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Chapter 805: Making trouble

 Lin Zheng followed the convoy closely. Anyway, he was invisible now. No one could see him wandering around in the convoy. He wanted to know what the convoy was doing. After several inquiries, Lin Zheng probably figured it out.

A little bit about this team.

This is not a convoy of one person. The five luxurious ox carts in the convoy represent the five Fuso NPC nobles. Four of the five nobles are complaining. Only the noble who is following Abe Seimei is very proud and has a chance to win.

Lin Zheng learned from the complaining nobles that they were going to propose marriage, but no one had obtained the treasures needed for marriage proposal. Two people had been obtained by pirates, but they had not had time to give them to them.

I was robbed, which is really annoying!

Lin Zheng heard the words "Dragon Head Treasure Jade" and "Penglai Jade Branch" from their mouths. After thinking for a long time, it suddenly dawned on him that this was Fuso's Bamboo Story. The Bamboo Story is a story familiar to children in Fuso. It mainly tells the story

The story is about several men who proposed to a heavenly princess but were rejected by various means. The way to reject the proposal was to let them search for a very rare treasure, hoping to make them quit in the face of difficulties, but in the end no one succeeded.

However, if this story is moved into the game, it will not be too difficult for those powerful people. At least Abe Seimei helped a nobleman get a fire rat fur, and two more

I almost succeeded. Speaking of pirates... Lin Zheng laughed for a while. Unexpectedly, by such a coincidence, he actually grabbed two of the things, one was the stone pot of Sakyamuni and the other was the jade dragon.

Baoyu, if you add the Penglai Jade Branch that Lin Zheng got by himself, he got three of the treasures that Princess Kaguya mentioned, and they are all staying well in the warehouse now. However, Lin Zheng is not going to use those three items.

What are these things for? Sakyamuni's stone pots and jade are epic treasures, and the Penglai jade branch was exchanged for it with his life. It's so valuable. Lin Zheng doesn't believe that Kaguya can give him something awesome. What do you think?

Not worth it.

But no! He didn’t want to get any benefits, nor did he want Abe to get them. This guy once made Xiaomeng cry so much. Even if he didn’t mean it, it wouldn’t work. Lin Zheng decided to carry out the trouble to the end!

Lin Zheng followed closely behind the ox cart that Abe Seimei followed. This ox cart was quite gorgeously decorated and was quite outstanding in the motorcade. He got on the ox cart with great swagger. No one could notice it. He carefully opened a little curtain and looked inside.

I looked in and wanted to see what kind of treasure the fire rat fur that this guy got was like.

Not seeing the treasure, the noble held a brocade box on his lap. He probably put the fire rat fur in the box. However, Lin Zheng was not disappointed, but rather a little happy. The noble holding the brocade box was obviously unhappy.

He was so accustomed to the fatigue of the journey that he drooped his eyelids and looked like he might fall asleep at any time. Go to sleep! Go to sleep quickly, Lin Zheng will have a chance when he falls asleep. The noble's eyelids became heavier and heavier, and finally he felt that he could not hold on anymore.

After settling down, he put the brocade box close to his body and lay down on his side. After a while, Lin Zheng heard his snoring. It seemed that he was sleeping soundly.

As soon as he heard the snoring, Lin Zheng smiled. After waiting for so long, the opportunity finally came. Carefully touching the noble's side, Lin Zheng gently opened the brocade box. Suddenly, a red piece of clothing appeared.

In Lin Zheng's eyes, when the box was opened, the surrounding temperature actually felt like it was rising. Lin Zheng did not dare to hesitate and immediately put the things into the package. As soon as the things were put away, the temperature immediately began to return to normal, which made Lin Zheng couldn't help but

He breathed a sigh of relief.

After calming down, Lin Zheng opened the package and looked at the properties of the Fire Rat Fur——

Fire Rat Fur: Insufficient conditions, unable to display attributes

It can't show the attributes. No wonder Abe Seimei submitted this thing. If this was an awesome piece of equipment, Abe would probably have to hesitate for a while. Looking back, Lin Zheng looked at the empty brocade box, and suddenly it was

There was a smirk, the fire rat fur is a cloak, and Lin Zheng also has a cloak. There are a lot of monsters, so naturally he can get some equipment. Of course, it is not a good thing. Lin Zheng found it in his dimensional bag.

After searching, I found a red cloak. Judging from the color, it was no different from the fire rat fur. It just didn’t have the magical effect of raising the temperature like the fire rat fur. Fold the cloak and put it into the brocade box.

Inside, at first glance, it was no different from the Fire Rat Fur. Lin Zheng smiled, closed the box, and carefully slipped out of the ox cart, preparing to watch the show later.

The convoy moved forward in an orderly manner. It didn't take long for the convoy to pass through the woods. At the end of the woods was a small river. Lin Zheng liked this river very much. The water was clear and translucent. The river bed was covered with pebbles. It looked very pleasant. He ran to the river bank.

He picked up the river water and took a sip. It was cold and sweet, much better than many mountain spring water in reality. While Lin Zheng was drinking water, the convoy of proposals had already passed by the wooden bridge on the river and entered a dense bamboo forest.

The bamboos in the bamboo forest are simply crazy. They are taller than his thousand-year-old trees. Some bamboos are as thick as two people hugging each other. Lin Zheng thinks it is not impossible to split a little girl or two out of such a sickly bamboo. Maybe.

There's more Kaguya inside these bamboos!

After the complaint, Lin Zheng was about to catch up with the convoy. At this time, something floated down from the upper reaches of the river. Lin Zheng stared at the thing floating down. That was, watermelon?! "Wow--" Lin Zheng said

He picked up the watermelon in the water, stretched out his hand and knocked it. It was genuine, and such a good thing! It really gave him an advantage. He stretched out his knife and slashed at the watermelon, easily splitting the watermelon into two halves, bright red.

The pulp of the melon looked very good, so I put away half of it first, and then took out a stewed Feilong. I only needed a spoon, not the soup, so I took a spoonful and tasted it. It was good. It was well chilled in the river water. It was cool and sweet. It was very good.

Eat. Then, a very strange scene appeared to outsiders. Half of the watermelon flew up on its own, and then something strangely swallowed the watermelon bit by bit. Lin Zheng did not dare to catch up with the convoy directly. If this scene were

Being seen would definitely scare those guys to death!

He was hanging far behind the convoy while eating watermelon. After walking for a few minutes, the convoy stopped and several noble gentlemen got out of the car. It was not that the destination had been reached, but that there were no more cows ahead.

The car was traveling together and had to get off the road. Lin Zheng looked at the nobles one by one and felt happy. These guys were destined to be in vain. The one who might have succeeded in the end, Fire Rat Qiu, had become a joke. Lin Zheng was very happy.

I'm looking forward to what Abe's expression will be like when the time comes. For a moment, Lin Zheng glared and said, "I'll go! That uncle is so tough, he's meowing. Come and propose, you bring a girl with you, you're so pissy."

If your marriage proposal is successful, go and have your big spring and autumn dreams. It will be exciting to wait for now. Lin Zheng is looking forward to the soap opera that will happen next.

This chapter has been completed!
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