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Chapter 490 Search the palace!

 Everyone in Jinyi Mansion will seal the documents and account books related to the Ministry of Internal Affairs in boxes, load them on carriages, and escort them to Jinyi Mansion.

Jia Heng also ordered the captain of the Jinyi Mansion to guard the Imperial Household Office before and after, and then left the Imperial Household Office with Dai Quan.

Holding up umbrellas one after another, Jia Heng and Dai Quan descended the steps amid the stars and the moon.

Immediately, a guard in brocade clothes held the reins and led the horse with a shiny mane. The prepared bamboo hat and coir raincoat were also handed over.

Jia Heng said: "Eunuch Dai, please go to the palace to report to the Holy One. All the relevant prisoners have been arrested. I will go back to Jinyi Mansion first and interrogate the prisoners. What do you think, Eunuch Dai?"

He needs to control the entire interrogation process, then search Prince Zhongshun's palace, obtain evidence of the crime, and finally enter the palace to report to the emperor.

Dai Quan nodded and said with a smile: "Zi Yu will go first, and we will go back to the palace to report."

Since then, both parties have gone their separate ways.

Jia Heng led the Jinyi Palace Guards along the end of Yonghe Street and beat the horses away. The dense and chaotic horse hooves stepped on the bluestone slabs, causing rainwater to fly everywhere, and also attracted people to rest and drink in the wine shops beside the road.

The drinkers who were warming up stretched their necks and watched the Tiqi riding by in the wind.

In the tavern, at the wine table under the window, a young man with a slim figure wearing a white brocade robe with arrow sleeves is sitting sideways. This man's forehead is tied up with a blue smear. There is also a sword with a yellow tassel on the table.

holding a sword and a wine cup in his hand, pouring and drinking.

The young man has a beautiful appearance, sword-shaped eyebrows on his temples, and eyes like stars. At this moment, he is holding a wine cup, looking at the groups of cavalry, and listening to the discussion in the tavern.

"The one wearing the python suit must be the Lord of Ning Kingdom. He looks so young?" the drinker at the next table said in a low voice.

"I heard they were arrested at the Ministry of Internal Affairs."

"Just now, the Tiqi came out in all directions and captured a lot of them from the Ministry of Works."

"None of these officials are good, so we should arrest and behead them all."

"If they all beheaded, some of them may have been wronged. If every other person is beheaded, some of them must have slipped through the net." There was a faint joking voice.

Listening to the commotion around him, the young man raised his eyebrows. His handsome face turned around and looked at the rain curtain on the long street. His eyes fell on the stars and the moon, and the young man in python suit wearing a raincoat hat gradually became confused.

A strange color appeared.

At this moment, the voice of "Brother Liu, Brother Liu" awakened his thoughts. He looked around and saw several people entering the tavern. The leader was a young man with a handsome face wearing a red warrior's brocade robe with arrow sleeves.

"Brother Feng, brother Wei, long time no see." Liu Xianglian stood up, bowed her hands to the arriving Feng Ziying, Wei Ruolan, Chen Yejun and others, and asked with a smile: "Why are you three here so late?"

Liu Xianglian was originally a son of an official, but his parents died early, and his family fell into decline. He did not study much when he was a child, but he only loved playing with guns and sticks. He had a bold temperament and spent all day sleeping in flowers and willows in the city of Shenjing, together with Feng Ziying and others.

Friendship between people is irreversible.

Feng Ziying, Chen Yejun, and Wei Ruolan returned the courtesy and took their seats one after another.

Liu Xianglian asked with a smile: "Brother Feng, do you recognize the Lord of Ning Kingdom?"

"Why don't you know him? That person is my good brother. I only visited him once last month." Feng Ziying said with a smile.

With Jia Heng occupying a high position and taking charge of the capital camp, Shenwu General Feng Tang was unable to have much contact with Jia Heng due to his sensitive status in the palace. He only gave him a gift during the holidays.

