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Chapter 274 Dialogue with Cai E

According to the agreement, Qiao Yu took Sichuan with him. Although Zhang Bailin was the governor of Guizhou, he still treated himself as a subordinate after meeting Qiao Yu and was extremely respectful.

"Jin Zuo, I have read the Southwest Joint Development Plan. It is very detailed. The only problem is that Sichuan will suffer a big loss in this plan. All the funds will be taken from Sichuan's finance. We are only receiving favors, which is a bit embarrassing.


"Bailin, don't say that. Since I am the patrol envoy to the southwest, the three provinces and one region in the southwest have the same weight in my heart. Guizhou and Yunnan are lagging behind, so they should spend money to help the development of the two provinces. Besides, developing Guizhou and Yunnan

It is also a great thing for Sichuan's industry and commerce. During the war, Sichuan has accumulated a lot of capital and is worried that there is no place to invest. In addition, the war cannot continue like this. When the demand in Europe decreases, Yunnan and Guizhou will be vigorously developed.

Being able to digest Sichuan's huge production capacity and ensure the economic continuity is a good thing that is mutually beneficial!"

"Jun Zuo, I'm not polite if you say that, but I'm afraid some people may not appreciate your kindness!"

Of course, Zhang Bailin was talking about Cai E, and Qiao Yu knew it well: "I believe that Cai E still knows the general situation and cannot ignore the well-being of the people of Yunnan!"

"Jin Zuo, if you ask me to say that since you are already the patrol envoy to the southwest, Yunnan and Guizhou provinces should not have governors. Otherwise, it is unclear who is in charge of this army. I suggest that there are two provinces.

Just appoint a provincial governor!"

At this time, Zhang Bailin proposed to abolish the governor. Qiao Yu knew very well that this was Zhang Bailin's attitude. The governor focused on military power, while the patrol envoy also mainly managed military power. The two were in conflict. For Zhang Bailin, he was originally

There is no military power, and there is not much difference between being a governor or a provincial governor.

Moreover, Zhang Bailin has long seen that Qiao Yu will never allow duplicitous forces to appear under his rule, so instead of letting others oust him, he might as well take the initiative and get some benefits. Zhang Bailin is not in the Year of Xinhai now.

That naive revolutionary, after so many turmoils, has learned to advance and retreat, and to seek benefits for himself.

When Qiao Yu saw Zhang Bailin taking the road like this, he was also happy in his heart, "Bailin, now is not the time to change, but don't worry, you will definitely benefit from it!" Qing turned into a Hongmen Banquet for Cai E alone.

, the civil and military officials under Qiao Yu were busy making more detailed plans to completely take the southwest. After Qingqing, they felt this strange atmosphere more clearly. Cai E has always been arrogant.

He was very high-spirited during the Revolution of 1911, but he was unlucky and met a strong opponent like Qiao Yu. He finally managed to take charge of Yunnan again. However, the situation has completely changed at this time, and he finally started a war to protect the country.

However, Yunnan has to completely follow Sichuan's footsteps, and now everyone is a knife-sitter, and I am a fish-meat.

Thinking of the bad situation he was about to face, Cai E was upset for a while, and then he started coughing. Ren Kecheng, Li Genyuan and others who came with him were also anxious. How could Cai E compete with Qiao Yu in such a bad health?


"Brother Songpo, I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

"Don't be offended, Mr. Cai, the road is a little longer!"

Qiao Yu stretched out his hand to hold Cai E. The two were talking and laughing, appearing extremely close. However, the entourage on both sides knew that both of them wanted to use a knife in their hearts. There was no tenderness at all. Only the bayonets were red.

Everyone came to the conference room, Qiao Yu sat in the middle, Zhang Bailin and Cai E sat on the left and right respectively, and the others sat below in turn. Qiao Yu glanced at the whole place with a smile.

"The princes are all important military and political officials in the southwest. They hold the well-being of the people in the three provinces in their hands and bear heavy responsibilities. Since the founding of the Republic of China, the people's lives have not improved. Excessive taxes and miscellaneous taxes have not decreased. On the contrary, they have increased. And there are still more

Bearing frequent wars, people's livelihood is now in extreme decline. Many of us are the heroes of the Revolution of 1911 and the heroes of the uprising. But now we must reflect on why we have implemented a republican system and the people of the country are still suffering. The sovereignty of the country

Still frequently destroyed by foreign powers!”

Qiao Yu's opening remarks were without any politeness and pointed directly to the problem. If Sichuan people's livelihood has not changed in recent years, no one would believe it. In less than five years since Qiao Yu took office, the income of Sichuan people has dropped.

It has quadrupled. Areas with better natural conditions have basically been able to achieve the level of food and clothing. Industrial output has increased by as much as five times. These are real data. It can be said that compared with most countries in the world, Sichuan has developed more

Speed ​​is appreciated.

There is no doubt that Qiao Yu's words were directly directed at Cai E. Before Cai E could speak, Zhang Bailin took over.

