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Chapter 4234, Discovery of the Siren

 Under the guidance of the waiter Risuer, Lin Zheng and others arrived at the reception room used to entertain distinguished guests. In front of the elegantly decorated door, two well-equipped monks were guarding the door. Lin Zheng observed a little.

All of a sudden, they turned out to be rank eights. Two rank eights were allowed to guard the door for the sirens. This was enough to show how much the Doragon family valued the sirens.

Lin Zheng smiled, and the two monks who spotted him nodded to him, "Hello, Your Excellency Yiping!"

"Thank you for your hard work, both of you!" Lin Zheng smiled and greeted the two monks, "Thank you both for helping me protect the girls at home."

After hearing this, the two monks showed a faint smile, "This is what we should do, Your Excellency Yiping. You are our distinguished guest, so your family members are naturally the ones we need to protect. Protect the lives of the ladies."

Safety is our responsibility."

"Even so, I still have to thank you two for your hard work." After saying that, Lin Zheng stepped forward and handed out two daggers to the two of them, "This is a little thought from Yi Ping, please accept it."

"Exit." The short sword is a by-product of the black dragon sword that Lin Zheng gave Sui Sui. Because it is not a spiritual treasure, Lin Zheng changed it and kept it. However, although it is not a spiritual treasure, it is definitely an extraordinary epic god.


The monks who work in an environment like the Doragon family are certainly not that bad at seeing and discerning. As soon as they saw the short sword that Lin Zheng took out, they knew clearly that these were definitely two incredible weapons.

If they work normally on their own, even if they work for a thousand years, they may not be able to buy such a weapon. The prerequisite is that there must be such a thing for sale.

After coming back to his senses, one of the monks hurriedly said: "Your Excellency Yiping, your gift is too valuable, please forgive me for not accepting it!"

Another monk also said: "Your Excellency Yiping, it is our duty to protect all the ladies. You don't need so many gifts, so please keep this valuable gift!"

"Take it!" Lin Zheng smiled and put the dagger into the hands of the two of them, "These are just defective products that I made by myself. They are not considered treasures, so there is no need to be so embarrassed."

No, your lies are a bit outrageous, Mr. Yiping! Standing aside, Risuer broke out in sweat. If those magic weapons are called defective products, then what do you think of excellent products?

? By the way, Your Excellency Yiping can actually refine weapons?!

The two people holding the daggers looked at each other. Having met many people, they knew very well that Lin Zheng had no intention of taking the things back. This kind of person was a bit resigned to death! The two of them immediately said

I had no choice but to hold up the dagger respectfully, bow my head and say thanks: "Thank you, Your Excellency Yiping!" Let's go back and talk to the manager about the matter!

As the two monks reached out and grabbed the door handle of the guest room, blue magic runes suddenly appeared on the handle. It was obvious that this door was the last level of the guest room, and there were only two of them.

At the same time, grab the door handle to open the door. It is not easy to break in by violent means.

The door opened silently inward. After greeting the two monks with a smile, Lin Zheng led Feite and the others in.

This reception room is a super luxurious suite. As soon as he entered the door, the first thing that caught Lin Zheng's sight was a hall with an area of ​​more than 400 square meters. Looking at the extremely elegant and luxurious hall, Lin Zheng's face

It made me feel a little speechless. It was just a place for entertaining guests. How could a living room be made so big?

After scanning the living room, Lin Zheng's eyes suddenly stopped at the curtains. He looked at the bulging curtains.

, Lin Zheng suddenly burst into laughter, and even Feite and the others showed a bit of smile in their eyes. These girls, if you want to hide, you can hide in a safe way. They all squeezed behind a curtain for fear that others would not know.

Are you hiding there?

After coming back to his senses, Lin Zheng sighed softly. After all, these sirens still don't feel safe! Even though he and Sang Chongpang have repeatedly assured them, in this strange environment, they

Still can't feel at ease.

"I'm here, girls, where are you?" Lin Zheng shouted loudly, pretending not to notice the girls.

As soon as the words fell, there was an obvious commotion behind the curtain, and there were bursts of small exchanges, which made Lin Zheng and the others burst into laughter.

Just when Lin Zheng was pretending to be looking around, Ariel, the team leader, quietly emerged from behind the curtain with a small face. After warily looking at Lin Zheng at the door, Ariel's eyes changed.

It became brighter, it was real, not a trap!

"Brother Yiping!" After shouting happily, Ariel immediately showed a look of panic. Soon, a panicked exclamation sounded from behind the curtains, and then with a "bang", everything came from behind the curtains.

It fell out, and Lin Zheng couldn't help but close his eyes when he saw it. He felt quite painful when he heard it.

After opening his eyes and looking at the girls lying on the ground, Lin Zheng walked over with a smile on his face, and helped the girls up together with Feite and the others.

After smiling at Lin Zheng, Ariel thought of something and hurriedly said to Lin Zheng: "Brother Yiping, there are still four of us under control. Is there any way you can help them?"