Feng Ziying was not taboo and even visited Jia Heng several times in the first month of the year.

Only on weekdays, Jia Heng was busy with the official affairs of the three yamen and was often away from home and could not see him often.

Liu Xianglian smiled and said: "I just looked at it from a distance, and it was really majestic and impressive."

"I'll introduce you when I have time, and get close to you." Feng Ziying said with a smile.

"Those high-ranking and powerful people may not think highly of us." Chen Yejun, a younger brother from the royal family of Renhe County, picked up the wine cup and spoke. The handsome young man had a look of dissatisfaction on his face.

In fact, not all the nobles in Beijing are convinced of Jia Heng. Many people think that he is just lucky.

Feng Ziying explained: "It's true that I'm busy with official duties, but I don't think I'll look down on her."

"Brother Feng, do you know what's causing this big commotion?" Wei Ruolan asked.

Mentioning this matter, Liu Xianglian cast a curious look and asked, "I heard that people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Works were sentenced to prison?"

"Ahem, this..." Feng Ziying looked around and lowered her voice and said: "I heard that the mausoleum collapsed due to the churning of the earth dragon, and the real reason was that these people embezzled the money used to build the mausoleum. The palace was furious. This

That’s why I asked Jinyi Mansion to arrest the relevant people.”

Liu Xianglian's eyes flashed and she said: "Such a big project would be impossible without corruption. It's just that the greed is too ruthless, otherwise we wouldn't be so aggressive."

"That's the reason. If the errands that should be done are not done well, Long Yan in the palace will be very angry." Feng Ziying said.

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore, let's drink and drink."

Jinyi Mansion, Imperial Prison

The originally empty imperial prison was imprisoned with more than 30 officials from the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The cells suddenly became full, and only the cries of injustice could be heard, and this fell on the ears of Shang Ming, a hundred households in charge of punishment.

My ears tingled temporarily while listening to the fairy music.

In one of the two separate cells, Pan Bingyi, the left minister of the Ministry of Industry, was sitting on a pile of hay. His face was gloomy, his mind was racing, and he was thinking of ways to escape.

At first, we were just delaying the construction of the mausoleum and begging for money from the Ministry of Household Affairs. As an official who has been in charge of the Ministry of Works for many years, it is impossible to be so stupid that there is no bottom line. I have made a private estimate and it will be enough.

But who would have thought that such an earthquake would actually cause it to collapse?

In fact, after the money for the project was deducted, the small officials responsible for supervising the construction took profits at every level and chose the materials they used.

In the execution room, Shang Ming, who was responsible for the punishment of hundreds of households, had asked his subordinates to place the torture instruments.

"Bring the officer from the camp, repair and cleaning department here, and let the brothers greet each other properly later." Shang Ming said with a sneer.

This is like a man who is domineering outside and is sent to prison, so he can make a good deal of it.

Not long after, Guo Yuanzheng, a doctor in charge of the Qing Dynasty officials, was taken to the execution room. He looked frightened and said angrily: "What are you going to do? I am an official of the imperial court, and I am in the fifth rank. According to the law, I cannot be punished, and you are not allowed to cause chaos.


"Don't tell me that you are just a fifth-rank official, even if you are a first-rank official, you will be punished the same way when you come here." Shang Ming looked fiercely and said coldly: "Master Guo, when the imperial mausoleum collapsed, someone must be corrupt, and you were the supervisor.

Why don’t you actually recruit the official?”

Guo Yuanzheng said anxiously: "The imperial mausoleum was collapsed by the earthquake, what does it have to do with me?"

"I won't shed tears until I see the coffin!" Shang Ming sneered and ordered the warrior on the side: "Tear off his official uniform!"

A group of powerful men smiled ferociously and stepped forward to take off Guo Yuanzheng's official robe. At this moment, all the ten years of hard study, the two rankings of Jinshi, and all the dignity and honor... were all reduced to nothing in the "prisoner's nobility".

