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Chapter 562: Fire Giant

 The roaring sounds became clearer and clearer. No one could calm down after hearing these sounds. Soon, a black shadow took the lead and flew over the wall of the villa. The thing was very fast and its goal was very clear. It went straight to Dan.


"Xiao Mo, trap net! Hurry!" Yang Qi shouted for a while, that thing was too fast, and it was almost here in a blink of an eye. It would be too slow for anyone to fly up to intercept it at this time, so Xiao Mo could only rely on it!

When it comes to Xiao Mo's hand speed, no one in the entire Huaxia District can match it. Almost as soon as Yang Qi finished shouting, she threw a trap net towards the black figure in the air. The trap net instantly entangled the shadow's body.

The wings lost the power to fly, and the thing immediately fell down. However, because the speed of the black shadow was too fast, it still hit the alchemy furnace with huge inertia after being caught in the net. Fortunately, it was thought to be a trap.

The interception of the net slowed it down a lot. Just when it was about to hit the alchemy furnace, Lin Zheng rushed forward, raised his foot and kicked it, "Storm Roar"! The violent kick directly hit him.

The black shadow was kicked away, and the raging wind swept it away. When the thing fell to the ground, everyone finally saw clearly what it was. It turned out to be a leopard with two pairs of wings.

The leopard shook its head and got up from the ground, hissed, and rushed towards Lin Zheng angrily. It seemed that it was this guy who kicked him away! It was obvious that the leopard did not see the situation clearly, and it wanted to

He was not facing an opponent like Lin Zheng, so when it first started running, Yang Qi rode the bloody nightmare and hit it with a single strike. Before the leopard could be knocked away, Yang Qi had already raised his sword and dropped it.

He cut through with one lightning strike! Just as he was thinking about taking advantage of the victory and pursuing the attack, he heard Xiaomeng yelling: "A lot more are coming!"

Yang Qi stopped for a moment and looked around. Sure enough, a large group of monsters came running from all directions. Although the number was not as endless as the first wave, if each one was similar to a leopard, it would be a very bad thing.

Because this leopard Yang Qi just investigated, it turned out to be a level 110 gold boss. Naturally, a single gold boss was not taken seriously, but the key point is that at a glance, there must be at least two hundred running over, and there are many ants.

Even if he kills an elephant, there are more than 200 golden bosses against Lin Zheng's 20 players. On average, one person has to deal with at least 10 golden bosses. There is no problem in taking your time, but dealing with ten at once is not possible every time.

Everyone has the iron-clad defenses of Annihilation and Overlord!

"Leave it to me this time. I'll hold down these bosses, and you can deal with them all as soon as possible!" Killer Yishi said, knocking a boss away with his shield.

Lin Zheng was stunned when he heard this. He almost didn't get caught by the monster. He came back to his senses and said while dealing with the monster: "Are you kidding? There are so many bosses, and they are not small in size. You are the only one."

How do people pull?”

"Of course I have a way, you just need to get rid of these guys as soon as possible!" After saying that, Killer roared and used "Run Attack" to rush into the boss group, wearing a black ink spirit armor and holding a black ink spirit.

The defense of War Shield and Annihilation is completely beyond the reach of the third-level golden boss. However, the boss will not just focus on him. The range of War Roar is so large. If he can survive in one breath, he will hold down twenty people.

The hatred of the boss comes from behind, but the remaining bosses still launch an attack on the center of the square where the alchemy furnace is located without stopping!

The defense line composed of twenty people was really too weak. Seeing that the boss group was about to break through everyone's defense line, all of a sudden, Killer let out a shocking roar. Along with his roar, a huge pillar of fire shot up into the sky and instantly engulfed the entire city.

The square was brightly lit, and it was shocking when the pillar of fire erupted. Almost instantly, it burned several of the bosses surrounding it to ashes. However, what surprised everyone even more was that after the pillar of fire dissipated, an additional person appeared in the square.

The huge flaming giant, if you look closely, you will see that the giant whose whole body is burning with flames is simply annihilated!

"Roar——" It turned into a war roar of the flame giant's annihilation. The violent sound waves impacted so hard that Lin Zheng and others almost lost their balance. Some of the distant pavilions could not bear the impact and collapsed instantly! Lin Zheng held his hands.

Er Er saw those collapsed pavilions and thought speechlessly, hoping that after the end, the Taifu would not come to settle accounts with him!

The war roar disappeared, and all the bosses in the square were marked as "enraged". For a moment, all the bosses abandoned the targets they were attacking, and all rushed towards the annihilation that turned into a flame giant! All of them

The boss launched a fierce attack on Annihilation, but after turning into a giant, Annihilation's defense seemed to be improved again. Even the boss's special skills could not cause any significant damage to him. On the contrary, those bosses who were close to him were under him.

Under the burning flames on his body, his health points were continuously lost.

