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Chapter 4124, Danger in the Abyss

 After subconsciously nodding, Lin Zheng suddenly looked towards Bai Yuan with wide eyes. A small black fish as big as a hill?! Are you sure?

Seeing Lin Zheng's expression, Bai Yuan smiled bitterly and said: "It does sound a bit incredible, but it is true." After saying that, Bai Yuan subconsciously touched his left eye, "Mr. Lin, I

I am just discussing with you the relationship between the production of small black fish and the region. I am not suggesting that you go to this place. That place is not a place where living beings can set foot. No one who sets foot there will have good results. Of course

, which also includes me.”

Apparently, that mistake left a big shadow on Bai Yuan! Although Lin Zheng nodded to express his understanding, he became curious about the place that left a shadow on Bai Yuan.

"Mr. Lin must be very curious about the situation in that place, right?"

Meeting Bai Yuan's serious eyes, Lin Zheng couldn't help but smile, and then nodded and said: "To be honest, I'm really curious. Can Miss Bai Yuan tell us about the situation there?"

"That place!" His eyes fell on the map again. Looking at the area he pointed out, Bai Yuan's eyes showed a bit of pain.

"That place is full of all kinds of unreasonable things."

"Unreasonable?" Lin Zheng heard the question mark slowly on his forehead, "How is this unreasonable?"

"The rules of the world have become very confusing there. The power we have can be used, but sometimes it cannot be used. Sometimes the power is so small that it cannot even hurt the skin, and sometimes, it can be slashed at will.

, can open mountains and crack rocks.”

I go--!

Lin Zheng heard a burst of exclamation, what kind of crazy place is this? I don't know if my power can be used, I don't know how big my power is. In this case, what happens if I encounter something?

, Lin Zheng also had to doubt whether he could handle it.

"Not only that."

"What else?!"

Seeing Lin Zheng's roaring expression, Bai Yuan, who was originally in a heavy mood, couldn't help but feel a lot more relaxed. After smiling slightly, he continued: "In that area, the power of chaos is greater than in other areas.


"The power of chaos?"

"Oh! I forgot that this is your first time here!" After a pause, Bai Yuan explained: "The power of chaos is the death factor with the highest fatality rate in the abyss. How are they produced? When

It will happen, no one knows, and it is even more difficult to detect. Often only when the force of chaos is unfortunately invaded can anglers react."

It sounds so rogue, this power of chaos! In surprise, Lin Zheng asked: "Then what will happen after being invaded by this kind of power?"

"First of all, the nature of one's own power will be reversed. After being invaded by the power of chaos, many fishermen with relatively low moral standards are often unable to withstand the high load pressure brought by the power reversal on the body at this step, and finally the whole body bursts.

And died."


Lin Zheng took a breath when he heard this. The reversal of the nature of power is really terrible. To put it simply as a metaphor, it is the power of a fallen angel like Fite that is reversed into the power of a Seraph. You

If it were to be reversed directly in one breath, then forget it. I'm afraid that the reversal would not be complete. In that case, the two stocks would be completely different.

Opposite forces will create fierce conflicts within the body. If it cannot be resisted, it will be the result of explosion and death as Bai Yuan said.

"If the power reversal is overcome, what follows will be the tampering of cognition!" Looking at the glaring Lin Zheng and the others, Bai Yuan continued: "The power of chaos will destroy all the cognition of the invaded.

Constantly distorting, the normal world in their eyes will gradually become distorted into various worlds full of chaos and madness. If they cannot maintain their sanity from this distorted world, then their thinking will collapse, and those who leave will

Those who fall into madness after falling into the abyss do so because of this situation.”

His uncle! What kind of chaotic evil thing is this? Isn't it too evil? In the cold, Lin Zheng couldn't help but ask: "What if it can even withstand cognitive tampering?"

"This needs to be divided into two situations." Bai Yuan raised his finger as he spoke, "After overcoming cognitive tampering, you will receive all kinds of chaotic knowledge. In the first situation, you accept the knowledge, but

If you still abide by your own practice, in this case, when the energy of chaos is exhausted in the body, the invader will not have much change except after mastering some kind of power of chaos, and the second kind."

Bai Yuan stretched out another finger, "Completely give up resistance and fully accept the knowledge of chaos. In this case, the power of the invaded will increase explosively, but as a price, they will lose their original form.

It will become a monster of chaos, and it will become cruel and crazy as a result."

"Isn't that just turning into an inhuman lunatic?" Lin Zheng stared and said, "There shouldn't be any idiots who would choose to accept this thing, right?"

"Under normal circumstances, naturally not many people would want to become an inhuman monster." Bai Yuan said with a look of regret, "But the knowledge of chaos is too mysterious, and it is difficult for many cultivation levels.

