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Chapter 129: Incompetent Yang Jincheng

Qiao Yu naturally knew about the problems of Hanyang Iron Works. He had long made plans to move the main body of Hanyang Iron Works to Sichuan and combine it with Chongqing Iron Works, so he nodded when he heard Zhan Tianyou's words.

"Don't worry, Mr. Dachao, I have plans for these things!"

"Captain Qiao, I have something to say. I don't know whether I should say it or not. I know that you are enthusiastic about industry, care about the people, and have good governance methods. However, the Republic of China was just a primitive country and many rules have not been finalized. We still need to maintain the dignity of Nanjing and send troops to neighboring provinces.

It seems inappropriate!"

Qiao Yu's face changed slightly when he heard this, "Mr. Dachao, you know everything about Sun Wen's betrayal of the Hanyang Iron Works, plus the fact that he has nothing to do with the Japanese, so I have no choice but to do it, and the same goes for marching into Guizhou."

There is no other way. The Yunnan Army is rampant and Guizhou's democratic politics cannot be destroyed!"

Zhan Tianyou sighed slightly: "I'm the one who talks too much. I'm just a railway builder. Don't worry, Governor, I will do my best to build the Sichuan-Hankou Railway!"

"Mr. Dachao, not only does Sichuan need to build this railway, but other railways, such as Chengdu to Kunming, Chongqing to Guiyang, must be connected. To truly form a network, I am afraid that some of you will be busy!"

Zhan Tianyou's eyes also lit up: "The governor has such a plan, which is a blessing for the people in the southwest, so I can only be brave and loyal with my life! It's just that the problem of the Sichuan-Hankou Railway Company has not been completely solved. I'm afraid it will be difficult to build a Sichuan-Hankou Railway."

The railways have to work hard!”

"Mr. Dachao, don't worry. I have clearly examined the problems of Pu Dianjun and others, and recovered less than 7 million yuan of lost shares. The rest is part of Xiliang's corruption and cannot be recovered. The total loss is

About four million taels!

When Zhan Tianyou heard this, he immediately slapped his thigh hard, "That's all money from the people, money from the people, money to build the railway!"

"Mr. Dachao, once you come to Sichuan-Hankou Road, you will be settled. I will understand this case as soon as possible and reorganize the railway company. Sichuan will fully support Mr. Dachao in building the road. I also ask Mr. Sichuan to make the dreams of Sichuan people come true."


When Zhan Tianyou saw Qiao Yu bowing to him, he hurriedly returned the salute without even saying he didn't dare. Zhan Tianyou knew that he was an engineer. If he could build a few railways in his lifetime, he would be able to smile. Originally, he thought that Qiao Yu had something new.

I was thinking, so I said those few words. When I saw that Qiao Yu seemed a little dissatisfied, I simply ignored it and just went all out to build the railway.

Qiao Yu understands Zhan Tianyou's thoughts very well, but the two people are in different positions, so their opinions are naturally different. Behind Qiao Yu at this time is the increasingly powerful Sichuan faction. As the leader of this system, Qiao Yu understands Zhan Tianyou's thoughts very well.

He had to fight for the interests of this group, otherwise he would not be able to occupy the position of Sichuan Governor. As local power grows, the central government will inevitably decline, and the road to constitutional government will become narrower and narrower. Now Qiao Yu can only pin his hopes on

As for Tao Chengzhang and Song Jiaoren, if they can succeed, there will really be hope for China. Otherwise, they will have to rely on the army in their hands to slowly unify the country, and the hope for peace will disappear.

Qiao Zhen and Wu Tong led the army into Zunyi, waiting for Yang Wicheng to come to join forces. Yang Wicheng originally led the Guizhou army to assist Hubei and had already arrived in Changde, Hunan. At this juncture, Liu Xianshi launched a coup, and Yang Wicheng suddenly lost his ideas.

He is from Sichuan. In this era of heavy regional emphasis, he did not have much influence on the local forces in Guizhou. Therefore, after the coup, he wanted to go directly to Nanjing to find the provisional government to solve the problem, relying on Sun Wen's reputation as a righteous man.

Capture Liu Xianshi.

But just when he was going to Nanjing, news came from Sichuan that Qiao Yu was willing to support him in putting down the rebellion in Guizhou. After receiving this guarantee, Yang Wicheng was immediately overjoyed. Sichuan is a big province, and Yang Wicheng also knew that Qiao Yu wanted money.

Money requires people, and it would be great if someone can help you!….

