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Two hundred and ninetieth eighth chapter Zhuang Zai died


Lu Jianzhang and others immediately contacted the French high command, and the two parties agreed on the details of the Chinese army's participation in the war. Two divisions of the Chinese army were assigned to the battle order of the French Sixth Army and participated in the battle. The Chinese army that was originally undergoing training should be treated as such.

When Zhi wanted to participate in the battle, he did not have much fear. On the contrary, he was eager to try. After arriving in Europe, he witnessed the cruel war and no longer had the blind awe for great powers like Britain and France. They were also very clumsy on the battlefield.

, there will also be heavy casualties.

As a member of the Chinese army, people must not look down upon them. Lu Jianzhang and Long Jiguang were originally governors of a province in China. It was only after the failure of the War to Protect the Country that they had to lead troops to Europe. But since

After arriving in Europe, they knew very well that every move they made represented China. The long-lost blood surged in their chests, and a sense of pride arose spontaneously. Lu Jianzhang came in front of all the soldiers in uniform.

"Brothers, we are about to go to the battlefield. We are not fully prepared, but I hope that everyone can show the courage of a Chinese man to fight and fight desperately. I have received news that China is negotiating with Britain and France to return tariffs.

On issues such as power, our victory will greatly support domestic negotiations. This war is not the past war for power, but for the country to fight for lost power, to wash away the shame, and for our parents and relatives to live longer.

Fighting for good is fighting for the country. Brothers, tell me, are you willing to die for the country and be buried in horse leather?"

"Yes! Yes! We are willing!"

The Chinese soldiers outside the field were excited. Most of these soldiers were former bandits. They all had a ruthless spirit in their bones. What they wanted most was to kill the enemy on the battlefield. Qiao Yu had used these bandits to participate in the Qingdao Campaign, and he had already done so.

It is estimated that these people can be sent to Europe. Therefore, although they are reformed through labor, the food is excellent, and formal military training has been added. Now that these people have been guided by French instructors, it can be said that their military quality is not weak.

Being able to make contributions to the country and show off on the battlefield is also their greatest wish. What soldiers value is honor. Fighting here can win various powers for the country that have been lost for decades. There is something sacred in the hearts of these soldiers.

Surging, everyone unconsciously shouted loudly at the top of their throats.

The thundering roar was heard by the Frenchmen who were in the same military camp. Many of them curled their lips involuntarily: "It feels so good to be ignorant. They are just cannon fodder, and they can be so happy to die!" A wounded Frenchman

Bing said with an exaggerated expression.

The companions on the side shook their heads: "We were so excited two years ago. We are all cannon fodder. I hope they can live to understand this truth!" A dozen French soldiers pointed, but Lu Jianzhang and others did not regard these French soldiers at all.

When the soldiers saw this, the Chinese army immediately set off and rushed towards the front line of the Somme River.

The Chinese army first took a train, but after approaching the battlefield, most of the roads had been destroyed, so they had to rely on two legs. After passing Paris, it suddenly seemed like they had entered another world, with towns everywhere that had been destroyed by the war.

The countryside is full of muddy roads. Between them are the defeated French soldiers who have retreated from the front line. There are also an increasing number of logistics vehicles, making the already bad road conditions even more congested.

"Old Lu, you have led troops for many years, what do you think of these French soldiers!" Long Jiguang asked Lu Jianzhang with a smile. At first, Lu Jianzhang put all his thoughts on his own team and really didn't pay attention to the situation of the French soldiers.

When he saw it, Lu Jianzhang was also shocked.

The biggest characteristic of these French soldiers is their silence, which is extremely weird. Even if there is a collision on the road, there is not much sound. They just wait numbly for the road to be cleared slowly. Everyone's energy has disappeared.

Once clear, walking on the road are groups of zombies, unaware of the tools of war in the future...

Suddenly, Lu Jianzhang noticed that some French soldiers were yawning profusely, looking very strange, with mucus and tears in their noses. These men hurriedly took out some white powder from their arms, put it into cigarettes, lit it on fire, and were very intoxicated.

Take a breath.

Seeing this, Lu Jianzhang opened his mouth. These French soldiers actually took drugs. It was so surprising that they persisted. Isn't opium something that the great powers created specifically to harm Chinese talents? Why did they themselves take drugs, and they did so blatantly?

, is there no one in charge?

Zhang Xiaohuai also rushed over at this time, looked at these French soldiers, and shook his head: "Two brothers, I'm afraid the French are finished. Even if they win the war, they have lost their souls!"

While they were talking, a heroic voice suddenly sounded from the Chinese army.

"The ancient roads and barren mountains are bitterly fought, the people are smeared with charcoal and their blood is flying red. The lamp shines on the yellow sand and the sky is dark, and the dust is lost in the stars and the ghosts cry. The name of loyalty has been valued through the ages, and the death of a heroic body is light..."

The desolate and exciting voice made all the French soldiers on the road stop and look in surprise. Although they didn't know what the Chinese were singing, this kind of generosity and heroism still shocked everyone's spirits. A road divided into two sides,

On one side are the majestic and high-spirited Chinese troops, and on the other side are the depressed and confused French. At this moment, I really don’t know who is the sick man of East Asia.

