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Chapter 316 Trial

"Jun Zuo, we have also considered the issue of land reform, but we always feel that this matter is a mess with no starting point. There will be a lot of noise in the local area. Even the tenant farmers may not necessarily support us.

It may even trigger local riots, and I really don't have the courage to deal with it!" Jiang Yonggui was also filled with bitterness at this time and had no good solution.

As for land reform, Qiao Yu and his officials have been planning it as early as the Sichuan period, but they have not really dared to solve it. The main thing is to consider the stubbornness of land production relations that has continued for thousands of people. Among them, it is not just the landlords.

Issues with tenant farmers are intertwined with cultural traditions, clan power, regional differences, etc.

Some large landowners are often also the patriarchs of a region. They have high prestige and a wide network of contacts. They have to deal with any weddings, funerals, major events and minor affairs. They are simply like a small local emperor. They rely on

The land maintains its own interests, and if you want to attack them, you will face the risk of a powerful backlash.

Today's industrial development in the southwest has had a considerable impact on this stubborn system, but it will take a long time to completely replace it. However, Qiao Yu is obviously not willing to wait any longer. Rural problems must be solved, and farmers must join in.

In the wave of industrialization, only in this way can China have sufficient domestic demand and achieve a strong country and a prosperous people.

"Minister Jiang, the land issue is indeed very difficult, but if we don't solve it, the problem will only get bigger. We currently only control five provinces and regions. If we don't have the courage to reform now, the opposition will definitely become more intense after the country is unified."

, do you still have the courage to reform?"

Jiang Yonggui, Qian Moyin, and Wei Ruolan all lowered their heads. Apparently they also knew that avoiding was not a good idea, so they could only face the difficulty.

"Our current government still has a lot of funds, and it also has enough ammunition and ammunition to conquer the strongest fortress. The Russian revolution has broken out. If we don't take action, we may not be able to escape Russia's fate. The country's development

It is easy, but it is difficult to reasonably distribute the benefits. If farmers are excluded for a long time, sooner or later it will threaten the security of our political power. Land reform is imperative.

I plan to implement it in Sichuan first. The government will fund it and redeem all the land from the landlords. After the government takes control of the land, it will divide the land equally according to the population. However, the land will not be handed over directly to the farmers, but will be set up as collectives.

The management of the farm is elected by the farmers themselves. The farmers' land rights are converted into shares, and profits are distributed based on the shares! If farmers do not want to continue to engage in agricultural production, they do not need to accept land shares. The government will provide corresponding funds to help them carry out other operations.

, or go into the city to work, or run a small business!

For landowners, they can also choose to accept the funds redeemed by the government and then invest in industry and commerce. The government will provide help. If they are not willing, they can convert this part of the funds into part of the shares, so that they can become part of the farm.

The major shareholders will continue to operate agriculture, but the distribution method will need to be changed. What they receive is not fixed land rent, but profits divided according to their shares!"

Qiao Yu was explaining his reform method to Jiang Yonggui and the other three people. This was also the result of his long thinking. Under the tenancy relationship, the landlord received a fixed rent, which was the same no matter what the year. They did not

There is no incentive to improve production technology, and tenant farmers do not have the financial resources. If the year is bad and output decreases, the landlord will usually reduce some land rent, but this does not change the fundamental problem. The tenant farmer still needs to borrow money from the landlord to live, and the landlord will use it.

The debt relationship puts a greater burden on the tenant farmers. If this continues, the tenant farmers will never be able to get ahead.

In fact, a good year is not necessarily a good thing for farmers. Low grain prices often hurt farmers. Sharecroppers cannot rely on good harvests to repay their debts. As for bad years, let alone

The advantage of capital is much stronger than that of farmers who have nothing. In short, every penny in the farmers' pockets will be taken away. Although Qiao Yu came to power, he vigorously reduced rents and interest rates to increase farmers' income, but the tenant farmers can only fill their pockets at most.

With a full stomach, there is nothing that can be done about the stabbing.

The purpose of Qiao Yu's reform is to transform the tenant relationship between farmers and landlords into a shareholding relationship. The interests of the two will change from opposing to consistent. They both hope to produce more products at lower costs.

More agricultural products, only in this way can we obtain greater benefits.

This will not only greatly increase the income of farmers, but also provide the impetus to improve agricultural production technology. Grain production can also be greatly increased, and more labor can be liberated, providing sufficient power for industrialization.