"Jun Zuo, the people's livelihood in Guizhou has indeed not improved much in recent years. I want to review this point. Guizhou officials still have a style of old officials, which is not much different from the former Qing Dynasty. There are more and more local taxes and miscellaneous taxes. Many people say

Now the Republic of China is still not as good as the Qing Dynasty. I am extremely ashamed. Now Jun Zuo has proposed a joint development plan for the three southwest provinces. This is a great good thing for the people of Guizhou. Bailin will definitely cooperate with us to clean up the officials and work hard to enrich the people!"

Although Zhang Bailin's words were a self-examination, they were playing a double act with Qiao Yu, forcing Cai E into a corner. Although the people's livelihood in Guizhou is not good, Yunnan is definitely worse. Now Zhang Bailin has expressed his stance, you

What should Cai E do? A group of officials in Guizhou also showed joy at this time. It seemed that the governor was really clear-headed. If he didn't fall to Qiao Yu at this time, he would really have no chance.

Cai E's face became even uglier: "What Governor Zhang said is right. Yunnan is located on the border and bears the pressure of border defense, so the investment in people's livelihood is correspondingly reduced. Moreover, it also cost a lot to take the lead in attacking Yuan Shikai this time.

It is time to rest with the people and let the people live a better life. However, because Yunnan has an important mission in national defense, it must be careful and cannot act blindly, otherwise it will be bad to arouse people's dissatisfaction.


"Brother Songpo, you have thought it through very carefully. If you think the development opportunities we have formulated are inappropriate, point them out and we can discuss them openly and honestly!"

Qiao Yu was polite, but he took a step forward. Now Qiao Yu has taken the advantage under the banner of improving people's livelihood. Although Cai E has a lot of reasons, there are really not many that can be brought to the table. Qiao Yu simply doesn't

Don't be afraid of what tricks he will play.

Cai E could already feel that all the eyes were focused on him. This was like roasting himself on the fire, but he had to speak: "Jun Zuo, I in Yunnan think that large-scale road construction is a good thing, but

Some roads involve areas belonging to ethnic minorities. Due to different folk customs, this must be done with caution. The same is true for several mineral deposits. In addition, I think financial reform is not very appropriate. If there is a run on the banknotes blindly, our wealth will be destroyed.

It has completely disappeared. Furthermore, although opium is harmful to the people, it is also an important drug. Many people rely on it to survive, so we must be cautious when banning smoking!"

Cai E put forward three objections in succession, and Qiao Yu sneered in his heart. If these three points were regressed, how could he control Southwest? Cai E was really ignorant. Originally, Qiao Yu knew Cai E's life.

He has grown up soon, and I don’t want to embarrass him too much, but now Cai E actually wants to go against himself, so I can’t blame myself!

"Captain Cai, since you are opposed to all of this, then people's livelihood issues cannot be ignored. How do you think I can help Yunnan develop its economy?"

Qiao Yu's face had darkened, and his tone was no longer as polite as before. Cai E didn't know how to answer at this time. His reasons were all prevarications, and there was no solution at all. Now Qiao Yu asked why

Can it be embarrassing?

Seeing that Cai E was silent, Ren Kecheng on the side had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: "Jun, the people's livelihood in Yunnan certainly needs to be changed, but I also ask Jun to believe that our officials in Yunnan can change the poverty of the people. What is missing is some assistance.

During the pre-Qing Dynasty, Sichuan had to pay Yunnan 800,000 taels of silver every year. I think Sichuan might as well support it now. Hunan and Hubei have already started inter-provincial autonomy. I think this is very appropriate!"

"Ren Kecheng, you are still shameless!" Guizhou Civil Affairs Chief Liu Jincai stood up immediately and pointed at Ren Kecheng: "Jun Zuo is the patrol envoy to the southwest, managing three provinces and one region in the southwest. Yunnan is naturally under the jurisdiction of the patrol envoy.

Moreover, the inspection tour made the Lord a bowl of water, and did not allow Sichuan to oppress Yunnan and Guizhou provinces, but spent huge sums of money to help the two provinces develop their economies. If Yunnan still wants to engage in some kind of joint provincial autonomy, this is not an ulterior motive. What else can you do?

You have the nerve to talk about the Qing Dynasty, and you still want to get something for nothing. Even if you are given this money, it will all go into your pockets, how can it benefit the people!"

Liu Jincai is also a wonderful person. Since the governor has acted as a vanguard, he cannot fall behind. This is a good time to show loyalty. The harsher the scolding, the happier the patrol will make. As for offending Yunnan, Liu Jincai also

No matter what, it is still a matter of debate whether there will be a force like the Yunnan Army in the future!

Qiao Yu did not look at the blushing Ren Kecheng, but stared at Cai E and sneered slightly: "Captain Cai, are you also planning to implement federal provincial autonomy in Yunnan?"

"Yunnan does have this idea!" Facing this young man Qiao Yu, Cai E felt frightened for the first time, but he couldn't back down at this time.

"Each province is different, and the situation in Yunnan Province is special. I hope that the tour will enable you to take care of the special situation in Yunnan and not apply a one-size-fits-all approach!"

This chapter has been completed!
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