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Chapter 483 Jinyang: Would you like this palace to help you?

 Jinyang Princess Mansion

Just when Jia Heng made an appointment with Qi Guan'er from Prince Zhongshun's Mansion for a secret discussion, King Zhongshun, accompanied by Zhou Shun, the Chief Historian of the Prince's Mansion, got on a carriage and was escorted off by the Prince's guards, and came to the Princess Mansion to visit Jinyang.

The eldest princess.

It was already mid-afternoon, and the sky was gray. In the flower hall, King Zhongshun, dressed in a python-dragon-patterned robe, was sitting in the hall. The teacup on the coffee table beside him had not been touched. He was clearly waiting for the eldest princess of Jinyang to come.


But as time went by, maybe after a cup of tea, I gradually became a little impatient, so I just suppressed it forcefully.

At this moment, the sound of jingling rings came through the curtain.

King Zhongshun's heart was moved, and he quickly looked around, only to see a graceful and graceful beauty appearing in front of his eyes, with a bright and beautiful face, as beautiful as a painting.

King Zhongshun narrowed his eyes and thought to himself, Jinyang is becoming more and more charming as he gets older.

The eldest princess of Jinyang, accompanied by Lianxue and other female officials, walked out from behind the curtain, looked at King Zhongshun, smiled sweetly and said: "Brother Wang came to visit, it is really brilliant. I heard that Brother Wang suffered some injuries a few years ago.

I wonder if your body has recovered from your injuries?"

King Zhongshun got up and was looking at the eldest princess of Jinyang. When he heard about the injury on her body, he looked a little unnatural and replied: "She is much better now. Sister Jinyang, since the New Year, she has been

I haven't had a chance to come over for a visit, but I have some free time today, so I came over to see the Jinyang girl."

The eldest princess of Jinyang smiled and said: "Brother Wang is too polite. It's time for me, the younger sister, to visit Brother Wang. During the first month of the year, Concubine Wu came here and walked around."

After the two parties exchanged pleasantries, the guests and hosts took their seats.

"Brother Wang, are you here for business?" Princess Jinyang picked up the tea cup and asked with a smile.

King Zhongshun raised his eyes to look at the beautiful beauty with a bright face, smiled and said: "Sister Jinyang, as a brother, I don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything. Now my father's Jirang and Gongling Mausoleum have been mostly completed, but there are still many stones.

Wooden materials need to be purchased, and there is a huge shortage of craftsmen's money, so we still need the help of Jinyang girls. Can we borrow some silver from the Ministry of Internal Affairs?"

The so-called borrowing money is a euphemism, and most of the time it means borrowing money without repaying it.

Hearing this, the eldest princess of Jinyang frowned and said in a cold voice: "Brother Wang, people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs came here last year. The shops under me also helped provide a lot of earth, wood and stone. Brother Wang, until now

I still owe money on credit. Of course, if Brother Wang is in a pinch and can't pay it for a while, it doesn't matter. These are just to share the worries of my father. As a daughter, I have nothing to say. Not long ago, the Ministry of Internal Affairs said

To transport timber from the deep mountains of Guizhou, we need ships. I also asked my subordinates to actively prepare ships to help transport...Brother Wang, as far as I know, the Ministry of Revenue allocates silver to Jiyang, which is more than one million taels per year.

The government's funds are also allocated to silver, so how can we use the silver from other places and borrow money from other places? It's not consistent with the system."

The loyal and obedient king had repeatedly borrowed her manpower and material resources through the construction of the imperial mausoleum. It was hard for her to refuse, but now she went even further and borrowed money.

It was just because she knew that she had too little face to explain the matter to the emperor's brother.

King Zhongshun said with a wry smile: "Sister Jinyang, you don't know that the Ministry of Internal Affairs has not been well off in the past few years. Various imperial and tea estates have been affected by natural disasters in various provinces, and the harvests have been sluggish. In the past two years,

The important affairs of the imperial court are coming one after another, providing relief to the poor and wasting money. The Chonghua Palace cannot be short of money at any time. Brother Wei, the person in charge, is very stretched, and now there is no money at hand.

, Sister Jinyang, you and I are both members of the royal family, so we should fulfill our filial piety for our father, right?"