Guo Yuanzheng cursed loudly, but in an instant, the warriors stripped him of his official robe and tied him to a cross stake.

Shang Ming, who was responsible for the punishment of hundreds of households, smiled coldly: "Mr. Guo, if you tell me what you know, you will suffer less. If you deny it and want to be a hero, the torture instruments of our Zhenfu Division are not decorations!"

But how dare Guo Yuanzheng admit it?

Once admitted, the three tribes will be destroyed!

Shang Ming laughed ferociously: "You are stubborn!"

He took the whip dipped in salt water from the strongman and whipped it towards Guo Yuanzheng. "Pa", followed by a violent scream, Guo Yuanzheng, who was only wearing middle clothes, had a blood stain on his chest.

"Say or not?"

"Ah..." Guo Yuanzheng shouted in pain, frowned and said angrily: "I don't know what you are talking about?"

In a cell not far away, Pan Bingyi closed his eyes tightly as he heard familiar screams coming from inside.

A long-standing memory came to mind, that was when he had just arrived in Shenjing as an official, and Shenjing was in the midst of a prison. In the prison, no matter whether you were a high-ranking official or a junior official, you would be tortured as soon as you entered.

Jinyi Mansion Official Office

Jia Heng led the Beizhen envoy and several Jinyi Mansion guards into the official hall. He turned to Qu Lang and warned: "Inform the prisoner that the punishment is fine, but don't cause any loss of life."

The most taboo in a criminal name is to be beaten into a trick, especially if too many civil servants are killed, it will harm his reputation.

"Yes, sir." Qu Lang's heart trembled and he raised his hands and said.

Jia Heng said in a deep voice: "Bring Luo Chengwang to the Yamen Hall, I will interrogate him personally."

With that said, he led a group of government guards to the yamen where the prisoners were interrogated. They sat down behind the case, and Ling Shi, who was standing in attendance, quickly offered him tea.

Jia Heng didn't even eat lunch. It was already mid-afternoon, and he wasn't actually very hungry.

Then, several captains in brocade clothes were seen escorting Luo Chengwang, the construction manager, into the government hall. At this moment, Luo Chengwang's face was ashen and his eyes were blank.

"Kneel down!" Ji Yu, the head of the Fu Division of Beizhen, shouted in a deep voice.

Luo Chengwang knew that he was under the eaves, so he did not resist and knelt down.

Jia Heng looked at the fat middle-aged official below and asked: "Luo Chengwang, do you know your guilt?"

"Sir, what is the crime of this low-ranking official?" Luo Chengwang gritted his teeth and said loudly.

Jia Heng said: "Luo Chengwang, you are a doctor in the Construction Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and you worked with the Ministry of Works to supervise the construction of Gongling Mausoleum. Now the mausoleum collapsed due to an earthquake. Because you are seeking your own personal gain, shoddy quality, cutting corners, and not blocking the ground dragon."

The power of turning!"

"Master Jia, the earthquake at noon shook the whole of Kyoto. Gongling Mausoleum was at the epicenter and collapsed due to the earthquake. I admit that I have neglected my duty. But to say that I have tampered with Gongling Mausoleum is pure

It's nothing! The Gongling Mausoleum is the auspicious site of the Emperor. It concerns the Emperor's future for thousands of years. This matter is so big that the imperial court is watching it from top to bottom. Even if the subordinate officials have ten heads, they don't dare to mess around!"

Jia Heng looked gloomy and sneered.

If he hadn't known the inside story earlier, he would have been fooled by Luo Chengwang's words.

But it is also understandable, because this is a major crime of the Yi people, how can you dare to confess it?

In this feudal era where "criticizing Chengyu" can be regarded as disrespectful, the collapse of the emperor's mausoleum due to corruption of money cannot be justified by the three tribes of Buyi!

Fortunately, the Supreme Emperor has not yet died and the person has not been buried. If he were buried... the picture is so beautiful.

