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Chapter 4376, Dongli

 After withdrawing their admiring gaze from the tower at the end, Lin Zheng and the others had to face a more realistic problem at the moment.

Under the light of the End Tower, space travel is not feasible, and after approaching the End Tower for a certain distance, even flying will be restricted. If they want to reach the End Tower, they basically have to rely on themselves.

The legs walked over little by little.

When he thought of this problem, Lin Zheng couldn't help but grinned. Those ferocious beasts on the plains were completely ignored by Lin Zheng. Their team had a much stronger combat power than Barrowmir. No matter what beast they encountered, they had it.

It will be solved with absolute certainty.

However, after crossing the plains, they will arrive at a civilized country. Lin Zhengke still clearly remembers the bitter experience that Baromir wrote about in his travel notes. For nearly a year, the people of that country warmly "received" them.

This made Balomir so tired that all his hair fell out.

It was obviously not a good idea to bypass that country. Without the flexibility to travel through space, it would take a lot of time to bypass that country. After thinking about it, Lin Zheng had no choice but to bite the bullet and lead everyone.

Moved on.

The environment of the plain is as dangerous as Balomir described, with all kinds of ferocious beasts emerging in endlessly. Along the way, Lin Zheng and the others have never encountered ferocious beasts lower than level seven, and all adult ferocious beasts are

Those at rank eight, and those at rank seven are underage cubs. In this hellish place, even the herbivores are very ferocious, and the sight of groups of ferocious beasts that look like rank eight wild boars galloping around is truly terrifying.

Fortunately, Han had Chi Xiao following him, so these wild boars eventually became the food reserves in Lin Zheng's bag.

Although the plain is dangerous, there are many beautiful scenery along the way. It took nearly half a year for Lin Zheng and the others to see traces of civilization while walking and sightseeing.

As they approached the civilization, the intensity of the ferocious beasts obviously began to decrease. The density of the eight-level beasts dropped sharply, and there were not many seven-level beasts. When Lin Zheng and the others discovered the city, the ferocious beasts that mainly appeared around them were

The strength of the beasts has been reduced to the lowest level of five levels. At the same time, many hunters can be found in the wild, forming teams to hunt ferocious beasts.

Dongli, this is what Balomir learned, the name of this country. Dongli people look very similar to Eastern people. They have black hair, black eyes, and yellow skin. Even the average height does not look much different. Lin

Zheng looked particularly friendly.

But being cordial is cordial. Just seeing those hunters cheering around a companion who singled out a Level 7 ferocious beast, Lin Zheng did not intend to get close to these guys. It was obvious that the contents of Balomir's travel diary where he complained bitterly,

It’s not just nonsense, the martial virtues of the Dongli people are simply too abundant!

Unfortunately, things went against their wishes. The vigilant hunters still discovered Lin Zheng and his team, and immediately greeted them very enthusiastically. The hunter captain was a tall and strong man. Lin Zheng looked similar to Dong Li.

The more people look the same, the more enthusiastic they appear to be.

"Brother, where did you come from?" the captain asked enthusiastically. As he spoke, his eyes fell on Lamiriel. It was obviously the first time he saw the Lamia race, and he looked quite curious.

Lin Zheng was thinking about what to say so as not to arouse the desire of these fighting madmen to challenge, but Mipa immediately said triumphantly: "We came from the foggy area over the plain."

Ailei quickly covered the mouth of this stupid cat, but it was too late. The hunters had already let out bursts of exclamations, and their eyes were full of admiration. Anyone who could cross over from the end of the plain would definitely

He is an extremely powerful man!

At this time, Lin Zheng said with a sneer on his face: "This eldest brother is so polite! Actually, don't listen to this silly girl bragging. Mr. Barromir doesn't know if eldest brother has heard of it? He has been here before, so he has no idea about the situation along the way.

It's very familiar. We just followed the route he marked. It's not as amazing as you think, brother."

However, after the hunter heard this, he burst out laughing, then patted Lin Zheng on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Brother, you are too humble! Even if you came along the path that Mr. Barromir walked,

, that’s also very remarkable. We don’t know what the situation is in this plain. We can’t avoid it completely if we want to. If you don’t have real skills, how can you reach us?”

Lin Zheng laughed dryly for a while. Everyone had said that, what else could he say? In this situation, if we go back to discuss the challenge, I'm afraid it won't be able to stop.

Immediately, under the welcome of the hunters, Lin Zheng and the others officially entered the country of Dongli. It has been several decades since Balomir came to the country of Dongli. Affected by the various new technologies brought by Balomir, now

The country of Dongli is quite different from what he described. The most obvious ones are the architecture and the clothing of the Dongli people. In the travel notes, the Dongli people basically wear various animal skins as clothes.

