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Chapter 280 Using War to Defend Peace II

"Inspector Qiao, as the leader of a party, you still dare to come to the university to give lectures. How can you be so disrespectful and openly hurt others? You let us speak freely, and now you are maliciously slandering me. Why don't you just arrest me?"

Get up and forget it!”

Doctor Zhongshu said a few words in an awe-inspiring manner, deliberately tilting his head upward forty-five degrees, looking aloof and noble, with a hint of celebrity style, and many teachers and students began to secretly admire Doctor Zhongshu's courage.

There was a sneer at the corner of Qiao Yu's mouth. Such despicable literary thieves who worship foreigners and have ulterior motives are everywhere in the future. Compared with those people, this doctor's skills are not very deep. "Mr. Lang, it turns out that you also know how to combine people with others."

When dogs are put together, they seem to be showing off, so why did you make this mistake again? It's because you're not knowledgeable enough, or you have ulterior motives!"

Hearing Qiao Yu's words, Lang Zhongshu was suddenly confused. What is meant by Zhang Guan and Li Dai?

"Classmates, what Mr. Lang just said is not wrong, but why do I say that he is just pretending to be a pretentious person and secretly changing the concept? This starts from the origin of the two kinds of operas. Western operas were first used in religious ceremonies.

It is for God, so people who listen to the opera should dress formally and say nothing. You can also think about whether we Chinese are also solemn and solemn and neat during the Water and Land Dharma Assembly; and our operas

Such as Peking Opera, Ping Opera, Bangzi, Sichuan Opera, etc. are all types of music produced purely for entertainment. They are a form of entertainment that serves the citizens and allows everyone to relax after being busy. If a person has worked for a day,

If you want to go to a teahouse and listen to a tune, you still have to sit upright, how can you relax and have fun? Mr. Lang put the two together to compare, isn't it just a height comparison between dogs and people?"

After Qiao Yu said this, the students in the audience realized that this was really the case. In the past, I had heard people use this kind of thing to belittle the quality of Chinese people. Everyone only felt the atmosphere, but didn't know how to argue.

, now when I heard what the inspection envoy said, it really dawned on me. It turned out that Doctor Zhongshu and his like were secretly changing their concepts. At this time, everyone looked at Doctor Zhongshu with eyes that were no longer reverent, but with a trace of suspicion. He

Are the usual remarks correct?

The more he doubted what Lang Zhongshu said, the more violent the applause given to Qiao Yu became. Even many teachers from Sichuan University couldn't help but applaud. Lang Zhongshu listened to the fierce applause as if he was being slapped one by one.

It hit him in the face and made him dizzy. He couldn't believe that a vulgar martial artist could have such knowledge. He originally wanted to set a trap for the other party, but now he shot himself in the foot. His face

There was also a hint of abnormal redness.

"Students, in my opinion, the reason for this gap is that the urban economy in ancient my country was far stronger than that in the West. It is not uncommon to see metropolises with hundreds of thousands or millions of people. With a huge group of citizens, for entertainment The opera and folk art produced by the people naturally flourished. At the same time, the largest city in the West could hardly exceed a population of 50,000, so it was naturally difficult to produce a rich citizen culture. If Mr. Lang insists on making this comparison, then he might as well put the comparison place in Cinemas and movies are a new form of entertainment. Let’s look at the difference in quality between Chinese and Western people. Only in this way can we get the correct results!"

Qiao Yu said it with ease, and also gave some instructions to Dr. Zhongshu, asking him to study hard. This effort with ease immediately made many teachers and students in the audience cheer loudly again and applaud non-stop!

Doctor Zhongshu became more and more embarrassed. It took him a while to recover, and he laughed twice: "Of course the inspector is very knowledgeable, I admire you, but I thought it was simple. Please forgive me!"

Doctor Zhongshu's mind was spinning very fast. Under such circumstances, it was better to admit that he was confused as soon as possible. If he still didn't admit it, wouldn't it be equivalent to admitting that he had ulterior motives? The crime was much bigger than this. Qiao Yu pretended to be generous.

A wave of his hand.

"Mr. Lang, it's best if you know your mistakes and can correct them, but you and I are now university teachers, and we have to be responsible for these students. Your words are very likely to affect their judgment of things, and then affect their lives, so

We must be careful in our words and deeds, and we must not make irresponsible remarks. If you have no other questions, give the opportunity to others!"

Qiao Yu took the opportunity to beat the doctor's book again. This was not because Qiao Yu was pushing the envelope, but because momentum and psychological factors were very important in this kind of head-on debate. Qiao Yu not only wanted to deal with a doctor, but also wanted to use this opportunity to teach him a lesson.

The teachers and students present will even affect the entire academic world, so it must be a hearty victory to achieve the desired effect. In the end, Qiao Yu deliberately wanted to silence Doctor Zhongshu, which also gave Doctor Zhongshu a wrong impression, thinking that Qiao Yu

Although Yu won the first round, he was not absolutely sure to refute Lang Zhongshu on the issue of sending troops, so he did not want Lang Zhongshu to continue speaking.

