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Chapter 23: The president is in hand

Han Yong opened his mouth and cursed. Zhang Peijue was also filled with resentment at this time, but he didn't know how to answer. He still had some sense of shame. The reckless man in front of him turned out to be someone who had experienced the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895. He surrendered in front of the Japanese.

That was impossible, but these Japanese people absolutely could not cause any losses, so they had no choice but to bite the bullet and said to Qiao Yu: "Mr. Qiao, I know you are different from that reckless man, so let him go as soon as possible, otherwise things will go wrong."

It won't be good for anyone if you make a big fuss, otherwise even the court won't be able to spare you!"

Qiao Yu sneered at Zhang Peijue and lowered his voice: "Mr. Zhang, your Tongmenghui has not yet succeeded in the revolution. You are so filial to your Japanese father. If you take charge of the world, are you prepared to give all of China's land to the Japanese? Yes."

Yes! I remember that you talked about the founding of the People’s Republic of China with eighteen provinces. Are you planning to give away the beautiful country? You pat your chest and ask yourself, are you still Chinese?”

Zhang Peijue immediately trembled when he heard this. He didn't expect Qiao Yu to raise this issue so sharply at this time. His white face instantly turned red, and he gritted his teeth and cursed: "You, a Manchu stooge, have no right to talk.

Things about our revolutionary patriots!”

"If I were a lackey of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, you would be a lackey of Japan. Put away your deceitful tricks in front of me. I am now a police consultant in Chongqing. You are a gangster. It is justifiable for me to arrest you now. You better wake up.


After Qiao Yu finished speaking, he turned to Han Yong and said, "Brother Han, let the Japanese go. I have a few words to say to him!"

Han Yong raised his big feet, and the Japanese man climbed up with great effort. He stared at Qiao Yu with a pair of rat eyes, but his eyes seemed a little erratic and timid.

"This Japanese friend, I think you may have been instigated by traitors to come here to cause trouble, but what I want to tell you is that the Yangtze River Basin is the territory of the British. You wantonly disrupting Chongqing's business order.

It is very dangerous, and it is easy for the great powers to misunderstand, which is not a good thing. I once spent a very pleasant time in Japan, and I am willing to do business with Japan. There is an old saying in China that no one knows each other without fighting.

I think there can be greater business cooperation between us, and I want to meet with representatives of the Japanese business community in the near future. Don’t lose the big for the small!”

After being beaten, the Japanese suddenly became more honest. When he listened to Qiao Yu talking about business cooperation, his face suddenly lit up and he seemed very moved. After listening to Qiao Yu, he turned around and met the other four ronin.

After mumbling a few words, the Japanese man came in front of Qiao Yu again, with more smiles on his face.

"Mr. Qiao, I think you are an enlightened person and we are willing to cooperate with you! Become good friends. Japanese people treat their friends very interestingly."

Qiao Yu also smiled and nodded in agreement, but there was a feeling of disgust in his heart. However, his foundation was too weak now, and he had to make do with the Japanese. Moreover, Qiao Yu also hoped to introduce some Japanese forces to balance Britain and France, and many things

It's not something that can be decided by just having a hot head.

The Japanese came to Han Yong again, and he was very respectful and bowed honestly: "My dear Xiaochuan, sir, you are a warrior in the Japanese-Qing War. I admire you very much. You are a real warrior, but your country

Too corrupt! I hope a little misunderstanding will not affect our friendship!"

After saying that, Xiaochuan and the four Japanese quickly left the Li Mansion. Zhang Peijue never expected that these Japanese who were usually aggressive would become more honest after being beaten. It was no longer interesting for him to stay here.

He hurriedly followed Xiaochuan and others.

"Master, that man named Zhang is from the Revolutionary Party. Do you need to arrest him?"….

"His ability is not worth arresting. Let him go! Tie up all these gangsters with ropes and send them to the government!" Wang Tianhe followed the order and left. Han Yong was also amused at this time.