For progressive people, it is an extremely huge temptation! In addition, withstanding the tampering of cognition, the invader has spent a lot of effort. In this case, if one does not have enough perseverance, it is easy to be confused.

Seduced by the knowledge of Chaos, more than 80% of people finally chose to fully accept the knowledge of Chaos and transformed into bloodthirsty monsters raging in the abyss."

"Miss Baiyuan is a hero!" Charles's voice suddenly sounded, and then several wine glasses were placed on the table. While pouring amber wine, Charles said: "In that incident, Miss Baiyuan was the only one.

She is the only Abyss Knight who has returned from the abyss alive, and has resisted the temptation of chaotic knowledge."

"Boss Charles!"

Facing Bai Yuan's somewhat helpless and somewhat resentful expressions, Ciel couldn't help but laugh, "Sorry, sorry! When I heard you talk about the power of chaos, I couldn't help but think of that incident back then."

Turning around and seeing the curious expressions of Lin Zheng and the others, Bai Yuan sighed helplessly, "For me, that can't be called glory, or even victory. I came back alive.

, but all my companions stayed in the abyss."

"Feel sorry!"

Hearing Lin Zheng's apology, Bai Yuan shook his head gently, then squeezed out a smile and said: "Stop talking about these annoying things, come on! Try Boss Charles' wine, this wine, he generally

You won’t take it out to entertain guests easily!”

"Really?" Lin Zheng then showed a smile, "Then you have to give this a try.

That’s it!” After that, he picked up his wine glass and touched it with Bai Yuan, cheers!

He raised his head and drank down the small amount of wine in the cup. When the taste of the wine spread in his mouth, Lin Zheng couldn't help but his eyes lit up. Bai Yuan didn't brag. This wine from Boss Charles is indeed good! If

If Lin Zheng were to evaluate it, it must be at least on the same level as Tiandao Wine.

Looking at Lin Zheng, whose eyes were shining, Bai Yuan showed a bit of pride, "I didn't lie, right?" After seeing Lin Zheng nodding with a smile on his face, he felt quite proud.

"Speaking of which, Boss Charles!" Bai Yuan, who had been proud for a while, looked at Charles curiously, "Why did you suddenly come so generously to invite us to drink your wine today?"

Charles poured more wine into Lin Zheng's glass, and then said with a smile: "Of course it's because I'm in a good mood, Miss Baiyuan!" After finishing that, Charles looked at Lin Zheng, "It's been a long time since we last touched each other.

Mr. Lin is such a pleasant guest!”

"What you said is a bit exaggerated, right?" Lin Zheng laughed hoarsely, "Not to mention other things, doesn't Miss Bai Yuan come to your place often? Don't you think meeting Miss Bai Yuan as a guest makes you feel uncomfortable?


Charles laughed. "Of course it is very pleasant for Miss Baiyuan to visit the store, but Mr. Lin, that's not what I'm talking about. To be more precise, I'm talking about tourists from outside!" Staring.

Lin Zheng was a little surprised, and Charles said with a teasing look: "There are very few tourists like you who come to the abyss area. Most of the guys who come here are just a group of idiots. It makes people riot just by looking at them."


Lin Zheng couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he heard this. After hearing what Charles said, he finally came to his senses. What Charles said here probably refers to his attitude towards Bai Yuan. This made Lin Zheng very interested.

He was originally very curious about the situation of the Abyss Sect here, and now he had the opportunity to learn more about it. Of course he couldn't miss it!

Lin Zheng immediately smiled and said: "Boss Charles, what you said is a bit flattering to me. I am actually not as smart as you think, boss. It's just that I believe in what I have experienced personally, that's all."

After hearing this, Charles smiled happily and said: "This way you are already a hundred times and a thousand times smarter than those idiots!"

As soon as he said this, even the other guests in the restaurant started to cheer, which made Lin Zheng feel embarrassed. Although he was often praised for his intelligence, this was the first time he had been praised by so many people at once!

Seeing Lin Zheng's embarrassed look, Bai Yuan smiled and said: "Mr. Lin, you don't need to care about everyone's reaction, everyone is just joining in the fun."

No! We care a lot, everyone is praising you for being smart!

After a little vanity, Lin Zheng asked curiously: "So, why is the Abyss Church in the Eastern Diocese so polarized?"

"First one!" Before Bai Yuan could answer, Charles pointed at Bai Yuan with a smile on his face and said: "These guys from the Abyss Church are indeed a bit extreme in what they do. Miss Bai Yuan is quite quiet despite her appearance.

, if something goes against religious law, she is more like a berserker than a berserker."


In the exclamation of Lin Zheng and others, Bai Yuan lowered his head in embarrassment, while Charles continued: "The second one, isn't it caused by interests?"

This chapter has been completed!
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