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Chapter 233: The Lifeblood of the Japanese

Before everyone had time to be surprised, even more shocking news came out. The Japanese lion opened his mouth and proposed to China five items and twenty-one points, hoping to seize huge benefits and take the opportunity to control China.

The newspaper that first got the news couldn't believe that Japan could be so rampant. However, the large-scale conflict between China and Japan not long ago over the Shandong issue is still fresh in our minds. The news in front of us is probably true. Soon, the news will be true.

All major newspapers received similar news and obtained photocopies of the text. All major newspapers immediately made this news the top headline.

Many newspapers wrote that the country's subjugation was imminent, and China's public opinion was completely mobilized. People's dissatisfaction boiled. Countless students took to the streets, waving flags and slogans, calling on the Beiyang government to reject this treaty of national subjugation and genocide.

, even the great powers were alarmed. The European powers were busy with the war and had little energy. The United States was getting harder and harder at this time. The First World War made the pockets of the American ruling group full.

With money, ambitions will grow. Americans will never allow Japan to dominate China, and Japan showed its ambitions for the Chongqing Steel Plant in the treaty. The United States assisted China in establishing this factory. American businessmen are still

They maintain 30% of the shares, and there is a collusion of interests. The Japanese want to co-operate, which just touches the cheese of the Americans.

The United States was immediately furious. The American minister went to Yuan Shikai to verify the problem, and Chengdu Consul General Newman also found Qiao Yu.

"Qiao, I think you should know about the Japanese. These little dwarfs are really too rampant. The Chongqing Steel Plant is a joint venture between China and the United States. There is absolutely no share that can be given to the Japanese to make them give up!"

Newman took the initiative to come to Qiao Yu, which to some extent shows the immaturity of the United States in international politics. Although the United States has huge interests in steel plants, Sichuan is the most anxious at this time, and the United States can just wait.

Sell ​​at a reasonable price and let Sichuan give more benefits to the United States instead of handing the initiative to Qiao Yu like this.

Qiao Yu looked at Newman and said with a wry smile: "Mr. Consul, you should understand that this treaty is aimed at the Beijing government. As a local government, we have no right to speak at all. Moreover, Japan has occupied Qingdao, and its power is now strong.

, I’m really at a loss what to do!”

"Qiao, you definitely have a way to completely defeat Japan's ambitions just like you did at the Hanyang Iron Works last time. The West will stand on the side of justice!"

Qiao Yu shook his head, "Mr. Consul General, things are not that simple. Last time, Britain was able to intervene. After all, there was an alliance treaty, and Britain could still restrain Japan. However, now Britain's power has been completely restrained in Europe, and it is even more

What's worse is that Germany launched a submarine war. This despicable weapon has shown great power. Freighters with tens of thousands of tons can be easily sunk. The data I have now shows that it only takes a few months for the German submarine to launch a submarine war.

The speed of sinking ships will exceed the speed of British shipbuilding. You should know what this means, that is, British industrial capabilities can no longer cope with the attrition of war. In other words, Britain is destined to fail in a war of attrition. In this case, I can

You see, Japan can also see that Japan no longer has due respect for Britain. It is difficult for China to resist the pressure of Japan with its own strength, and what is even more frightening is that President Yuan Shikai is a weak person!"

The color on Newman's face became very ugly. He had also heard what Qiao Yu said. The situation of the Allies was getting more and more difficult. The United States could not stand alone in China, and the military strength of the United States was still too weak. In this era, the strength of a country is measured.

The only way is war. As long as you can defeat a powerful country in war, you can take the place of that powerful country...

On the road to becoming a powerful country, the Japanese defeated China and Russia, while the United States only defeated Spain, which was in decline. Militarily, the United States was not very confident, and the long distance made it impossible for the United States to fight Japan alone.

Newman shrugged, "Qiao, are you willing to hand over your hard work to the Japanese? Chongqing Iron and Steel Works is the largest steel company in China and the leading company in East Asia. You will not bear to let this company fall into the hands of the Japanese.


"Of course I'm not willing to give in, but what I mean is that I have to come up with a complete strategy, otherwise there is no way to make Japan surrender. I think this time we have to rely on economic means to make the Japanese surrender and make the Japanese feel the pain.

Can make Japan stop!"

Newman nodded repeatedly, "The United States also means this, but doing so may affect the spirit of free trade!"

Qiao Yu sneered: "Mr. Consul General, Japan has never followed the spirit of independent trade in China, otherwise their inferior products would have been driven out of the Far East long ago! I propose to unite Britain and France to jointly attack Japan.

Due to economic sanctions, both China and the United States have reduced the export of raw materials to Japan, and the Allied Powers have also appropriately reduced orders. Japan will inevitably suffer huge economic losses. As long as this can be achieved, Japan will definitely stop!"

