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Chapter 7864, Takala Desert

Coming to the Kingdom of Takala again, this time Lin Zheng had a different feeling. The last time he came here was to get the second Innate Fighting God. As a result, there were many surprises along the way, and he successfully obtained the Innate Fighting God.

Not to mention, I got two of them in one go! But the most surprising ones for Lin Zheng were Lisa, Huahua, and Qingmei.

Thinking of what happened back then, Lin Zheng couldn't help but show a happy smile on his face. Speaking of which, during that trip, he also killed two children of luck. It can be said that it was a great harvest!

After recovering from his memories, Lin Zheng looked towards the boundless desert ahead. According to Xing Luo, the main temple of Takara Religion is transcendent from the world and is not bordered by the secular world. Instead, it is built in the boundless desert.

In the Takala Desert. To the people of Takala, the Takala Desert is sacred. If you want to talk about preventing sand and solidifying soil and eradicating the desert, you will be beaten to death by the locals in minutes.

The reason why Takala Desert is admired by people has a lot to do with its special environment. Although it is a desert, the climate is surprisingly not that hot. The oasis in the desert breeds the splendid desert of Takala.

Civilization, and the various creatures that inhabit the Takala Desert have also become an important part of the Takala civilization! Born and raised here, the unique environment has created the unique ethnic characteristics of the Takala people, and also made them interested in

The vast desert aroused strong feelings, which eventually evolved into a unique belief in the god of the desert, namely Takara.

Due to the invasion of monsters, the oasis in the Takala Desert was destroyed a lot. Many people who originally lived in the oasis had to be forced to move from the desert. However, as the religious center of the Takala Cult, the main temple of Takala will not be destroyed no matter what.

It absolutely cannot be moved, so the Kingdom of Takala has to send a large number of troops to garrison around the main temple every year. Over time, a unique ring-shaped city - Durst City - is formed outside the main temple, which is transcendent from the world.


The journey to and from Durst City is very dangerous, because there are a large number of desert monsters lurking in the desert. If you are not careful, you will be eaten by the monsters without leaving any residue! But despite this, Durst City is still a

It is a very popular bustling city, and the reason is simple: it is profitable!

Precisely because there are a large number of desert monsters lurking in the desert, the army stationed in Durst City has to regularly carry out monster elimination operations. At this time, a large number of warriors will also join the battlefield. Regular troops are present, and they participate in monster hunting.

, but also to be safer! In this way, Durst City has accumulated a large amount of monster materials. These materials are all hot commodities and can be sold in the market.

It was sold at a good price, and the materials in Durst City were large in quantity and good in price, which naturally attracted many business travelers. The original Durst City was established by such a group of businessmen. Now, with the passage of time, it has

, a lot of people have settled here. Although there are still monsters intruding around, but with the army and many warriors who hunt monsters to protect them, the safety of the people who settle here is still very guaranteed.

Lin Zheng could naturally use the compass to teleport directly to Durst City. However, in order to understand the local people's belief attitude towards Takaraism, Lin Zheng decided to take a sand boat to Durst City and learn about this tower from the business travelers.

The state religion of the Kingdom of Kara.

The sand boat is a very interesting means of transportation. It is basically a modified version of the sky boat. However, because it does not need to fly in the air, it can be built larger. In this way, the sand boat can accommodate more people.

Multiple defensive weapons allow it to better protect itself when faced with attacks from monsters.

Standing on the deck of the sand boat, Lin Zheng looked at the endless desert, his expression was lost in thought. Judging from the information he had just collected among the passengers of the Tianzhou, although the Takara Sect was said to be a national

, on the other hand, people's belief in God Takara is basically limited to verbal expressions. The vast majority of them, when mentioning God Takara, do not have the slightest sense of worship and admiration, as if they are just talking about an irrelevant topic.

They are just passers-by and have no faith at all!

Normally, these business travelers traveling to and from Durst City should be more likely to have faith in gods under the threat of monsters. But now, even these people have no faith at all. It is really unimaginable. Generally,

How should the masses view this god Takara? Can such a belief really give birth to the godhead? No matter how much Lin Zheng thought about it, he felt that this was a bit unreliable.

Suddenly, a burst of children's cheers rang in Lin Zheng's ears. After hearing this call, Lin Zheng came back from his thoughts and subconsciously raised his eyes to look into the distance. Then he saw a building appearing on the horizon of the desert.

,Dest City is not far away!

At this time, many warriors came to the deck one after another, and many of them directly summoned the God of War, which surprised Lin Zheng. A middle-aged man next to him noticed Lin Zheng's reaction, and

He smiled and said, “Little brother, this is my first time in Germany.