, the architecture is also rough and crude.

Nowadays, although the buildings of the Dongli people are still rough, they are no longer simple and have the style of the Han and Tang Dynasties. There are not many pedestrians on the street still wearing animal skins, and most of them are wearing cloth sewn.

The style of the completed clothing is still relatively simple, and it looks like a design suitable for strenuous activities at any time.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lin Zheng admired Baromir even more. The man in the painting has top-notch technology. However, he did not wantonly instill his advanced technology into Dongli Country, but just

Gently gave Dongli a push. As expected of a race whose social structure has developed to an advanced stage, Balomir deeply understood the impact of changes in productivity on social structure, and gave Dongli too advanced technology in one go.

For this country and nation, it will do more harm than good. Only step by step like this can the healthy development of civilization be achieved.

Regarding his experience after arriving in Dongli Country... Lin Zheng really doesn't want to say more. If he talks too much, he will burst into tears. Apart from rushing on the road every day, he basically spends all his time in challenging and competing with the enthusiastic people of Dongli Country.

Afterwards, at this time, he really understood the bitterness revealed by Balomir in his travel notes. It was really tiring to meet such a race whose mind was only about muscles and fighting!

But if you want to talk about gains, there are some. The Dongli people are martial by nature, and their long years of accumulation have given them extremely rich knowledge and experience in the study and research of various skills. Their Taoism may not be average on average.

It is considered high, but their combat experience and skills are really strong. Every duel is a model that can be written into textbooks. On this point, Lin Zheng still admires the Dongli people very much. Therefore, in the follow-up

During the competition, Lin Zheng even filmed the duel. This is excellent teaching material. I will take it back and give it to the Zhan Zhan College and give it to Sasha. She will definitely be very happy.

Not only Lin Zheng, but also everyone else has learned something from the journey to Dongli Country. Even a master among masters like Chi Xiao has learned many useful skills from the masters of Dongli Country. After all, a

The long years of accumulation of all people in the entire country will always have their own merits, let alone Dongli, a country that favors martial arts.

To say that the ones who have gained the most are Lamiriel and Sana. They are more studious. Along the way, they have more times to discuss with others, so they have grown rapidly through the exchanges.

!As for the stupid cat Mipa, Lin Zheng couldn't say for sure. That stupid cat actually liked the lively and bustling environment of Dongli Country very much. As long as the team stopped, she would immediately run away without a trace.

No one knows where she went to play. The only thing Lin Zheng can be sure of is that this stupid cat is becoming more and more dexterous. Even Sana, who is growing rapidly, can no longer catch her.

She did.

Finally, after a year of long travel, Lin Zheng and the others left Dongli Country under the reluctant eyes of the people on the border of Dongli Country, and waited until the city of Dongli Country finally completely disappeared from sight.

, Lin Zheng finally breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he was not a native of this world, otherwise he would have been as bald as Balomir by now!

"Actually, it's not bad!" Killing Immortal couldn't help laughing, "It's not that tiring, is it?"

Lin Zheng rolled his eyes when he heard this, nonsense! Of course you are not tired anymore. As the only man in this team and the leader, he should be regarded as the strongest in the team, so for their challenge,

At least 80% of it will come from him. With so many of you sharing the remaining 20%, of course it will be easy!

"As a place for cultivation, Dongli Country is really excellent!" Chi Xiao gave Dongli Country a very high evaluation, "If there is a chance for that silly boy Xuan Cang to stay here for two years,

It will definitely be of great benefit to him!”

"Huh?" Lin Zheng looked surprised, "This is a good idea, senior sister!"

Chi Xiao smiled when he heard this, "It's a pity that it's not easy to come in! There's no way to teleport in directly with your compass, so I don't worry about letting him come here alone."

"We can consider forming a team!" Lin Zheng said with a smile. At the same time, the appearance of that bastard Zhulu appeared in his mind. What that boy lacked most was experience in combat skills, and in Dongfang

Li Guo, as long as you stay for three or two years, experience in this area will not be a problem at all!

Chi Xiao was also a little moved after hearing this, but he said, "Let's go out later and think about whether it's feasible. For now, let's go to the tower and have a look!"

As he spoke, everyone's eyes couldn't help but fall to the end tower. At this time, the end tower was very clear in everyone's field of vision. Even some of the larger patterns on the tower could be seen clearly.

Bathed in its mysterious radiance, Lin Zheng's curiosity about this tower became more and more intense. With his attainments in weapon refining, he could easily tell that this tower at the end

, is a natural creation. Such a magnificent natural creation has a huge attraction for a weapon refiner. No pursuing weapon refiner can resist the charm it exudes!

Please remember the first domain name of this book: ._

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