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Chapter 272 Southwest Joint Development Plan

"Director Zhang, isn't it okay to hire someone with a high salary?"

Zhang Lan shook his head: "There are two difficulties in Junzuo. The first is that there are not many qualified educational talents, and most of them are old-fashioned people from the former Qing Dynasty. Teaching Chinese and history has no problems at all, but teaching physics and chemistry is not good.

Secondly, there is a limit to high salaries. Once teacher salaries are too high, it will only aggravate social conflicts, and some people are dissatisfied with the conditions offered by Sichuan and choose to refuse!"

The rapid development of Sichuan has allowed these officials in Sichuan to have wider contacts and see some things more clearly. Since the late Qing Dynasty, the treatment enjoyed by Chinese scholars has always been superior to that of superhumans. Even though most of these scholars scolded

zheng fu, but they actually have vested interests.

Take wages as an example. Some workers in Bei Jing Shanghai can get three to five yuan a month, which is pretty good. During the same period, professors at Peking University received four hundred yuan a month, and ordinary workers will also be deducted. These professors will never

For those who are in arrears, no matter how difficult the government is, they will try to provide them with full allocations. The income of professors and workers can reach a hundred times. It is this huge income gap that allows the so-called literati to play the style of the Republic of China.


But compared to later generations, if the income gap between university professors and ordinary workers is three to five times, it is considered respect for knowledge. But once it reaches a hundred times, it is creating hatred and can only lead to sharp confrontation between the two major groups. It can be said that the Republic of China has

The treatment of scholars is very extraordinary.

Later generations of scholars are praising the freedom of the Republic of China and the virtues of scholars. They lament the style of the Republic of China. Perhaps they are recalling the sense of superiority of having a hundred times the income of ordinary people and overlooking the suffering of all living beings. Compared with their predecessors, they

It's so embarrassing.

However, the respect for scholars in the Republic of China did not bring about the prosperity of the country, and there was no real development in science and technology. Those professors spent huge sums of money to study piles of old papers, play with culture, and play with ancient books, and they were all busy writing books and sayings.

Some people use this money for scientific research, and some people make military products that can enhance the country's strength. It's not that cultural aspects are not important, but if they insist on doing these things at a critical moment of life and death, it's just a businesswoman who doesn't know how to subjugate her country.

Hate it.

A group of people who should have been severely despised, but because their disciples and disciples had the right to speak, they tried their best to beautify them and put some people on the altar. However, the countless workers who truly support the backbone of this country are the ones who developed the technology for this country.

The technicians who produce aircraft, artillery, tanks and warships are not the so-called scholar-bureaucrats who sing about the wind and the moon.

Today, Sichuan has made great strides into the industrial age. The incomes of skilled workers, engineers, and entrepreneurs are increasing rapidly, and the corresponding income of teachers has decreased. University professors can no longer maintain an income gap of a hundred times. Therefore, many literati

He was unwilling to come to Sichuan to teach. Zhang Lan was also a scholar, so he understood the thoughts of these people very well, but he also despised them more and more.

"Minister Zhang, there are vested interests all the time. They still like to be superior. We have nothing to do, but we can still run education well without them. I have a suggestion, which is to ask officials at all levels in our government to

A group of people with outstanding abilities and knowledge will be selected from them to serve as part-time teachers, including me. Each minister will be responsible for one course, which should not be less than two classes per week. In addition, talents from the business world can also be involved, and the remaining

I think the gap will be filled by overseas Chinese. Now that the Chinese in the United States have begun to return to China one after another, we will go to Nanyang to hire some, and we can finally fill the gap!"

Qiao Yu's idea was a whimsical idea, but Zhang Lan thought about it carefully and realized that it was really a solution. There are indeed a considerable number of new talents in Sichuan government. These people are closer to society and have a deeper understanding of many issues. Of course, they

You may still be a little new to education, but it is a good alternative anyway.

"Commander, if you let these officials become teachers, will it affect the officials' prestige?"

"Isn't Confucius also a teacher? Teaching and educating people is not a shameful thing in the first place. As a patrol envoy, am I still the honorary president of Sichuan University? From now on, I will go there at least twice a week to talk about international relations. You can't do that either.

Everyone has to take courses when they are free!"

When Zhang Lan saw that what Qiao Yu was playing was real, he agreed with this emergency method in his heart. Why do you think teachers are so lacking? This is also a helpless method.

"Minister Zhang, let's grit our teeth and survive for a while. As long as the European War is over, we can hire a group of foreign teachers at low prices, and in a few years the first group of students we have trained will have grown up. By that time

Everything will be easier to handle, this is the only thing we can do now!"

"If Jun Zuo can go and give lectures to students in person, I'm afraid that officials from Sichuan will join in. I just want Jun Zuo to have to work hard!"

Qiao Yu sent Zhang Lan away, and kept reminding himself that although Sichuan seemed to be developing well, its foundation was still weak. It didn't even have a decent team of teachers, let alone talent training, but this couldn't be done.

Being opportunistic, it seems that all I can do is wait quietly.

