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Chapter 105 Conflict Conflict Everywhere

Sun Wen came to Nanjing from Shanghai. Now he is the distinguished interim president of the Republic of China. However, Sun Wen also felt a huge threat. Only nine votes among the seventeen provinces supported him, and he was able to get such a result.

Huang Xing handled the matter properly. If it were delayed for a while, those centrists might not necessarily be able to support him. Therefore, as soon as Sun Wen arrived in Nanjing, he carefully discussed countermeasures with his cronies.

Although Tao Chengzhang did not unseat Sun Wen, the election results still showed the great power of the Sichuan-Hubei alliance. Therefore, he also actively acted to win over forces, and the two sides prepared to compete with Sun Wen on a series of issues related to the founding of the country.

As a close friend of Song Jiaoren, Huang Xing had an unusual relationship. Huang Xingru saw that Song Jiaoren was vaguely interested in confronting Sun Wen, and he couldn't behave himself in the middle, so he came to persuade Song Jiaoren.

"Fisherman, you don't know how much effort Mr. Sun put into establishing the Republic of China. Why do you need to get involved with the people of the Guangfuhui?" Huang Xing specially found Song Jiaoren after the meeting.

He said reproachfully.

"Keqiang, it is true that I respect Mr. Sun, but it is precisely because of this respect that I feel that we should consider the overall situation. Yuan Shikai is the only person who can stabilize China now. You, Huang Keqiang, don't know what China's current situation is like.

Both Mongolia and Tibet have become independent, and there is a big gap between the provinces. The only one who has the ability to avoid the disaster of fragmentation is Yuan Shikai. Now even if Mr. Sun becomes the president, there will be no money and no money.

How can people give orders to all parties and safeguard national interests?"

Huang Xing knew very well that Song Jiaoren's words were right, but he still felt a little unwilling in his heart, "Fisherman, we conquered the world, but we let Yuan Shikai sit down. I don't care, you are also willing to retire after success, but

What should the people below do? They are still waiting to be the founding heroes of the country! Can they just let the president go?"

"Keqiang, we want to build a democratic and republican country, not to change the dynasty. People who still want to marry their wives and children are not true revolutionaries at all! I don't even bother to associate with these people!"

Huang Xing also knew that Song Jiaoren was the most stubborn person and would not change his mind easily, so he stopped trying to persuade him, "The fisherman is about to discuss the issue of political system. I wonder what you mean?"

"I think the responsible cabinet system is the best option at present. Wang Dongcheng came to see me not long ago. I agree with him very much. We must be responsible for China's future development and establish a comprehensive political system. Originally, I thought that the cabinet system

The prime minister can check and balance Yuan Shikai and prevent the emergence of strongman politics that undermines democracy. However, I now think that not only Yuan Shikai should be restricted, but other careerists should be restricted. China has had checks and balances between monarchy and prime minister power since ancient times. Nowadays, the prime minister is used to balance the president.

An inevitable choice!"

Huang Xing had long guessed that Song Jiaorenhui would have such a view, and what made Huang Xing even more embarrassed was that Sichuan had already supported this system, but Sun Wen advocated a presidential system, with the president fully responsible. In this way, the relationship between the two sides

There was bound to be a fierce confrontation, and Huang Xing didn't know where to go for a moment.

Nanjing is not peaceful, and so is Shu. Wang Tianhe is reporting to Qiao Yu, "Captain, many people from Chengdu are now surrounding the gate of the military camp outside the city, demanding that we hand over the executioner Zhao Erfeng!"

Qiao Yu had just returned from Chongqing to attend the opening ceremony of the steel plant. By the way, he talked with the American Consul General. Before returning to Chengdu, Wang Tianhe came to report the news in person. Qiao Yu was not surprised when he got the news. Since Zhao Erfeng moved in

After entering the military camp, Sichuan newspapers would come out from time to time to remind them that the culprit should be punished.

And it has become more and more lively recently. Behind this is the operation of Pu Dianjun, Luo Lun and others. "Tianhe must protect Zhao Erfeng. He must not be harmed in any way, and he must not conflict with the people. I will handle it myself."