At this moment, King Zhongshun was holding the banner of filial piety to suppress the eldest princess of Jinyang.

The eldest princess of Jinyang frowned and said: "Brother Wang, if it is to provide money for my father, Emperor Xiu Ji, I should not refuse, but the court has its own rules. Since the money is allocated to the household department, how should it be used?

Silver on the side? Of course, Brother Wang told Brother Huang, as long as Brother Huang nods, even if I lose everything, I will do my best for this matter."

In this feudal dynasty that respects the heaven and the ancestors of the country, the construction of imperial mausoleums has always been a national priority. Taking Emperor Longzhi's Gongling Mausoleum as an example, the construction actually started during the Longzhi period, but there were brief stagnations in the middle. It was nothing more than a matter of national wealth.

Although he was embarrassed, he did not accept private donations even in the most difficult times.

No matter what Emperor Chongping said, as the emperor, rich all over the world, and the elder brother, there was no way that Princess Jinyang's house would provide the money to take advantage of his sister.

King Zhongshun's expression changed, he heard some "threat", he smiled and said: "Jinyang girl misunderstood, it is not that Jinyang girl is asked to withdraw money, but that various incomes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have decreased in recent years.

, I don’t have much money, and since the Princess Mansion doesn’t have much money to lend, forget it, but if the closed gambling houses in Dongcheng can be resold to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Internal Affairs will also be able to make more money and alleviate the urgent need. "

After all, King Zhongshun came to those profitable gambling houses in Dongcheng.

Since ancient times, gambling houses have been a profitable business. How could King Zhongshun be willing to let go of such a lucrative business?

The problem now is that if Jia Heng doesn’t drive it in the capital, he won’t let others drive it.

In other words, Jia Heng did not think carefully about whether to use gambling as a variant to replace the gambling house business.

The eldest princess of Jinyang, Liu Ye, raised her slender eyebrows, opened her red lips lightly, and said in a voice as cold as broken jade: "Brother Wang, doesn't he know that the Wucheng Army and Horse Department has posted a notice that gamblers are idle on the ground of Shenjing?

It will cause nuisance and cause trouble, so for the time being, gambling houses are not allowed to operate in the east and west cities. If Brother Wang has these ideas to make a living, he can go to the Five Cities Military and Horse Department and ask, but there is no need to talk to me."

King Zhongshun picked up the tea cup and was sipping the tea with his head down when he coughed lightly.

Zhou Changshi immediately understood and said with a smile: "Your Highness, the people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs wanted to set up gambling houses in the east and west cities to make a living. As the chief guard of your house, Xia Houying, the chief minister in Jinyi, and the military commander of the five cities

Command from the two cities in the east and west to jointly seize it."

Under the slender eyebrows of the eldest princess of Jinyang, her phoenix eyes stood upside down, and her pretty face was covered with frost. She glanced at Zhou Changshi and said coldly: "Who are you? I am talking to Brother Wang, do you have the right to speak to me?"

Zhou Changshi's expression changed slightly, he cupped his hands and said, "I made a mistake."

However, what needs to be said has been said.

King Zhongshun put down the teacup, twirled his beard under his chin with his hand, and said: "Sister Jinyang, the people below don't understand the rules and do their own thing. I hope you can forgive me."

The eldest princess of Jinyang narrowed her eyes, not knowing that this was also talking about her subordinates.

King Zhongshun continued: "But let's talk about Jia Ziyu of the Wucheng Army and Horses Department. If I remember correctly, it was his sister who recommended him to the emperor. He has a close friendship with his sister, and she can even be regarded as his benefactor.

, if you can help me mention this matter, I won’t be in trouble anymore.”

The eldest princess of Jinyang chuckled lightly and said: "Brother Wang really thinks highly of me. Jia Heng is now the Minister of Military and Aircraft. How could I have ordered him to touch the state affairs? Brother Wang might as well give the Holy Lord a letter to tell you.

After knowing this, he said that he wanted to run a gambling house to make a living. Let's see what the emperor's intention is. Why bother to make things difficult for me?"

When King Zhongshun heard this, his face became a little ugly, and he said with a smile but not a smile: "Then as a brother, I will tell you, Your Majesty, that I won't bother you today and take my leave."

I was really displeased that a widowed woman could be so arrogant to him?