Looking at the flame giant that Xie Mie had transformed into, everyone opened their mouths wide. This guy was really too big. But when everyone was in a daze, Xie Mie opened his mouth: "Hurry up and fight! I have such a talent.

It won’t last long!”

"Sound like thunder" refers to the current situation of Killing. As people get louder, their voices also get louder. Lin Zheng covered his ears and shouted: "That's what I said, but there are more than two hundred, do you think we have to fight?"

Until when?”

"It's better to kill as many people as you can now and watch them all!" Annihilation said angrily to the crowd who had no intention of taking action. After speaking, he waved the big knife in his hand and smashed a boss open with great violence.


"I always feel like you can handle it all by yourself, Datou. Come on, Datou, I support you!" Yang Qi shouted for a while, but she was so happy that she couldn't take action. It seemed that none of them really had the intention to do anything! More

What made him furious was that his two younger brothers were actually below, just cheering without any intention of taking action!

Seeing that Ni Mie was about to go berserk, Lin Zheng smiled and said: "Okay, Datou, I'm kidding you! Just keep burning those guys, and just run back after your talent disappears, and then I will do the rest."


"You can solve more than two hundred bosses by yourself?" Killer's voice was full of disbelief!

"Of course it won't work if you don't pull them together, but now they are piled up, it will be easier to handle! Wow haha!" Lin Zheng felt very happy when he saw the piled boss, waiting for the meteor blast to hit him.

How spectacular!

Lin Zheng has said this, and Ni Mi can only believe him. Besides, he doesn't think Lin Zheng is the kind of guy who likes to talk big. He probably has some special skills! It can only be said that Ni Mi has not experienced it yet.

Lin Zheng's meteor blast, otherwise his last doubt will disappear!

The flame giant talent of annihilation lasted for about seven minutes. The seven-minute burning burned all the bosses to about one-third of their health. This is a very amazing damage output. If it were replaced by some low-level bosses,

, had been burned to death long ago! However, as the flame giant dissipated, the burning state of the boss also disappeared, and one by one frantically rushed toward the smaller Killer! Killer was not an idiot who just waited for death, and immediately rushed to attack this place.

He rushed out of the siege! Looking back, he was a little dazed because all the bosses stopped moving like statues. When he guessed that it was Lin Zheng's handiwork, the night sky was suddenly lit up by fire, and a huge

Meteors fell from the sky and hit the immobilized boss group hard!

"Boom -" Taifu's square suffered a big disaster. The violent impact directly lifted a large piece of bricks and stones, and most of the square was destroyed! The place where the meteor fell was completely red, and there were many of them.

Or is it a critical hit, a critical hit by a meteor explosion? It's pitiful, with their little energy and blood, they definitely won't survive!

Looking at the spectacular scene in front of him, Killer couldn't help but open his mouth wide. However, after a moment, the real roar coming from the flames made him shudder, and he shouted loudly: "No, many of them have not been completely killed, and the number is still there."

Quite a few!" As soon as he finished speaking, a deadly beam of light fell from the Ziwei Emperor Star in the starry sky. "Boom——" The ground shook for a while. When the shock disappeared, not a single roar of the monster could be heard. Killer looked back blankly.

When he took a look, he saw Xiao Mo dropping the Ziwei Sword in a hurry.

"It's finally quiet now!" Lin Zheng looked at the big hole made by the couple with great satisfaction. When he turned around, he immediately felt two sharp eyes. Ma Yi was staring at him with anger.

!Look what this bastard has done to her home, and he’s still in the mood to laugh!!

Lin Zheng shuddered for a moment, pretending not to see Ma Yi's murderous eyes, walked to Taifu and said: "Taifu, how long will it take for this furnace of pills to be ready? Uh, by the way, when the pill is finally released.

What will happen?"

"Almost!" Taifu nodded and said, "The dregs of the medicine have been quenched, and now the essence of various medicines are being fused. I will give some guidance to the medicine later to condense it into elixirs. This process cannot be interrupted.

Therefore, in the next time, I have to rely on your protection! However, at this point, I think there will be no more demons. What I have to worry about is that after the elixir is completed, the elixir refined this time will be far away.

Superego predicted that the scent of the medicine alone would attract so many monsters before. When the elixir is completed, powerful demons will come out to seize it. I will ask you to help repel the demons at that time!"

"Of course! As long as we are here, no demon can get a hold of this furnace of elixirs!" Lin Zheng said confidently. As soon as he finished speaking, he seemed to be despised. The eldest lady of Ma Yi came from him to now.

She didn't give him a good look. This was much more serious than when he was in the palace. I don't know how he provoked her. Forget it, it's better to ignore her for the time being! I explained it to Yang Qi and others and said that for the time being

You can take a rest and wait until the elixir is almost ready before preparing to fight. After listening to his words, everyone started chatting, reading, and catching wandering souls. Remilia and Fran were busy.

The two little guys stood by the alchemy stove very quietly. Lin Zheng felt that they were like two little girls waiting for candy. They were so cute!

This chapter has been completed!
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