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Chapter 879, shattered

 The ultimate move was not released, and he was slapped to the ground. You can imagine how frustrating this was, and how infuriating it was at the same time! "Pa—" Yasha grabbed it with his left hand.

A piece of black stone was directly crushed into pieces. With a "bang" sound, Yasha kicked his legs and his head directly hit the black stone. His huge body rushed towards Lin Zheng at an unimaginable speed. Before he could get close to Yasha's left hand

With just a flick, the gravel caught in his hand shot towards Lin Zheng.

Lin Zheng really didn't expect that Yasha would use this insidious trick. He quickly raised his hand to block his eyes. A few gravels hit the palm of his hand, and his palm was immediately covered with blood. Yasha had a sinister smile on his face and the sword in his hand.

A bloody red aura broke out and slashed towards Lin Zheng. Unexpectedly, the ground suddenly emitted a burst of dark purple light, and a formation diagram flashed out. With a "bang--", the formation diagram exploded, and Yasha, who was in the explosion range, was on top.

Immediately, a mark of confusion appeared, and he started yelling like crazy. He waved the sword in his hand wildly, almost hitting Lin Zheng.

Lin Zheng jumped back to avoid the chaos of Yaksha's sword. When Yaksha's empty door was wide open, he took a moon step and rushed forward. He grabbed Yaksha's neck and pushed him to the ground. His sword bowed

At the same time as the red moon of Yuanshen, it stabbed into Yasha's scarlet eyes. "Pfft -" blood spattered, and Yasha's eyes were directly blinded by Lin Zheng!

"My eyes!" Yasha roared heartbreakingly when he regained consciousness, and slashed the ground with the sword in his hand, "Run--" The dense red blade suddenly stabbed out from the ground. Fortunately, Lin Zheng was alert, and before Yasha

Before the knife hit the ground, he slapped the ground with his palm, and the whole person flew up due to the force of the palm. The piercing blades were dangerously close to Lin Zheng's chest, almost piercing him! He stretched out his hand to grab it.

Holding the blade on his chest, Yue Bu kicked him, and Lin Zheng turned over and left the side of Yaksha, which was covered with blades.

Yasha quickly got up, covering his face in pain, and blood continued to flow from his fingers. Just when Lin Zheng was thinking about how to deal with this blind Yasha, Yasha suddenly removed his hands from his face

Taking it away, the face stained with blood became more and more ferocious and terrifying. Just as Lin Zheng was about to take action, unexpectedly, Yasha's forehead suddenly cracked and a huge eyeball opened. The moment the eyeball opened,

Lin Zheng felt a violent murderous aura coming towards his face. This was a kind of aura suppression that only superior bosses had. It could suppress opponents weaker than him to a certain extent, slowing down the opponent's movements.

Yasha swung his sword, and the blood-red sword light cut through the ground and slashed towards Lin Zheng. The speed of the sword light was not too fast. Under normal circumstances, Lin Zheng could easily avoid it. However, after being suppressed, Lin Zheng

His movements became sluggish, and he reluctantly dodged, but his left hand was rubbed by the sword light, and his arm immediately flew away! The breath suppression could only last for a moment. After avoiding the sword light, Yasha's breath suppression was over.

Disappeared, Lin Zheng's movements became smooth again, he rolled over and dodged Yasha's jump slash.

Yasha did not pursue him immediately, but looked at Lin Zheng with a ferocious smile. He stabbed the ground with the sword in his hand, picked up Lin Zheng's broken arm, opened his mouth and started biting him. Lin Zheng's face turned dark when he saw it.

He gnawed his brother's hand like a chicken wing with his face, your sister! Yasha's mouth is big, and he has sharp and hard teeth. He gnawed Lin Zheng's arm clean in a few times, "It tastes good, and the other arm is also

Give it to me!" After saying this, Yaksha's one eye suddenly burst out with a burst of red light. With Yaksha as the center, the space about fifty meters in diameter was dyed red. Lin Zheng's heart suddenly felt a large group of alpacas running towards him.

Yes, it’s suppression again!

"Don't worry, I won't kill you right away!" Yaksha smiled ferociously and rushed towards Lin Zheng. He swung the sword in his hand and slashed Lin Zheng's right hand. "Ding——" A golden AT force field appeared.

