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Chapter 270 Engine

However, issuing currency also faces a series of problems. First of all, the currency on the market is extremely confusing. Now ordinary people use copper coins, silver dimes, oceans, silver, and bank notes, while big businessmen still use foreign currencies directly.

, it can be said that the chaos has reached the extreme, so it is necessary to unify the currency, but we must also consider how to conduct the exchange appropriately, otherwise it will definitely hurt the interests of some people.

In addition, how to issue banknotes, what is the scope of issuance, how much is issued, and how to manage them are all issues that need to be considered.

"Everyone, the issuance of banknotes can be said to be a major event related to the entire financial order in Southwest China. We must not be careless. I am planning to establish a Southwest Bank to be responsible for issuing banknotes and supervising other banks. Do you have any suitable candidates you can recommend to me?


To put it bluntly, the Southwest Bank is the central bank in several southwest provinces. It is responsible for issuing banknotes. During the Republic of China, commercial banks were responsible for issuing banknotes as banknotes. Commercial banks were driven by profit, so it was difficult to control their issuance.

The desire for currency has led to the problem of hyperinflation many times in the history of the Republic of China. For example, the famous French currency reached an inflation rate of 60% in the first year of its issuance, and then increased to 100% every year during the eight years of the Anti-Japanese War.

An inflation rate of 1/1000. In later generations, when the inflation rate did not exceed 10%, the common people complained endlessly. The kind of inflation rate that needs to be looked up to can be said to have reached the point of madness.

It was out of this concern that Qiao Yu decided to set up a special currency-issuing bank, controlled by the government. This was also an important step in maintaining financial stability.

"Commander, a group of Chinese have recently returned to China from the United States. They are all done by Mr. Huang Sande. Among them are many talents from various industries. One of them is Wei Ruolan, a financial wizard. I think this person can be used.

!" As the Minister of Finance, Wang Dongcheng paid great attention to financial talents, so he recommended Wei Ruolan.

Qiao Yu nodded in agreement: "Since Minister Wang is optimistic about this person, we might as well let him make a plan. If feasible, hand over the management of Southwest Bank to this person!"

Anti-drug and currency reform are only a small part of this meeting. The main topic of the meeting is how to strengthen control of newly included areas. This is the most important thing at the moment.

"Commander, I suggest that Tianshui and Wudu of Gansu and Hanzhong and Baoji of Shaanxi be jointly established to form the Yongzhou Military Region. In addition, the Yangtze River Cruise Fleet is established and the headquarters is located in Yichang, Hubei to strengthen the control of these strategic locations!" Wu Tong!

At this time, new suggestions were put forward, which is also something that must be done.

"Well, the Yangtze River Cruise Fleet will be handed over to Tang Xiangming, the Yongzhou Military Region will be handed over to Commander Liu Xiang, and Luo Changchun will be in charge of local civil affairs!" Qiao Yu personally ordered two people. Tang Xiangming was originally the governor of Hunan, but now he has been

Tan Yankai took over. Qiao Yu made him the commander of the cruise fleet because Tang Xiangming was from the navy and knew a lot about the navy. He was also used to restrain Tan Yankai so that the old fox would always feel in danger.

Different from Tang Xiangming, Luo Changchun is Qiao Yu's confidant. He has been working hard on the edge of Sichuan and worked hard to stabilize Qiao Yu's xi zang. Luo Changchun is very good at dealing with ethnic issues and is familiar with civil affairs.

Shaanxi and Gansu are both places where Hui and Han people live together. There was a serious rebellion decades ago. The situation is very delicate. Qiao Yu must send an effective general to take charge of the northwest affairs, so he chose Luo Changchun, and xi zang

The matter of waiting for the place was left to Yu Peilun.

In addition to these two places, there is another most important area, which is Qinzhou. According to the agreement between Qiao Yu and Lu Rongting, the administrative districts of Guangdong and Guangxi began to be redivided. Lu Rongting even wanted to connect the Leizhou Peninsula with Hainan Island out of his preference for his hometown people.

All of them were assigned to Guangxi, but the people of Guangdong strongly opposed it, and in the end only the Beibu Gulf was assigned to Guangxi. However, Guangxi finally had its own outlet to the sea, and the Guizhou-Guangxi Railway was also ready to be built. The people of Guangxi were all opposed to Lu Rongting.

His support and love have increased a lot. Marshal Lu, who has a beard and a background, can do things for the people.

Out of gratitude to Sichuan, Lu Rongting agreed to assign the surrounding areas of Qinzhou to Sichuan for management. At the same time, Sichuan could send a brigade of soldiers to protect the Qinzhou Shipyard. Since Qinzhou was involved in major events at Sichuan's seaport, it became the most important in Sichuan.

After careful discussion, Pan Wenhua, who had previously performed well in Qinzhou, was organized as a coastal defense brigade, and eight aircraft were dispatched to Qinzhou to protect this hard-won port.

After these peripheral affairs have been dealt with almost, the problem remains in Yunnan and Guizhou provinces. There are still governors in these two provinces, and the administrative system is at the same level as Sichuan. Therefore, it is urgent to establish an administrative agency higher than each province to uniformly lead the three provinces and

Sichuan area, but this is undoubtedly depriving Cai E and Zhang Bailin of their power, and they must pay attention to skills in operation.