Hearing this, Lin Zheng looked at the four sea monsters who were dumbfounded. Apparently they were the ones who pulled the cart for the Wushuang Master before. Lin Zheng was so eager to save people before, but he forgot to help them get rid of the "Yellow Turban Hercules" secret technique.

Lin Zheng immediately took out the Awakening World Bowl and knocked on it gently. As the sound of the bowl rang out, the eyes of the four people quickly regained their vitality, and Ariel and the others looked surprised.

Brother is really amazing. The trouble they couldn't solve for a long time was solved by Yiping brother in one go!

The four people who had just regained their consciousness obviously didn't understand the current situation. When they saw that there were so many sea monsters around them, they couldn't help but exclaimed: "Have you been caught too?!" After looking at Lin Zheng, he said

Standing nearby, they arbitrarily regarded Lin Zheng as a "fish seller". One of them rushed forward and shouted: "You guys leave quickly! I will stop this guy!"

"Stop you!" The siren rushed forward and was about to attack. She was hit by Lin Zheng on the spot and shuddered. The pain was so painful that her tears dropped, and they turned into two beads that fell to the ground.

On the ground.

Ariel and the other sirens quickly stopped the other three and explained, "Don't be nervous, this is brother Yiping, he saved us all."

Hearing this, the tearful Siren raised his head and looked at Lin Zheng, "Is what Ariel said true?"

Looking at the girl's doubtful eyes, Lin Zheng couldn't help but think of that silly girl Libeia, and immediately smiled and rubbed the girl's head, "Do you know Libea? How do you feel about you?

So similar to that silly girl?"

"Nonsense!" the girl under my command sternly retorted, "I'm not like Libeia. Libeia is a fool, but I am very smart!"

Feite couldn't help but raise his hand to cover his mouth when he heard it, his eyes were filled with a strong smile. Generally speaking, this is a standard silly girl's speech, just like those silly girls at home, who are obviously stupid, but always think that they are

Be smarter than everyone else, and then use their "intelligence" to cause trouble

All kinds of ridiculous jokes.

"Brother Yiping, do you know Libea?" Ariel asked with eyes full of surprise.

"Of course!" Lin Zheng smiled and nodded, while Xun added with a smile: "Yiping is Li Beiya's brother-in-law! That's why we say we are a family!"

Lin Zheng couldn't help coughing after hearing this, and the sirens had already exclaimed. It's incredible. Erica, that super squatter who squats at home all day long, actually got married!

"Xun!" Lin Zheng shouted angrily after coughing, while Xun said with a bad smile: "Do you think you can get rid of Erica in this life?"

What?! Get rid of Erica?!

Hearing this, the sirens immediately widened their eyes. After that, Ariel said to Lin Zheng seriously: "Brother Yiping! We sirens will only like one person in our lives. You can't leave Erica behind and start chaos.

Giving up is not an option!"

"Pah!" Lin Zheng slapped him on the face. After pulling it off his face, he said to Ariel and the others in a dumbfounded voice: "It's okay, I don't know how good my relationship with Erica is. I'll take it later."

You will know when you return to Pearl City!"

After listening, the sirens showed a satisfied smile. Very good, brother Yiping is not a person who always gives up, but this is of course! If brother Yiping really gives up on Erica,

Then they won't be saved.

Not all the sirens who were rescued were big girls like Ariel. The four people who were pulled to the cart by Mr. Wushuang, except for the silly girl who wanted to stop Lin Zheng, the remaining three were all sirens.

The mature woman in the movie, by the way, that silly girl is called Rebecca. Apart from having a better figure than Rebecca, she is basically another Rebecca, and because she has a better figure, she was arrested and fucked.

Che, after all, among the dozen sirens, only the four of them have plumper figures.

Unlike Ariel and other girls who were caught because of their inexperience, the three mature women have a clearer understanding of their being caught. The Siren's soul strength will continue to increase as he grows older.

Therefore, although they are also controlled by the secret technique of the "Yellow Turban Warriors", the three people whose souls are stronger than Ariel and the others can still be conscious while being controlled.

"They didn't know that our consciousness could get rid of the control of the secret technique, so they talked about many things in front of us without any scruples." The siren who spoke is called Marei, and she is the oldest siren here. She is the original owner of Pearl City.

The director in charge of logistics was unfortunately captured by Adlania's people when he went out just to replenish Pearl City with various supplies needed for daily life.

As Lin Zheng and the others listened attentively, Ma Lei showed a look of recollection and said slowly: "I remember that once, the owner of the villa once asked about our purpose when communicating with his superiors.

Although he was severely reprimanded later, his superior finally revealed something to him."

Hearing this, Rebecca immediately asked angrily: "What is it? Why on earth did those bastards want to arrest us?!"

Marley shook her head slowly, "I don't know exactly why. The person spoke very ambiguously at the time."

Another mature siren nodded and agreed: "Yes! I also heard it at the time. The guy talked a lot, which made people a little confused. But in summary, it is basically certain that they will use us

They were taken away for some kind of research on the soul, but it’s not clear which side they were studying.”

This chapter has been completed!
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