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Chapter 114: Wei Division's Conditions

"Ark, how's the situation at Hanyang Iron Works?"

Wang Lingji immediately became energetic when he heard Qiao Yu asked about the Hanyang Iron Works. As soon as he was appointed by Qiao Yu as the director of the Sichuan Investigation Bureau, he received two important tasks. One was to focus on the Hanyang Iron Works, and the other was to focus on Guizhou.

At first, Wang Lingji was confused as to why the governor suddenly became interested in these two places. However, as the investigation progressed, Wang Lingji became more and more impressed by Qiao Yu's vision.

At this time, the struggle between the Constitutional Party and the Democratic Party in Guizhou is very fierce, and all it takes is guns and cannons. As a province close to Sichuan, once chaos breaks out in Guizhou, the impact on Sichuan will be self-evident. It is possible for Qiao Yu to pay attention to this matter.

Originally, however, Wang Lingji's concern for the Hanyang Iron Works made Wang Lingji fall in love.

The Hanyang Iron Works was established by Zhang Zhidong, a famous official in the late Qing Dynasty. It was the largest steel enterprise in China and even Asia. However, like other factories in this period, it was ill-fated. From the beginning, Zhang Zhidong's mistakes made the purchased equipment unsuitable.

Due to the smelting of high-phosphorus ore from the Daye Iron Mine, the iron plant was immediately in trouble. Although the production process problems were later solved, with China's defeat in the Sino-Japanese War of 1891-1891, Japanese forces entered China in a large scale. The Hanyang Iron Plant was the beginning of China's industrialization.

The symbol, which is also the foundation of the country, is naturally coveted by the Japanese. The Japanese, who are ambitious about China, will not allow China to truly industrialize, so they deliberately want to bring the Hanyang Iron Works under their control.

Taking advantage of the poor management of Hanyang Iron Works, they forced Hanyang Iron Works to borrow money from Japan. Naturally, this kind of loan does not give you money, but comes with countless unequal treaties, such as Japanese engineers must be used, and process improvements must be approved by the Japanese.

Agreed, Japanese equipment must be used, etc. In short, the Japanese want to turn Hanyang Iron Works into an accessory of theirs to provide nutrients for the development of Japan's steel industry, and do not allow Hanyang Iron Works to develop independently.

During the Revolution of 1911, the Japanese saw a rare opportunity again and prepared to bring the Hanyang Iron Works under their control in one fell swoop. At this time, the most favorable conditions for Japan emerged. The Nanjing Provisional Government was facing a serious financial crisis. Sun

Huang had neither money nor people, so troops from all over the country gathered in Nanjing, shouting slogans for the Northern Expedition, but most of them were rabble-rousers who were incapable of fighting and robbed the common people. If you owe military pay, these people

You have to rebel first.

At the same time, Sheng Xuanhuai, who was in charge of the Hanyang Iron Works, urgently needed a new master to protect his safety because the Qing government was about to fall. Therefore, the three parties hit it off. Sun Wen was ready to agree to Japan's conditions and allow China and Japan to jointly operate the Hanyang Iron Works in exchange for five Japanese dollars.

The million-dollar loan was used to maintain the government, Sheng Xuanhuai was able to save his family property and life, and the Japanese got the coveted Hanyang Iron Works.

However, the loss was due to China. The most modern steel company in China, the hope of the Chinese people, was exchanged for 5 million yen, and it also included the Daye Iron Mine and the Pingxiang Coal Mine, neither of which can be measured in terms of money.

How dare someone dare to betray him casually! After Wang Lingji investigated all this, he was stunned for a while, thank you, Mr., for being able to do it!

Of course, Wang Lingji sees that things are not that simple. If Qiao Yu wants to interfere with the Hanyang Iron Works, whether it is to attack his opponent or to gain benefits, it is the best. Of course, there is also a great risk, and he is easily retaliated by Sun Wen and the Japanese.

, the power of foreigners is too great at this time.