The more Qiao Yu suppressed him, the more Lang Zhongshu thought he had a plan. He suddenly said loudly: "Wait a minute, patrol envoy, I have one more thing I want to ask. Since the outbreak of the European War, patrol envoys have successively asked

Europe dispatched more than half a million workers. While these workers were working for the Allied Powers in Europe, more than 3,400 people died due to various reasons. There were also a large number of workers who suffered from various diseases because they were not accustomed to the climate and climate.

, In addition, these workers have to suffer all kinds of abuse and work for more than sixteen hours a day. What does it mean to disregard human life? This is called disregarding human life!" Doctor Zhongshu spoke more and more enthusiastically, with a flamboyant, impassioned look and a very excited expression.

It was as if the person who died was his relative.

"Today, patrol envoys do not reflect on their own policies, but instead send troops to fight in Europe, sacrificing the lives of tens of millions of people in exchange for the favor of the great powers. The European battlefield is unprecedentedly cruel, and the powerful soldiers of the great powers have suffered heavy casualties. The Chinese ** Corps

Their combat effectiveness is not strong to begin with. They will be just cannon fodder after arriving in Europe. By then, hundreds of thousands or millions of lives will have been lost in Europe. How many families will be broken up in Sichuan and Sichuan, how many children will lose their fathers, how many children will lose their fathers?

If a wife loses her husband, how many old people will have no descendants? Even if we can get a little charity by participating in the war, it is not worth our lives. In addition, Sichuan's economic development in recent years seems to be very good, but it is all at the expense of the interests of the people.

Yes, forests have been cut down, rivers have been polluted, and more than 50,000 people died from work-related injuries last year. These are all bloody lessons."

Speaking of this, Lang Zhongshu deliberately listened. Looking around, he saw that many students had begun to listen carefully and seemed to be very attentive. He was also very proud. At this moment, he seemed to be transformed into a judge under hell, interrogating evildoers.

Ghost, no matter how great Duofang is, he will be scolded by himself if he is different. At this moment, he represents the truth.

Doctor Zhongshu became more and more happy as he spoke: "Inspector, we Chinese have been peace-loving since ancient times. We must not participate in a world war, and the great powers are great powers after all. If we rashly join the war, we will only attract the wrath of the great powers.

When the time comes, both the good and the good will be destroyed, and it will still be the common people who will be harmed. We don’t want bloody industrialization, we have to stop and look at our own conscience!”

His last words were almost shouted, and many of the disciples of Lang Zhongshu present clapped their hands fiercely, looking inexplicably excited. Lao Lang is awesome. Although he lost first, there is absolutely no problem in this game now, even if it is Qiao

No matter how eloquent Yu was, he could not change the outcome. They even felt sorry. If they could stand up, they would be as famous as Lao Lang. Moreover, in such a public place, Qiao Yu did not dare to arrest them.

This is a low-risk, high-yield good thing. Why did I give up at that time and let Lao Lang take the lead?

"Mr. Lang, I first want to correct you a few mistakes. The total number of deaths among workers sent to Europe is currently 412, and their working hours are not sixteen hours, but ten hours, more than

For ten hours, you will be paid three times the overtime pay. In addition, the number of work-related injuries you mentioned is also wrong. The total number of fatalities is 5,700. Including disabilities, the total is 38,600. These statistics are all

It is clearly visible and can be verified completely."

The students present immediately looked at Doctor Zhongshu with a critical eye. Even some of his admirers had some doubts. Of course, some people thought that Qiao Yu had deliberately lowered the statistics. There was a lot of discussion in the audience. Qiao Yu looked around.

After looking at the audience, he coughed slightly and continued: "Although there are some problems with the data Mr. Lang said, these bloody facts are before us. Since I took charge of Sichuan, we have achieved certain development, but

I also paid a heavy price, and I want to review this, but at this time I have to release some other data!"

As he spoke, Qiao Yu took a few pieces of paper from the secretary's hand, "Classmates, although Sichuan suffered from war last year, investment in education increased by 30%, reaching 32 million yuan. It is precisely because of this huge investment that

Sichuan's compulsory education enrollment rate has increased to more than half. In 1911, this value was less than 5%. Grain production increased by nearly 80% in the past five years, which increased Sichuan's per capita grain possession by 150 kilograms.

As mentioned above, due to the increase in food, the proportion of children suffering from malnutrition has dropped from 42% to 11%. At least 200,000 infants and young children die every year. Mr. Lang, you just said with righteousness that you want me to stop.

Come down and take a look at your own conscience. I am going to ask you now, where is your conscience? Why can’t you see this, classmates! The reality is before us. Moving forward requires a lot of sacrifice. Isn’t this right?

Wrong, but if we don’t move forward or slow down, we will lose more!”

Before Qiao Yu finished speaking, while the students present were still digesting the information in Qiao Yu's words, a man suddenly stood up from the audience and said, "Qiao Shuai, what you said is not wrong at all. Looking at the industrialization history of various countries,

This is all true. The British forcibly drove farmers into the cities. The daily wages were only enough for one or two slices of bread. Many workers would die from overwork within seven or eight years. This was also the case with many other great powers. Sichuan could

It’s pretty good to be where we are today!”

This chapter has been completed!
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