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Chapter 576: This is nothing more than a rout!


Kaifeng Fucheng

Gao Yue, He Guosheng, Li Yanqing, Wang Sishun and other powerful leaders of various sizes finished their dinner. Except for some leaders who got drunk and went back to rest, most of them did not stay at the governor's office, but led their brothers on inspection tours.

city ​​defense.

The four heads are still responsible for each of the city walls, He Guosheng is in the west, Li Yanqing is in the north, Wang Sishun is in the south, and Luo Jinzhong is in the east.

Gao Yue, on the other hand, traveled from place to place. If there were police on any side, he would ring a gong or send someone on horseback to report the news. Gao Yue would lead his brothers to rush back and forth for reinforcements.

At this moment, Gao Yue led his brothers to the west city wall and looked at the army camp not far away. At this moment, the moonlight was like silver and gauze, there were sparks in the distance, and from time to time, fast horses and sentries came and went to warn the enemy.

Gao Yue let out a long sigh and looked gloomy.

After all, it was the loss of three thousand men earlier that made Gao Yue grieve. In addition, Ma Liang was injured during the day. In the end, this uprising operation to occupy Kaifeng Mansion only gained an empty city and a famous name.

I didn't catch anything.

Lai Haiyuan said: "Brother, it's not a big deal if things continue like this."

Li Zimin said: "Brother, our brothers have suffered a lot today. If this continues, even if we repel the army, we will still let them take advantage."

Because he had suffered a lot from Wang Sishun, Luo Jinzhong and others in Kaifeng Fucheng in the past few days, Gao Yue's first general, who had initially clamored to avenge his tragic death, became disheartened.

Gao Yue rarely refuted Li Zimin's words this time, but he didn't answer either. Instead, he looked into the distance and said, "I don't know if Mr. Shao has arrived in Runing."

He no longer had any intention of staying in Kaifeng Mansion for a long time. As Mr. Shao said, he should go south to Jianghuai, which was far away from the imperial court's heavy northern troops. The southern troops had not been deployed for a long time and were easier to fight than the Jingying Xiaorui.

Wei Bochuan thought for a while and said, "Brother, Mr. Shao has been gone for several days. He should have arrived in Runing by now."

Gao Yue nodded and was about to say something when suddenly a deafening "rumbling" drum sound came from the direction of the west city gate. After a while, there was a sudden "rumbling" explosion. Even the city wall shook slightly.

It was clear that the officers and soldiers used gunpowder again, and a large amount of gunpowder.

In fact, Jia Heng used all the gunpowder he brought with him on the trip, and personally guided the explosion points. Through some techniques, several points exploded at the same time, which expanded the original ability of blasting the hole during the day.

Hearing the sound of drums, Lai Haiyuan's expression changed slightly and he said urgently: "Brother, it's the army! They are attacking the city at night!"

Gao Yue said in a deep voice: "Don't panic! Youhe is the head of the family in the west. Go down and gather the brothers. We will rush to help at any time."

Lai Haiyuan and Wei Bochuan responded loudly and ordered people to gather their brothers. However, judging from the speed of their actions, neither of them was as active as before.

Seeing this scene, Gao Yue frowned and swallowed back the words that came to his lips. This is the human heart. After hurting so many brothers, all the brothers under his command are resentful.

In particular, whenever the three families of He Guosheng, Luo Jinzhong and Wang Sishun could no longer resist the army, they would call on their brothers for help.

Gao Yue thought this and felt a little dissatisfied...

After waiting like this for a while, the shouts of killing in the distance gradually became louder, and from the direction of the West City Wall, a pine oil torch was seen approaching quickly. Then, a leader of He Guosheng's men rode from the military road.

came and called out urgently: "Master Gao Da, Master He Da has asked you to send people to support him. The army's offensive is so fast that Master He will be unable to stop it!"

At this time, Li Zimin led a group of brothers up. Hearing this, his face darkened, and he couldn't help but cursed: "It has only been so long, but He Guosheng can't stand it anymore? When it comes to danger, how can it not be dangerous?"