"Captain, I have found out according to your instructions. Sun Wen is indeed planning to sell the iron factory, but there are still some details that have not been discussed clearly. Moreover, I also contacted many shareholders of Hanyang Iron Factory under your instructions. Li Yuanhong also

Expressing willingness to help, as long as we take action, we will definitely be able to become the majority shareholder of Hanyang Iron Works before Japan and prevent the sale of Hanyang Iron Works, but is it worth the risk of offending the Japanese and Sun Wen, the governor?"...

Qiao Yu's eyes were fixed on the map on the wall, staring at the location of Hubei in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River. "Ang Ark, you still don't know the value of heavy industry. This steel is the backbone of industry. You said that if the backbone of our China is replaced by others,

If you have it in your hands, can it still develop? Therefore, no matter how much the price is paid, the Japanese cannot succeed. You immediately ask the Sichuan Investment Company and Fushun's Salt Industry Group to come forward and buy Han Yeping's shares, and at the same time contact

Li Yuanhong, Zhang Jian and others, foreigners still have the final say on the Yangtze River, we can only use the overwhelming public opinion to contend!"

Qiao Yu's heart became increasingly bitter. Hanyang Iron Works was to a large extent a microcosm of China's industry, full of bitter tears. Sichuan had already begun construction of the Chongqing Iron and Steel Plant, and would soon be able to produce steel on its own. Hanyang Iron Works was also a mess.

It was very difficult to take over. The reason why Qiao Yu intervened in this matter, besides the need for political struggle, was that he valued the first batch of modern industrial industries cultivated by Hanyang Iron Works. If these workers could be obtained, Chongqing Iron and Steel Works would be very happy.

He will be able to get on the right track soon. Only with steel can he have guns. This also determines that Qiao Yu must collide with Sun Wen again.

Wang Lingji made arrangements according to Qiao Yu's instructions. After Qiao Yu completed the arrangements, he issued two relief bills in succession. The first one was aimed at governments at all levels, requiring all efforts to rescue refugees and ensuring that as few people as possible starve to death this winter.

, this is an important indicator for evaluating the work of local government.

The second bill calls on all sectors of society to contribute money and efforts to rescue refugees. Those who have made great contributions can be rewarded to varying degrees, and can even be qualified to become local parliamentarians. It also stipulates that the Sichuan Red Cross will be the unified leadership organization for rescuing people.

With the support of the government, Lu Wanqing's Red Cross Society is no longer an ordinary private charity organization. It has expanded rapidly. More and more people have been rescued, and Lu Wanqing has become busier and busier.

At this moment, Qiao Yu welcomed another guest, the German Consul General Wei Si. The two people in front discussed the plan to upgrade the Sichuan factory, and now Wei Si sent a reply from Germany.

"Qiao, the situation in China is changing so fast. You have established a democratic government, and the Qing Dynasty is over. Even I, a foreigner, am a little uncomfortable with it!"

"It's reasonable and unexpected, but isn't this change necessarily a good thing for the German government?"

"My friend, your vision is still so keen. Nanjing has hired a large number of Japanese consultants, and Japan is Britain's dog in the Far East. I really can't understand that you had a war with Japan more than ten years ago.

How come so many people are close to Japan now and regard Japan as an example to learn from? It is just a despicable country of thieves!"

Japan, like all rising countries, relies on imitation and cheap inferior products to seize the Chinese market. Germans look down on Japan more and more. However, this is a common feature of all rising countries. In fact, Germany also came through this, and even more so in later generations.

This is the only way to build a big copycat country, and there is nothing to be ashamed of.

"No matter what others think, I still have a good impression of Germany. I want to know if the German government is willing to help me improve the Sichuan factory?"

Wei Si smiled slightly: "In principle, the German government has agreed to help upgrade the Sichuan Arsenal, and has also allowed the establishment of a production line for Mauser 98 rifles in China. It is even willing to provide you with some loans, but you also know that nothing is free.

Lunch, you have to pay something too! That’s Germany’s little request!”


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