City, right?"

Lin Zheng nodded, "This is indeed the first time. May I ask what happened? Is there a monster attacking?"

"not yet!"

Lin Zheng was confused when he heard this. He is not as prepared as you guys for now?

Even if Lin Zheng didn't speak, the middle-aged man still guessed what he was thinking, which explained: "Just like the troops in Durst City will regularly launch clearing operations, the monsters in the desert will also attack Durst City from time to time.

When Dest City launches an attack, even if there is no large-scale attack, there will often be monsters lurking around Dest City. Once the sand boats appear, they will launch a fierce attack. In this way, if no precautions are taken in advance, it will be very difficult.

It's easy to get into trouble, so now that Sha Zhou sees Durst City, he will immediately start to be on guard, ready to fight against any monsters that may appear. They are all out to mess around, so don't be more careful in a place like this.

If so, even ten lives won’t be enough to lose.”

After listening to the middle-aged man's words, Lin Zheng nodded in understanding. Since there is such a threat, everyone's reaction is completely understandable!

"Signs of activity are found in the sand dunes ahead. It is suspected that a large monster is infested. All combatants should prepare for battle immediately!"

A very serious voice suddenly sounded on the huge sand boat through the radio. For a moment, many warriors who had not boarded the deck rushed to the deck! Although they like to be lazy, when it is time to seriously contribute, they still

It is very clear that if they do not work together when encountering monsters in the desert, the fate that awaits them in the end is likely to be the annihilation of their entire army.

Compared with the nervous and serious adults, the children on the boat showed no signs of nervousness at all. Their faces were filled with excitement and even a little bit of expectation! You Yajian

The sharp-tongued little guy kept chirping beside the adults, and finally made the adults anxious, so he hit him on the head. At that time, the child's heart-wrenching cry could be heard on the deck, and Lin was shocked to see it.

Zheng couldn't help laughing, this little guy is really naughty!

At this moment, yellow sand suddenly rose into the sky from several sand dunes in front of the sand boat. Seeing the scale of the yellow sand rising into the sky, many experienced business travelers on the deck couldn't help but change their expressions, and those around Lin Zheng

The middle-aged man also looked a little pale and shouted loudly, "No! It's a death sandworm!"

"What the hell?"

The middle-aged man turned his face and looked at Lin Zheng's curious expression. His expression suddenly froze, and then he sighed half-accepting his fate, and then said, "The Death Sandworm is a large monster beast. It is mature."

Death sandworms can grow to nearly five hundred meters, and what is very troublesome is that the defense of this thing is extremely high, and ordinary attack methods cannot penetrate their outer skin. What is even more troublesome is that these things are often adults.

Those who act in groups can range from seven or eight to more than a hundred!"

As soon as the middle-aged man finished speaking, there were scenes of yellow sand rising into the sky one after another around the sand boat. At the same time, the dust of the earliest rising yellow sand had already settled, and then three of them exposed most of their bodies.

A giant yellow insect came into Lin Zheng's field of vision.

Is this the Death Sandworm?

Lin Zheng curiously looked at these death sandworms, and saw that these things had round heads. At first glance, they looked a bit like big yellow silkworms. Surprisingly, they looked a little cute. However,

, Lin Zheng soon stopped thinking so, but saw the huge head of the insecticide that rushed out of the yellow sand suddenly split into eight pieces, revealing a ferocious mouthpart full of sharp teeth, and then a burst of

A sharp scream sounded from the ferocious mouthparts, making people's ears hurt.

After the intimidating screams, the three death sandworms immediately launched an attack on the sand boat. In an instant, three dark red beams of light shot out from their mouths, slamming into the sand boat's defense barrier! Let Lin

What is quite speechless is that after only three attacks, the sand boat's defense barrier has already cracked. This is simply a shoddy project, right?!

But what surprised Lin Zheng was that the middle-aged man beside him didn't seem very surprised by the scene in front of him. He couldn't help but said immediately, "Aren't you surprised that Shazhou's defense barrier is so stretched?"

"This isn't the sand boat's defensive barrier, little brother!" the middle-aged man said with a wry smile, "it's because the death sandworm's attack is too fierce! Their rays naturally have the effect of breaking the shield, you

No matter how strong the defensive barrier is, it won’t work in front of them!”

"I'm going to—!" Lin Zheng exclaimed, "Is there such a ruthless character among the monsters?!"

"There are too many characters more ruthless than this! I just hope that apart from the Death Sandworm, no other monsters will appear. In this case, we may still have a glimmer of hope!"

This chapter has been completed!
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