Therefore, Yang Wicheng immediately sent a joint message to Qiao Yu, and then led the Guizhou Army to quickly march towards Guiyang. At this time, the Second Division of the Sichuan Army also sent a machine gun battalion and a cavalry battalion. With the arrival of the two battalions, there were also 300,000 silver dollars.

As well as a batch of munitions, Yang Wicheng suddenly became stiffer.

The army looked all the way and had reached Pingyue Prefecture, which was only a hundred kilometers away from Guiyang. At this time, the main force of the Sichuan Army had arrived in Zunyi. Yang Wicheng did not join the Sichuan Army as planned, but directly led the army to attack Guiyang. Yang Wicheng also had his own

He had the idea that if she could break Guiyang on her own, he would have put down the chaos in Guizhou by himself. He still had enough power to speak in Guizhou, otherwise he would only become a puppet of Sichuan. Therefore, Yang Wicheng decided to rest for a day and then immediately set off for Guiyang.

Unexpectedly, something went wrong that night. There was a deputy commander under Yang Wicheng named Tian Zongzhen. Tian Zongzhen was the number two figure in this army. He was a native of Guizhou and did not get along with Yang Wicheng. That night

Liu Xianshi sent a secret envoy. When he met the emissary, he presented a bank check for two hundred thousand yuan. Guizhou was originally a barren land. Although Tian Zongzhen was in charge of thousands of people, he had never seen such a large amount of money.

I was immediately tempted. When Yang Wicheng was resting that night, he heard bursts of shouting outside. Yang Wicheng originally ordered the army to take a rest and set off immediately, but someone dared to disobey the military order. Yang Wicheng got up to see what was going on.

As soon as he left the house, several projectiles were fired at him, almost killing Yang Wicheng.

Suddenly there were several torches outside, and many people began to shout loudly, "Capture Yang Wicheng alive." Yang Wicheng immediately realized that this was a mutiny, and hurriedly ran away to the backyard, trying to greet his subordinates, but he didn't know that people were appearing from all sides at this time.

After shouting something, countless fires surged up, and Yang Wicheng's guards were beaten to death one after another. The situation was very critical.

At this extremely critical moment, suddenly there was a rush of horse hoofbeats on another street. Yang Wicheng was also happy when he heard the horse hoofbeats. Now there is only one cavalry in Pingyue Prefecture. At that time, it was the Sichuan Army’s cavalry battalion.

, the Sichuan army came to kill him, and he was able to save his life.

In the blink of an eye, this group of cavalry rushed forward and dispersed the Guizhou army. The young officer leading it jumped off his horse and saw Yang Wicheng.

"Captain Yang, I am Deng Xihou, the commander of the cavalry battalion of the Second Division of the Sichuan Army. Tian Zongzhen is rebelling right now, and I am worried that Liu Xianshi will take the opportunity to kill him. I will take the governor and evacuate to Zunyi quickly, where there is a Sichuan Army brigade!"

Yang Wicheng had no idea at this time, so he had no choice but to nod. Deng Xihou led Yang Wicheng out of the tight siege. At this time, soldiers from the machine gun battalion also rushed over. More than twenty light and heavy machine guns opened fire at the same time, and immediately chased the pursuing Guizhou soldiers.

The army retreated, and Deng Xihou and Yang Wicheng sent a report to Qiao Zhen while fleeing towards Zunyi!

"Yang Wicheng is a loser. More than 5,000 people have been ruined like this. The generals under him are not of the same mind as me. They have launched a mutiny. They haven't even realized that they are nothing but losers!" After Qiao Zhen received the telegram, she stamped her feet in anger and cursed,

The two armies were originally supposed to join forces and attack Guiyang together, but Yang Wicheng's route was ruined in advance. If the Sichuan army wanted to rescue Yang Wicheng, the process would be delayed. Moreover, without this regular Guizhou army, the Sichuan army would be completely exposed.

Originally, the Sichuan Army entered Guizhou under the pretext of assisting the Guizhou Army in quelling the rebellion. Now that the main force was defeated, most of the legitimate excuses for the Sichuan Army's advance were gone, and they suddenly fell into passivity.

"Hey, commander-in-chief, don't be angry. Yang Wicheng is useless to begin with, but I am very optimistic about Deng Xihou. He can detect the rebellion at the critical moment and rescue Yang Wicheng. As long as he is well trained, this will be another great general. It seems that

It’s really gratifying that Sichuan has such outstanding people!”


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