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Chapter 241 Overseas Chinese

"Brother Jiang, don't make excuses. The Qinzhou Shipyard is where everything started. The European War is the catalyst for our navy. We will get results soon!"

"Qiao Shuai, are you planning to build a shipyard in Qinzhou?" Chen Shaokuan asked in surprise: "Qinzhou's geographical location is somewhat remote and its economy is backward. It is located in the Beibu Gulf, so it is not easy to develop!"

"Does Colonel Chen think it's not good there?"

"Of course not, that is China's last pure land, and it is also the only hope for the Chinese Navy!" Chen Shaokuan's eyes flashed brightly, "Qiao Shuai, China is now full of powerful powers, especially Fu, who is relatively weak.

There is simply no way to stop Japan from penetrating and controlling the navy, and other powers are not willing to see the Chinese navy become stronger. Therefore, only the relatively closed and remote Beibu Gulf is not noticed by the powers, and it is far away from Japan. As long as it can be managed well

, China’s navy still has hope, instead of being like now, where all the ships combined are not as good as one other ship!”

During the Sino-Japanese War, the navy ushered in a period of great development, especially after the British-German naval arms race began. Ships were built larger and larger, and their power became more and more powerful. The Dingyuan and Zhenyuan ships in the past

It is far behind the times, but the times are progressing, but China is regressing. The current main naval warships are only two to three thousand tons, which is the size of a river fleet. As a young officer, Chen Shaokuan saw

The navy has fallen to this day, and one can imagine the pain in its heart.

"Colonel Chen, it's amazing that you can see this. I am going to send a group of officers to Europe, including the army and the navy. Of course, the top priority is the navy. This is a high-tech branch and involves all aspects of knowledge. Now the navy

Technology is advancing rapidly. If we don't catch up as soon as possible, I'm afraid we will fall far behind the rest of the world. I wonder if Colonel Chen is willing to be the team leader!"

Speaking of which, the number of workers sent by Sichuan to Europe has reached 100,000. After these 100,000 workers arrived in Europe, they were sought after by Britain and France. Sichuan workers have high quality and strong learning ability, and Chinese workers work tirelessly and can work easily every day.

For more than ten hours, it seemed as if they were not tired at all. Britain and France were originally very resistant to Chinese workers, worried that they would learn all the skills, but soon Britain and France hoped that Chinese workers could quickly learn skills. Only in this way can they produce more products.

More products can also free up more young people so that they can be sent to the front lines to serve as cannon fodder.

The war in Europe became more and more intense, the east and west fronts on land were consumed crazily, German submarines at sea posed a fatal threat to Britain, and sea routes became more and more dangerous. Britain was dizzy and overwhelmed by these ghosts on the seabed.

Britain and France were deeply involved in the war and had begun a strict rationing system for food.

Gradually, Chinese workers have become the favorites of Parisian girls. The Chinese look dull, but they take care of their families and know how to love women. Moreover, they do not have to go to the front line to die. More importantly, Chinese workers have sufficient food supplies. These are all

Sichuan personally coordinated and shipped a large number of canned grains from China to distribute to these workers.

The cans given to these workers are very different from the cans sold to the Allied soldiers. Those are all made of offal and rags, with a lot of meat from rats, cats and dogs mixed in, and they are all rotten meat. Even so, the meat content will not exceed

Fifteen percent, but American products are more excessive, the meat is more offal, and the proportion is only about 10%. In addition, Americans’ poor cooking skills make the products they produce unpalatable. Chinese canned food is still

Most popular food.

In addition to meat, China also has canned vegetables, canned fruits and other varieties, which provided sufficient energy for the soldiers of the Allied Powers to lead them to death.

Of course, the cans in the hands of Chinese workers are all high-quality goods, including high-quality pork, beef, and even yak meat. Such cans have been sold for thirty francs each on the Paris black market, even by blondes.

It happened that one night was exchanged for one can. Chinese workers were hardworking and happy here.

After seeing the high quality of Chinese workers, the Allied Powers began to have other ideas. If China could send part of its troops to participate in the European war, it would be a huge help to the Allied Powers. Therefore, Fushan and others frequently

Qiao Yu made this request to Qiao Yu. Of course, Qiao Yu was unwilling to let the Chinese become cannon fodder, but Qiao Yu also had a bigger plan. China's current military is far behind the world, even if he vigorously promotes the improvement of the quality of officers.

This cannot be reversed by one person at all, so Qiao Yu hopes that the Chinese ** team can go to Europe to experience it. Even after some war training, people will definitely die and there will be heavy sacrifices, but the gains will also be huge. Qiao Yu has always

Weighing the gains and losses.

Qiao Yu did not reject the British proposal, but first sent a group of officers to Europe to inspect the war situation. Chen Shaokuan became the leader of the navy and led a team of 230 people to Europe. These people

Among them are both officers and warship technicians. Among them is China's first aircraft carrier designer in the future and the commander-in-chief of the Chinese Navy. It can be said that there are many talents and stars.