Prince Zhongshun turned pale as he led Zhou Changshi out of Jinyang Princess' Mansion.

Looking at the two people leaving, the eldest princess of Jinyang's face was as beautiful as frost, her phoenix eyes flashed coldly, and she was a little angry in her heart.

Coming to your door means clearly bullying you, but you don't have any tricks yet.

Even in ordinary people's homes, there are frequent discords between brothers and sisters, how about the royal family?

"Your Highness." Lianxue's jade face was faint and she said cautiously, "Would you like me to call Mr. Jia over now?"

The eldest princess of Jinyang took a deep breath, her beautiful eyes sparkled, and she said softly: "Since he has made arrangements before, just wait patiently. Don't keep pushing, which will make people upset."

With that said, without saying any more words, he returned to the backyard with Lianxue and the female officials. But just as they entered the courtyard of the rockery covered bridge, they heard the sound of the piano coming from afar through a high wall with hanging green vines.

"Is this Yuanchun playing the piano?"

The eldest princess of Jinyang paused slightly, looked around, and asked Lianxue beside her with great interest.

I don't know if it was her misunderstanding, but I could faintly hear an indescribable feeling of resentment in the music.

Who is this resentment against?


Lianxue was also familiar with the music. After hearing the words, she also looked at the place where the music came from and said softly: "It should be so."

"Go and have a look with me." The eldest princess of Jinyang was upset about the incident with King Zhongshun just now. She happened to be talking to Yuan Chun right now, so it was time to relax.

While talking, the eldest princess of Jinyang, accompanied by Lianxue and several other female officials, came to the courtyard where Yuanchun was.

This is a courtyard with a front porch and a pavilion at the back, with buildings on the left and right. There is a rockery made of piled rocks in the courtyard. Wisteria and Xue Li are planted under the surrounding flower wall. Because it is spring, the branches and leaves are new and green.

In the side room, Yuan Chun was sitting behind the small table, stroking a dark red guzheng with both hands. When he heard the sound of footsteps coming from behind the screen, the sound of the guzheng couldn't help but suddenly sounded.

The face with curved eyebrows and plump cheeks raised her eyes to look at the beauty. She saw a hint of hesitation between the frowning eyebrows of the eldest princess of Jinyang. She couldn't help but feel something, and asked: "Your Highness, is it true?"

Worrying things."

Princess Jinyang smiled and said, "Yes, just like you."

After saying that, he sat down at the embroidered pier not far away, took the fragrant tea from the maid next to Yuan Chun, and said softly: "King Zhongshun came here just now."

"Huh?" Yuan Chun asked with a look of concern on his face, "What are you doing here, Prince Zhongshun?"

Princess Jinyang said coldly: "What else can I do? It's just a matter of making trouble. I just sent him back with a few words. Don't pay attention to him."

Yuan Chun thought about it for a while, with a look of relief on his face, and said in a low voice: "Your Highness, I asked Brother Heng yesterday and he said that everything is ready, all we need is the east wind."

Because the "Battle of Chibi" has not yet been written in the Three Kingdoms version, Zhuge's story of borrowing the east wind has not yet become a household name.

In fact, Yuanchun was somewhat unclear about Jia Heng's words, but judging from his confident look and the words "everything is ready", he could read some outlines.

"Oh?" Princess Jinyang was stunned for a moment, feeling slightly happy, and asked quickly: "Yesterday, did he really say that?"

Yuan Chun nodded and said softly: "Just yesterday, I asked Brother Heng, and that's what he said to me."

Princess Jinyang's beautiful face was slightly startled, her eyes were filled with stars, and all kinds of speculations were already filling her mind.

He secretly thought, maybe he has obtained the key evidence of the crime. If so, I am afraid that it will be launched during this period.

Now that he had made up his mind, he suppressed the matter of King Zhongshun for the time being, and turned to look at Yuanchun with his beautiful eyes flashing with curiosity, and asked: "Yuanchun, I just saw that there is hatred lingering in your piano music.

I don’t know why?”

Yuan Chun's face changed slightly, and he said in a trembling voice: "Your Highness has misunderstood, and there is no hatred."

The eldest princess of Jinyang smiled softly, her gleaming eyes seemed to see through the girl's heart, and she said softly: "Actually, I can guess some things even if you don't tell me, but because of... the romantic thoughts?"

