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Chapter 27 Kidnapping

Treasure? Nothing seems to be more tempting than this. Qiao Yu has also heard that Shi Dakai hid a lot of treasures before his death, but he didn't expect that this is true?

"My father discovered a ruined temple not far from the Dadu River. Who knew that there was a basement under the ruined temple, but it was already empty. My father simply took the gold and silver treasures he brought with him, as well as some valuables.

The paintings and calligraphy are all hidden inside, and together they are worth hundreds of thousands of taels of silver. However, it is a bit far away from Chongqing. If you are short of money, you might as well find this treasure!"

When Qiao Yu heard that there were only a few hundred thousand taels, and most of them were calligraphy and paintings, he immediately lost interest. Although the money was a lot, it was not a problem for him, and the treasure hiding place was too far away from Chongqing.

If you leave it there until Sichuan is captured and taken out later, it may become a tourist attraction in the future. Moreover, the cultural relic value of these things is far greater than the economic value. After all, they are evidence of a period of Chinese history.

Qiao Yu asked with a smile: "This treasure from Shi Shuban is of great value. This is your family's wealth. Why do you want to give it to me?"

"They are all external things. My father was a hero all his life, but he also died tragically at the hands of the Qing court. Now that I am at this age, I can see everything clearly. Being alive is the greatest blessing!"

"In my opinion, I'll keep it. If we take out the treasures in the future, maybe we can build a Taiping Heavenly Kingdom museum to record that period of history so that future generations can remember the history!"

Shi Dingzhong still cared about his father very much. When he heard that he could build a museum, he was very happy. After handling Shi Dingzhong's matter, Qiao Yu had another helper. Shi Dingzhong had been in the officialdom for a long time. Although he was just a minor official, he was very familiar with various laws and regulations.

The system is very clear, he is also very alert, mature and reliable, and he helps Qiao Yu handle chores. Suddenly, Qiao Yu's burden is much lighter.

Moreover, Niu Chuanshan sent Shi Dingzhong to assist Qiao Yu with the intention of letting him spy on Qiao Yu. However, these families became a family, and Niu Chuanshan was kept in the dark and knew nothing about it.

With the completion of the second phase of the textile factory, the output of the textile factory quadrupled. Soon the products of Limin Textile Factory occupied most of the market in Dongchuan, and sales were very prosperous. Even some sales began to appear in Chengdu in southern Sichuan.

As a cloth shop for Limin products, this brand has already been established.

The match factory that cooperated with the British has also been put into production, and the sales of high-quality and low-price safety matches are also very prosperous. In addition, Wang Dongcheng, Wang Gui, Xue Shan and others either built factories alone or cooperated with Sichuan Investment Company to build one after another.

Flour mill, cement factory, brick and tile factory, furniture factory, Xu Hua also built a noodle factory with originality.

Sichuan Zhongjiang noodles have a history of more than a thousand years. The noodles are as thin as hair, white and hollow, smooth and pliable, with a unique flavor. They are as good as new after reheating. They are very popular, but they are all produced in handmade workshops. Of course, they are handmade.

There are benefits, but production is limited and the price is high.

Businessman Xu Hua cooperated with Sichuan Investment Company and ordered a batch of machines in Germany. He relied on the machines to produce a large output. Now with the industrial development of Chongqing, a large number of workers have emerged, and the pace of people's lives has also accelerated.

There are few, so many people are accustomed to buying this convenient and cheap food. Xu Hua has made a lot of money and quickly recovered his investment, and is preparing to expand the scale.

Time flies, and it's already April. Qiao Yu has recruited another thousand patrol policemen. The first batch of one thousand patrol policemen has been able to carry out tasks independently and firmly control the ground in Chongqing. The revolutionaries can only retreat to the concession.

However, these party members have also been making small moves recently. Qiao Yu knows very well that this is the Huanghuagang Uprising that is imminent. The Sichuan Revolutionary Party is also preparing to respond, but its strength is limited and it has not launched yet...

Thinking of the Huanghuagang Uprising, Qiao Yu couldn't help but think of Yu Peilun and others. These were the first people he had met since his rebirth. In a daze, Qiao Yu seemed to see Yu Peilun, Qin Bing and others covered in blood and perished. They were in Qiao Yu's mind.

In the middle of the chaos, I suddenly heard the door being slammed open, and a person stumbled in.