Let him serve for a while longer, there is no doubt that there will be other areas that need support."

This is to accuse He Guosheng, Luo Jinzhong and others of being unwilling to harm their brothers and calling them on every occasion.

The leader said with a bitter look on his face: "Master Gao, this time is different! The officers and soldiers attacked quickly and violently, coming in large numbers. It was impossible to see how many people were there in the night, like locusts."

In fact, after Jia Heng added troops to Cai Quan,

In view of the decrease in the number of soldiers under his command, in order to effectively attract the attention of the bandits at the West City Gate, the two thousand civilians brought from Weishi County were also used. They lit more torches in the rear and ran back and forth. Because under the moonlight, the vision was dim and it was difficult to distinguish clearly.

There were so many people and horses, it felt overwhelming for a moment, with imperial soldiers and horses everywhere.

Gao Yue's eyes were dark and he asked: "Where is Mr. Li?"

"Master Li has gone to Beicheng, and has already sent people to call him quickly." The little leader said anxiously. Gao Yue frowned, vaguely feeling that something was unusual, and he couldn't understand it after thinking about it, and looked at Li Zimin, who was still aggrieved.

, said in a deep voice: "Third brother, lead the people to follow me to the West City Gate. The others will stay and support other city gates at any time. Be careful of sneak attacks by the army!" With that, he and Li Zimin led 500 people to the West City Gate to support.

The perimeter of the outer city of Kaifeng is thirty kilometers, and the west wall is seven or eight kilometers long. While everyone was rushing past, the battle at the west gate had been going on for a long time, and the situation was tense.

Gao Yue almost took a breath when he saw the scene in front of him.

Because the government troops poured into Kaifeng Fucheng like a tide through the gap in the city wall that was blown up. About four to five hundred people rushed in and fought with He Guosheng's brothers, fighting and advancing.

Faced with the orderly cooperation between the government and the army, He Guosheng's men were caught off guard, failed to respond well, and retreated steadily.

He Guosheng personally raised his sword and fought with the officers and soldiers. Suddenly he saw Gao Yue and Li Zimin and shouted loudly: "Master Gao Da! Come quickly!"

Gao Yue responded loudly, and led this group of fresh troops to go in and fight with the officers and soldiers of the Beijing camp. For a time, the sound of swords and guns clashing, the soldiers shouting, the painful grunt of the swords splitting the silk, and the screams could be heard one after another.

, bright red bloodstains flowed gurglingly, and the blood flow gathered into a river. Under the reflection of the surrounding torches, the figures of the two parties fighting to kill horses were reflected, which looked quite strange.

Gao Yue joined the battle group, and although He Guosheng's retreat was stabilized, the subsequent officers and soldiers also poured in like a tide and continued to rush in.

The officers and soldiers fought to the death and refused to retreat. At the same time, an urgent message came from the crenellations of the city wall. The dead soldiers climbed up the city wall first, killing the bandits and Dingfu.

It was okay for He Guosheng's subordinate Ding Zhuang to help the thieves and bandits defend the city, but had they ever encountered such a brutal fight?

It didn't take long for the army to fall into collapse. Although He Guosheng's bandits were brave and courageous, when they encountered the officers and soldiers who were not afraid of death, they were a little panicked for a while and fled downwards...

Seeing that the situation was getting more and more unfavorable, Gao Yue ordered Li Zimin to go to the top of the city to support him, while he and He Guosheng's brothers fought with the officers and soldiers entering the city.

After a while, seeing more and more officers and soldiers, and many of his brothers lying in a pool of blood, Gao Yue's face became solemn and he said urgently: "Master He, can you ask Master Li for help?"

He Guosheng said: "We have asked for help, and it is time to come."

At this moment, the sound of horse hooves and shouts came from the street in the distance. It was clearly Li Yanqing leading 700 people rushing from Beicheng.

