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Chapter 160: Nanjing Incident

Zhu Erdian had no choice but to go to Yuan Shikai again. At this time, Lao Yuan was also in a new state of chaos. Chen Huan had not opened up the situation in Sichuan. Not even a tael of silver had been shipped to the central government. Moreover, other provinces also followed the same example and tried to shirk in every possible way.

Yuan could no longer wait any longer. The disarmament of the South had reached the most critical moment. Tao Chengzhang sent reports almost every day, asking for money from Lao Yuan. The South, as a worry for Lao Yuan, really needed to be solved quickly.

When Zhu Erdian came this time, he felt Lao Yuan's enthusiasm. Zhu Erdian, the old fox, was not so anxious. He smiled and said: "Your Excellency, the ancient China has been reborn and has become a democratic country. It is really gratifying.

Congratulations, the imperial government is very willing to expand cooperation and exchanges with your country!"

Lao Yuan smiled and said: "It is a blessing for the country to have the support of the British Empire. I wonder if Mr. Minister has any advice?"

"It's not advice, just some suggestions. Tibet is related to the security of India, an important colony of the British Empire. Your country's actions have caused many Tibetans to retreat to India, causing social instability in India. This is something the imperial government cannot do.

Would love to see it!”

Zhu Erdian talked eloquently without any guilt at all, and took the shamelessness of politicians to the extreme. It was obviously you, the British, who were plotting evil, but now you are pretending to be very innocent, as if you have two faces.

Lao Yuan sighed slightly: "Your Excellency, this old man from Tibet is beyond our reach and can do nothing!"

Zhu Erdian sneered slightly: "President, now that the disarmament in the south has reached a critical moment, I'm afraid you can't do without the support of the imperial government!"

Lao Yuan felt bitter in his heart, as his fate was firmly in the hands of others. Without the loan from the Four Nations Bank Group, he could not even control the proud soldiers and generals of Beiyang, let alone those rebellious people in the south.

"Your Excellency, Minister, Tibet is China's territory. This point is non-negotiable. Everything else is easy to handle!"

When Zhu Erdian saw what Lao Yuan said, he felt confident. The British now understood that it was still difficult to swallow Tibet in one bite. Therefore, Zhu Erdian's main task had become to protect the upper class of the nobility who were now pro-British. Lao Yuan's attitude became relaxed.

After that, it will be easier for Zhu Erdian.

"Your Excellency, the British Empire has always stood for fairness and justice, and has no intention of coveting your country's territory. I just think about the safety of India. I suggest that your country stop its march in Tibet and control the garrison within three meters.

Within a thousand people, while maintaining Tibet’s existing administrative system to the maximum extent possible, as long as you agree, we can continue to cooperate!”

After hearing this condition, Lao Yuan kept thinking in his mind. Although the British were aggressive, he had to lower his head under the low eaves. Thinking of this, he said: "Your Excellency, Minister, I will send electricity to Qiao Yu immediately and ask the British to persuade the four countries."

A syndicate of banks provides a million pound loan to demobilize the Confederate Army!"

Zhu Erdian thought about it and nodded immediately. After reaching this agreement, Lao Yuan still had to think of a way to appease Qiao Yu. Now that the Sichuan Army was advancing rapidly in Tibet, he wanted to make the Sichuan Army obedient with just a transfer order. I'm afraid there would still be difficulties.

You have to plan carefully.

Lao Yuan picked up Chen Huan's message again and carefully considered a solution. At this time, an alarm suddenly came from Nanjing. Tao Chengzhang, who was left behind in Nanjing, sent a message to Lao Yuan for urgent help.

It turns out that Tao Chengzhang only met the army while strengthening the construction of the United Party. He achieved considerable results and became the largest party. Therefore, Tao Chengzhang also had full confidence in seizing the throne of prime minister in the future. However, after some planning

Later, Tao Chengzhang believed that the United Party could not only rely on the support of a few governors in Sichuan, Hubei, Jiangsu and Zhejiang. If it wanted to truly limit Lao Yuan's rights, it would have to have an army. Only with guns could it limit Lao Yuan's ambitions...