How big of a sin has this committed, and you can’t even rest in peace after death?

"Mr. Luo, if you tell the truth, I can ask for grace from the palace to keep your Luo family alive." Jia Heng didn't waste any words and began to induce a confession.

After saying that, he turned around and ordered Qu Lang: "Order people to go to the Luo family, take all the children of the Luo family, and bring them to the Zhenfu Division. In addition, all the officials and family members of the prisoners who were imprisoned in the imperial prison today will be monitored. Every one of them will be under surveillance."

Don’t run away!”

While speaking, he winked at Qu Lang.

Not only Luo Chengwang's family members, but also his best friend must be arrested.

At that time, even if Luo Chengwang refused to admit the crime and got a few words from his concubine, he could still go to Prince Zhongshun's palace to search for evidence of the crime.

"It's my humble duty to give this order." Qu Lang understood this and took the order and left.

Luo Chengwang's face changed slightly, and he said urgently: "Sir, the case is not yet clear, and the official is not a criminal, so why do you want to take down the official's family?"

Ji Yu, who was in charge of the execution of thousands of households, sneered and said: "Master Luo, since you are suspected, your family is also a member of the criminal family, and is also included in the interrogation."

Jia Heng picked up the tea cup and waited quietly, calm and relaxed.

However, this indifferent attitude made Luo Chengwang's heart twitch.

How could Jinyi Mansion, a land of tigers and wolves, be a place for him to reason?

Time passed slowly in the depressing atmosphere. After about half an hour, Jia Heng didn't say a word, while cold sweat broke out on Luo Chengwang's forehead, his face changed, and there was a war between heaven and man in his heart.

Until I heard bursts of crying and the crying of children outside the government hall.

Then, they saw a half-elderly woman, a white-haired old woman, and a ten-year-old child being escorted to the Yamen Hall by the guards of the Jinyi Mansion.

General Jinyi opened his mouth and said: "Sir, the Luo family, young and old, have all been brought here!"

"Look at your son." Seeing her son kneeling on the ground, the old woman called out with tears streaming down her face.

The teenage boy cried and called: "Daddy!"

"Husband..." Luo's wife also called to the side.

Luo Chengwang felt as if he had been struck by thunder. He turned around and looked at his mother and wife. Sadness and despair gradually filled his heart.

Jia Heng held the tea cup, took a sip, and watched this human tragedy at leisure.

"Have you thought about it? Mr. Luo, if I don't want to worry about you, I'll go to Caishikou and tell you what you know." Ji Yu, who was in charge of the Thousand Households, shouted coldly.

"Sir." Luo Chengwang turned his head with difficulty, looked at the young man in the python suit behind the case, knelt down and said with trembling lips: "I'm the official..."

At this moment, Qu Lang of the Jinyi Mansion entered the official hall, cupped his hands and said: "Sir, Luo Chengwang also has a mistress named Sun Ying, who gave birth to a baby who was just half a year old to Luo Chengwang, and has been arrested for a lowly position..."

When Luo Chengwang heard that Mrs. Sun still had a baby, he felt a basin of cold water poured down his head. Despair flooded him like a tide, and his vision went dark. After calming down, he raised his eyes to look at the young man in the python suit in the hall and said urgently: "Sir,

If I tell you the truth, can you spare my family from harm?"

Jia Heng put down the tea cup, nodded and said: "If you tell the truth, you will be instrumental in solving the case. Until then, I will ask the Holy One for grace to ensure that your Luo family will continue to be popular."

Although such a large prison could wipe out three clans, it is not impossible to show the emperor's great favor by giving him grace. Especially if Luo Chengwang was the first to confess, he might be able to leave a single seedling to carry on the sacrifice.

Well, should I save the son in front of me or the son born from my concubine?

Of course, Jia Heng did not ask, but shouted:

"Experiences, documented!"