"Master, how come I beat them up? Isn't it nonsense that the Japanese know how to be polite and still have friendship with me? Are Japanese people born in the year of the dog? If you beat them, they will be honest. If you don't beat them, it's your fault.

Yelling in front of him!"

"They are not dogs, they are wolves, or shameless wolves. Although we seem to have taken advantage, don't we still have to provide some commercial benefits, otherwise they will not be willing to do so! Brother Han, hurry up and get there

Order has been restored, and it is our fault that the Li Mansion is in such trouble today!"

At this time, the old man Li Yaoting in the back house of the Li Mansion was listening to his family reporting on the progress of the matter. In fact, Li Yaoting had nothing to do at all. Everything was just an act of the old man. The Li family and Yang Shukan had arranged a baby wedding, and there were quite a few.

Support the Tongmenghui, but this is just an investment from both ends of the Li family. The Chinese have long been very skilled in this kind of knowledge of stepping on two boats. However, the old man’s support for the Revolutionary Party is still limited, so now the Revolutionary Party is short of money.

Cooperate with Huang Wanwan, otherwise the Li family would definitely have this strength.

Li Yaoting has also set up some industries in recent years, such as silk factories and electric light factories, but their scale is very limited and the profits are not very profitable. The Li family's bank has also encountered operational problems. In fact, the Li family has already gone downhill.

That's why the old man is willing to cooperate with the Tongmenghui. Once these people can really succeed in the revolution, the Li family's dilemma will be solved immediately.

But from the bottom of my heart, the old man has another idea, which is to cooperate with Qiao Yu's Sichuan Investment Company. In the past six months, many factories have popped up in Chongqing, and the industry is developing very well. It would be false to say that I am not envious.

, but Li Yaoting relied on his status and could not just go to him like Wang Dongcheng and others.

It was this contradictory mentality that caused the old man to have a conflict with Zhang Peijue and Qiao Yu. The old man pretended to have a physical problem, but the last few words he said were to Qiao Yu to tell him that I, Li Yaoting, support the industry.

Yes, but once the old man leaves, it will become a completely empty promise, but you still have to be grateful for the old man's kindness. This is the true nature of the old fox.

"Does this revolutionary party have so much ability? Can't even deal with a brat like Qiao Yu? How can they overthrow the Qing Dynasty! Heyang, did we make the wrong bet?"

Li Heyang still has a good impression of the Alliance, but he is a little disappointed today: "Dad, I think this Qiao Yu relies on surprise, and his subordinates are really powerful, but after all, the Alliance has been operating for a long time, and its power is not small, and it occasionally makes mistakes.

It’s inevitable!”

"It would be great if you really make mistakes occasionally, I'm afraid it's Adou who can't help you!"

The Li family father and son were discussing secretly here, but Qiao Yu arrested Gu Jinhu and all the members of the Ge Lao Association, and threw his hands at all the businessmen: "Everyone, today I have shocked everyone, I will send these young people to prison now."

Go to the Yamen to handle the matter. This election will continue to be held, so I will excuse you! I will serve you a drink to make amends another day!"

After Qiao Yu finished speaking, he went straight to the magistrate's office with his guards. Everyone present couldn't help but sigh. It seems that this young man is not only good at business, but also ruthless. Gu Jinlong has been in Chongqing for many years, and no one can

He dared to touch him, but he was taken away by this gentle young man while talking and laughing. He also killed several members of the Ge Lao Association. Everyone was completely convinced of Qiao Yu's strength. The president of the Chamber of Commerce was undoubtedly defeated.

In Bai Kuan's hands.

Huang Baiwan was also in a dream at this time. He didn't expect that he had made all kinds of arrangements and promised countless benefits, but neither the Ge Laohui, the Tongmenghui, nor even the Japanese people were working. Although Qiao Yu didn't take him, but from now on

Will there be a place for Mr. Huang to hide in Chongqing in the future?

Over there, everyone congratulated Bai Kuan on his election. Over here, Huang Baiwan and his in-laws left the venue in despair. Within a few days, they sold their property and left Chongqing!


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