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Chapter 303 Political parties


Large-scale urbanization will indeed bring about various problems. Epidemic diseases are a headache. Infectious diseases such as typhoid, diphtheria, cholera, plague, schistosomiasis, etc. that have almost disappeared in later generations are still raging in this era.

, a large number of Chinese people have died due to infectious diseases.

This is also a drawback caused by dense population. Before the industrial revolution, few European cities had a population of more than 100,000. The reason was the low level of medical care. Once too many people gathered, diseases would become prevalent. Compared to China at the same time, there were hundreds of thousands of people.

In a metropolis with a population of 10,000, Chinese medicine plays a big role in this.

"Mr. Wu, in addition to urban epidemic prevention, there is another task for you. Yunnan has been known as the land of smog miasma since ancient times. Our army is preparing to strengthen control of the border areas. It is inevitable to enter these hot and humid smog miasma."

The countryside and medical care must also keep up!" After Qiao Yu finished speaking, he also smiled bitterly: "Mr. Wu, you have been busy with everything for a while, but the current situation is like this, so I can only make you tired. You need to

Just ask me for manpower and funds, I will definitely help you!"

Wu Liande also felt deeply that the burden on his shoulders was very heavy, and it was related to the safety of millions of people. He could not slack off at all, so he left immediately and went to make arrangements.

The three southwestern provinces are very busy now, and the work of army expansion has been fully launched. Organizing a war army is not simply a matter of recruiting enough soldiers. It also requires comprehensive training and sufficient equipment. Hundreds of thousands of people have gone to foreign lands to participate in the war.

The most important test of a country's organizational capabilities is that this kind of work must be carried out not only in China, but also in Europe. It must provide enough camps for the Chinese army, arrange suitable instructors, and do all kinds of logistical work.

Since France's resources are now close to being exhausted, all the food, medicine, clothing and other materials needed by the army have to be transported from China. If China's busiest factory is Qinzhou Shipyard, it works day and night to produce cargo ships. Now Qinzhou

The shipyard already has four 3,000-ton shipyards, two 5,000-ton shipyards, a 10,000-ton shipyard has been built, and another 10,000-ton shipyard is under construction, with more than 3,000 employees. In China

It is second to none among the shipyards.

So far, eleven freighters have been produced for the Allied Powers. These freighters are all incorporated into the Far East Shipping Company and are mainly responsible for transporting various strategic materials produced in Sichuan and the entire China to Europe. According to the plan, Qinzhou Shipyard is the first

The 10,000-ton giant ship will be officially launched in early 1917.

However, Qinzhou Shipyard is still very immature now. All important positions are held by British and American engineers, and important equipment also relies on British and American exports. It can be said that the main task of Qinzhou Shipyard is to build a shell, from design drawings to production and processing.

Everything from equipment to key technologies must be provided by foreign countries.

This is why Britain was willing to support such a factory under the conditions of World War I. If after World War I, the survival of factories with this level of technology would become the biggest problem. Looking at the industrial history of the Republic of China, there seems to be a lot worth commending.

This place seems to be able to produce some advanced things, such as diesel engines, 10,000-ton giant ships, airplanes, etc. Some people use this to think that the industry of the Republic of China was not in vain.

In fact, as long as you think about it for a moment, you will understand that the Chinese are just assembly workers for these so-called products. They use other people's design drawings, use other people's key equipment, and even use foreign engineers. The products produced in this way have no value at all.

Without the support of a complete industrial system, everything with a little bit of technology must rely on foreign exports. This kind of production can be interrupted by foreign countries at any time. For a typical colonial enterprise, when supply exceeds demand, the great powers regard you as a production base. Once the economy is in recession,

Being able to crush you to death at any time is nothing to boast about...

The current Qinzhou Shipyard, and even industrial enterprises in the entire Southwest, have this trend. They rely too much on foreign technology. This is also the most troublesome thing for Qiao Yu. For now, he can only quickly cultivate his own technology industry and improve his industrial layout.

, strive to produce all key links by ourselves.

At this point, military industrial enterprises are doing better. In addition to imitating French cannons, they have begun to design various weapons on their own. Chongqing Iron and Steel Company has also mastered the key technology of alloy steel and can produce usable steel on its own, including engine technology.

They are also working hard to catch up. Even if all British and French experts are withdrawn at this time, the military industry in the southwest can still operate.

The weak links now are shipbuilding and precision machine tools. In order to solve the technical problems of shipbuilding, Qiao Yu vigorously introduces Chinese people with this knowledge from overseas and enriches them into the shipyard. On the other hand, he uses money to encourage

Chinese workers work hard to learn skills. On the other hand, they spend money to bribe foreign engineers to get important technologies.

Machine tool manufacturing is the basis of industry, and it also takes time to accumulate. Now Sichuan has begun to catch up. In addition, it is purchasing a large number of machine tools from France. In order to compensate for the wages of workers, France has exported 5,000 various precision machines to Sichuan.

Machine tools have greatly improved Sichuan's industrial production capacity and are enough to be used for a period of time. Chinese technicians must use this precious time to truly design and manufacture machine tools that are self-sufficient for the Chinese people.

Qiao Yu's goal is to basically solve the problem of the availability of all key products before the end of World War I. As for whether it is good or bad, it depends on the accumulation of industrial standards.

