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Chapter 261: Federal Autonomy

After the news of the Sichuan Army's consecutive battles and victories reached Bei Jing, Emperor Yuan was immediately at a loss. Yuan Shikai was indeed exhausted mentally and physically. The cruel reality had exceeded Yuan Shikai's bottom line. The Japanese army was about to sweep across the south of the Yangtze River, and Beiyang was torn apart at this time.

Those who were loyal to him now seemed to be nothing more than a bunch of losers, useless at all. It was at this time that Lao Yuan truly understood what it meant to be alone.

"Mr. Xizi, is there anything else you can do? I must listen carefully." Lao Yuan pinned his hope on Yang Du again, but Yang Du was filled with sorrow at this time. Yuan Shikai was included in his plan.

Being promoted to the throne of emperor is only the first step. What is more important is that Yuan Shikai can work hard with the title of emperor. Who knows that Yuan Shikai is not as good as before and has no courage at all.

"Your Majesty, the situation is very bad now, but the Beiyang forces still exist. Zhang Jingyao still occupies Wuchang and Hanyang. Although Hankou has been lost, the main force of the Third Division is still in Henan. We still have the strength to fight on the Yangtze River and protect the country.

The momentum of the war is getting more and more fierce. Even if there are some dissatisfied people among the Beiyang generals, they are now at the point of life and death. Once the guardians gain power, all their wealth will be lost. Therefore, as long as Your Majesty understands the reason and takes action,

With love, we will be able to bring Beiyang back together. Now the attitudes of the great powers are also changing, and they are not willing to see the Chinese regime change, so Your Majesty, we have not lost yet!"

While Yang Du was speaking, Duan Zhigui hurriedly sent over a piece of information, which stated that Qiao Yu was only anti-imperialist and not anti-Beiyang. Lao Yuan suddenly felt dizzy. Under Qiao Yu's unprecedented victory,

Yu, a young man, did not lose his mind. He stopped decisively in this situation. The hope of Beiyang United was completely destroyed. Yuan Shikai felt that a mouthful of phlegm was blocking his throat. His face suddenly turned red and he was about to die. Yang

Du hurriedly called the imperial doctor to come to the rescue.& qing, Tan Yankai's father was Tan Zhonglin, a feudal official of the former Qing Dynasty. Under the guidance of his father's words and deeds, Tan Yankai was also very clear about the officialdom.

Tan Yankai joined the United Party when they were united, but then the southern forces suffered a heavy blow. Tao Chengzhang and Song Jiaoren were killed one after another. Sun Wen and his group were also driven out of China. Tan Yankai was also kicked out by Lao Yuan and lost the governor's title.

throne, but Tan Yankai has been unwilling to lose power, and now he finally has a rare opportunity, so he came to chong qing as soon as possible.

Qiao Yu is also very interested in this crystal ball of the Republic of China. It seems that the two of them have similar life experiences. Their fathers are both high-ranking officials in the former Qing Dynasty. Their family backgrounds are relatively prominent. They both started their careers with the opportunity of the Revolution of 1911. However, Tan Yankai obviously did not

Qiao Yu's ability is gone now, so he can only rely on Qiao Yu's power to help him.

"Brother Zu'an, it's really brilliant to come to the mountain city. I've long heard that Brother Zu'an's calligraphy skills are unparalleled. I wonder if you can write some calligraphy for me!"

"Qiao Shuai, you are too polite. If you don't mind the ugliness of my writing, I will write as much as you want. I can't do anything else but study calligraphy and eating!"

Qiao Yu invited Tan Yankai to the Qiao family's villa. Tan Yankai was not tall, but very wide, and looked like a big meat ball. However, Qiao Yu was also a wonderful man. He governed Hunan three times in the history of the Republic of China.

After that, he climbed into the lap of the National Revolutionary Army and became a prominent political figure in the Republic of China.

However, Qiao Yu's current status is completely enough to look down on Tan Yankai, so there is no need to hide his words.

"Brother Zu'an, now Hu** has achieved a major victory. Hunan and Guangxi have successively established du li. Hu** has occupied seven provinces, but I think the more important thing is management. After thinking about it, I feel that Tang Xiangming is not suitable for Hunan.

The position of governor should be left to my brother!"

Tan Yankai was already used to the old-fashioned bureaucratic way of speaking, and Qiao Yu was a bit unaccustomed to being so straight to the point. However, Tan Yankai soon came to his senses. Qiao Yu was indeed generous enough to directly give himself the position of governor.

Of course, he can definitely do it with the current power of protecting the country, but Tan Yankai also knows very well that Qiao Yu can definitely push himself to the throne of governor. Of course, Tan Yankai also studied Qiao Yu's acting style before coming to Sichuan and knew that he would definitely have something.

Conspiracy, now it depends on what conditions he wants to impose on himself.

"Qiao Shuai, if you value me, I won't say much more. I'm just asking if Qiao Shuai can tell me what I need to do. Don't worry, I will never hesitate!"

"Brother Zu'an, it's best to be honest and honest. I want to know how you plan to govern Hunan?"

Qiao Yu seemed to be listening to Tan Yankai's work plan as a superior person. Tan Yankai did not feel any discomfort. He leaned forward and said: "Qiao Yu, I am going to insist on Hunan people knowing Hunan, inter-provincial autonomy, handing over the civil rights to the people, and letting the three thousand people know about Hunan."

Wan Xiangmin decides his own destiny!"

