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Chapter 4556, hint

Although it is not absolutely certain that the thing created by that old bastard Xiang Liu, there is at least a 99% chance that it will not be a good thing! Not to mention, the current symbol is still sent to Mana by that guy Douglas.

There is no need to think about what you are doing with the hand!

Mana was the only one at the scene who was still confused. The knowledgeable Mana certainly knew about the demon god Xiang Liu, but obviously, she found that the Xiang Liu she knew was different from the Xiang Liu that Lin Zheng and the others were talking about.

It must be two different things! Immediately, Mana couldn't help but asked curiously: "What is this Xiang Liu you are talking about? Why are you all so surprised when you hear about him?"

After hearing what Mana said, Si Niang said with a serious face: "Xiang Liu is a very, very bad villain. He has done many bad things and killed many people!"

Mana couldn't help laughing after hearing this. Although what Siniang said was indeed a very bad and dangerous guy, Mana couldn't become serious when Siniang said it with such an expression and tone.

There is no hope in expecting Siniang to explain everything about Xiang Liu! In the end, it was Lin Zheng who had to explain it to Mana. After Lin Zheng’s explanation, Mana finally realized the problem

The seriousness of it. An evil spirit who tried to destroy the world through calamity. How could what he created be a good thing? Douglas actually sent such a dangerous creation to her hands. His intentions were sinister.

It's already obvious.

"Ah Jie, what is the purpose of this symbol?" Xun asked curiously, "Is it possible that that old bastard Xiang Liu can also control others remotely through this symbol?"

"How is this possible?" Lin Zheng said angrily, "No matter how weird Xiang Liu's methods are, there is absolutely no way he can remotely control others with just a symbol! Besides, Xiang Liu's

Everything this guy plans is grand, but this time, it always feels like he has a petty attitude, not like that old bastard's style."

"But Ah Jie said it! This thing was created by old bastard Xiang Liu."

"But don't forget, that old bastard Xiang Liu doesn't act alone. He also has a thug under him who wants any advantage!"

Under Lin Zheng's reminder, everyone immediately blurted out the names that came to their mind, "Wanjie Chamber of Commerce?!"

Lin Zheng nodded slowly, "Don't forget, we still have white bone nails on hand made from the bones of that old bastard Xiang Liu. That guy will give what he created to the people of the Wanjie Chamber of Commerce.

Not surprising at all.”

"Indeed!" Everyone was suddenly stunned. Indeed, if you think about it carefully, with the scale planned by a guy like Xiang Liu, he would definitely not do things in such a petty manner! If that guy really wants to control Mana, then he should

It will be more hidden, and by directly using his undead power, he can perfectly turn Mana into his undead puppet.

"Ajie, what's the effect of the symbol?"

After hearing this, Ajie came back to his senses and said: "Hint! There is no problem just seeing this symbol, but as long as you draw this symbol, you will be affected by this symbol. In this way, as long as you

After contacting the person who has been suggested, and using specific means of suggestion, you can give various instructions to the person who is being suggested. The most troublesome thing is that the person who is being suggested usually does not

Will he show any abnormality, or will he live a normal life?"

Lin Zheng's brows tightened when he heard it, and his face became gloomy. Then he asked: "What can the content of the hint include? Ajie?"

"What do you want to ask?"

"For example, let the person being suggested change their usual views and spread this view to others."

“It can be done!”

"Really?!" As he said this, Lin Zheng laughed, but there was no smile in his eyes, only an icy chill! The greedy guys like the Wanjie Chamber of Commerce, Lin Zheng has long been accustomed to their greed.

! But Lin Zheng didn't expect that these guys could go so far in order to plunder wealth! The behavior of the Wanjie Chamber of Commerce this time was not just about plundering the wealth of the Kingdom of Elena, they had a huge appetite.

Just plundering the kingdom's resources cannot satisfy their appetite at all! So they want to destroy the foundation of the kingdom through hints! When the Kingdom of Elena completely collapses, at that time, they will be able to plunder everything in this country wantonly.

Not only the resources, but also the rich technology accumulated by the kingdom over the long years, these are the things that really make them salivate!

"Ah Jie, is there any way to break this hint?"

"Yes. As of now, there are two ways to crack it."