Lu Jianzhang, who was over 50 years old, was also in high spirits at this time, with his face glowing red. "Well done, it brought out the majesty of the Chinese soldiers. The name of loyalty has been valued through the ages, and the heroism is so great that death is a penny! Brother Long, Zhang

Brother, it’s only at this moment that I understand the value of a soldier. In the first half of my life, I was just living in vain!"

Long Jiguang and Zhang Xiaohuai also looked excited. The sound of folk songs and operas from various places in the Chinese army could not be stopped. It seemed as if the Chinese army was not going to fight, but to attend a temple fair.

After three days of arduous trek, Lu Jianzhang led two divisions of the Chinese army to finally arrive at the Somme front line. In the eyes of Commander-in-Chief Xiafei, this kind of Chinese army is just a consumable, which can reduce the casualties of the French army.


It's just that due to China's requirements, Xiafei didn't dare to go too far. After all, he also knew that it was Chinese workers who allowed France's military-industrial enterprises to operate smoothly. The French army was responsible for the front south of the Somme, which was about fifteen kilometers.

The two Chinese divisions were allocated an area of ​​about two kilometers. Lu Jianzhang commanded the troops to quickly enter the battlefield. The French soldiers who were replaced seemed extremely excited. They finally no longer had to waste their lives in this damn place.

After arriving at the battlefield, Lu Jianzhang and others also frowned. The situation here was far worse than imagined. Every inch of the land was damaged by artillery. Coupled with the constant rain, the ground was very slippery and the trenches were damp.

Abnormally, there are an astonishing number of dead bodies that cannot be disposed of in time, exuding a putrid smell that makes people feel nauseous.

"Commander-in-Chief, no wonder the French can't stand it. This is simply hell on earth!" Lu Jianzhang glanced at all the soldiers and said in a deep voice: "Brothers, everyone should tidy up the trenches as soon as possible and prepare for more brutal battles!"

These Chinese soldiers endured the feeling of nausea, cleaned the trenches, set up machine guns and cannons, and were very busy. Lu Jianzhang, Zhang Xiaohuai and others came to the headquarters to study the battle situation carefully.

"Commander-in-Chief, I have studied this battle. It can be said that the current level of fighting is entirely a problem of the British and French command. It is caused by the old-fashioned and poor coordination. However, we are so humble that we can't change anything at all. We can only try our best to hold the position.

Just prevent the Germans from counterattacking. I think the most important thing is to guard against the German machine guns. Although the Sichuan Army in China also emphasizes the role of machine guns, it cannot compare with the scale in Europe. Therefore, our tactics must be more flexible.

Make the machine gun the first target to destroy!”….

Lu Jianzhang nodded: "Chief of Staff Zhang, when I was in China, I heard that Qiao Shunqing sold many steel chariots to Britain and France. Wasn't that thing able to defend against machine guns? Why didn't Britain and France use it?"

Zhang Xiaohuai also had a confused look on his face. Britain and France were really stupid, so why didn't they know how to use new weapons? In fact, Zhang Xiaohuai had scolded one country less, and that was Germany. Qiao Yu also secretly handed over the tank design drawings to Germany.

Earlier, some armored vehicles were sold to Europe, but this still did not change the stubborn attitude of the top leaders of Britain, France and Germany.

In fact, we can’t blame them entirely. Both tanks and armored vehicles are new equipment. The technology is very immature and the failure rate is alarming. Now the battlefield on the Western Front is full of trenches and muddy ravines. These monsters weighing more than ten tons

Frequently lying down, causing headaches to all countries, and when Joffre organized the Battle of the Somme, Britain and France had an absolute advantage in military strength, and victory seemed to be within easy reach, so they did not think of using new weapons, and only regretted it when they fell into a stalemate.

While the three people were discussing, an alarm sounded again outside. It turned out that the German Air Force was coming and was fighting with the French Air Force in the air. The air force conditions in World War I were still very crude and could only rely on the machine guns equipped on them.

Fighting, so it was like a knightly duel in the Air Force. It looked thrilling as you came and went. However, these Chinese soldiers who had just arrived on the battlefield had no chance to watch the aircraft duel. They hid in the bunkers one after another.

Several planes fell to the ground in the sky and were smashed to pieces, and the pilots were killed together.

As soon as the short air battle ended, bursts of artillery fire came over, and half of the sky turned red. The Germans got rid of their initial passivity and began to mobilize more troops to the front line of the Somme. After having sufficient troops,

, the Germans also began to continuously counterattack, and the two sides continued to fight back and forth on the narrow front.

Soon German artillery shells began to violently attack the Chinese army's positions. After the heavy artillery shells exploded, the ground shook, as if it would break people's eardrums. On the Chinese battlefield, thousands of artillery shells can be fired at a time.

It's amazing, but in Europe this few artillery shells are not enough for an appetizer. The German artillery is like hail, constantly hitting the position. Fortunately, after more than two years of bloody fighting, the two-shot

A lot of progress has been made in building positions that can protect the soldiers to the maximum extent. After a long time, the sound of the artillery finally faded away, and the soldiers saw the dark German soldiers rushing over through the periscope. (To be continued.

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This chapter has been completed!
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