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Chapter 155: Bastard Logic

Soon two huge flying objects arrived over the battlefield, and everyone saw clearly the true face of this thing. It was more than a hundred meters long, like a huge stick, with a hanging basket underneath.

There seemed to be people standing on it, and there was also a rumbling roar. Is this the legendary dragon? The rebels were not sure at this time.

At this moment, a bunch of black things suddenly dropped from two huge objects. Gongjuejieb was immediately happy. It turned out that Shenlong had brought him the will of God, and he was about to send someone to pick it up.

Come here, who would have thought that these things fell to the ground and exploded instantly. Dozens of the nearby rebels were killed in the explosion. Then many more things fell down. These rebels are not stupid.

It was them that Shenlong blew up.

Could it be that they were punished by God? Why should they be punished like this? These people didn't even dare to run away. They just knelt on the ground and were bombed obediently, praying constantly. This time it was Tang who came with two airships.

Yu, who was originally an assistant to Feng Ru, was very fond of flying. The Germans who originally piloted the two airships were affected by altitude sickness and could not get here. Ludendorff also asked for help from the Sichuan Army, so he agreed to let the Sichuan Army fly.

He controlled these two airships to go to Batang to perform the mission.

When Tang Yu arrived, he happened to see that Batang City was about to be breached. He was extremely anxious. Originally, the airship had brought a batch of ammunition to support the defenders in the city. Now the city was about to be breached. His own

The help came late, but then Tang Yu also discovered a strange phenomenon. After the airship appeared, the rebels were shouting and seemed extremely excited. Although he didn't understand what they were shouting, Tang Yu also knew that he was afraid.

These people regard themselves as gods descending to earth. No wonder they are like this. Even the people in the mainland have not seen many such things.

After Tang Yu discovered this situation, he asked the airship to fly over the heads of the rebels as quickly as possible, and then threw down all the grenades originally intended to support the defenders. These people were too stupid to know how to hide, and hundreds of people were killed and injured in an instant

When the soldiers and civilians in the city saw this situation, their morale immediately rose and they drove all the rebels out. Many of the more clever rebels knew that the situation was not good and hurriedly fled.

Gongjue Jiebu also realized that this was not the dragon who was helping him at all, but the enemy who wanted his life. At this time, his eyes flashed with two evil lights when he looked at Dorje, "Master, what is going on?

, why did you invite the dragon to help the Han people, please tell me?"

Dorje felt even more unjust. When did he say this? Isn’t it just wishful thinking? You blame yourself for all the faults! Just when he was about to tell the difference, Gongjue Jebu’s anger reached its peak. He stepped in front of Dorje and raised his hand.

It was just one shot that lifted the demon's cap off the sky, and this demon met this end. At this moment, dust started to rise in the distance, and the sound of horse hooves came closer and closer. Gongjue Jiebu knew that reinforcements from the Sichuan Army had arrived.

If he stayed any longer, he was afraid that he would be doomed and he would rush away with his cronies.

However, he forgot that there were two airships in the sky at this time. He watched all their movements from a high position. There were many guards around Gongjuejiebu, which naturally attracted Tang Yu's attention and drove them away.

The route was all in sight, and at this time the vanguard of the Sichuan Army finally arrived. Liu Xiang saw many rebels fleeing from a distance, and some simply knelt on the ground motionless, then looked up at the sky.

Liu Xiang was overjoyed. He didn't expect that these two airships were really useful. They achieved great success as soon as they arrived and suppressed all the rebels.

The rest was easy to handle. Liu Xiang urged the cavalry to divide into two wings, like a big net, and rushed towards the rebels. These rebels were frightened and surrendered one after another. Tang Yu also

Call Liu Xiang and tell him the direction in which the rebel leader is escaping...

Liu Xiang hurriedly ordered his cavalry to pursue them wildly. An airship in the sky followed the cavalry team closely, pointing the direction in the air. With the help of his eyes, Liu Xiang quickly caught up with Gongjue Jebu and captured him.

Blocked in a valley, his guards were so frightened that they did not dare to resist and surrendered one after another. Gongjue Jebu was also captured alive.

The news of the great victory in Batang was quickly reported to Qiao Yu. When Qiao Yu heard that he not only defeated the rebels, but also captured the culprit, he felt even more joyful. He immediately urged his troops to rush to Batang and walked for most of the day.

, finally felt the presence of Batang. At this time, the outside of Batang was extremely lively. There were swarms of rebels on the ground, all squatting on the ground with their hands on their heads. Soldiers from the Sichuan Army were patrolling back and forth.

The soldiers and civilians in Batang City survived the death and were repairing their homes. After Qiao Yu arrived, Liu Xiang and Zhou Xiaoshan came to greet him. Qiao Yu patted Zhou Xiaoshan on the shoulder.

"Our rescue came too late and made everyone suffer!"

"Commander, you're welcome. The reinforcements came just in time and wiped out the rebels in one fell swoop!"

"You're injured, go and rest quickly. Just have Fu Cheng here with you!" Zhou Xiaoshan was indeed extremely exhausted. Under the doctor's arrangement, he was admitted directly to the medical clinic.

Qiao Yu nodded towards Liu Xiang: "Fucheng is indeed the tiger general of our Sichuan Army, and he has demonstrated the majesty of the Sichuan Army!"

"The commander-in-chief has given you a reward. These rebels are just a mob and not worth mentioning. When the commander-in-chief arrives, they will naturally disintegrate and disappear!"

"Let's stop flattering each other and restore order in Batang as soon as possible, handle the prisoners of war, and carefully screen them. Those who have committed more serious crimes will be shot on the spot, and the rest will be used as laborers to atone for their sins with their labor!"

Qiao Yu decided the fate of more than 6,000 prisoners with one sentence. Liu Xiang hurriedly followed the instructions. Two days later, Wu Tong rushed to Batang with the rear team. Lu Wanqing was also among the rear team. She had been there all the time.

Taking care of Tsering, the little girl gradually regained her vitality. When she heard that Gongjue Jebu had been captured by Qiao Yu, the little girl couldn't help kowtowing when she saw Qiao Yu, and her forehead was already bruised.

Lu Wanqing felt very distressed when she saw this: "Shun Qing, Tsering is a slave of the Gongjue Jebu family, and the person who killed her father and brother was the second son of Gongjue Jebu!"

Qiao Yu nodded slightly: "We are now preparing to search Gongjue Jebu's home. We might as well take Tsering with us! Let her see with her own eyes the fate of those enemies."

Lu Wanqing also nodded in agreement. The little girl's heart was filled with hatred. If she could not be relieved, her life would be ruined. Therefore, Lu Wanqing also agreed to Qiao Yu's proposal. The army rested in Batang.

Qiao Yu led the soldiers directly to search Gongjue Jebu's home.

Gongjuejieb's home is not far from Batang, only about thirty miles away. The Sichuan army sealed it off two days ago, but they didn't have time to search it. At this time, Qiao Yu arrived with his troops and took the place.

The gate of this large courtyard covering an area of ​​more than ten acres was opened, and a brigade of Sichuan troops entered the courtyard for inspection. After seeing the house, Tsering's eyes lit up with anger, and he ran directly to the front to lead everyone.

Just after entering a small courtyard, the soldiers who ransacked the house rushed in and drove out all the people in the courtyard. A teenage girl in luxurious clothes happened to see Tsering. She suddenly became furious and pointed at Tsering.

Ren yelled: "You ungrateful bastard, if I hadn't begged for mercy, you would have been feeding the dogs with your father. How can you repay kindness with enmity!"


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