After the Allied Powers increased their support for Qiao Yu, everything became much easier. The Qinzhou Shipyard had begun to break ground, and Qiao Cheng, who was in the United States, also left to return to China. He brought back a total of 30 million US dollars in cash.

, as well as countless pieces of equipment and all the machinery of a medium-sized shipyard.

In addition, many overseas Chinese also returned to China with Qiao Cheng. Among them, in addition to hundreds of highly educated students, there was also a heavyweight, Huang Sande. This old man also returned with Qiao Cheng.

When he arrived in China, Huang Sande was a leader of the Hongmen movement in North America and had greatly funded Sun Yat-sen.

However, Sun Dapao only regarded Hongmen as a money bag to raise military pay. After the founding of the Republic of China, Hongmen Zhigongtang tried to establish a political party, but was rebuffed by Sun Wen. From this, Huang Sande and others saw through Sun Wen's face.

, after the second revolution, Sun Wen actually hoped to get funding from overseas Chinese, but unfortunately Hongmen was already heartbroken and ignored Sun Wen at all.

This time Huang Sande was able to come to Sichuan from the United States, thanks to Luo Ying. Luo Ying's father and Huang Sande Situ Meitang created the foundation of Hongmen. However, Luo Ying's grandfather died in the war long ago, and his two sons also fought for Hongmen.

After draining the last drop of blood, the Luo family only had one descendant left, their youngest son, Luo Ying.

Huang Sande regarded him as his own son. After Luo Ying arrived in the United States, he told everything about what he had seen and heard in Sichuan, and highly praised Qiao Yu during the conversation. Only then did Huang Sande be persuaded by Luo Ying to go to Sichuan to visit Qiao Yu.

Qiao Cheng and his party arrived in Shanghai first, and then hired shipbuilding technicians and machines to be transported directly to Qinzhou. He personally led more than 200 North American Chinese to Sichuan. On the way, they heard that Sichuan defeated the Japanese in Wuhan.

According to Ben's news, Qiao Cheng is Qiao Yu's elder brother. Knowing that his younger brother can defeat the Japanese, the joy in his heart is naturally indescribable, and Huang Sande and Luo Ying are even more excited.

The Chinese in North America left their hometowns and suffered discrimination. Their greatest pursuit is to see the strength of their motherland. Only with a strong motherland can the Chinese people's backs be straightened. For this reason, they did not hesitate to donate their coffins to

They sent their children out, but it was a pity that they trusted unworthy people. Sun Wen squandered their money, buried their sons, and then kicked these Chinese away.

"Luo Ying, Inspector Qiao is a great hero for being able to defeat the Japanese. However, I heard that Sichuan is extremely repulsive to party forces. I'm afraid we won't be allowed to establish a political party!" Huang Sande looked at the surging Yangtze River water with flashes in his eyes.

With a trace of doubt, Hongmen is still a party after all. To put it bluntly, it is a communist organization and cannot be brought to the forefront. This is why Sun Wen is eager to leave Hongmen.

Luo Ying did not have any worries, "Uncle, I have met the patrol envoy. He is a very open-minded person. He has been abroad for many years and understands the situation of us Chinese. The Sichuan Hui Party was incited by the Alliance to infiltrate the army and wanted to

Seizing political power and endangering local tranquility, such people do not care about life and death, so they will naturally be attacked. We in Hongmen are different from them!"

After the group entered Sichuan, they were immediately stunned by the sight in front of them. Even Qiao Cheng, Luo Ying, Li Zongru and others did not expect that the commercial prosperity of Sichuan had doubled after a few months, and the Three Gorges Channel

The renovation work has been completed, and it can navigate ships of less than 1,000 tons. Now the entire river is filled with an endless stream of various ships, transporting large quantities of food and arms out of Sichuan and sent to the European battlefield.

The originally wide river seemed overcrowded at this time. Qiao Cheng and others were stuck in traffic for three hours. However, the waiting did not make these overseas Chinese tired. On the contrary, they were in high spirits. They knew very well that the United States is so busy right now.

situation, the outbreak of war in Europe was a huge stimulus to industry and commerce around the world, and all factories were operating at full capacity to obtain greater profits.

The United States has fallen into this kind of madness. Although other parts of China seem to have this trend, it is all the spontaneous behavior of some businessmen. Without the command and planning of the government, it is simply a small matter. Only Sichuan has allowed them to see it.

Once this large-scale industrial construction is completed, it will indicate that in more than ten years, or at most decades, this place will become a production base that attracts global attention and will completely change the face of China.

Looking at the busy merchants and workers, Huang Sande felt a firm confidence for the first time. China will definitely become stronger, and the miserable fate of overseas Chinese will also be changed. However, he does not know whether this patrol envoy can truly help overseas Chinese.

Will he take advantage of it like Sun Wen did?

"Mr. Huang, although you are abroad, your innocent hearts remain unchanged. You are still sons and daughters of the Chinese nation and fellow countrymen. I think my third brother will definitely be willing to help you!"

The updates will not change during the Chinese New Year, so we will continue with two updates!

May everyone attract wealth and make a fortune!

This chapter has been completed!
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