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Chapter 4939, Religious Leaders and Idols

"The remaining two agents are more interesting."

Seeing the interested expression on Xiang Wu's face, everyone couldn't help but feel curious. After all, they were just two agents who killed people without blinking an eye. How could such guys be interesting?

"Are you curious?"

Well! Well! The girls nodded quickly one by one. The appearance of the curious baby really made people laugh. Immediately, Xiangwu smiled and said: "The other two agents, I don't even know that they are mosquito Taoists left in the world."


"How could you not know?" Xun asked in surprise, "Aren't these agents trained by mosquito Taoists?"

"Those two war maniacs were indeed trained by Taoist Mosquito himself." Xiang Wu explained, "But the other two were not. They were interfered with by Taoist Mosquito using his dream mastering ability after he mastered it.

Although the purpose of their existence is to create more resentful souls for the mosquitoes, they themselves do not know the existence of the mosquitoes!"

After hearing this, Lin Zheng and the others were even more curious, and Si Niang couldn't help but asked: "Then how did they create the remaining 30% of the dead souls?


Xiang Wu smiled after hearing this, "First of all, he is a devout religious leader. Although the god he believes in is just an empty existence, under the interference of the mosquito Taoist, he always firmly believes that his Lord exists. In order to

In order to spread the glory of the Lord, he often traveled to both countries to preach, but both countries were under the control of two direct agents. They followed the instructions of the mosquitoes and allowed the spread and development of their religion on the one hand, and on the other hand, they were officially

The Supreme Leader classified it as a heresy, so it often had fierce conflicts with the officials of the two countries, resulting in numerous deaths and injuries to the followers of its religion."

After hearing this, the girls shouted, "Isn't that mosquito's methods too insidious?"

Lin Zheng frowned and said: "If these guys suffer such a disaster, will the populations of the two countries be left?"

"You are wrong!" Xiang Wu laughed, "Those two countries are superpowers with very advanced technology. With the development of their medical technology, the population development is quite rapid. Regardless of the two countries'

People die a lot, and their population grows a lot every year, and the mosquitoes are not stupid, he will not do such a thing as fishing from the lake!"

"Three hundred thousand years!" Siniang asked curiously, "Those two countries couldn't have been at the same technological level for three hundred thousand years, right?"

"Why not?" Xiang Wu said an answer that stunned everyone, "We already know that the actual control of those two countries has always been in the hands of the two agents of the Mosquito Taoist. So, these two

How each country's science and technology develops is actually under their control. For 300,000 years, in order to curb the development of civilization, they have even personally destroyed their respective countries more than once. The purpose is to keep the science and technology level of the two countries at the same level.

In the stage when the population is booming, those who are too advanced will be suppressed, and those who are too backward will be provided with technology. In this way, a large number of people die every year, and a large number of people are born every year. The two countries have become a flesh-and-blood millstone.

Turning the population into resentful souls that mosquito Taoists need for their cultivation, it starts over and over again."

After everyone heard this, they immediately felt a creepy feeling. They controlled the development of the population as if they were animals, and harvested the population when needed to obtain the resentful souls needed for cultivation. This method of operation was very important to humans like them.

For people with normal outlook on life, it is not just as simple as being crazy.

"Then, where is the last agent?" Luxian came back to his senses and asked, what kind of disaster will happen to the two countries that are already in such dire straits? Although they felt a little frightened, they still couldn't stop their hearts.


"The last agent is amazing!" Xiang Wu said with a smile on her face, "She is recognized by both countries as the number one idol in the world!"

After hearing this, everyone's expressions were startled, and their eyes widened immediately! Look at the first few, the war maniacs between the two countries, and the religious maniac are not a good thing, but when it comes to the last one, his style of painting suddenly changes, and he suddenly becomes

The world’s number one idol?!

"How can an idol kill someone?" Lin Zheng asked with a look of disbelief on his face. As long as murder is exposed once, no matter what the world's number one idol you are, you will be finished immediately!

"She has never killed someone!" Xiang Wu said with a smile on her face. "Not only did she not kill anyone, she also often called on the society to stop the war between the two countries and let the government accept the diversity of beliefs, so as to reduce the number of innocent people.


After listening to this, everyone's expressions became even more incredible. How could the Mosquito Taoist create such a strange agent? How can such an agent help?

Does he increase the number of resentful souls?

"Her influence is the most terrifying murder weapon!"

"Why?!" Xiaomeng exclaimed in disbelief, "She is a very kind idol, isn't she?"