"He Da is the master, Gao Da is the master." Li Yanqing rode on his horse, stretched his bow and shot a Han army official who was fighting with his sword. He stood up, came to He Guosheng and Gao Yue, and asked: "He Da is the master, what's the matter?

So many officers and soldiers?"

He Guosheng was shocked and angry and said: "The officers and soldiers are serious this time! Mr. Li, how is Beicheng? Will the officers and soldiers attack the city?"

During the day, the imperial army was not seen surrounding the northern city gate, but He Guosheng was still worried that this might be the imperial court's strategy to seize the opportunity to attack the east and attack the west.

Li Yanqing said loudly: "There are no imperial soldiers and horses. I have left three hundred men and several thousand strong men, which is enough to deal with it. Brother He, the officers and soldiers are afraid that we are determined to fight to the death and do not intend to surround Beicheng. This is a siege."

Three are missing and one is missing!"

He Guosheng opened his mouth and was about to say something.

Suddenly at this moment, a gong rang loudly in the direction of Dongcheng, followed by the sound of a cowhide drum "dong dong". Apparently, Dongcheng was also attacked by the army.

"The entire army is attacking the city." Gao Yue looked gloomy and said worriedly, "I wonder if Brother Luo can stop it!"

Li Yanqing said: "He has a lot of people under his command, and they can support him for a while, so it shouldn't be a big problem."

Unfortunately, it didn't take long before I saw a fast horse sentry rider holding a pine tar torch coming from the direction of Dongcheng. He shouted urgently on the horse: "Masters, it's not good. Master Luo is in a hurry over there. Please hurry up."

Send troops to help


At this moment, Dongcheng was under Qu Guang's offensive, and Luo Jinzhong's thieves gradually felt that they could not withstand the attack. They came over and asked Gao Yue and He Guosheng to dispatch reinforcements to Dongcheng urgently.

Gao Yue asked hurriedly: "Didn't Wei Bochuan and the others go over to provide support?"

"We have support. The army's offensive is very fierce and reinforcements are still needed." The leader replied loudly. "Where can we send reinforcements?" Li Zimin said angrily.

At this moment, the whole city of Kaifeng was filled with shouts of killing, and the people who closed their houses shut their lights and turned off their lights, waiting for the imperial troops to enter the city.

He Guosheng said anxiously: "The officers and soldiers are going to descend on the city in one fell swoop."

Gao Yue said: "I'm afraid the southern city wall will not be well either."

Kaifeng Prefecture has a long city wall, thirty kilometers long. The north and south walls are each seven kilometers long. Thousands of people are distributed in the seven-kilometer city defense area. The defensive force is already stretched thin. The troops are divided into several sections, and there are police in each area.

Support from other areas.

Li Yanqing frowned and said loudly: "Brother Gao, I'm a little worried about Brother Wang. I'll lead someone to take a look."

Gao Yue and He Guosheng looked at each other and nodded. Wang Sishun was a bit unreliable.

However, before Li Yanqing could lead people to come to the rescue, bursts of shouts soared into the sky from the direction of the southern city wall, reaching very far away at night, followed by the "rumbling" sound of horse hooves, as the cavalry's hooves trampled the ground, deafening.


"The officers and soldiers have entered the city!" At this moment, all the bandits shouted. The exclamations spread like wildfire on the city wall, word of mouth.

It turned out that after a fight between the officers and soldiers in front of Dailou Gate, three trumpet blasts were fired. Qu Lang, the governor of Jinyi Mansion, immediately led his men to kill the bandits who were scattered in the city, and took the initiative to open the suspension bridge to welcome Cai Quan and a large number of cavalry.

The army occupied the city gate, and then the government troops poured into Kaifeng Fucheng. The bandits under Wang Sishun were unable to cope immediately and declared collapse.

He Guosheng's expression suddenly changed and he said in horror: "No, it's from the south!"

"I'll go quickly to support you!" Li Yanqing said loudly and ordered his brothers to go to the south to support him.