There were actually two methods, which really surprised Lin Zheng, and then Lin Zheng asked: "What are these two methods?"

"The first method is to let Lilith do the purification! This suggestion is highly similar to the pollution of the abyss. They are all aimed at the spiritual impact. Normal methods cannot purify it from the spiritual level, but if it is

With Lilith’s purification ability, the possibility of purification is at least 90%!”

Ninety percent? It can almost be said that it can be purified! But Lilith is already busy enough at the moment, and it takes time to train a good enough priest, so, "What about the second method?"

"The second method is a little more complicated." Ajie introduced hesitantly. "This method requires showing another symbol to the person being suggested every day for three days before the suggestion can be lifted."

"It does sound a bit troublesome!" Mana frowned and said, "Let's not talk about whether the symbol is easy to draw. How can we determine which people are hinted?"

"No!" After hearing this, Lin Zheng became energetic and said with a smile: "If this is the case, then it will be very easy to achieve in our kingdom!"

The queen became very interested as soon as she heard this, "How do you say Yi Ping?"

Under everyone's curious gaze, Lin Zheng said calmly, "Our kingdom has a huge advantage that other places cannot match, and that is our spiritual pets!"

"That's true!" The queen nodded proudly, "In our place, even newborn children can apply for spiritual pets! But what does this have to do with what you are talking about?"

"Of course it has a lot to do with it!" Lin Zheng said with a smile on his face, "Don't forget, our spiritual pets all have communication functions, so by using this function of our spiritual pets, we can

Promote it nationwide, so that no matter whether our people are hinted or not

The influence can make them see the sign of lifting the hint! And all we need to do is how to let everyone see our propaganda."


The queen clapped her hands suddenly, and then smiled happily: "This is really a simple and good idea, Yiping!"

"Really?!" Lin Zheng said with a little smug smile. After that, he said to Mana: "Look back! You can take the order from that guy Douglas. The money delivered to your door is free. If you don't make money, it will be free."

I want to see how long their money can last!"

After hearing this, Mana came back to her senses and said angrily: "This is not free of charge, I also need to design equipment for them! Designing things for that kind of dirty guy is simply tarnishing my art.


"Then let's do this!" Lin Zheng said seriously, "Although our inner courtyard has good welfare subsidies, there are still many children from relatively poor families, so you can let those children create,

Then give the money you got from Douglas to the children, what do you think?"

Mana hesitated after hearing this. She didn't need that much money, so she didn't care about Douglas' remuneration at all. She could freely create what she liked. However, not everyone has this condition.

, especially those young children who have just stepped into the door of art and do not have enough capital to earn a living wealth from their art. So, for them, Douglas's generous remuneration is nothing.

Very rare!

"I have to ask the children for their opinions." Mana said seriously. Although it was for the sake of the children, Mana did not want to use such an excuse to hand over the children's works to a guy like Douglas.

It can only be left to the children to decide whether they want to use their works in exchange for remuneration.

After hearing this, Lin Zheng smiled and nodded. Mana is indeed a very good and competent teacher. The queen really did the right thing by bringing her to the academy!

Seeing Lin Zheng nodding, Mana subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "However, before that, I have to make sure that we can create the symbols used to remove the suggestion ourselves?"

"You have to ask Ah Jie about this, Ah Jie?"

"It's definitely not possible if it's Yiping, but it's absolutely fine with Mana."

"Hey!" Lin Zheng shouted dissatisfied, "Are the things I painted so unsightly?"

Hearing Lin Zheng's cry of dissatisfaction, the serious atmosphere suddenly became more smiley. Then Ajie held back his smile and said, "You don't seem to have created any works, right?"

"It seems like this." Lin Zheng was stunned for a moment, and then said angrily, "This way you can't say that I can't do it. I haven't even painted before. How do you know that I can't do it!"

"Because, Yiping, you don't have any talent for art appreciation, do you?"


When Lin Zheng was speechless, Ajie added another blow, "If you don't even have the talent for appreciation, let alone painting, don't you think so?"

Looking at Lin Zheng, who was hiding his face in tears, Mana couldn't help but laugh. When Lin Zheng came back, she said: "Then Ajie, please tell me how to create a symbol to cancel the suggestion!


This chapter has been completed!
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