In front of Lin Zheng, Yaksha blocked Yaksha's sword. Yaksha roared angrily, "You know how to play tricks, but it's useless!" Yaksha suddenly swung his left fist and hit the at force field. Originally, he could only

The at force field that withstood an attack collapsed instantly. However, at the moment when the at force field collapsed, a white light passed through the fragments of the at force field and fell on Yaksha. In an instant, Yaksha roared and turned into an ice sculpture.

After sealing Yaksha with the soul-sealing spell, Lin Zheng immediately unlocked the seal of the shackles of sin. The sharply increased attributes allowed him to maintain normal speed even under the suppression of Yaksha's skills. Using Hurricane Dance, under the influence of the hurricane

Under the push, the spinning Lin Zheng violently kicked Yaksha in the chest, directly kicking Yaksha out of the red zone he created. Yaksha's resistance was very high, and the ice disappeared as soon as he left the red zone. However, Lin Zheng

Zheng's sword-edged bow glowed red and struck at Yasha. This time it was a soul-forgetting curse. The target hit would fall into a slumber for 10 seconds and could not be awakened. With Yasha's resistance, he was still controlled.

For 5 seconds, at this moment, the red moon in Yuan Shen's hand turned into a red light and wrapped around his hand, "The original sharp blade!" A red light slid past Yasha's side, when Yuan Shen appeared behind Yasha

, the Yasha behind him made a "poof" sound, and a terrifying wound appeared on his chest. His powerful armor was cut open directly, and blood spurted out.

"Successful!" Lin Zheng was overjoyed, because after using the "original sharp blade", the soul's blood value was still full, which meant that the fatal attack effect was produced! However, Lin Zheng stopped laughing immediately. In his field of vision,

Yasha's health bar "swish", was cut by two-thirds, and there is still one-third left?! Looking at the battle information, "Yasha has mortal resistance, and the damage received is reduced by 30!"

Your uncle's mortal resistance! Lin Zheng jumped violently, and just like that, Yasha recovered from his deep sleep, roared and stamped towards the ground, and immediately red waves spread from his body to all directions, and wherever he went, the red blade

He frantically emerged from the ground. The speed of the fluctuation was so fast that Lin Zheng and Yuanshen had no time to react. They were nailed to the ground by a large blade. However, Lin Zheng forgot after using the at force field.

After replenishing the consumed blood value, he was stabbed by several blades and was instantly killed!

As soon as Lin Zheng died, his soul also disappeared. Seeing Lin Zheng's body hanging on the blade, Yasha showed a crazy smile, "You are worthy of being proud of being able to force me to do this! But, you

You still have to be my uncle's meal!" As Yasha stepped forward, the blade on the ground immediately turned into a red aura and dissipated. Without the support of the blade, Lin Zheng's body fell to the ground. Yasha stepped forward and waved

He picked up the sword and prepared to cut Lin Zheng's body into pieces and eat it. However, just as he raised the sword, Lin Zheng's corpse suddenly flashed with a burst of white light, which instantly blinded Yaksha's eyes.

It was so dangerous. Yaksha's attack prevented Lin Zheng's water phantom and advanced shadow postures from triggering. If Lilith hadn't habitually tied resurrection marks to them, Lin Zheng would have been doomed! After resurrection,

Lin Zheng's severed hand was also restored, and the cooldown time of all skills was reset. When Yaksha's vision was affected by the resurrected holy light, Lin Zheng stepped aside and avoided the sword that Yaksha had approved.

The sword-blade bow in his hand was suddenly replaced by the Cutter Alpha. With a kick of his right foot, Lin Zheng rushed to Yasha's side in an instant, forming a sword-blade formation!

Three clones appeared, holding cutters in their hands, and launched a combo attack on Yasha who was successfully captured. The cutter's attack is indeed relatively low, but the most powerful thing about the cutter is not its attack power, but its terrifying attack speed.

The attack frequency of the array will be affected by the attack speed of the releaser, and the cutter itself increases the player's attack speed by about 20 due to its weight. It also has an additional 40 attack speed increase. It is now used to use the blade.