She is also familiar with music, and the hatred in the music just now is probably due to the affair between a man and a woman, but I don't know who the person involved is.

Thinking about it like this, and looking at the beautiful woman opposite, I felt a little emotional.

In his twenties, he is in the prime of life and should be about to leave the government. Maybe he has someone he likes?

As soon as these words came out, Yuan Chun's jade face changed slightly, and she was immediately frightened, and her heart was already filled with panic.

Princess Jinyang waved her hand, and at some point, Lianxue had already greeted all the nuns and slowly exited the wing.

Baoqin also left the wing.

The eldest princess of Jinyang smiled and joked: "Can you tell me, which man is it that makes you worried and depressed?"

Yuanchun said anxiously: "Your Highness has misunderstood. It's nothing. It's just a temporary feeling, not because of romantic thoughts."

"Hey, it seems that you don't regard me as one of your own." The eldest princess of Jinyang said quietly, looked at the girl opposite, and said softly: "I am more than ten years older than you, but I can barely do it.

She can be called a sister."

Yuan Chun looked at the beauty and pursed her lips.

I thought to myself, if you follow Brother Heng, it would be right for you to call me sister.

When the eldest princess of Jinyang saw that Yuanchun didn't answer, she had some vague guesses in her mind. She picked up the tea cup and said softly: "It is said that you have not been out of the palace for a long time, and there seems to be no one who can be emotionally involved, but you are so entangled...


She was born into a royal family and had been running the family for many years. She had seen many such things. In a big family, the elder or younger brother of the same clan was too outstanding, and the sisters got along with each other day and night and fell in love with each other.

Even if it is the royal family, there are fewer such things?

Then the entanglement and confusion in the music can be guessed.

Yuanchun's heart skipped a beat. At this moment, his heart gradually rose to his throat. He just wanted to get up and leave, but his delicate body became weak and he couldn't move. His heart also vaguely wanted to hear what the princess wanted to say.


Princess Jinyang suddenly raised her beautiful eyes and stared closely at Yuan Chun's pretty face, asking: "But because of... Ziyu?"

Yuanchun was startled and said "Ah", which was clearly because he was disturbed by the call and was at a loss what to do.

Why did she call out so suddenly?

"Your Highness, you... misunderstood." Yuan Chun's jade face changed slightly, and he said with focused eyes.

Princess Jinyang chuckled lightly and said, "You don't have to hide anything from me. I haven't seen anything like this in the past few years. I don't think it's strange that you fall in love with him."

She had noticed a long time ago that Yuanchun looked at that person a little differently from time to time.

"Your Highness, stop talking." Yuan Chun felt ashamed and said with angry eyes.

Secretly, of course you take it for granted that the two of you did such a thing.

Princess Jinyang smiled and said: "It is indeed a bit difficult to handle."

Although the two have no blood relationship, not even the same surname, they appear to have the same surname in the eyes of outsiders.

Yuanchun lowered his head, feeling shy and not daring to respond.

"Would you like... my help?"

Just when the girl was filled with shame, Princess Jinyang's voice seemed to ring in her ears with strange magic power, and she said with a smile.

Yuanchun: "..."

This... what can I help her with, how can I help her?

Jinyang's eldest princess Qiushui's bright eyes flashed, and she chuckled: "Okay, I won't tease you anymore, you can make your own decision."

Ministry of Industry Yamen

In the evening, the sky was dark because it had rained just last night, and the light from the washed stone steps in the government office was noticeable.

Qin Ye was about to leave the Yamen and plan to go home, but he was summoned into the Secretary's Office by a clerk, saying that it was Mr. Pan, the Minister of Industry, who wanted to inquire.

In the past few days, as the investigation in Beijing gradually deepened, although Qin Ye was still sitting as a director of the Ministry of Industry, he also knew that Pan Bingyi planned to fire him on the grounds of "old age and illness". However, because his son-in-law had said before,

Simply wait for the trial by the Ministry of Officials in Beijing.

Standing still in the official hall, Qin Ye bowed his hands towards Pan Bingyi, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, who was sitting behind the bill, and asked: "I wonder why Mr. Pan summoned the officials to come here?"