Qiao Yu secretly laughed in his heart. At this time, Tan Yankai is still fooling people with slogans like this. Qiao Yu doesn't believe that he will really let the people of Hunan implement self-government. This is just a strategy for him to resist external pressure, but Qiao Yu has other plans in his mind.

, China is a big country, extremely complex, and the situation in different places is very different. It is very important to give local governments a certain degree of autonomy. This is also an inevitable development of politics in the future.

Therefore, Qiao Yu also intends to use Hunan as a test field to see what the benefits and disadvantages of autonomy are, so as to accumulate experience for future political reforms. Regardless of Hunan's success or failure, Qiao Yu's foundation will not be shaken.

"Brother Zu'an, your idea is very good. Since the founding of the Republic of China, we have said that we will develop civil rights, but to be honest, there has been no increase in civil rights at all. I hope that Hunan can truly find a feasible path and set an example for the whole country.

With you in charge of the overall situation in Hunan, I feel relieved!"

"Thank you very much for your support, Qiao Shuai. The well-being of the people of Hunan depends on Qiao Shuai's protection!"

"Brother Zu'an, local autonomy is only a political aspect. I think we need to carry out economic construction. Only when the economy develops can people's lives get better. Sichuan and Hunan are highly complementary economically. Hunan is a large agricultural country.

There are countless fertile fields in the province. Sichuan has successively established seven chemical fertilizer factories. The benefits of chemical fertilizers to crops are too many. Sichuan is preparing to invest in agriculture in Hunan. In addition, Hunan is also rich in mineral resources, and businessmen from Sichuan are also preparing to invest.

, I wonder if Brother Zu’an is willing to help?”

Tan Yankai felt relieved when he heard that the conditions offered by Qiao Yu turned out to be economic cooperation. He originally thought that Qiao Yu would get some political privileges from Hunan and turn Hunan into a subordinate of Sichuan. If this happened, Tan Yankai would not

I have explained it to the people of Hunan. Now it turns out that it is just an economic cooperation. Although Hunan will suffer some losses, it is absolutely nothing. Today's politicians still don't understand the power of the economy clearly, so Tan Yankai readily agreed.

After Qiao Yu and Tan Yankai finished talking, Luo Rongting and Tang Xiangming also arrived within two days. Together with Cai E and Xia Douyin, all the main figures on the guardian side were gathered together. Qiao Yu was the well-deserved master.

Lu Rongting and Cai E also have transcendent identities. The three of them represent the three most powerful forces among the guardians.

"My lords, you are able to come to the mountain city, and I will give you a warm welcome. Now the Hu** has achieved a great victory, but as I said before, Sichuan only opposes the monarchy this time, not Beiyang. I think the main stage of military struggle has passed.

Now, our responsibility is to force people inside Beiyang to stand up, overthrow Yuan Shikai's rule, and restore the republican form of government. Gentlemen, I had a telegram with Mr. Duan Qirui not long ago and reached a consensus. In addition, Mr. Feng Guozhang, Cao Kun

My husband has also sent telegrams one after another, hoping to understand the attitude of protecting the motherland. I believe that through rectification efforts, it is possible to oust Yuan Shikai from power. I am calling all the gentlemen together this time. One important issue is the three provinces of southwest China and the two lakes.

Everyone has an opinion on how to handle the next step for Guangdong and Guangxi!"

Qiao Yu directly set the tone and was not going to fight again. Although everyone present was a little surprised, they also expressed their understanding. They also knew the situation in each province. The current strength is indeed insufficient, and there are many internal contradictions in the bodyguard. For example, just now

When a meeting was held, Guizhou Protector Liu Xianshi did not come because he was ill. Everyone knew that Liu Xianshi had colluded with Beiyang. It would be difficult for such a protector to continue to attack Beiyang.

After listening to Qiao Yu's words, Lu Rongting nodded frequently, "Qiao Shuai, I agree with you. As long as the monarchy can be overthrown, we must sympathize with the people and not carry out the Northern Expedition. But I want to know what consensus Qiao Shuai and Duan Qirui have reached.

We can’t work in vain!”

Lu Rongting is fifty-seven years old this year. He is not young, but he is in good health and has a loud voice. Lu Rongting also came from a rough background and was active on the Sino-Vietnamese border. He once severely attacked the French colonial army and was later recruited by the Qing government. Like Zhang Zuolin, he was also a bandit.

, now in a high position, it is also the times that make heroes.

"Mr. Lu, this time all the provinces jointly rebelled against Yuan. Their hard work and merit will naturally be rewarded accordingly. Therefore, I asked Duan Qirui for the power of autonomy. I am going to recommend Xia Douyin as the governor of Hubei and Tan Zu'an as the governor of Hunan. Brother Lu

As the envoy to Guangdong and Guangxi, Zhang Bailin serves as the governor of Guizhou, each province implements inter-provincial autonomy, and Beiyang is not allowed to interfere in the personnel arrangements of each province, what do you think?"

Lu Rongting was overjoyed when he heard that Qiao Yu was planning to let him serve as the patrol envoy to Guangdong and Guangxi. This was tantamount to handing both Guangdong and Guangxi into his own hands. How could Lu Rongting not be happy?

"One more thing, Mr. Lu. Although Guangxi is not far from the ocean, all the coastal areas have been transferred to Guangdong Province, making Guangxi an inland province. This is very detrimental to the development of Guangxi's economy. Therefore, I am also planning to re-divide the two provinces.

Border, all the coastline north of Leizhou Peninsula will be assigned to Guangxi, so that Guangxi’s economy can develop!”

This chapter has been completed!
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