Economic sanctions was still a new word to Newman, but he quickly understood its connotation and gave Qiao Yu a thumbs up: "Qiao, your idea is great, I think Japan will definitely give in!


Qiao Yu shook his head, "Things are not that simple. If you want to impose effective sanctions on Japan, all parties must work in unison. However, Britain and France consume too fast and cannot reduce orders in large quantities. They can only rush for some symbolic punishment, and

President Yuan Da’s execution ability is very problematic, and it is still unclear whether he can establish strict trade restrictions, so I think we must have appropriate military means to achieve our goals!"

"Qiao, you have seen the problem clearly. I will notify the Minister, Mr. Raines, immediately, and then coordinate with the Allies as soon as possible!"

After the news of the Twenty-one Articles appeared in the newspapers, the most angry person was Hioki Yoshi. He originally wanted the treaty to be kept secret. Japan did not want to cause trouble in the city and arouse opposition from the Chinese people. Japan just wanted to get Yuan Shikai to compromise first.

Then they gradually took all the benefits into their hands. Sichuan, in particular, had to think carefully about how to deal with it, but suddenly the newspapers were full of news about the 21st. How could the Japanese not be angry?

"Your Excellency, President Yuan, we have proposed a treaty to strengthen Sino-Japanese relations. This is beneficial to both China and Japan, especially President Yuan. We are willing to see the President rise to a higher level and lead all of China.

, but the president actually leaked our cooperation treaty, which is very disappointing!"

Yuan Shikai was aware of his own suffering at this time, and he did not want to cause uproar in the city, but if he leaked the treaty to Qiao Yu first, and then Qiao Yu leaked it to the media, President Yuan would be the one to blame.

"Mr. Minister, I am also looking for the person who leaked the news, but the murderer has not been found for the time being. But Mr. Minister, you see the Chinese people are reacting so violently, and other powers are also intervening. It shows that the treaty is still too much.

It’s best to reduce it a bit, otherwise I really can’t accept it!”

"Your Excellency, of course, negotiations are possible, but the conditions offered by Japan are already very favorable. I can tell you that some people are writing to the Japanese government every day and the conditions are better than yours. It is precisely because we

We trust the President and regard him as a friend, so we only propose such low conditions, otherwise we will support Mr. Sun Wen!”….

After Rizhiyi finished speaking, he stood up and left Zhongnanhai, leaving Yuan Shikai stunned. A cold air rushed up from Yuan Shikai's back and went straight to his head, making old Yuan feel extremely depressed.

Lao Yuan had no choice but to ask the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to negotiate with the Japanese on the 21st, striving to reduce the loss of sovereignty to China as much as possible. At the same time, another economic sanctions plan against Japan had emerged.

The United States took the lead in attacking and asked Japan to clarify the issue of Article 21. At the same time, it announced that the Chongqing Steel Plant has American shares and must not be co-operated with Japan. If the Japanese government cannot change its wrong policy, the United States will reduce its influence on Japan.


Britain and France also followed suit and reduced their orders to Japan. However, this was too symbolic. Britain only reduced orders by 500,000 and France only 300,000. This was just a drizzle, but it undoubtedly revealed the weakness of the Allied Powers.

Sichuan followed suit and once again used iron ore as a weapon. At the same time, China and the United States reached a raw silk export agreement. The United States will give priority to importing raw silk from Sichuan. The conclusion of this agreement will undoubtedly be very destructive to Japan.

In its long history, China has been the largest exporter of raw silk. However, after the Meiji Restoration, Japan also regarded raw silk exports as its main source of foreign exchange accumulation. With the improvement of production technology, Japan gradually became the number one exporter.

As a major raw silk exporting country, its market share has accounted for more than 75%, bringing hundreds of millions of yuan in profits to Japan every year.

Relying on the raw silk trade, Japan bought machines and established heavy industry. Japan's initial heavy industry investment was large and the quality of products was low. If it were not for the guarantee of raw silk profits, it would not be able to sustain itself. It can be said that Japan's heavy industry relied on raw silk.

, Sichuan reached a raw silk export agreement with the United States. The United States will support Sichuan's raw silk production. At the same time, Sichuan will provide raw silk to the United States at preferential prices. The conclusion of this contract immediately plunged Japan into a state of madness. There is no doubt that Sichuan

The lifeblood of Japan was affected, and Qiao Yu, the warlord leader, immediately became a thorn in Japan's side and a thorn in its flesh.

On the same day the agreement was reached, two cargo ships in Sichuan were seized by Japan. One contained 500 boxes of bristle brushes and a large number of canned yak, which were high-quality food for the powerful elites of the Allied Powers. The other

One ship contained the first batch of arms shipped from Sichuan to Russia, 20,000 rifles, and a large amount of ammunition.


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