Pan Bingyi sat behind the desk and looked at Qin Ye. He saw that although his hair was gray and his face was old, he was energetic, tall and upright, with a serious face. He weighed an account book in his hand and said in a deep voice: "Qin Ye

Doctor, last year the central government office newspaper in central Beijing published a summary account of the materials used for government office construction, which contained huge expenditures, extravagance and waste. How do you explain it?"

Qin Ye frowned and said: "Master Pan, there are many estimates of various expenditures. The government has also reported them and detailed accounts can be checked. If you feel something is wrong, you can send them to check.


When Pan Bingyi heard this, he felt a little displeased and said: "Mr. Qin, I am just asking a routine question. After the official review, you will agree to take the official position. These things will always be settled with me."

At this moment, the dispute between the two suddenly attracted the officials from the Ministry of Industry who had left the yamen and wanted to go home.

Everyone stretched their necks and stared at the two people who seemed to be arguing.

Some people's faces clearly looked like they were watching a good show.

"Zhang Lingshi, doctor Qin heard that his son-in-law is that one from the Ningguo Mansion? Which holy family member is Zhenglong? Lord Pan, how about..." In the side hall of the official hall, a palm guard asked in a low voice.

Ling Shi, surnamed Zhang, also lowered his voice and said: "That man is a military general. No matter how popular he is, he has no control over the Ministry of Works."

"It's not that he is still the Minister of Military and Aircraft. His holy family is in full swing. He is here to serve His Majesty. As long as he says a few words to His Majesty, Lord Pan will not..."

Ling Shi, surnamed Zhang, chuckled and said: "Even if you are the Minister of Military and Aircraft, it is better to be in charge than to be in charge now. Besides, military generals cannot interfere in ministry affairs, right?"

"Is this the reason, or is Zhang Lingshi's profound knowledge?" Na Zhanggu said in a low voice.

Such whispers and whispers could be heard quietly under the eaves of the corridor and among the clerks in the official hall.

While Qin Ye and Pan Bingyi were arguing, another minister of the Ministry of Industry, Lu Chengan, walked out from the side and said with a smile: "Master Pan, what's going on? They've all left the office and haven't left yet.

?I think it’s going to rain today.”

Seeing Lu Chengan coming over, Pan Shilang had an unnatural smile on his face and said, "Nothing, I just wanted to tell Dr. Qin that the various expenditures of the government palace last year were suspected of extravagance and waste. I just want to ask a few words."

He had been prompted by Prince Zhongshun to dig a hole for Qin Ye and jump into it.

But Qin Ye was conscientious, and no matter how hard he tried to find faults, he couldn't find many mistakes. He could only find faults in a routine manner, and then talk to the prince later, and that's all.

Lu Chengan rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "Since it's the last year, the report has been verified in detail. If you want to check it carefully, just ask the staff of the Materials and Estimates Office to call someone to read it. The hall is about to be locked. Mr. Pan, why don't you go back together?"

Pan Shilang nodded, no longer holding on to Qin Ye, but said seriously: "Mr. Qin, although you are under investigation because of your old age, before the Ministry of Personnel issues a written notice, the affairs of the ministry still need to be handled.

A little more thoughtful."

Qin Ye's old eyes narrowed, he looked at Pan Bingyi, cupped his hands and said: "I have written down your words, sir. If nothing happens, I will take my leave first."

"Go." Pan Shilang waved his hand.

Looking at Qin Ye's leaving figure, Pan Shilang looked at Lu Chengan who was standing aside, and whispered: "Master Lu, some people rely on the power of their son-in-law to have no authority."

Lu Cheng'an smiled and said: "Mr. Qin has been in the ministry for many years, and he has never made any mistakes in the matters he received. Mr. Pan should think carefully about it."

This was the reason why he didn't want to go to Prince Zhongshun's Mansion the day before yesterday. Prince Zhongshun regarded the Lord of Ningguo as his enemy, and Jia Zheng of Rongguo Mansion and Qin Ye were both relatives of the Jia family, so he was afraid that he would be used to conspire against them.

Why should people go to death for offending?

In fact, Pan Bingyi may not have this idea, but in the officialdom, people cannot help themselves. Even if they know that they are unreasonable, they still have to use some small tricks to win over the powerful.

This chapter has been completed!
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