You Ruo then said suspiciously: "Could it be that she is a different person than what she looks like?"

Xiang Wu smiled and shook his head, and then explained: "As the world's number one idol, she has a large number of admirers in both countries, and among these admirers, there is no shortage of people who respond to her ideas! However, both sides

The government has no intention of heeding its call, so what should we do? After various attempts, these people finally came to the conclusion that only by overthrowing the existing rulers with arms can the world usher in real peace. And what about the result?

Got it too."

Lin Zheng and the others had never expected this kind of development. A mere idol could have such a huge influence between the two superpowers, and be able to rally the people to resist the rulers. The strength of this idol is too cruel.


Looking at Lin Zheng who was stunned, Xiang Wu said with great interest: "Hey -! Now that you know about the four agents, what are you going to do next?"

After hearing Xiang Wu's words, Lin Zheng, who came back to his senses, immediately bared his teeth. These four guys are really more troublesome than the last! Let's talk about the two war maniacs first. These two guys are secretly manipulating the two.

The operation of a country, this means that the top leaders of the two countries are all their people. Even if they are found and killed, it will not completely solve the problem, because even if they die, the two countries will still

If they continue to operate according to the rules they have set, nothing will change at all!

As for that super idol, she was such a kind person. It would definitely not be appropriate to kill her. But as long as she continues her idol activities and continues to appeal to her slogans, her admirers will not stop resisting.

Action, and if you ask her not to continue her idol activities, the result will probably be even worse! Lin Zheng can imagine what her fanatical fans will imagine once she ends her idol activities - under the dark government

Under the threat, the idol was forced to end his activities! In that case, the scale of the resistance war would inevitably expand rapidly, and eventually turn into a bloody tragedy.

Among so many agents, in Lin Zheng's opinion, only the religious leader is the best to deal with! Because his god is empty and a false existence, so as long as the god he believes in becomes a real existence,

By guiding his behavior, you can solve his problem more perfectly.

"How about it?" Xiang Wu urged with a teasing look, "Have you figured out how to solve their problem?"

After hearing this, Lin Zheng, who had a headache, glared at Xiang Wu angrily, "Is it so fun to see me struggling?!"

"That's right!" Xiang Wu answered quite simply, which made Lin Zheng stagger immediately and could only stare at her dumbfounded, because this woman was obviously serious, and that was all she was doing for fun!

"Brother Shengun——!"

Xiaomeng suddenly raised his meow and screamed. When Lin Zheng looked at him helplessly, Xiaomeng's eyes sparkled and said: "I want to go see the world's number one idol!????


Silly girl, is now the time to say this?! Just as he was about to say this, he found that one or two of them had the same expression as Xiao Meng, and those pairs of sparkling eyes were almost blinding Lin Zheng!

"Then go and see!"

As soon as they finished speaking, Luxian and Feite couldn't help laughing, but there was nothing they could do! How could Lin Zheng, a useless brother, refuse the requests of so many sisters.

"Ahem——!" After dry coughing in a serious manner, Lin Zheng said: "I happen to be a little curious about that idol, so let's go and have a look!"

Great! The girls immediately cheered excitedly.

Looking at the happy girls, Lin Zheng also had a smile on his face, and immediately said: "Then before you go to see the idol, please wait for me, I will be back soon."

As soon as he finished speaking, Di Lisi immediately shouted: "Shengun, you are not going to go there alone, are you?!"

"Go and cool off!" Lin Zheng glared at the stupid fish angrily, and then explained to everyone who looked suspicious: "I'm going to bring you a new friend!"

"new friend?!"

"Yes!" Lin Zheng smiled and nodded, "Wait, I'll be back soon!"

After saying that, Lin Zheng disappeared from everyone. Just when everyone was wondering who the new friend he was going to bring was, Lin Zheng came back a few seconds later!

"Sir! Where are we going?" Bai Jin asked curiously, completely unaware that she was no longer at home.

Lin Zheng just smiled when he heard this, "We're already here!" Since Xiaomeng and Youxi have been brought to the eternal dream, then no matter what, we have to let this girl Bai Jin come over to meet the real person!

Oh——! Bai Jin exclaimed in surprise, and then realized that it was really true! In just a blink of an eye, they were in the forest!

"Brother Shengun——!" Xiaomeng called Lin Zheng curiously, who is this? I've never seen him before!

As soon as she finished speaking, Bai Jin looked at her with surprise. Although she didn't see Yuxi, she was already very happy when she saw Xiaomeng, and she quickly rushed forward with cheers, "Xiaomeng——!"


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