Qiao Yu suddenly opened his eyes and saw that it was his eldest brother Qiao Cheng who had arrived. In the past, Qiao Cheng was always calm and steady, and he had never been so arrogant. But now Qiao Cheng's face was purple and blue, and he felt a sense of sadness and anger.

Color covers the brow.

"Brother, what happened? You should be more anxious. Let's find a solution together."

"Lao San, look at this!"

Qiao Yu doubtfully took the telegram from his elder brother. After glancing at it, he suddenly felt a little dizzy. No wonder Qiao Cheng was so rude. It turned out that Qiao Cheng's wife and daughter were all kidnapped by a group of robbers.

The robber demanded 300,000 taels of silver to redeem the person. I was afraid that anyone involved in such a thing would lose his composure. Qiao Yu's mind was spinning rapidly while he held his eldest brother in his arms.

"Brother, don't worry, my sister-in-law and niece will be safe and sound. Let's calm down first and think about why the other party kidnapped my sister-in-law. We can prescribe the right medicine!"

Qiao Cheng also recovered a little, and his face looked a little better: "Lao San, your sister-in-law has been with me for more than ten years. She was filial to my parents and raised children for me. It's not easy for her. Now she has fallen into a den of thieves.

, I’m afraid she won’t be able to bear it!”

Qiao Yu nodded repeatedly, knowing his eldest brother's worries in his heart, so he comforted him: "Brother, since the other party wants money, in my opinion, my sister-in-law and niece must have nothing to do. Why don't we invite all the big guys here, and let's discuss it together and come up with a solution?"


Qiao Cheng nodded in agreement. After a while, Bai Kuan, Han Yong, Wang Tianhe, Qian Tai, Shi Dingzhong, Wang Huai, Liu Yunhong, etc. all arrived at Qiao Yu's office. Qiao Yu handed over the draft of the telegram to everyone. Everyone saw it.

He is very angry, isn't this Tai Sui's trouble?

Han Yong was deeply cared for by the Qiao family and had a very good impression of Qiao Cheng's wife. She was an extremely virtuous woman. How could such a misfortune not make people angry: "Master, don't worry, our men will

With soldiers and money, we can definitely rescue grandma!"

"Brother Han, people must be rescued, but now we have to discuss countermeasures. Do you know anything about the Tiangang Village where the sister-in-law was robbed? Is there any collusion between them and Brother Han?" Qiao Yu has calmed down now, and his thoughts are unusual.


"The general office was worried that the people from Ge Laohui were seeking revenge this time, so they contacted the bandits and robbed the grandma. I don't think there is any need to worry about this. I know something about Tiangang Village. It started with a few gangsters and some noisy gangsters.

The rebels gathered together, thirty-six of them in total, and called Tiangang Village. They moved around Fengdu and made a living by robbing merchants. The government also conducted several raids. However, due to the special terrain, these thieves were too fierce and failed.

Yes, I think these thieves are probably crazy because they want to blackmail us, but we must rescue grandma as soon as possible, otherwise there is no guarantee that my well-informed brother will take any action!"

Shi Dingzhong was worthy of being a sophisticated man. He quickly explained the matter clearly, and most of the big rocks in Qiao Yu's heart fell away. A simple robbery would be much easier to handle, whether it was hard or soft.


"Third Young Master, do you think you should agree to this group of thieves? We still have hundreds of thousands of taels of silver on our books. It's not very difficult to raise more, 300,000 taels!" The person speaking this time was Qian Tai.

He is an old man from the Qiao family, and he is now in charge of the accounts. Even though Qiao Yu has a big business now, the actual circulating funds are not very sufficient. After all, a large number of factories have just started production and have not yet recovered their capital.

"This must not be the case. If we withdraw 300,000 taels of silver now, most of our plans will be shelved. I will never agree!" Of course Qiao Cheng feels sorry for his wife and daughter, but he also knows how difficult it is to build a business in Chongqing. If it is delayed,

Down, the losses were too great, so we were in a dilemma!

At this time, Wang Huai suddenly stood up: "Master, I have heard about Tiangang Village. They are so unscrupulous that they once bloodbathed the wealthy Wang family in our village. That was five years ago. Chen Heihu, the leader of Tiangang Village, kidnapped Wang

The rich man's daughter extorted 30,000 silver. The rich man Wang spent all his family property to collect the money. Unexpectedly, Chen Heihu had already ravaged his daughter to death, and killed and looted their entire family. It was only after that that my family escaped.

From Wan County! This group of thieves is the most vicious!"


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