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Chapter 227 Arms Trade

No matter what Japan agrees to pay compensation, it is a face-saving thing for China. Both Yang Du and Duan Qirui have stepped up. Qiao Yu originally hoped to get more benefits and force Japan to give more

However, Yang Du obviously did not have the confidence to do so. To achieve this was already a huge success and worthy of publicity.

Japan also gave up tracking the Chinese troops in Qingdao and attributed them to banditry. At this time, the anti-Japanese guerrillas rising in Shandong took the blame. Of course, Japan also knew very well that they were definitely not a group of bandits.

It's what the bandits did, but it's not like they are continuing to pursue it. At this time, nothing is more important than making money.

This result has been explained to the people. Demonstrations in various places have obviously begun to stop, and the boycott of Japanese goods has gradually disappeared. Hanyang Iron Works has resumed supplying iron ore to Japan, but the two sides have reached an agreement that the iron ore

The price of stone has been modified. The original transaction price was a preferential price, but now it has been changed to the market price.

There is no doubt that Japan will pay more money to purchase iron ore, but Japan has no choice but to agree in order to obtain raw material supplies as soon as possible. In fact, the iron ore restrictions during this period have had a very bad impact on Japan. The European battlefield is here.

They unexpectedly fell into a confrontation.

Germany lost its only chance to win, but the Allied Powers obviously had no way of defeating the powerful Germany quickly. They could only compete with their internal strength. Overseas orders were also increasing crazily, starting with raw materials such as grain, textiles, etc., and now developing into merchant ships.

Arms, in short, everything related to war, are needed by the Allied Powers.

Japan has delayed part of the construction period due to raw material problems, causing their share of orders to fall a lot. Many of these dropped shares fell on Sichuan, making Sichuan's industrial development stronger.

In addition, the military technology that Qiao Yu exported to Germany has undoubtedly increased the number of casualties in the European War. For example, Germany is equipped with more machine guns than in history, creating a crazier bullet storm. On the Western Front,

On the battlefield, Germany killed 50,000 French soldiers in the Battle of the Marne. Although France defeated the German offensive, it lost more soldiers than Germany, reaching about 350,000. Compared with history,

There were more than 60,000 people.

The British were also swept away by machine guns. These arrogant British were also hit head-on and knocked unconscious. What was even more miserable was the Tsar. Tsarist Russia lost to Japan during the Russo-Japanese War, which made Russia's halo

It has faded a lot, but at this time Russia is undoubtedly still a behemoth, and it will still make Europe tremble when it is activated.

However, after the war began, Russia quickly tasted the bitter consequences. After the war began, Russia's mobilization was far less effective than other countries. Although the number of Russians was astonishing, reaching 650,000, the logistics and arms were a mess and could not support it at all.

Huge war needs, and what's even worse is that Russia doesn't even have a military-specific coded communication, but uses civilian ones, giving Russia's military mobilization to the Germans in vain.

Russia took the lead in attacking East Prussia, but the Russians did not know that an insidious and cruel guy was waiting for these gray animals.

This person is Ludendorff. Since his trip to Sichuan, Ludendorff has submitted many observation reports in succession. In the reports, Ludendorff emphasized the importance of machine guns and also introduced the idea of ​​forming elite special forces. In addition,

In addition, Ludendorff also suggested vigorously promoting the use of mortars. At the same time, Ludendorff also expressed concern that the war might reach a stalemate. He believed that the power of European countries that had completed industrialization was increasing very rapidly...

At this time, none of the countries actually figured out how to conduct the war. They just continued the backward tactics of the past. These tactics turned the war into a pure competition of strength. After industrialization was completed, the two camps were able to mobilize almost all the people of the world.

This competition for resources will inevitably lead to a protracted war, which will undoubtedly be a disaster for Germany.

It is a pity that Ludendorff's views did not get the attention of the German top brass, but many of his ideas also attracted the attention of the German top brass. Especially after the war started, the firepower of the German army was far superior to that of the British and French, especially at the grassroots level.

The firepower made the German army overwhelming in the early stages.

After Ludendorff was ordered to be transferred to the Eastern Front, he had been carefully constructing a trap for the Russians. The German army lured the Russian army into East Prussia, and then the German army cut off the Russian army's supply line. The German arrangement had an effect, and Russia ran into the pocket.

During the attack, the retreat was completely cut off. Facing the powerful German firepower attack, the Russians only resisted symbolically, and then quickly fell into chaos.

A large number of Russian soldiers retreated like lambs, and Germany immediately launched a pursuit. More and more gray animals fell on the soil of East Prussia. In the entire Battle of Tannenberg, the Russian troops lost more than 100,000 troops.