"Everyone, it has become a top priority to fully integrate Yunnan and Guizhou into Sichuan's system. I have decided to formulate a southwest development plan as soon as possible to put the smoking ban issues, poverty alleviation issues, road issues, financial issues, and agricultural issues together for unified planning.

First, we must completely control Yunnan and Guizhou economically and sideline Cai E, and then further promote the reform of the political system, abolish the governor, establish a provincial governor, and then establish a joint parliament. There must be no duplicitous forces in the southwest."

As soon as Qiao Yu said this, everyone knew that the patrol envoy would never allow a warlord to exist under his control. Everyone must act in accordance with the laws and regulations, and there must not be a Yuan Datou like the one in Beiyang.

, the following situation of Yuan Xiaotou, if there is a warlord in the southwest, it is Qiao Yu alone, and others do not have this qualification at all.

After the Sichuan civil and military officials held a secret meeting and had a unified understanding, Qiao Yu sent a message to Cai E and Zhang Bailin, asking them to bring the main responsible officials of the province to Chongqing to discuss the development of the southwest. At the same time, Qiao Yu also asked Sichuan officials

Newspapers went all out to publicize Sichuan's upcoming huge economic aid plan for Yunnan and Guizhou, giving the people in the southwest something to look forward to. Even with a new ruler, everyone's lives can only get better and better.

In the midst of all the busyness, Qiao Yu received a new customer. He was the German businessman Buschter. Buschter was the first foreign businessman to cooperate with Qiao Yu. He had been engaged in Sino-German trade over the years and accumulated a huge fortune. However,

After the outbreak of World War I, the trade between China and Germany plummeted, and Buschter's company also disappeared. However, this was only a superficial phenomenon. Buschter still stayed in Sichuan, providing important strategic materials to Germany through his own relationships.


Although Qiao Yu ostensibly surrendered to the Allies, he secretly continued to collude with Germany. Since Sichuan is an important military supply base for the Allies, as long as Sichuan provides Germany with some accurate export information, Germany can

From this, we can infer the military trends of the Allied Powers and make corresponding preparations. Therefore, Germany is very grateful to Qiao Yu. Through the transaction of Qiao Yu, it also obtained a lot of German technology. Otherwise, Sichuan would not have the ability to develop self-propelled artillery and other weapons.


"Qiao, what do you have to offer your old friend this time?"

"You will definitely be satisfied with this product!" As he spoke, Qiao Yu handed several design drawings to Busht. Busht picked them up and took a closer look. He was shocked when he saw that these drawings had

There are several steel monsters, and Bushit now knows a lot about weapons. This is definitely a new type of weapon.

"Qiao, are these weapons designed in Sichuan?"

"To be precise, it is a joint work between Sichuan and French engineers. The Allies have been discussing how to break through the barriers of trenches. France has designed many armored vehicles before this, but these armored vehicles have average performance and poor cross-country capabilities.

The protective capabilities were also weak, and their actual value was not very great. Later, Sichuan transformed a batch of armored vehicles from tractor sites, which were very popular with France. Since then, China and France have been conducting technical exchanges, and the United Kingdom has also joined in. We also designed

There are two weapons, which are what you see on the drawings now.

One is called a combat vehicle, which also uses a tractor chassis, is equipped with ten millimeter thick armor, and has two machine guns. Its speed exceeds ten kilometers per hour. Ordinary rifles and machine guns cannot damage it at all. It is regarded by the Allies as an important weapon for breaking through trenches.

There is also a weapon called a self-propelled artillery, which uses the chassis of a tank and is equipped with a 75mm cannon. It has good maneuverability and can provide powerful fire support. These two weapons have been launched on a large scale by Britain and France.

Sichuan also produces part of the production and will export it to Europe. I believe that this kind of weapon will soon appear on the battlefield!"

After Bushit heard this, his face suddenly changed. Although Germany is still suppressing the French on the front line, Germany knows its own suffering. The maritime blockade is like a chain around Germany's neck. Now Britain

People are constantly tightening their shackles, food in Germany is soaring, and the people are miserable. The war has reached its most critical moment. If the French break through the defense line with new weapons at this time, it will definitely be a catastrophic consequence for Germany.


"Qiao, the drawings you provided are extremely important, and Germany is willing to pay a large price in exchange!"

"Well, I hope Germany can provide Sichuan with a batch of engine technology. I can guarantee that this part of the technology will never be used in weapons against Germany!"

Although Sichuan can now produce a lot of equipment, it still cannot produce suitable engines. It can only be imported from the United States or Britain and France. This is also a worry for Qiao Yu. Although it can be imported now, it may not be possible after the First World War. The great powers will return

After returning to the Far East, it will definitely restrict the development of subsequent countries and colonies. Sichuan's most deterrent force now is air power. If the engine problem cannot be solved, Sichuan's air force will become a decoration. Qiao Yu will never allow this to happen, so

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the war, obtaining engine technology became an inevitable choice.

This chapter has been completed!
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