At this moment, a bandit leader rode up from afar on a fast horse. He dismounted and was almost out of breath. He ran all the way. It was Gao Yue's subordinate general who said urgently: "Master Lai, let me go."

I'm here to report that there is someone inside Daimen Tower and the city gate should be opened. Wang Sishun has led his people to Beicheng and fled towards the Yellow River Ferry."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked and dumbfounded. Four words flashed through Gao Yue's mind.

The tide is over!

"Where are the officers and soldiers?" He Guosheng's face was gloomy. He grabbed the leader eagerly and shouted. "A lot of officers and soldiers have come in. They have all entered the city. The city cannot be defended!" said the leader. He Guosheng cursed angrily.

: "Wang Sishun, this bastard!"

Gao Yue looked solemn, looked at Li Yanqing who had already climbed onto his horse, and said: "Brother Li, Nancheng is over, the army has entered the city, we need to break out quickly."

He found that among these people, this person had the overall situation in mind and was a talented person. If he could lead him out of Kaifeng City, he could also gather his troops.

Li Yanqing looked stunned and said: "Master Gao Da, there are officers and soldiers everywhere now, where can we break out?"

"Brother Li, let's fight a bloody road! Go to Runing Mansion, turn to the Jianghuai River, and capture Jinling, which is the land of kingly aura." Gao Yue said in a deep voice.

Li Yanqing thought for a moment and asked: "Master Gao Da, where do we break out?"

"Go find those horses first, otherwise those with two legs that cannot outrun four will sooner or later become the victims of the army." Gao Yue said in a deep voice.

If there were no horses, the imperial cavalry would not be able to escape for long.

On the other side, as the officers and soldiers entered the city from the tower gate, Wang Sishun, known as the King of Shuntian, led his four to five hundred brothers. Without saying a word, he fled towards the north gate, intending to use the Yellow River Ferry to the north of Henan.

Escape from Huaiqing Mansion.

At this moment, Cai Quan led 8,000 cavalry, joined forces with Fu Qulang from Jinyi Prefecture, and entered the city gate from Dai Sheng Gate. Using pine oil torches and using the moonlight, he separated 3,000 cavalry in the city to support the east city.

After a few miles, the cavalry came to Dongcheng in a gust of wind, killing from the inside out.

Luo Jinzhong saw someone rushing to kill him from behind.

The officers and soldiers were in chaos for a while, and they led their brothers to escape. At this moment, Qu Guang led the siege team first, and gradually rushed into the city. The city gate opened, and Luo Jinzhong was suddenly blocked from both ends.

In the city, he had no choice but to lead his brothers to turn around and fight bravely towards Qu Guang's troops, trying to carve out a bloody path.

As the shouts of death approached, He Guosheng gradually lost his composure. He looked at Gao Yue, who was talking to Li Yanqing, and said, "Master Gao, my brothers can't hold on any longer." At this moment,

Only the sound of "rumbling" was heard, shaking the earth, and the sound of iron hoofs on the ground was heard. It was clearly Cai Quan who led his troops to support the West City side, intending to respond to Jia Heng's attack from the outside...

At this time, He Guosheng's brothers, who had been struggling to hold on, heard the shouts of killing coming from the streets behind them, could no longer hold on, began to lose, and then... collapsed.

Originally, there were only 3,000 bandits and 5,000 men in Xicheng. Although they were supported by a thousand men from Gao Yue and Li Yanqing, the ding Zhuangs did not have a high will to fight. The bandits felt that they were under attack and lost their courage, so they began to flee in all directions.

He Guosheng said loudly: "Master Gao Da, the city cannot be defended anymore. Run away quickly. I will also go to Beicheng and cross the Yellow River!"

At this moment, Beicheng was the only place where no official troops were blocking the way, so escaping from Beicheng was the first choice. Otherwise, without the protection of the city wall, who could stop the imperial cavalry from pursuing them?