Soon Qiao Yu put on a long gown and came to Sichuan University as he said, and began to teach international relations, four classes a week. It was undoubtedly explosive news for the patrol inspector to give lectures in person, and some people lamented that it was so big

The official actually actually gave a lecture. Of course, some people questioned Qiao Yu's level. Wasn't a guy with a martial arts background going to make noises? Qiao Yu basically ignored these weird words. He taught for nearly a semester at Sichuan University and later came out.

Due to safety considerations, the teaching ended, but Qiao Yu also made a good start. Officials at all levels in Sichuan and experts in the business community are eager to teach at universities. Although these people may be somewhat lacking in theory, they can

Practical knowledge is handed over to students, so Sichuan University has gradually changed the ivory tower situation. After students have enriched their knowledge, their understanding of society has also become more mature, and it is easier to achieve results. This has also become a good

Traditionally, famous people compete to be proud of being able to lecture at Sichuan University.

After half a month of intensive preparations, Sichuan formulated its first Southwest Joint Development Plan. In the plan, Sichuan allocated 400 million in three years to assist the two provinces of Yunnan and Guizhou in developing their economies and complete the plan as soon as possible.

The construction of the Chengdu-Kunming Railway and the Guizhou-Chongqing Railway must speed up the investigation and design of the Guizhou-Guizhou and Yunnan-Guizhou Railways and start construction as soon as possible. In addition, 100,000 kilometers of roads must be built, and we strive to connect all the major cities in the three provinces of Yunnan, Guizhou, and Sichuan with railways and highways.

The flow of materials within the real area is smooth and unimpeded.

Sichuan assisted the two provinces in developing agriculture, established ten fertilizer plants, renovated farmland water conservancy projects, and worked hard to increase grain production, making the two provinces' grain self-sufficiency rate exceed 70%.

The two provinces of Yunnan and Guizhou have completely abolished the Lijin Checkpoint, realized free trade with Sichuan, jointly seized the opportunity of the European war, expanded exports, and ensured the food and clothing of the people.

Smoking was completely banned in Yunnan and Guizhou provinces, and the opium cultivation area was reduced to less than 5% within three years. The three provinces jointly issued unified southwest banknotes and jointly supervised the issuance of currency.

After Cai E got Qiao Yu's plan, his face was very ugly. Recently, Cai E's teacher Liang Qichao came to Kunming. He also wanted to expand the influence of the United Party, but after entering the southwest, Liang Qichao really felt the power of Sichuan.

, Sichuan products were everywhere, and there were traces of Sichuan merchants everywhere. Only then did Liang Qichao truly understand Cai E's difficulties.

"Songpo, I think although Qiao Yu's plan sounds nice, there are hidden tracks everywhere. Once you accept this condition, Yunnan will almost become Qiao Yu's bag!"

"Teacher, your opinion is that it is indeed the case, but how can we refuse now? Sichuan is too powerful, and Qiao Yu is the patrol envoy to the southwest, so it is natural for him to interfere in the affairs of Yunnan and Guizhou, and Zhang Bailin from Guizhou is Qiao Yu's lackey. Now

The only province left is Yunnan, and I can’t stand alone!”

Liang Qichao's face was also very ugly. Indeed, as Cai E said, Sichuan's power was too great, and Yunnan had no possibility of competing. He thought that he had found his apprentice the position of commander of the southwest border defense, which would allow him to take charge of the army in the southwest.

Being able to check and balance Qiao Yu now seems to be completely wishful thinking.

Liang Qichao and Cai E repeatedly read the text of the plan. Sichuan's plans focused on benefiting the people. Building railways, building factories, and running schools were all things that Cai E could not decide on. If he did not agree, the people of Yunnan would definitely stand up.

Those who oppose him, even the governor, are no exception. The living standards of the people in Yunnan are now too low. Compared with the neighboring Sichuan, it is simply heaven and earth. The dissatisfaction of the people is getting more and more accumulated. Now it has reached the critical point. As long as Cai E refuses to

plan, someone will soon step forward to overthrow Cai E.

"Songpa, railways and other issues are difficult to refuse, but I think the currency issue is easier to deal with. Sichuan's desire to use unified banknotes in the three provinces is nothing more than a piece of paper in exchange for other people's hard work. We want to

Expose him and use public opinion to make him withdraw this plan. If the currency is not controlled by Sichuan, Yunnan can still maintain du li. If all the people in Yunnan use are Sichuan votes, then there is really no way!"

Liang Qichao had such an idea. Cai E thought about it carefully and nodded slightly. This is the only feasible way at present, "Teacher, Qiao Yu also has evil intentions when it comes to the issue of banning smoking. In this plan, the only way is to increase the number of people."

Income, a plan to prevent the ban on smoking from harming the interests of the people, but the army is the one who makes the most profits from opium. If the cultivation of opium is reduced, even if it does not damage the interests of the people, then the Yunnan Army may not have military expenditures to maintain it. The only issue is the ban on smoking.

If you take it out, Qiao Yu will occupy the moral high ground and be unable to object at all!"

Liang Qichao's eyes also narrowed: "What a powerful Qiao Yu. It was Qiao Yu who drove Tang Jiyao away last year because of the opium issue. This time he still used this excuse. It seems that he has pointed the finger at you Songpo. We must think

That’s the only way to deal with it!”

This chapter has been completed!
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