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Chapter 218 Dehua University

The Austro-Hungarian Empire issued an ultimatum to Serbia. The atmosphere of war is getting stronger and stronger. Businessmen's sense of smell is undoubtedly the most sensitive. For ordinary people, war means bloodshed and sacrifice, but for some businessmen, it is a process of risking gold mining. Quantity

Astonishing European and American businessmen went to China and began to purchase various supplies. The Japanese also acted urgently. This opportunity to make a fortune must not be missed.

However, it is a pity that a force seems to have taken the lead and controlled all major strategic materials. The prices of major materials have risen crazily, far exceeding their expectations. These people never expected that China, which has always been backward, would actually be interested in war.

They are much more sensitive than them, and it is impossible to pick up bargains now, but even if they are purchased at the current price, there is still a lot of profit. No one knows how crazy the war will be.

All of this is naturally operated by Sichuan. Although Sichuan's power cannot control the whole country, it can combine with local forces in various places to form alliances, drive up prices, and then make profits together.

The war was far away in Europe, and it would not have had any impact on China. Unfortunately, Shandong in China was within the sphere of influence of the Germans. Qingdao also had the presence of the German Far East Fleet, which was like a nail, firmly nailing the Far East.

, this place is becoming a thorn in the side of the Allied Powers and must be captured as soon as possible.

The German side was never willing to give in. German Governor-General Waldeck went all out to strengthen Qingdao's defenses and recruited retired German soldiers who were still in China to defend Qingdao to the death. Currently, Sichuan is the main gathering place for Germans, including many military personnel.

There are more than 500 people, as well as a large number of technicians, engineers, teachers, etc., totaling more than 3,000 people. According to the German side, they hope to transfer all these people back to Qingdao.

German Consul General Wei Si is also preparing in a hurry. He is very clear about Germany's position in the Far East. Although Germany has tried its best to expand its power in Sichuan and other places in recent years, Britain still has a dog slave in the Far East, Japan. These German forces are simply unable to

To counter a country, Germany can only hope to win the European War quickly, and Japan will surrender without a fight. The value of Qingdao and the German fleet now is to disperse the power of the Allies to a greater extent and destroy the logistics line.

Wei Si himself was ready to leave China.

"Mr. Consul General, I'm really sorry for disturbing your work!" At this time, Qiao Yu invited Wei Si to his handsome mansion, and the two of them sat across from each other and talked. Wei Si now seemed to have lost his energy.

The eye circles are a little red, obviously he has been very busy these days.

"Mr. Patrol Ambassador, we are very good friends, and Germany has given selfless help to your career. However, I know that you seem to be cooperating with the Allies. This kind of betrayal of friends makes us very disappointed!"

"Mr. Consul General, don't be angry. Sichuan is just a province of China. It has no way to dominate China's decision-making. To be honest, China does not have the ability to control its own destiny. The United Kingdom, Japan and Russia all have huge influence in China, and they all have more power than China."

China has no choice at this juncture, just like Germany must break the Allied siege through war if it wants to rise!"

Wei Si knew that what Qiao Yu said was not wrong at all. Sichuan has provided a considerable amount of strategic materials to Germany in the past two years, which has been of great help to Germany. Wei Si sighed: "Qiao, I firmly believe that Germany can

The war will be won soon, and no one, including Britain and France, will be Germany’s opponent. I hope China can make a prudent choice!"

"Well, don't worry, I will try my best to promote the neutrality of our government, but out of my good impression of Germany, I am willing to help Germany on the Qingdao issue!"….

When Wei Si heard that Qiao Yu said neutrality, he thought it was just a polite word, but when he heard that Qiao Yu actually agreed to help defend Qingdao, Wei Si's eyes suddenly lit up. No matter how ignorant he was about military affairs, he knew how difficult it was to defend Qingdao.

, it would be best for Qiao Yu to help.

"Qiao, what are you going to do? Are you going to send troops directly?"

"Consul General, you overestimate my ability. I can't do this kind of thing, but I am willing to provide the German weapons stockpiled in Sichuan to Qingdao. In addition, we are transporting 600,000 rounds of artillery shells to the German defenders, and the remaining food.

Medicines, clothing and other supplies are also appropriately provided to the German defenders!"

Wei Si knew that the biggest dilemma of the German army was the supply problem. The army in the Far East seemed like a tree with no roots and could not be replenished once the war started. If Sichuan could really provide these arms and supplies, it would be of great help to Germany. Therefore, Wei Si's

My heart is very happy.

"And Mr. Wei Si must know that we in Sichuan captured a large number of bandits during the war against bandits. They are all veteran bandits with excellent marksmanship and tenacity in combat. I am willing to choose from these prisoners.