Two hundred thousand, much larger than in history, all heavy equipment was lost, and the two armies were almost wiped out.

This time the mud-legged giant completely showed his weakness. Compared with Russia's heavy losses, Germany lost less than 8,000 people. This disparity shocked the world. Ludendorff boarded the God of War in one fell swoop.

The prominent position became a symbol of well-deserved victory in the minds of the Germans.

However, Ludendorff was not very happy. What Qiao Yu said when he discussed the situation in Europe frequently rang in his ears. Although Qiao Yu was secretive and unwilling to say more, Ludendorff still clearly remembered Qiao Yu.

Yu said that if Germany wants to become strong, it must become the enemy of the entire world. Although Germany is very strong, the resistance is too great.

Now Ludendorff feels that Qiao Yu's words are coming true. Although Germany has gained advantages on both the east and west fronts, it cannot break the deadlock quickly. This determines that Germany will inevitably fall into a war of attrition. The production capacity of the United States at this time

Mobilization has begun, and people who originally hated war have begun to go crazy for the dividends of the war. Japan in the Far East is also producing military supplies for the Allied Powers, and even Sichuan in China has begun to throw off its arms and desperately deliver strategic materials to Britain and France. Germany is

Fight the world!

The British Consul General in Chengdu, Fu Shan, has lived a very comfortable life since the war broke out. Sichuan has developed a production capacity beyond the imagination of the British. Grain, cloth, military supplies, medicines, ores, tung oil, bristles, etc. are all flowing to Europe.

Fushan's status was getting higher and higher, and some high-level figures in the country even suggested that he serve as minister. Sichuan's help to the Allies was much greater than that of other regions in China.

"Mr. Inspector, your old friend has brought you business again!"

"Mr. Fushan, I have been waiting for you for a long time. You can rest assured that Sichuan will definitely support the just cause of the Allies!"

Fu Shanxin said if there were not enough benefits, how could you, the little fox, be able to provide supplies to Britain?

"Qiao, you know that the Russians suffered a disastrous defeat, a very disastrous defeat. Hundreds of thousands of people died. Now Russia is in urgent need of replenishing arms. I hope Sichuan can provide support!"

"Mr. Fushan, there is no problem. The factories in Sichuan can open up to supply to Russia. However, Russia's performance in this war is really bad. We need pounds or gold payment to deliver arms to Russia.

Not rubles!”….

"There is no problem. The UK will bear the cost. I want to know what Sichuan's current production capacity is and can it meet our needs?"

"Old friend, you need to know that the Sichuan Arsenal was originally maintained by German technology. However, after the outbreak of the war, most of these technicians were withdrawn. Even if some were left, they were unwilling to produce weapons to attack their own motherland. Therefore,

The current production capacity of the Sichuan Arsenal is only about half of its maximum capacity. It can produce about 40 artillery pieces per month. Moreover, our metallurgical technology is still lacking and we cannot produce large-caliber artillery. I have a suggestion that the British and French

Send us some technical personnel, transfer some patents to us, and then Sichuan will give the Allies the best price!"

After hearing Qiao Yu's words, Fu Shan lowered his head and thought about it. The production capacity of the Sichuan Arsenal is not very weak. If the monthly production capacity can exceed one hundred, it will be very helpful for the war. Of course, these numbers are worse than those on the European battlefield.

Too much, but it is enough to supplement Russia, and the most important thing is that it is cheap.

"Qiao, I will definitely report to the country and we will try to sign a cooperation agreement, but I hope that our arms can be temporarily offset by loans!"

Qiao Yu knew that the British did not want to pay too much real money for the time being, so they minimized expenditures. Qiao Yu was not worried. The war was still far away. Sooner or later, the British would sell all their pants. If they could do it now,

If all the loans were eliminated, Sichuan's independence would be maximized, so Qiao Yu nodded in agreement without hesitation.

"This is absolutely fine. For example, the Sichuan part of the Gengzi Indemnity can also be withdrawn separately and used to offset arms costs! However, if this kind of loan is fully paid off, the British supervision power over Sichuan's finances should also be cancelled!


Fushan's mood at this time is undoubtedly complicated. The outbreak of the European War has quickly disappeared the halo over Britain. There is no doubt that Qiao Yu wants to get rid of British control, but is there anything else the British Empire can do?

Just three days later, the four countries of China, Britain, France and Russia reached an agreement. The United Kingdom provided money, France provided technology, China produced and Russia used arms trade agreement. Initially, China will provide Russia with fifty 75mm artillery pieces every month. France

Help China improve the technical level of Sichuan Arsenal. After half a year, Sichuan will begin to export 105mm caliber mountain artillery, and then it will depend on the situation.


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