He Guosheng said, hurriedly got on his horse, led a dozen of his confidants, and ran towards the city. In the past, these bandits had often fled during the arrests by the government and army, and there was no psychological pressure.

Gao Yue and Li Yanqing joined forces, adding up to a thousand men, and began to head towards the city. However, they were obviously separated from He Guosheng, and planned to find horses in the stables of the Kaifeng Prefecture Horse Racing Supervisor to escape from Kaifeng Prefecture.

There are five hundred military horses.

At this moment, it was said that He Guosheng led the people to defeat the inner city, and happened to encounter the cavalry led by Cai Quan. Five thousand cavalry were on the crisscrossing streets, and they had blocked the roads according to the city defense map to intercept and kill the bandits.

Cai Quan looked at the dark crowd of bandits scattering in panic in the street ahead, with a gloomy look on his face, raised his saber, and shouted loudly: "Crossbow arrows, fire!"

The cavalrymen raised their crossbows, took off the bows and arrows behind them, and shot at the bandits. Arrows rained down one after another.

"Whoosh!!!" "Ah..."


Screams and groans came one after another, and He Guosheng's thieves faced the rain of arrows. They were instantly killed and wounded countless people, and those who fell to the ground were overwhelmed.

He Guosheng was also hit by an arrow in his shoulder and leg. With a groan, he hid towards a nearby house under the cover of several brothers who risked their lives.


Two consecutive rounds of arrow rain had killed nearly half of the bandits.

"Surrender without killing!" Cai Quan and the cavalry behind him shouted loudly, and then the sound of horse hooves hitting the ground rang out.

"Brothers, kill!"

Along with this, the cavalry accelerated slightly on the wide Fucheng Street and charged towards the bandits. The cavalry charge was so powerful that it almost killed the bandits under He Guosheng's unit who had just been hit by a rain of arrows.

Those who resisted with a knife were also crushed to pieces.

If you look at it from a high altitude at this moment, He Guosheng's two thousand thieves and bandits are gathered on two streets that are several miles long. They are being harvested by the Beijing cavalry, and there is no way they can form an organized resistance.

A rout is nothing more than that!

The thieves were killed by sabers, and those who were trampled by horse hooves were buried in corpses. The streets were almost full of blood. Even Sun Wu's resurrection could not save this kind of defeat.

Originally, in terms of equipment and training level, the bandits were no match for the Beijing cavalry.

Jia Heng mobilized almost 80% of the cavalry in the Beijing camp during this trip. To put it bluntly, the 12th regiment of the Beijing camp in the Han Dynasty had only a small amount of cavalry. Jia Heng took them to Henan to put down the rebellion. Of course, it was also a grueling battle.


Gao Yue looked at the officers and soldiers in the distance, and quickly led his brothers to break out along another street. However, not long after walking, suddenly the lights at the end of the alley in the distance came on, and the cavalry had blocked the way...

"The thieves are here!"

"Li is in front, Gao Da is in charge of the rear!" Li Yanqing rode on the horse with no fear on his face, took off the steel knife hanging on the saddle,

He led several of his brothers and rushed towards the street.

"Fire the arrow!"


The crossbows fired in unison, making a shrill scream. The Beijing cavalry, led by the guerrilla general Zhou Dong, kept firing crossbows at Li Yanqing and his brothers.

After several rounds of arrow rain, a large number of the brothers around Li Yanqing fell down. Although Li Yanqing was very skilled in martial arts, he kept using his sword to block the arrows, but he was also hit by two arrows, and the horse he was riding was also hit by arrows.

With a whimper, he fell to the ground.

There were many casualties at once, and the remaining six to seven hundred people gathered towards the shop nearby.

Unfortunately, the door of the shop was closed, and the door bolt had been locked tightly inside. No matter how hard the thieves kicked the door, they could not open it.

Li Yanqing shouted loudly: "Brothers, fight over! Fight a bloody path!"

Zhou Dong, the leading guerrilla general, frowned, looked a little solemn, and ordered a small colonel to go to other places to call for support.

