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Chapter 306: Collapsing Suddenly

Jiang Baili knew that this was an issue that Qiao Yu had mentioned more than once, which showed that Qiao Yu attached great importance to it. In fact, Jiang Baili also had this military knowledge. Since ancient times, cruel wars have often been followed by plague epidemics. The death toll in European wars has been cruel.

The extent and duration are unprecedented, and countries are also abusing biological and chemical weapons, so the possibility of plague is very high. In addition, Chinese soldiers are not accustomed to the acclimatization. This aspect really needs to be paid attention to.

"Master Jun, Minister Wu Liande has sent capable personnel to Europe for investigation, and supporting measures have been formulated. Don't worry, it's just that the elite troops will be transferred from the southwest. You will inevitably lack the strength on hand, so you must pay more attention!"

"Brother Baili, you and I cherish each other. I hope you will show off your power in Europe and win glory for China. However, in everything you do, you must keep your own safety as the top priority and don't do anything reckless. In addition, I heard that there is a braised palace in Paris, France, which contains

There are many good things from our ancestors, Brother Baili might as well pay attention to them!"

Braised Palace? Jiang Baili immediately understood, isn’t this the Louvre? How did it become a place for cooking small intestines? Looking at Jiang Baili with a surprised face, Qiao Yu said with a smile: "Brother Baili, you said that the French are blatantly

Putting the looted things on display in the capital, isn't this just a robber showing off his achievements? What a bullshit civilized country, it's just a group of shameless robbers. Now the French owe us money, and there are still many people in the country.

There are hundreds of thousands of workers, plus hundreds of thousands of troops. If the opportunity comes, Brother Baili will not miss it and leave!"

When Qiao Yu said this, Jiang Baili also felt that the so-called magnificent Louvre was really just an ugly den of thieves that smelled like braised small intestines. However, Qiao Yu was brave enough to actually dare to attack the Louvre.

idea, but Jiang Baili also kept this matter in his heart. If the opportunity comes, he will never let go of the opportunity to bring back the ancestral treasure!

Watching the 40,000 Chinese participating troops leave the Chongqing pier, Qiao Yu was also very excited. This was the beginning of the Chinese army's entry into the world. Sooner or later, the Chinese army will travel all over the world and dominate the world.

"Commander, is there a new situation on the Eastern Front?" The two spy chiefs Wang Lingji and Wang Tianhe found Qiao Yu together.

As soon as Qiao Yu heard two people say that there was a problem on the Eastern Front, he immediately thought of Tsarist Russia. He calculated that the time was not far away from the so-called February Revolution. The October Revolution that changed world history was about to happen. Of course, anything

The revolution did not come out of nowhere. There must have been various signs beforehand. It is normal for the intelligence system to find problems now.

"Is there political turmoil in Tsarist Russia?"

"Jun Zuo, there is nothing wrong at all. A large number of workers have gone on strike and marched in various places. The number of workers participating in the marches has reached hundreds of thousands, and it is still increasing. This momentum is compared to Gu

The Russo-Japanese War was even more violent in 2006, and according to our observation, the Tsarist regime was already on the verge of collapse!"

Since the outbreak of World War I, Sichuan has provided Tsarist Russia with a large amount of military supplies to support Russia's war. Later, when the war was tense, the Tsar directly used gold to purchase arms several times. Along with Chinese arms, Chinese businessmen also

Frequently entering Tsarist Russia, intelligence agents also entered Tsarist Russia.

After a detailed inspection of this huge country, Tsarist Russia seemed huge, but in fact it was already very weak internally. A Russo-Japanese War had exposed the weakness of Tsarist Russia, but Tsarist Russia refused to repent and forced itself to participate in the First World War. This

Such a violent collision between industrialized countries is simply not something that the shoddy Tsarist Russia can participate in.

Tsarist Russia needs to import machine guns and cannons. Even weapons such as rifles are not fully equipped. It is completely costing the lives of soldiers to compete with German steel. Although including four, they have provided an astonishing amount of arms and supplies to Tsarist Russia.

But the war ultimately depends on one's own strength. Relying on blood transfusions will not last long. After more than two years, Tsarist Russia finally couldn't bear it anymore...

In January of 2017, it was extremely cold. The members of the majority party in Petrograd were busy all the time. They organized workers' strikes and demonstrations. They spread their political opinions through official propaganda. They already shouted slogans to fight against the tsarist autocratic rule and demanded

War against war.

The Russian workers who had endured hard for two years during the First World War finally couldn't bear it anymore. All their dissatisfaction burst out together, forming a huge rage. The whole of Russia was burning. Compared with this time, the approaching New Year was obviously more dangerous.

Too much.

The Russo-Japanese War lasted only more than a year, and the war was also fought by Russia's partial divisions. More importantly, the location of the war was in the Far East, far away from the heart of Russia. In fact, Siberia is a colony for Russia, but this colony is quite special.

It is connected with the local area.

Therefore, the Russo-Japanese War failed, and the Tsar was still able to suppress the uprising. The First World War was completely different. The battle took place in Eastern Europe, where the essence of Russia lies. The cost of the war was dozens of times that of the Russo-Japanese War, plus most of the

With the party operating from it, Tsarist Russia is really going to die.

"Ark, Tianhe, if a revolution breaks out in Russia, who will hold the power?"

Wang Lingji thought for a while and said: "Jun, I think it is most likely that the majority party will be in power. They have extremely strong organizational capabilities and the vast majority of workers will listen to them. Of course, they are in the hands of the industrial and commercial groups in the Russian State Duma.