Five thousand of the most elite personnel are handed over to the Qingdao garrison, but the German side must keep it secret. These are just volunteers recruited by you and have nothing to do with China!"

Qiao Yu offered another tempting condition. Wei Si could even describe it as elated. Germany is now worried about how to defend Qingdao. If it can get this assistance from China, it will definitely greatly improve Germany's defense capabilities.

"Qiao, at this time you can give Germany useful help. On behalf of the German government, I thank you for your generous help!"

"Don't be busy, I still have a big gift to give to Germany. Sichuan has hoarded a batch of grain and other materials in Germany and can also provide it to Germany at market prices!"

Qiao Yu threw out the bait one after another, Wei Si couldn't sit still, and his joy was beyond words: "Qiao, I know you are a person who doesn't like to suffer losses. Whatever conditions you need, come up with them and I will try my best to fight for you!


"Haha, let me tell you bluntly. I hope that Germany can relocate German universities to Sichuan, and also grant Sichuan a number of technology patents for arms metallurgy in exchange!"

Speaking of Dehua University, it was the only science and engineering university established by the great powers in China. It was officially established in 1909. After the outbreak of World War I, it was forced to disband. The total number of teachers and students in the school is more than 400.

There are less than 500 people. Although it is much smaller than the current Sichuan University, Qiao Yu knows very well that although Sichuan University looks good, it still faces a serious shortage of teachers. If he can get Dehua University, or

Whether it is merged into Sichuan University or established as a separate school will greatly strengthen Sichuan's engineering disciplines.

Wei Si has actually always admired Qiao Yu's vision. He is completely different from the current Chinese. His vision is very broad. Even Europeans do not have such a profound vision. The powers actually have a tacit understanding and they do not want China to become stronger.

, so even if we open schools in China, we are willing to open some liberal arts schools and set up some majors such as law, journalism, theology, and languages. It would be good if we could add medicine and astronomy.

The great powers will not help China cultivate talents for industrialization, and there are almost no people in China who can realize this. Qiao Yu has always focused on industrial talents and technology, and his vision is not unscrupulous. Wei Si

Nodding: "I will try my best to convince our government!"

After Wei Si left, Qiao Yu began to prepare. He was very confident that Germany would definitely agree. The upcoming German-Japanese Qingdao War was another serious violation of China's sovereignty. The two countries were competing for the original rights on Chinese land.

It belongs to China's interests, but China has to choose shameful neutrality like the Russo-Japanese War. It is a bone-crushing shame for any Chinese with a conscience...

But now Sichuan is beyond reach and does not have enough strength to prevent the tragedy. What Qiao Yu can do is to strengthen the already weak Germany as much as possible so that the strength of the two vicious dogs can be as close as possible, so that they can bite

The more brutal it is, the greater the damage.

Moreover, Qiao Yu also urgently needed to borrow the power of Germany to give the Japanese a head-on blow and contain Japan's power. World War I was not only an opportunity for the rise of the United States, but also an opportunity for the rise of Japan. It was after World War I that Japan became second only to the United States and Britain.

The third largest naval power also has strategic advantages in the Far East. It would undoubtedly be good for them to bleed a little more.

Of course, the larger the scale of the war, the more severe the losses will be for the Chinese people, but compared to the huge gains, this is a last resort!

On July 28, 1914, the Austro-Hungarian Empire declared war on Serbia. Two days later, Russia began to mobilize to assist Serbia. Then on August 1, Germany declared war on Russia. France also began to launch general mobilization. On August 3, Germany and France declared war.

, Germany invaded Belgium on August 4, and Britain also declared war on Germany. In less than ten days, the Allies and the Central Powers finally broke up with each other and started the First World War of unprecedented scale.

Just before the official declaration of war, Sichuan and Germany had reached an agreement. Germany agreed to move Dehua University to Sichuan, and at the same time, all 26 German teachers at Dehua University were handed over to Sichuan, and a group of metallurgists were also transferred to Sichuan.

The military industry patent was granted to Sichuan to ensure that Sichuan's military industry could operate normally after the withdrawal of German technical personnel. At the same time, Germany gathered all the Germans in Sichuan and headed for Qingdao.

The personnel and equipment aided by Sichuan to Germany also began to be quietly transported to Qingdao. Five thousand bandits instantly changed into German military uniforms and became German mercenaries. A moment ago, they were holding spades and picks in their hands to build canals and lay roads for Sichuan.

, the next moment he held a German rifle in his hand, and wanted to fight for Germany, everything seemed like a dream.

Also dreaming were the students of Dehua University. They thought that as the war approached, the university would be difficult to maintain. Many people also heard that they would be merged into Tongji University, but unexpectedly a group of

People with Sichuan accents brought them and their German teachers to Sichuan to start a new life.


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