After recording the confession, Si Xian immediately picked up the brush, dipped it in ink in the inkstone, and began to take the confession.

Not long after, Luo Chengwang poured beans out of a bamboo tube and told everything he knew.

Of course, it was only limited to the Construction Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which he was in charge of, and other details about the household and labor offices were unknown except that three officials were involved in the case.

But these are enough.

"The account books? Have they been delivered to Prince Zhongshun's Mansion?" Jia Heng said in a cold voice with a gloomy face, tapping his fingers on the table. He had been waiting for Luo Chengwang's words!

Turning to look at Qu Lang, he said: "Immediately go to Liang Yuan's house to search the account books. In addition, you go to the household department in person to search Liang Yuan's official office and look for evidence of crime!"

After saying that, he looked at Ji Yu, who was in charge of the execution of thousands of households, and ordered: "Follow me to Prince Zhongshun's Mansion and search the Prince's Mansion!"

For a vassal king like King Zhongshun, only he who wields the Emperor's Sword can personally inspect the house to maintain the dignity of the royal family.

Qu Lang responded to the order and led the guards of Jinyi Mansion away.

Jia Heng did not delay and took people to Prince Zhongshun's Mansion.

Prince Zhongshun's Mansion

It was already evening, and the sky was gloomy. Raindrops were falling all over the sky, hitting the banana trees under the window. The sound of "ba da, bah da" came one after another, and the entire Zhongshun Prince's Mansion had been affected by a catastrophic disaster.

An atmosphere of impending chilling enveloped the place.

At this moment, a large number of cavalry in brocade clothes surrounded the palace and sealed off the palace. No one was allowed to come in or out. Even if it was raining, they would not retreat.

In the backyard, among the three inner halls, the candlelight was bright, illuminating the exquisite, luxurious and magnificent flower hall, together with several ladies dressed in silk and satin, and palace clothes with clouds on their temples, making it look splendid and full of jewels.

They were the concubines of King Zhongshun, Concubine Wu, Concubine Zhang, and Concubine Yang, as well as a group of nuns and maids.

The loyal and obedient king was fond of sex, and had many concubines in his backyard, but he only had three concubines, all of whom were quite old. The youngest was in her forties, and each had children.

At this age, there is no need to think about King Zhongshun's favor. Most of his children are married, have left the cabinet, are on errands in other provinces, and only come around during the holidays. Even the eldest son of King Zhongshun is not in Beijing, but in Sichuan instead of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The Chengdu Prefecture in Jinguan City supervises matters such as Shu brocade, tea mines, and imperial villages.

However, the young concubine is not of high rank and is not qualified to come here to discuss matters.

Concubine Wu's face was full of anxiety. Looking at the gloomy sky outside, her heart seemed to be covered with a layer of dark clouds.

At this moment, Chen Rui, the second son of King Zhongshun, led a few boys and ran out of the rain from the bluestone road in front of the courtyard with umbrellas. As soon as they entered the hall, with an eager look on their faces, they called out: "Concubine, mother."


"Rui'er, what did the people in Jinyi Mansion say?" Concubine Wu stood up quickly, stepped forward and took her son's hand, and asked.

At this moment, Concubine Zhang and Yang also left their seats and stood up, with hope in their eyes.

"They said they were under orders not to let me in or out. I wanted to go out, but they stopped me." Chen Rui looked ugly and said angrily: "Mother and concubine, Jia Heng must have been the one who got in the way. This is going to destroy my family!


Concubine Wu swayed and her face turned pale. Because she had experienced a lot, these two words naturally came to mind.


No, it's impossible...

The prince is the brother of the Son of Heaven. If he is tortured, what will the people of the world think of the Heavenly Family?

"Sister, what should we do now?" Concubine Zhang also panicked and asked.

Concubine Wu calmed down and sighed: "The prince has entered the palace, and there is no news yet. How can we women have any opinions? We still need to contact the prince and let him make his decision."

This chapter has been completed!
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