The formation was so fast that Lin Zheng's hand could no longer be seen. He could only see a blue light shrouding Yaksha, and countless critical damage was floating on Yaksha's head. How spectacular!

Unfortunately, due to the limited attack power, even though the damage dealt by the cutter was very intensive, it failed to cause any huge damage to Yasha, who had a terrifying blood volume. Yuan Shen appeared, and when the sword formation disappeared, Yuan Shen struck.

The angry dragon claw struck at Yasha, knocking him back. Yasha, who regained his mobility, laughed loudly: "Kid! Are you tickling me?"

"Do you feel comfortable?!"

"Sharp teeth and sharp mouth, I want to see how many times you can come back from the dead!!" After Yaksha smiled, he raised the sword in his hand. On the tip of the sword, a dark red sphere expanded rapidly, and then countless

The blood-red sword light flew out from the red sphere. This guy's move was an indiscriminate attack. The dense sword light flew around. Whether it was a player or a monster, as long as it was hit, it would immediately

If you are injured and your blood is thin, you will be killed instantly.

Penglai Yuzhi added "Tude" to Lin Zheng, and Lin Zheng himself used ghosts and gods. With the sudden increase in defense and damage reduction effects, the damage caused by those sword lights to Lin Zheng was greatly reduced, although every blow could kill him.

Thousands of Lin Zheng's health points were lost, but he could still hold on! Penglai Yuzhi fired colorful barrages at Yaksha, and Lin Zheng rushed towards Yaksha in the face of the dense sword light. Yaksha looked at Lin Zheng who was coming to kill him.

Zheng, laughed wildly, "Let you taste the blade hell again!" "Bang -" Yaksha stamped his foot towards the ground again, and the fatal blood-colored blade stabbed out from the ground again, but,

Otherwise, the villain dies because he talks too much. Yasha's nonsense gave Lin Zheng a wake-up call. The moment Yasha stamped his foot, Lin Zheng used Shadow Step to rush forward. Shadow Step can break through all obstacles and attacks in progress.

With a long string of phantoms, Lin Zheng rushed to Yasha's side, and there happened to be no blade!

It's now! The put away Yuanshen appears again, and the hand is replaced by the cutter, the sword array! The same crazy combo is not inferior to Lin Zheng's body at all, and Lin Zheng's body

But he rose up in the air, and kicked four sharp fighting energy towards Yasha, each one causing astonishing damage. The lethality of the concentrated volley dance is absolutely comparable to the epic skill! Especially Lin Zheng also activated the ghosts and gods,

The damage caused by the double attack is simply crazy. Some players in the distance were stunned and felt that they were playing a different game with this guy!

In mid-air, Lin Zheng turned over, and the True Dance of Blades struck Yaksha head-on, trying to cut off his one eye. Unexpectedly, this one eye was harder than diamond, and the dance of sword energy transformed into a blade actually struck it.

There was a sound of metal and stone colliding, and it was nothing!

"Pah -" Yasha grabbed Lin Zheng's ankle and said with a ferocious smile: "I told you, your attack can only tickle me!"

"Really? It's really hard to say!" As soon as Lin Zheng finished speaking, Yuan Shen kicked Yaksha's feet away with a sweeping kick. Immediately, Yaksha fell on his head, and Lin Zheng's left foot burned with Hellfire, fiercely

He trampled on Yasha's chest fiercely, "Boom -" The powerful impact of the explosion caused Yasha to hit the ground full of blades. Lin Zheng also used this to escape, and he and Yuanshen dodged to the side.

A burst of wild and hoarse laughter came from the underworld fire. Yaksha laughed proudly and said: "These bloody blades are all transformed by my power. Do you think these things can hurt me?" As he spoke, Yaksha came from the underworld.

He walked out of the fire. Although his body was stained with hell fire, the guy didn't seem to care at all. He pointed his sword at Lin Zheng, "You're so naive!"

However, Lin Zheng looked at Yasha with a strange smile. After a moment, there was a "pop--" and Yasha's sword shattered into pieces. Before Yasha could react, the thick black armor on his body also "pop--"

-" With a sound, it turned into pieces and fell off his body. In the blink of an eye, there was only a crotch cloth left on Yasha!

This chapter has been completed!
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