At this moment, Gao Yue was hit by two arrows on his shoulder. In the human wall formed by Ding Fu, he held a big sword and rushed towards the Beijing camp cavalry under the retinue of Li Zimin and several other brothers.

Seeing the bandits, guerrilla general Zhou Dong's face was as gloomy as water, his eyes flashed with cold light, and he shouted loudly: "Army, listen to the order, kill!"

More than a thousand fine cavalry behind them shouted in unison and charged towards Gao Yue and Li Yanqing. As the battle continued, the bandits were strangled by the cavalry in the Beijing camp. The number of the bandits was getting smaller and smaller, with only two or three hundred people left.

Seeing this, Gao Yue felt very anxious. He suddenly looked at the large number of generals who were fighting with their swords, and shouted to Li Zimin: "Third brother, follow me and kill these court thieves!"

With that said, he raised his knife and went straight towards the guerrilla general Zhou Dong, clearly intending to capture his leader, kill him and seize the flag.

On the other side, Li Yanqing also held a steel sword and led a group of confidants to fight with the Beijing cavalry.

But he said that on the other side, outside the West City Wall, with the sound of a turntable twisting that made one's teeth hurt, the suspension bridge of Xinzheng Gate was slowly lowered.

Jia Heng raised his eyes and looked at the city gate that suddenly opened in front of him, calling in a deep voice: "Where is the guerrilla general Xie Jing?"

Xie Jing, who had never had the chance to lead his troops in a charge and was just helping Jia Heng coordinate the deployment of the cavalry, was stunned for a moment, his mind moved, he cupped his fists and said, "The final general is here."

"I order you to lead 1,500 cavalry and go straight to the Yellow River ferry to hunt down the bandits without making any mistakes!" Jia Heng said in a deep voice.

"No." Xie Jing responded loudly. He was overjoyed and without saying a word, he drove away on his horse, ordered his troops and horses, and followed the city wall toward the north city to chase the bandits.

Jia Heng said in a deep voice: "General Pang, follow my commander into the city to wipe out the bandits!"

Pang Shili, the general of the Yangwei camp, clasped his fists in response, but felt a little disappointed. During this trip, apart from setting up camp, he had never fought in battle.

Jia Heng, surrounded by the Beijing camp cavalry and the Jinyi Mansion captain led by Liu Jixian, poured into the city.

As for Princess Xianning, she did not follow Jia Heng. Under the protection of Xia Houying, she and the 500 cavalry left behind to protect her were waiting for news in the camp.

At least until all the bandits in the city are wiped out, Jia Heng will let Princess Xianning enter Kaifeng City. As the saying goes, a gentleman will not stand behind a dangerous wall...

As Jia Heng led his troops into the city of Kaifeng, the cavalry from the Beijing camp attacked the bandits in front and back. The collapse of the bandits became more and more obvious. Looking around, there were officers and soldiers everywhere.

Countless young men and women who rebelled against them mostly remembered the announcement that the imperial court had previously sent into the city. The culprits were severely punished and no threats were asked. They all surrendered to the officers and soldiers. Some of the bandits abandoned their weapons and surrendered.

He Guosheng's troops completely collapsed, and He Guosheng himself was surrounded by officers and soldiers. He relied on a high wall to resist, but the officers and soldiers surrounded him more and more, with three floors inside and three floors outside.

From a distance, he saw Jia Heng, who was under the command of Jinyi Xiaowei, driving his horse forward. Cai Quan led dozens of cavalry to come, cupping his fists and saying: "Commander, the enemies in the north city have been wiped out."

Jia Heng held the horse's reins and frowned and asked: "Cai Guerrilla, has he ever seen Gao Yue, He Guosheng, Li Yanqing and other bandit leaders?"

Before he finished speaking, a Beijing flag officer came quickly, covered in blood, his shoulder was still bleeding, there were scars on his young face, and he was holding a bloody head in his hand.

