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Chapter 207 Jiang Baili

The city of Guiyang was destroyed. Xiong Kewu disguised himself as an ordinary citizen at the last moment and escaped from Guiyang. His whereabouts were unknown. The second revolution ended hastily. It was a heavy loss for Guizhou, which had just experienced the scourge of war. Since Xiong Kewu launched his uprising,

, Liu Xianshi and Xiong Kewu were trying their best to search for people, gold and silver, food, clothing, everything that could be used. Due to the war, half of Guiyang was turned into scorched earth, and more than 20% of the people in Guiyang became refugees. A huge

The mess needs to be cleaned up urgently.

At this time, Yuan Shikai's order was also passed on. Liu Xianshi continued to serve as Guizhou's military envoy, while Zhang Bailin served as Guizhou's comfort envoy, mainly responsible for civil affairs and appeasing the displaced people. This arrangement undoubtedly split Guizhou into two parts.

The part close to Sichuan was controlled by Zhang Bailin, who was close to Sichuan, while the southeast part was controlled by Liu Xianshi. The original structure was basically maintained, but Zhang Bailin's status was improved and the scope of his control became much larger.

"Bailin, President Yuan still wants Guizhou to continue to maintain the situation of the two powers competing, so I can only accept the grievance of you being a consolation envoy first!"

"You're welcome, Marshal. I am here today thanks to the Marshal's protection. And ever since I learned about the Marshal's plan to develop Guizhou's resources, I have always thought that, as a Guizhou native, I have not been able to bring anything to the people of Guizhou.

True prosperity has caused Guizhou to fall into war several times. This is also my fault. Now I just want to be able to do something practical for the people of Guizhou so that Guizhou can become truly prosperous and strong!"

Qiao Yu nodded slightly: "Bailin, it's good to have such an idea. Don't worry, the day Guizhou opens to traffic will be the time when you will be promoted. You have talent and knowledge. The most important thing is to calm down and truly make political achievements.

Come, then the people of Guizhou will naturally support you!"

After Qiao Yu encouraged Zhang Bailin, he returned to Sichuan after a brief rest. Before leaving, Qiao Yu left an officer corps for Zhang Bailin, responsible for training the Guizhou army and improving its combat effectiveness.

During this period of time, the Sichuan Army has experienced the battle to suppress bandits and pacified Xiong Kewu. With actual combat training, the Sichuan Army has rapidly matured and its combat capabilities have been greatly improved. However, serious problems have also been exposed, the most deadly of which is the Sichuan Army.

The quality of officers is generally low, and the educational level of soldiers is also very low. They cannot quickly accept many new equipment and new tactics. Qiao Yu worked hard to improve the military quality of soldiers when he first took charge of the Sichuan Army, but this did not happen in a day or two.

Able to reverse.

Moreover, after the Revolution of 1911, the world was turbulent and wars continued. It was difficult for the Sichuan Army to calm down and practice internal skills. Now that the second revolution has come to an end, Qiao Yu realized that a period of great development in Sichuan has arrived, and the military quality of the Sichuan Army must be strengthened.

, only in this way can we cope with the next great turmoil.

When the Sichuan Army returned to Chongqing in high spirits and high spirits, the people gave this army warm applause. The Sichuan Army is transforming into a modern army. It is no longer a bandit who wantonly oppresses the people, but a soldier who can truly protect the people. Although

It is still very basic, but it is worthy of the people to cheer for the Sichuan Army's transformation.

As soon as Qiao Yu arrived in Chongqing, he received a greeting invitation. Qiao Yu turned out to be this outstanding person who arrived in Sichuan. He didn't rush to greet him. Qiao Yu came to the door in person. He saw two people in front of the door, a man and a woman, and three men.

He is about ten years old, dressed elegantly, with a look of confidence in his eyes, but his face is slightly pale, and there is a small and exquisite woman cuddling next to him.

"Mr. Jiang, I was looking forward to the stars and the moon to bring you here. If I had known you were coming, wouldn't I have picked you up with a three-inch wide note? How dare you come to the door in person!" "

"The patrol officer is too polite. I am a useless person. I just came to Sichuan to relax. I take the liberty of disturbing you. Please don't take offense!"….

"Where is it? I just want it!"

Qiao Yu led this man into the middle, but the woman said nothing and her face was red, but she stayed close to the man's side. As soon as she sat down, Shen Zhuyun came over and poured the fragrant tea.

"Zhuyun, this is the famous Jiang Fangzhen in front of me. He ranked first in the infantry subject of the third period of the Japanese Military Academy, which greatly increased the prestige of the Chinese!"

Shen Zhuyun nodded towards Jiang Baili: "Mr. Jiang is so famous that the little girl admires him very much!"

"It's ridiculous. It's just an exam. It's far from the real battlefield. But Governor Qiao commanded tens of thousands of tiger and wolf troops to march across the river. It's very admirable!"

"We girls don't listen to your men anymore. This sister will come with me to the next door!" Shen Zhuyun knew that Qiao Yu and Jiang Baili must have important matters to discuss, and it is not good to be an eyesore here. The woman next to Jiang Baili Looking very reserved, Jiang Baili patted the woman's shoulder and whispered a few words in a low voice. The woman blushed and followed Shen Zhuyun down.

"Brother Jiang is so lucky. To be favored by an Eastern beauty is a blessing that many people cannot ask for!"

"Qiao Shuai is making fun of me. You have a lot of confidantes. I have opened a small window for good things in the world. You have unlimited glory!"

Qiao Yu was slightly embarrassed. Jiang Baili had really good eyesight and saw Shen Zhuyun's identity: "Mr. Jiang, this is the first time we meet, but I still have a few words to say. Baoding Military Academy and your imagination. It is normal to have a big gap. The bureaucracy and impetuous habits will make you extremely disappointed. In fact, I have stayed abroad for five years and have seen the advancement of the German army and know the huge gap between us. But this is what we need You have the motivation to catch up. Suicide is just a coward's behavior. Your knowledge has not been used. If you die like this, wouldn't you be a deserter?"

Jiang Baili's face also looked a little painful. He coughed a few times and finally calmed down: "Qiao Shuai is right, but I can't see hope. There is a huge difference between heaven and earth. Not only do those people not know how to catch up, , Instead, they formed cliques, fought against each other, and passed the blame. If this continued, the country would be over. I thought I could make them sober up with my passion, but it was just God's will. , I didn’t die!”

Qiao Yu knew very well that the reason why Jiang Baili was able to commit suicide in Baoding Military Academy in front of all the teachers and students was largely due to his sobriety. He was very aware of the gap between China and foreign countries, but he did not have the power to reverse it. In addition, his personality It is natural for pride to go to extremes.

In fact, even Qiao Yu sometimes repeatedly asked himself, is there any hope for such a divided China? If the memory of his past life hadn't told him that China would definitely rise again and become the world's factory, Qiao Yu might not have had enough courage to hold on. .

"Mr. Jiang, it seems that you still haven't thought clearly about some things. We have taught for thousands of years that excellence in learning leads to officialdom. In the eyes of many people, today's military academies and universities are like the former Imperial College, and what they cultivate is the future bureaucrats.

, This is something that goes deep into my bones. My insistence on turning Sichuan University into a university focusing on science and engineering has also attracted countless criticisms. This is the reality. I think it is not worth your death because of this!"

"Yes, can my blood be able to wash away the evils that have been accumulated for thousands of years? Qiao Shuai's words woke up the dreamer. I am overestimating my abilities!"

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