For this reason, when cutting down the army, Tao Chengzhang deliberately retained as much of his Liberation Army as possible, while vigorously dismantling the armies of the Tongmenghui and other armies. Coupled with the lack of funds, the resentment in the hearts of the armies of the Tongmenghui and other armies was growing.

The more there are, the greater the conflicts between the two sides.

Moreover, after Tao Chengzhang revealed his desire for the army, Zhang Jian and others began to gradually alienate Tao Chengzhang. They were absolutely unwilling to see Tao Chengzhang follow the path of Lao Yuan Er. The Liberation Society and the United Party faced the challenges after their establishment.

Tao Chengzhang was completely unaware of the first crisis.

Just over ten days ago, a man came back from Shanghai. As soon as he arrived in Nanjing, he called the old troops together and even shouted the slogan of the second revolution. Not only did he want to overthrow Beiyang, but he also pointed the finger at the Liberation Conference, saying that they

He is Lao Yuan's accomplice, and this person is Zhang Zhenwu.

This man was from Hubei and a general of Sun Wen's line. He had contributed during the Wuchang Uprising and had fought against Beiyang. His ability was not weak. Out of fear, Li Yuanhong also learned from Qiao Yu's method and killed

Zhang Zhenwu and his school corps were sent to Nanjing, under the euphemistic name of supporting the revolution, but in reality they were kicking him away.

However, Zhang Zhenwu is not easy to deal with. After arriving in Nanjing, he actively cooperated with the main figures of the Tongmenghui to expand his strength. A general school group has grown to more than 6,000 people, comparable to a brigade. Although Nanjing began to disband the army on a large scale,

But Zhang Zhenwu resolutely resisted and was a thorn in the side. He went to Shanghai not long ago and conspired with Chen Qimei for a long time. He bought a large amount of arms and returned, making the school group even stronger.

After returning, Zhang Zhenwu contacted the old headquarters of the Tongmenghui and resolutely resisted disarmament actions.

"You are all discerning people. We relied on the army to overthrow the Manchu Qing Dynasty. Now that Lao Yuan has taken power, the Restoration Party in the south is willing to be Yuan Shikai's lackey and wantonly attack us revolutionary heroes. What is disarmament?

, firstly, they did not cut down the Beiyang Army, secondly, they did not cut down the Liberation Army, and thirdly, they did not cut down the Southwest Army, but they just decided to abolish our revolutionary army. They are pretending to serve the public good for their own benefit. If we tolerate it now, I am afraid that we will not be able to do it when Lao Yuan becomes emperor.

I have contacted the Governor of Shanghai Chen Qimei, the Governor of Jiangxi Li Liejun, and the Governor of Guangdong Hu Hanmin. Everyone has this view. We absolutely cannot wait any longer and must act decisively to safeguard the achievements of our revolution!"

Zhang Zhenwu's speech received strong support from the members of the Tongmenghui. After the reunification of the North and the South, these people were increasingly marginalized. The original plan was to form the Kuomintang and seize power through political parties. However, because there were no figures with enough weight to take the lead, the Tongmenghui became increasingly declining.

Many members have joined the United Party, including Song Jiaoren.

Now that Zhang Zhenwu took the initiative, he naturally won the praise of the Tongmenghui, and they shouted for beating. At this moment, a group of military police suddenly broke into the foreign-style building where they were gathering, and caught them all on the spot. Zhang Zhenwu did not expect that the other party would dare to attack.

He was ruthless, but it was too late. Tao Chengzhang had already decided to use a thunder blow to completely defeat these allies who were jumping up and down.

After catching Zhang Zhenwu and others, Tao Chengzhang was very satisfied and immediately mobilized the Liberation Army to surround the camp of the school regiment in order to completely disarm them. Surrounded by guards, Tao Chengzhang entered the school grounds of the camp.

"Dear soldiers of the general school regiment, Zhang Zhenwu has evil intentions, secretly purchased arms, and turned a deaf ear to the disarmament laws. I have relieved Zhang Zhenwu of his military power as a stay-at-home officer in Nanjing. Now anyone who voluntarily goes home can get ten yuan!" Although it is

Voluntarily disbanded, but Tao Chengzhang did not give everyone any other choice. Since the school group had no leader, it had to admit defeat. Tao Chengzhang was very proud, but he did not know that a huge crisis was approaching him!


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