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Chapter 974: The fifth of the Four Heavenly Kings

 Looking back, Lin Zheng flew towards Youxiang. Youxiang got much more information than Lin Zheng when she saw the Chaos Bird. When Lin Zheng flew to her side, she gradually woke up. The moment she woke up, Youxiang's body

A faint fairy light appeared, indicating that his strength had become stronger again. {When he came back to his senses, he saw Lin Zheng, and immediately showed a faint smile, and got into his arms warmly.

"Where's that guy?"

"I've already killed him!"

"Yeah, that's good!" Youxiang just asked casually. As long as the goblin is sure to be killed, it will be fine. If he ran away, it doesn't matter. With her current strength, she can easily do it.

Find that guy out.

At this time, the space shattered by the final roar finally healed completely, leaving a huge circular pit on the ground, and a little silver light slowly fell. Seeing that silver light, Lin Zheng's eyes suddenly lit up, and he immediately

He flew up with Youxiang, stretched out his hand, and a huge down feather was caught in Lin Zheng's hand. It was a silver feather, and the soft feathers shone with crystal silver light, and you could still vaguely see the threads.

Chaos lingers on it. There is no doubt that this is the feather of the chaos bird, and it is also an extraordinary treasure!

Down feathers of the Chaos Bird: Down feathers accidentally shed from the Chaos Bird. It has a powerful and mysterious aura of chaos. Its purpose is unknown. Its rare level is unknown.

Although the introduction is very vague, Lin Zheng is sure that this thing is definitely a treasure. A chaotic bird can get a lot of benefits just by looking at it. Can the feathers that fall from it be a mortal thing?!

"A feather is so huge. How big is the body of the Chaos Bird!?" Youxiang looked at the down feather in Lin Zheng's hand and marveled. Lin Zheng had the same feeling. When he saw the Chaos Bird, he couldn't see the Chaos Bird at all.

His whole body, only the bright silver feathers on his huge body, and the huge space gap are not enough to show the entire Chaos Bird. It can be seen how amazing the Chaos Bird's size is. Look at this feather on his hand, this is still a feather.

A down feather, and it's a relatively small one, is eight or nine meters long!

"Do you like it? It would be great to make a quilt for you!" Lin Zheng said to You Xiang with a smile on his face.

Using this kind of treasure to make a quilt? It's really like a prodigal behavior! Youxiang rolled her eyes at Lin Zheng angrily and said, "You should put this thing away yourself, I don't like bird things very much!"

"Why? This is good stuff!"

Youxiang curled her lips and said, "Birds often make trouble in my flower field. Over time, I no longer have a good impression of birds!" She grows sunflowers, and sometimes the seeds she sows are eaten by thieving birds.

, made Youxiang deeply hate birds. Although, after seeing the Chaos Bird, her impression of birds was a little better, but she still couldn't accept using a feather as a quilt, and it was useless baby! Well!

, except for the fertilizer formed by bird droppings, of course. "But, you are not really going to use these feathers as a quilt, are you?!"

"Uh-" Lin Zheng looked at the feathers on his hands, "In short, I will seek the advice of experts and do whatever I can!" If Lin Zheng was asked to do it by himself, he would have no clue at all.

Well, maybe it would be a good idea to ask Xiaoya or Yonglin.

Youxiang nodded. It’s good that the thing won’t be wasted. After all, it is a rare treasure. “Let’s put the feathers away first. Let’s take a look at that thing!”

Youxiang looked toward the center of the circular pit, where there were still some ruins of buildings. Judging from the pipes in the building that were deep in the ground, they should have been devices originally used to extract the vitality of the earth, but Lin Zheng and the two were a little curious.

Yes, it is really puzzling how this thing can still survive under the terrifying destructive power of the Final Roar!

"It's incredible, it's still running!" After landing in front of the ruins of the building, Youxiang was immediately amazed. She could clearly sense that a steady stream of vitality was being drawn into the building, which proved that even though the whole device looked

Somewhat dilapidated, but functionally unaffected.

Youxiang stretched out her hand and touched it forward. Just when she was about to touch the surface of the building, a dark red barrier suddenly appeared and bounced her hand away. After the hand was bounced away, Youxiang was suddenly exposed.

Smile, "Interesting!"

What can be seen from this? Lin Zheng felt that he was becoming more and more idiotic in this world and could not understand any situation! "What's wrong?"

You Xiangmei said: "The purpose of the goblin extracting life should be to extend his life. This is correct. However, he seems to be unable to directly convert the life for his own use, so he concentrates the extracted life to create certain life crystals.

, and then obtain the vitality he needs through life crystallization. However, it seems that the efficiency of this method is very poor, which makes the concentrated vitality in this device consume very slowly. Under the nourishment of huge vitality, something strange has vitality.

And evolved into a life form. The thing that just bounced me away was caused by the life form inside. It was also that thing that tried its best to protect this place, so that this place could survive the explosion just now!"

This is fucked up. I thought that the goblin was the last of the four heavenly kings, but I didn’t expect that there were actually five of the four heavenly kings!!

Seeing Lin Zheng's brows knitted together, Youxiang smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, the thing inside is still in its infancy, not powerful, and has no threat. You stand back a little, I will smash this thing."

Got it!"

You Xiang asked to step back, but Lin Zheng still backed away obediently. She was always making a lot of noise. If she didn't step back, she would definitely be in trouble! After Lin Zheng stepped back, You Xiang took a deep breath, and suddenly

, Youxiang suddenly opened her eyes, clenched the umbrella with both hands and slammed it towards the building in front of her. "Boom -" sounded, and the whole land shook, and the huge dark red barrier was

A large crack appeared under this blow, and the cracks quickly covered the entire barrier. Finally, with a "pop" sound, the entire barrier collapsed. While the barrier collapsed, the people under the protection of the barrier

The building collapsed. If Lin Zheng had not stepped back, he would have been buried alive by the rubble!

A large amount of smoke and dust filled the entire space, which was very choking. Lin Zheng covered his face for a while, and then the dust that filled the air gradually subsided. When his vision was still blurry, Lin Zheng raised his head and looked forward.

, when he saw the interior surrounded by ruins, Lin Zheng's eyes widened in surprise, and then his eyes began to hurt. Damn it, dust fell into his eyes. When his eyes felt comfortable, his field of vision was completely

It became clear, Lin Zheng looked forward with red eyes, where there was a large area of ​​fiery red crystal mines. If Lin Zheng saw it correctly, those things should be the fire element crystals that the players said, and they were of a very high level.

One kind! I have only heard that you can occasionally collect element crystals when you are lucky when mining. I have never heard of a damn element crystal mine. If these miners knew about this thing, they would go crazy!

However, this place does not look safe at all. There are many devices on the crystal mine, which are obviously installed by goblins to directly extract crystal energy. However, as the main body of the device was destroyed by Youxiang, most of these devices were paralyzed.

However, on top of these paralyzed devices, there is a monster that makes Lin Zheng unable to complain - the tentacle monster! Oh! To be precise, it is a plant-type monster that looks very much like a tentacle monster, with countless tentacles

The same vine whip is entangled in the entire mine, and the main body located in the center of the mine is a huge bud, giving people the feeling that the sixth person of the Four Heavenly Kings will come out of that thing!


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