He raised his head and hissed: "Commander, He Guosheng's head is here!"

Jia Heng turned to look at the person and was stunned for a moment because it was none other than Jia Chang, a member of a branch of the Jia family.

Jia Heng nodded, with admiration in his eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Okay!"

Among the Jia family members who joined the army, the one he valued the most was Jia Fang, who was already an official of hundreds of households, and he almost trained him as his "Cao Chun".

Others, such as Jia Ju, Jia Ling, Jia Yun, Jia Qin, etc., also had varying degrees of experience. According to their different temperaments, they were arranged to study military affairs in general schools.

For example, Jia Fang liked riding and shooting, so she followed Xie Zaiyi, who was brave and good at shooting. Jia Yun, who was calm and clever, followed Qu Guang. As for Jia Ju, she followed Cai Quan. Jia Ling followed the general of the Jia family.

Shan Ming and Jia Qin followed Shao Chao, the commander-in-chief of the Fifth Army Camp.

Among them, Jia Fang followed Xie Zaiyi to Runing Mansion to attack the enemy's nest.

And this Jia Ju followed Cai Quan and never showed any prowess, but he didn't expect to be so courageous. No matter how much strength others spent on the bandit, he who could cut off the bandit's head would be considered worthy of merit.

If he makes progress in the future, this will be his "Cao Xiu". In fact, in this clan society, the appointment of foreign generals is not as reliable as the clan generals.

"Cai Guerrilla, put the head away. This will be recorded as a meritorious service!"

Cai Quan looked slightly solemn, clasped his fists in response, and ordered his soldiers to take the head.

Jia Chang's heart was agitated. He had never been famous in the army. He handed his head to the soldiers. He could no longer hold on and fainted. He was supported by the generals behind him.

"Let the doctor treat you!" Jia Heng said in a deep voice.

Cai Quan quickly ordered his men to help Jia Ju go for treatment.

Jia Heng turned to look at Cai Quan and asked: "Cai Guerrilla, where is Gao Yue?" Others can ignore it, but they must capture Gao Yue, whether life or death!

Cai Quan shook his head and said: "The general has not received the news yet, but I heard from the soldiers earlier that it was probably the guerrilla general Zhou Dong who stopped them."

Jia Heng said coldly: "Gao Yue is very brave, Zhou Dong is no match for him. Cai Guerrilla immediately wiped out the bandits in the city, supervised the surrendered soldiers, and cooperated with Qu Guang to intercept and kill the remnants of Luo Jinzhong, Gao Yue and others."

Cai Quan clasped his fists and responded to the order, saying: "I will obey the order."

With that said, he led his cavalrymen to clear out the bandits in the city.

Not long after Cai Quan left, a horseman suddenly came from the alley. He was clearly an official from a hundred households. He approached and said with his hands raised: "Commander Jies, Gao Yue and Li Yanqing, a group of ten people, went to the north of the city. They are guerrillas."

General Zhou Dong was defeated by Gao Yue, and he fought hard with his men, but was still seriously injured, so he escaped."

Jia Heng's face was gloomy, and his mind kept thinking.

Gao Yue's military force, even those of generals such as Qu Guang, who became generals through their bravery, admitted that they were not as good as the day before yesterday.

The guerrilla general Zhou Dong was not Gao Yue's enemy, and he was able to save his life only because his own soldiers risked their own lives and Gao Yue was in a hurry to escape.

"Pang Shili, follow me to Beicheng to pursue the bandits!" Jia Heng said in a deep voice.

Among his generals, Xie Zaiyi and Pang Shili were the strongest in martial arts, followed by Shan Ming and Qu Guang, followed by Cai Quan, Xiao Lin and Shao Chao.

As for his second-level fusion of martial arts, I feel that as he gets older, his energy and blood are more powerful than when he wiped out the Sanhe Gang, and his endurance is also longer. Although I have not tested it seriously, in terms of strength, Xie and Pang are both stronger.

People are not opponents.


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