheng and the others. After discovering Lin Zheng and the others, a flash of light flashed in her eyes.

There was a look of joy, but then he immediately put on a serious face and asked loudly and arrogantly: "Why did you come here? Uruk does not welcome outsiders who break in without permission. If you want to enter Uruk, just

Come in through the pass honestly!"

Hearing Twinkle's words, Guinevere, who knew her very well, couldn't help but smile. What a dishonest girl Twinkle is! Hearing her laughter, Twinkle's face couldn't help but blush, and she immediately turned to Lin Zheng

He glared hatefully, "Why are you still standing there?! Get out of here!"

What a troublesome woman! After showing a helpless expression, Lin Zheng took out a piece of thunder cake very skillfully. As soon as the cake was taken out, the arrogant queen suddenly "bang" and turned into a delicate one.

Little loli.

"It's a cake -!" She shouted happily, and Twinkle Loli immediately swooped up and took a bite, intoxicated for a long time. Then she waved to Lin Zheng happily, and when Lin Zheng lowered his head, she kissed him on the face.

He took a sip and said, "Thank you, brother! Shining likes brother the most."

The first time they saw Xian Xian and the fairy in the painting, their faces were full of surprise. This girl is really interesting! At this time, Xun explained to them with a smile: "Xian Xian was originally the mature adult just now.

Later, because she was cursed, Yonglin temporarily refined a spiritual pill for her in order to resolve the curse. However, because it had not been tested, the side effects were not clear. As a result, she took

After going down, Twinkle became like this. Although Yonglin said that she would refine a pill for her to relieve this side effect, there has been no movement for a long time."

After hearing this, the fairy in the painting laughed and said, "What are you doing with the release? I think this is good! The mature Twinkle looks very beautiful, but now Twinkle also looks very cute!"

When the fairy in the painting said she was cute, Shining immediately turned around happily and shouted: "Thank you sister for the compliment!"

This stinky little guy! Lin Zheng couldn't help but laugh and touched Twinkle's head. Sure enough, Twinkle is Twinkle. Even though she has become a lolita, she still retains her usual stinky beauty!

The happy Shining raised her head and nuzzled Lin Zheng, then took a bite of the cake happily, and then asked vaguely: "Brother! What are you doing here? There is nothing interesting here in Uruk!"

Did this girl say that about her hometown? After rubbing Shining lovingly, Lin Zheng smiled and said, "We are here to wake up this land."

"Awaken this land?" Shining blinked curiously after hearing this, "But there is nothing wrong with the land of Uruk! Look -!" As he said that, the little guy raised his hand and pointed to the city of Uruk.

, "Although Uruk is relatively boring here, the earth has always been full of vitality!"

After hearing this, Lin Zheng and the others also showed a look of surprise. This is true! Unlike all previous spiritual veins, the area around Uruk City is filled with vitality that is visible to the naked eye. It does not seem like the spiritual veins have dried up at all.

The scene after that. When Lin Zheng came back to his senses, he couldn't help but look at the fairy in the painting beside him, "Sister Tutu, how is the environment here different from back then?"

The fairy in the painting came back to his senses, and frowned slightly and said: "It's been an earth-shaking change. Back then, this area was filled with continuous mountains, and there was not even a single plain for thousands of miles."

"Isn't that much bigger than the current awareness?!" Xun exclaimed in surprise. Although the Uruk area in front of him has certain ups and downs, it is basically a vast plain, just like what the fairy in the painting said.

, they are basically two completely opposite terrains.

At this time, Twinkle asked curiously: "Brother, why do you want to wake up the earth?"

After listening, Lin Zheng briefly told the history of the human race about the Road to the Abyss to Shanshan. Hearing that the immortal gods in the other world destroyed the spiritual veins of the Road to the Abyss in order to control the earth in this world, the little guy was very angry.

His face turned red, and then he shouted angrily: "Those guys are so abominable!"

It was also the first time for Guinevere to hear about this period of history, and she was a little angry after hearing this, "If there is a chance..."

Lin Zheng knew what this woman was planning to do. After all, the other world is not only found in the Huaxia District, but also in the entire world. However, the power of the other world in Britain is much weaker than that in the Huaxia District.

Guinevere's ability, well, when she reaches the eighth rank and brings her Knights of the Round Table, she will probably be able to overthrow the entire world in Britain. This thought is really interesting! I'm just thinking about it.

, the twinkling in his arms suddenly tilted his little head, and then said: "Brother!"

Hearing this, Lin Zheng, who came back to his senses, smiled and hugged the little guy tightly, "What's wrong? Do you want more cake?"

"Yes!" Shining exclaimed happily. As for cakes, she would like any cake! But after shouting, the little guy paused and then shook his head quickly, "No, no!"

"Why don't you want it again?"

"Yes! But that's not what Shining wants to say!" As he said this, the little guy became serious, which made Lin Zheng and others laugh.

"What is that?"

"It's about Uruk!" After saying that, the little guy took a bite of the cake happily, and then said with a creamy face: "I remembered the ancient legend, long before I became the king of Uruk.

A long time ago, this place was, as the elder sister said, full of mountains! In the early days, the people of Uruk lived in the mountains and lived a very prosperous life. But one day, the evil devil invaded this place.

Earth, they destroyed our home and leveled the world, making the whole world desolate!"

Hearing this, Lin Zheng and the others couldn't help but raise their eyebrows. Obviously, this ancient myth and legend talks about how those guys in the other world destroyed the spiritual veins. Judging from the content of this legend, the spiritual veins are being destroyed.

After the destruction, it was true that the land lost its spirituality and gradually fell into desolation. However, how could she be such a vibrant scene in front of her now?

"When despair enveloped this land, the great creation god Tiamat appeared. With her great divine power, she reshaped this desolate land and brought new life to this land, and we,

On this new land, the great Uruk was built!"

This chapter has been completed!
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