Now in order to mobilize more supplies to Europe, the orders of Qinzhou Shipyard have more than doubled. In fact, it is not just the shipyard, but other companies as well. The Chinese army is going to enter Europe to participate in the war. In order to fight for the lost rights and interests of the Chinese people, the entire Southwest

They are all producing like crazy.

This is especially true after they already know that the tariff issue has been resolved. The industrial and commercial circles are extremely excited. With tariff autonomy, the government can protect enterprises, especially since they still maintain a considerable degree of confidence in the current southwest government.

Therefore, the wave of investment in industry has become higher and higher, and the amount of capital has increased significantly.

Even the industry in the relatively conservative provinces of Yunnan and Guizhou has shown a blowout trend. The opening of mines and the construction of factories have become the hottest topics.

Regarding economic issues, Qiao Yu only made a general plan and left the rest to businessmen. Qiao Yu still believed in the ability of Chinese businessmen to make money, but what really concerned him was the expansion of the army.

The problem is that the number of troops in the southwest is getting larger and larger, and the territory they control is also getting larger and larger.

With more people, there are more thoughts. How to ensure that this army still listens to oneself is definitely a university question. In this era, the Chinese often rely on their classmates, fellow villagers, and clansmen to install cronies and rely on them to do things.

Qiao Yu despises this method of controlling the army. Everyone has affinities. When you rely on this method to employ people, it is equivalent to dividing the group into hierarchies. Some people are my cronies.

The other people are inferior. If a superior person cannot be on the same level, the team's split will be inevitable.

The most typical one is Baldy's army, which is divided into direct line and miscellaneous. Among the direct line, it is divided into direct line and miscellaneous. Among the miscellaneous, there are also direct line and miscellaneous. This kind of army is divided based on closeness and distance.

There will inevitably be constant internal fighting, and there will be no fighting ability at all.

Qiao Yu prefers to use systems to manage groups. Everyone is equal before the system. As Qiao Yu's second brother, Qiao Zhen should be the most trusted and reliable person, but Qiao Yu has excluded him from the main force.

The purpose is to stop the clique-like atmosphere in the military...

This is especially true for this military expansion. Qiao Yu must keep a close eye on the situation of the troops to prevent anyone from setting up a hilltop for personal gain. Just when Qiao Yu was so busy that he felt dizzy, Wang Tianhe suddenly came to report the situation.

"Junzuo, this is news from Guangzhou. Sun Wen and his clique have begun to engage in vigorous activities in Guangzhou. They mainly accuse Duan Qirui's government of disregarding the interests of the people and blindly participating in the war. They also accuse us both in and out of words!


Qiao Yu hadn't heard from Sun Wen for a long time. Although during the war to protect the country, Sun Dapao still shouted everywhere, but Qiao Yu had no idea of ​​cooperating with Sun Wen's group. Later he heard that Dapao

I'm married again, and I'm experiencing the beauty of life with my little wife. I didn't expect that the big gun would jump up so quickly. I'm really unyielding and never give up any opportunity!

"Tianhe, Guangdong is now Lu Rongting's territory. If Sun Wen makes such a fuss on his territory, will he just ignore it?"

"Jin Zuo, intelligence shows that Lu Rongting seems to be using Sun Wen's prestige to compete with us and Beiyang, so he has adopted a conniving attitude towards Sun Wen. Moreover, Japan has also strengthened its support for Sun Wen and provided a sum of funds.

The specific amount is not clear, but it is quite a lot, otherwise Sun Wen’s gang members would not be so rampant!”

Qiao Yu also had a headache for Sun Dapao. He was like an immortal Xiaoqiang who would be able to jump out after a while. Starting from the Revolution of 1911, Sun Wen's prestige had been seriously damaged due to his frequent attacks, especially

It was the deaths of Tao Chengzhang and Song Jiaoren that completely split the Communist Party, and a large number of elders abandoned Sun Wen.

After Sun Wen signed the Sino-Japanese Covenant, veterans such as Huang Xing and Hu Hanmin couldn't stand it anymore and abandoned Sun Wen one after another. However, Sun Wen just refused to be lonely and kept rising up again and again. It was really a wicked sect.

"Tianhe, why do you think Sun Wen was able to fight repeatedly but could not be completely eliminated?"

"Jun Zuo, I think it was Sun Wen who was able to disguise himself as a mask of serving the country and the people and deceive a large number of hot-headed young people. Moreover, Japan spared no effort to support Sun Wen, and the powerful factions in various places were infighting.

If he has a chance, I think if Jun Zuo is really afraid of Sun Wen, we might as well send a killer to kill him. Sun Wen has also killed so many people, so let him go to heaven to litigate with Tao Chengzhang and Song Jiaoren.

Look at how this so-called leader of the Communist Party faces those dead heroes!"

Qiao Yu shook his head slightly: "Tianhe, assassination cannot solve the actual problem. Sun Wen is dead, and Zhang Wen, Zhao Wen, and Wang Wen are up. According to me, the secret of Sun Wen's ability to fight repeatedly lies in his men.

It is a political party that has its own political ideas, can promote and package itself, and can also promote its own ideas. This era is an era of confrontation between groups. After all, one person cannot compete with a group. This is what Sun Wenbi Lao

The reason why Yuan Jiantian is strong is that if you want to fight against a political party and defeat a political party, you can only use another political party. Now it is time for us to form a political party!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to ()

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This chapter has been completed!
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