Their strength is not weak, and there are still a few parties supporting them, but they are simply unable to meet the people's demands for withdrawing from the war. I think they will eventually fail!"

Qiao Yu nodded, "Ang Ark, you must know that the majority party is a plague in the eyes of the great powers. This is what they fear most. Tsarist Russia is very likely to become a thorn in the eyes of the great powers and a thorn in their flesh. Our opportunity has also come. You guys

While strengthening the intelligence work against Tsarist Russia, we also submitted an intelligence report to the Allied Powers, asking them to pay attention to the changes in the political situation in Tsarist Russia. At the same time, we postponed the dispatch of Chinese troops to Europe to prevent unexpected events. In addition, we will send electricity to Duan Qirui.

Let’s discuss the country together!”

"Jun Zuo, are you ready to take back the land occupied by Tsarist Russia?"

"Yes, there are more than one million square kilometers in the northwest and northeast, plus Outer Mongolia. These are our territories. The Manchu and Qing Dynasties are unable to lose these territories. It is the biggest regret. Now we finally have the opportunity. We absolutely cannot


Southwest immediately took action and reported the situation in Tsarist Russia to Britain and France. Britain and France suddenly became even more confused. Although Tsarist Russia was not strong in combat, it was able to contain millions of German troops and beat the Austro-Hungarian Empire to pieces.

.If Tsarist Russia withdraws and may become a majority-party country, this will be a huge disaster for the Allied Powers and something absolutely intolerable.

Immediately, Britain and France asked the 100,000 troops from the Beiyang side not to enter Europe to fight for the time being, but to station troops in northern China to deal with possible changes. For the sake of balance, Britain and France also brought Japan in to respond to possible changes in Russia at any time.

The majority party did not let everyone wait too long. On March 3, workers in the stamping workshop of the Petrograd Putilov Factory went on strike. They demanded an increase in piece-rate wages and the recall of dismissed workers. The factory refused unreasonably and used high-pressure measures.

He threatened Fubu and ordered Fubu to go out of business from time to time. The majority party organization, which had great influence among the workers in this factory, immediately led the workers to fight head-on with the factory. The strike expanded to the entire Putilov factory. On March 7, press

The military control authorities ordered that the doors of the Putilov Factory be closed tightly. Workers could not enter, so they established a strike committee. They decided to ask for support from other workers, and the conflict further developed into a city-wide struggle.

From then on, the situation became out of control. On March 12, thousands of workers marched towards the center of Petrograd. Due to the propaganda and organizational work of the majority party members, a large number of soldiers in the army switched to the revolutionary side.

An armed uprising broke out, Tsar Nicholas II was arrested, and the Romanov dynasty collapsed...

On the evening of March 1, the Central Committee of the Majority Party issued a "Message to All Russian Citizens" in the form of a leaflet, announcing the collapse of the tsarist system and the transfer of the capital to the hands of the revolting people. It also demanded withdrawal from the imperialist war and the establishment of a democratic republic.

This rich word spread widely in Petrograd and set off a huge wave.

The changes in the situation in Tsarist Russia shocked the whole world, but the Allies now have no power to stop the changes in Tsarist Russia. Germany is very happy. They are finally getting rid of the nightmare of fighting on two fronts. It seems that victory is already beckoning, although it is a bit difficult to come. But after all

There is still hope.

The changes in Tsarist Russia finally strengthened the determination of the United States to participate in the war. If Britain and France did not participate in the war, Britain and France would really be unable to bear it. By then, the huge debt of the United States would disappear in an instant. This is absolutely not allowed by the Americans.

President Wilson was actively taking action at home and planning to participate in the war. At this time, Qiao Yu also came to Beijing to formally meet with Duan Qirui. Qiao Yu went north this time in a very low-key manner. Only Xu Shuzheng came to greet Duan Qirui on behalf of Duan Qirui at the train station.

, and then Qiao Yu went directly to visit Duan Qirui.

"Zhi Weng, I have long wanted to meet you and listen to your advice, but I didn't expect that I have delayed it until now. It is really a sin!"

"Shun Qing, you are so polite. You have worked hard to develop the southwest over the years and I admire you very much. The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. The new generation in the world is replaced by the Japanese. We are all old, and we have reached the age of young people!


"Zhiweng, you are not old at all. When I come here this time, I still hope that Zhiweng can regain his homeland for the country!"

"Homeland. Mr. Shun, what you mean is that you are not preparing to send troops to Mongolia. The current situation in Tsarist Russia is turbulent, which is indeed an opportunity. However, Tsarist Russia is a powerful country after all. Once Tsarist Russia recovers, won't it be detrimental to the country?"

"Zhi Weng, it seems that your handwriting is still too small, and it's not just the outer cover!"

As he spoke, Qiao Yu pointed to the map hanging on the wall, "Xinjiang, Outer Mongolia, Tangnu Ulianghai, Outer Northeast, and Vladivostok will all be recovered using this opportunity. Our territory must not be ruined by the Russians.


Xu Shuzheng on the side looked very excited after hearing Qiao Yu's words, and his eyes shone. Recovering his homeland is the common wish of every soldier who has a pursuit, and it is also a big event that will mark the history. How can we not be tempted!

"Zhiweng, what Qiao Shuai said is indeed worthy of consideration. Now is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. We will regain our homeland, even if we offend Russia for it!" Xu Shuzheng sided with Qiao Yu.

"Actually, the Chinese are not the main force this time. The forces currently carrying out desperate measures in Russia are the majority party forces that are feared by all the powers. If they take control of Russia, they will inevitably face opposition from the whole world. In the Far East, Japan

and the United States will participate, we just need to follow the great powers, it won’t be too difficult!” (To be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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