After the explanation was clear, Qiao Yu also speeded up and rushed back to Chengdu. Just four or five miles away from the Chengdu city gate, thousands of people gathered here, holding banners full of punishment for the murderer and for those who died in the Chengdu massacre.

They were holding banners with slogans of revenge for the perpetrators and shouting slogans. When these people saw Qiao Yu and his entourage rushing back, they hurriedly gathered around them.

"Commander, why haven't you killed Zhao Erfeng yet? Countless wronged souls cannot rest in peace. The commander must order Zhao Erfeng to be executed!"

"Yes, he should be cut into pieces. The old guy is the most loyal lackey of the Qing Dynasty. He must avenge the victims!"

Qiao Yu jumped off the horse and waved to the crowd who shouted loudly, "Don't worry, everyone. The reason why I didn't simply execute Zhao Erfeng was because of my considerations. The reason why Sichuan launched a road defense campaign against the Manchus

Movement, in the final analysis, the Manchus want to embezzle everyone's hard-earned money, which belongs to all Sichuan people, and cannot be disappeared without knowing it. Zhao Erfeng is aware of this matter, so we must thoroughly investigate this matter

, to protect everyone’s hard-earned money, now I have a plan, please give me some time, I will make sure everyone is satisfied!”

Qiao Yu mentioned the issue of Sichuan Railway Company's share capital, and it immediately touched the public's nerves. As the saying goes, a person's debt is always worth a debt, but now that the dynasty has changed, can the stock money owed to the people of Sichuan be returned? Everyone has no idea.

, and Qiao Yu mentioned this matter and promised to help everyone solve it. These people were extremely happy. It seemed that Governor Qiao was indeed doing things for the people and had not forgotten the Sichuan-Hankou Railway.

Therefore, many people dispersed voluntarily, and some people also felt chills in their hearts. People would not gather together for no reason, and then come to demonstrate against Qiao Yu at such a precise time. Those who know this are naturally

Pu Dianjun and others are now mobilizing the people with all their strength and want to use the huge pressure from the people to execute Zhao Erfeng. This time there are people from Pu Dianjun among the crowd. When they heard that Qiao Yu brought the issue to the Sichuan-Hankou Railway, they immediately felt

When something bad happened, they all went to report the news to Pu Dianjun, Luo Lun and others.

"What does Qiao Shunqing mean? Is he planning to attack us?" Pu Dianjun and Luo Lun were secretly discussing countermeasures. Luo Lun clenched his fists tightly.

"It seems that the person surnamed Qiao has mastered those account books, but it is still unclear whether he will attack us directly! You must know that the Manchu Qing can be overthrown this time, and the contribution of the road protection movement is too great. If he dares

Aren't you afraid of raising doubts about the revolution by publishing the account books and making things known to the world? At that point, it is very likely that Qiao Yu will face a situation where a group of people will attack him!"

Pu Dianjun kept nodding his head after listening to Luo Lun's words. It seemed that he was resourceful and what he said made sense.

"Do you think Qiao Yu will announce it regardless of the cost?"

"I think we might as well give him some benefits and shut his mouth. I will hand over the position of speaker and then give him some money. I hope he can accept it as soon as he sees fit, otherwise we will not be vegetarians!"

Nowadays, Pu Dianjun feels more and more that driving the Revolutionary Party out of Sichuan is the biggest mistake he has made. "I regret that we should not have helped Qiao Yu drive the Revolutionary Party out of Sichuan. If the Revolutionary Party was still there, both of us would have done the wrong thing."

If we join forces, we don’t need to be afraid of Qiao Yu. Now Yang Shukan is simply scared out of his wits by Qiao Yu and cannot be used at all!"

Now Luo Lun also regrets more than ever. He even took the initiative to run against Xiong Kewu. Now that he thinks about it, if he could help the Revolutionary Party, he would not be fighting alone now, but he did not buy the regret medicine.


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