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Chapter 193: White Wolf Bandit Army

In order to control all these remote territories, in addition to the necessary garrison, the most important thing is to use economic interests to firmly connect these areas with the hinterland and form a mutually dependent relationship. This is the solution.

The root of the problem is, of course, one cannery is not enough. Qiao Yu plans to establish a number of enterprises such as woolen mills and power plants. These enterprises should not only open in Ya'an, but also try to open to the snowy plateau.


In addition to this reason, Qiao Yu also has another important plan, which is to prepare for World War I. War I will undoubtedly be a milestone event in the explosive development of Sichuan industry. After Qiao Yu's careful consideration, in addition to bristles, tung oil, Glauber's salt and the like,

In addition to Sichuan specialties, we should mainly export industrial products. Even very basic industrial products are completely acceptable. After all, we need to cultivate a strong team of workers.

Qiao Yu also has plans to export. Arms are undoubtedly the most profitable during the war. Sichuan currently produces not enough guns and cannons for its own use, but shells and bullets can still be exported. In addition, military quilts, tents, military uniforms, shoes and socks,

Bandages, medicines, food equipment, etc. are all within the scope of Sichuan's exports. Using foreigners' money to develop industry, and in turn producing industrial products to massacre foreigners, is also considered a curved revenge!

Setting up factories in Ya'an is mainly for Tibet. As for setting up some factories in northern Sichuan, Qinghai, Shaanxi and Gansu are also included in this system. Expansion forces cannot just focus on the expansion of territory, but also need to learn to use economics.

To control the opponent through various means, economics should be the main method, while military means is only a supplementary means.

The main product of Xueyu Cannery is yak. ​​Yak meat is delicious and nutritious, and can provide sufficient energy for soldiers. Qiao Yu is very confident in this product, and it can definitely be sold at a good price on the battlefield of World War I.

Qiao Yu and his eldest brother walked around the factory area and could already see many nearby herdsmen driving their livestock here. The purchase price of the cannery was 10% higher than the market price, and there was no limit on the quantity. You could buy as much as you wanted.

The joy in the hearts of the herdsmen was indescribable. Their dark and red faces were all smiling. After selling their livestock, they went to the nearby market to buy some tea, cloth, lamp oil, flour and other commodities, and then carried them home happily.

Of course, these are just the nearby herdsmen. I believe that as the scale expands, more and more herdsmen will be involved in this industrialized production model, and the economic ties between Tibet and the mainland will become closer. Qiao Yu is planning

While making the next plan, suddenly the guard hurriedly sent a piece of information. Qiao Yu opened it and frowned.

It turned out that this was an alarm sent by Wang Lingji, saying that a large bandit army had entered Sichuan from northwest Hubei and was now launching an offensive against Daning. It was not clear where this group of bandits came from. Qiao Yu took a look at the information.

I suddenly had a headache. The banditry in Sichuan had almost disappeared after a large-scale crackdown. Now that so many bandits appeared out of thin air, wasn't it a slap in the face?

It seemed that these bandits came from other provinces. Thinking of this, Qiao Yu's eyes suddenly lit up. In the early days of the Republic of China, there was a big bandit. The leader was named Bailang. It took a lot of effort by Lao Yuan to calm down the banditry. It seemed that there was no

I have heard that the White Wolf once harmed Sichuan, but why it is now attacking Sichuan with great fanfare is really baffling.

Qiao Yu had to interrupt his inspection and hurried back to Chengdu to take command.

There are many theories about who this white wolf is. Some people say that he is Wu Luzhen's adviser. After Wu Luzhen was killed, he returned to his hometown and gradually formed a team and became a giant bandit. However, this theory is not credible.

I’m just putting gold on my face…

The place where White Wolf started is Henan, which is the hometown of Lao Yuan. Logically speaking, such gangsters should not appear in the hometown of the president, but they happened to appear. It was also a slap in the face for Lao Yuan. Since ancient times, the government has forced the people to rebel.

Speaking of which, Lao Yuan must be blamed for the cause of the incident. After Yuan Shikai became president, he handed over the throne of Governor of Henan to Zhang Zhenfang. Zhang Zhenfang was Lao Yuan's cousin. You can't treat your relatives badly in everything.

After Zhang Zhenfang became the governor of Henan, he carried forward Lao Yuan's practice, appointing private individuals, and plundering excessively. The number of concubines increased. This governor Zhang did not usually train the army, but specialized in teaching the concubines how to shoot pistols.

Pay attention to the military.

Zhang Zhenfang was wreaking havoc in Henan. After the founding of the Republic of China, taxes and fees increased frequently, and natural disasters continued. The people in Henan became increasingly unable to survive. The government forced the people to rebel, which is true everywhere. Many gangsters were involved in the Revolution of 1911 during the Revolution of 1911.

They started revolting one after another. As the saying goes, heroes in troubled times arise from all directions. However, although they did not get any benefits, their ambitions increased one by one. Now that Henan was in chaos, they jumped out one after another, gathered forces and plundered everywhere.

Another important reason at this time is that after the Song Dynasty case broke out, the Southern Revolutionary Party took frequent actions, and many people even wanted to launch a revolution to oust Lao Yuan. It was under such circumstances that Lao Yuan transferred his troops to the south.

This created a void in Henan and gave these bandits an opportunity. The entire land of Henan was plunged into banditry and chaos, and even neighboring Hubei and Shaanxi were not stable.

After Qiao Yu returned to Chengdu, all kinds of information were sent over one after another. Wang Lingji also reported to Qiao Yu all the details of the White Wolf Bandit Army.

"Fangzhou, so this is a bandit army from Henan, how could it come to our Sichuan?"

Wang Lingji's face showed a trace of embarrassment, "Commander, during the suppression of bandits in Sichuan, some bandit leaders were not eliminated, but fled to neighboring provinces, especially in northern Sichuan. These bandit leaders fled to Hubei, Shaanxi and other places

, and the momentum of the White Wolf Bandit Army became more and more fierce, they colluded with the White Wolf Bandit Army, and their momentum became more and more powerful. Some bandits who were unwilling to fail wanted to counterattack Sichuan. It is said that the bandits who took the lead in attacking Daning this time

He was a fierce bandit in Sichuan in the past, whose nickname was Manshanhong!"

Mountains full of red? It seems that Qiao Yu has seen this name in his report. She is a female bandit leader.

"The timing of the bandit army's search this time is not bad. It is when the Central Plains is empty. It echoes the south, and the cooperation is very tacit!"

"Commander Mingjian, it is said that there are many former members of the Kuomintang among the bandits. They did not make any noise in the year of 1911 and have been unwilling to accept it. Some time ago, there was a large-scale disarmament and they lost their livelihood. Now they have

They infiltrated into the White Wolf Army one after another when they had the opportunity, and it is said that Sun Wen also sent White Wolf a letter of appointment, asking him to organize a fight against Yuan's army in the north!"

When Qiao Yu heard this, he suddenly felt funny. Sun Wen was really crazy about power. Can such gangsters be relied on? They have no other ability except harming the people. It is typical to succeed before failing.

If you have more than enough, even if you can barely contain Lao Yuan's power, how can you win the support of the people when you are mixed with everyone!

Qiao Yu immediately summoned all the generals to prepare to launch a clearing operation against the bandits that invaded Sichuan. The generals in Sichuan were overjoyed when they heard that there was a battle. The Sichuan army had just undergone reorganization and it was time to show off its talents.


"Commander, leave this mission to me. I failed in my duty last time and allowed Man Shanhong to escape. Now she dares to attack Sichuan. I must give her head to you!" Liu Yunhong was the first to come out and ask for a fight.

Got it!


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