Qian Moyin carefully digested Qiao Yu's overall reform plan, and his eyes suddenly lit up: "Jun Zuo, such a reform can indeed reduce the opposition of landlords, and can also benefit the people. More importantly, it can increase grain production. It is a multi-purpose strategy.

This is a good thing, but there are also two huge difficulties ahead. The first is that it costs a huge amount of money to redeem these lands. Although the government has accumulated some money now, it is definitely not enough. Without enough money, it will not be able to proceed. In addition, it will change the operating system.

After that, it will be a question of whether the farmers can manage the business and understand the market. Without the guidance of professional talents, whether the farm can be sustained is also a question!"

"Jin Zuo, Minister Qian is right. In addition to these two problems, if the production efficiency improves after being converted into a farm, there will definitely be a large amount of surplus labor. The whereabouts of these people must also be considered.

Also, since it has been turned into shares, there is a possibility of transfer, and in the end the land will be concentrated in the hands of a few people!"

Jiang Yonggui also raised a sharp question, as did Wei Ruolan on the side, saying: "Jun Zuo, apart from that, whether farmers can accept the conversion of real land into shares is a matter of choice. They are afraid that

If we still can't turn this corner, what should we do with the large number of homesteaders?"

Qiao Yu nodded. The questions raised by these three people were all real, and they were also questions that he had been thinking about. "These difficulties really need to be solved by us. I think the problem of funds can be solved through financial reform. We have already hoarded money."

We have purchased more than 200 tons of gold. With the support of this gold, it is time to issue banknotes. As long as we carry out currency reform, the government's money will be able to increase a lot, so we don't have to worry about this problem. Governor Wei, this matter

You have always been in charge, how are the plans going?"

Wei Ruolan hurriedly replied: "Jin Zuo, the planning is almost done. I have asked the media to release some news. The people are not too concerned about it. Instead, they think that transactions are becoming more and more frequent. Not only is it inconvenient, but it is also dangerous

It is not safe, and foreign currencies are also relatively confusing. It would also be a good thing if it could be unified into its own currency. The original plan was to issue Southwest Banknotes this month and completely replace various foreign currencies on the market within half a year. Gold and silver can be withdrawn from circulation. If

After all are converted into banknotes, government revenue will more than double invisibly. If all redemptions are made using banknotes, it will also be a good thing for the promotion of Southwest Tickets!"

The money problem has been solved, but the stabbing problem is also very serious. Qiao Yu tapped the table lightly, "Farmers probably don't know how to run a business, and they don't know how to manage it. This is the time to test the ability of the United Democratic Party.

Party members must go to the countryside to help farmers carry out reforms. This is also an important test for the United Democratic Party. Since we want to establish a one-party government, then this party must prove that it can lead the country and make people

People can rest assured that now is the best opportunity. If it cannot do this, it will not be worthy of being called the ruling party.

In addition, many remote mountainous areas are indeed very poor. Even if reforms are carried out, it will be difficult to get rich, and the amount of land is far from enough. Therefore, I plan to adopt the strategy of immigrating to the border. The water and heat conditions in the border areas of Yunnan are very good, especially in

The Jiangxinpo area has abundant water resources and fertile land. As long as it can be developed, it will be a huge granary. In addition, border areas also need appropriate immigration to change the local population structure.

As for the issue of land concentration again, there is no need to worry. After all, this will take decades. During this time, we have been able to complete industrialization and a large number of labor forces have entered industry. The concentration of rural land is still a good thing.

Our land reform this time is actually a link in a series of reforms, including currency reform, slavery abolition reform, border defense reform, political system reform, large-scale abolition of slavery, abolition of chieftains, and direct government control of border areas.

Immigration to the border, establishing solid border defense, carrying out land reform, releasing the purchasing power of rural areas, integrating farmers into the industrial system, at the same time breaking up local clan power, extending government administrative agencies into the countryside, replacing rural landlords

Control of the countryside!”

Qiao Yu explained the overall situation of the plan. Every reform in it is not easy, and it is even more difficult when all the things are intertwined. But now we have reached this point, and only by facing up to the difficulties can we

Let China's industrialization process continue smoothly, otherwise it will fall into internal and external difficulties, the gap between the rich and the poor will widen, the rural and urban areas will be disconnected, and there will be various hostile forces such as foreign powers and Soviet Russia, so large-scale reforms must be carried out no matter what.

And it must be completed before Britain, France and other countries recover from the war, otherwise the resistance will be even greater. Abolition of slavery and immigration are actually actions that infringe on their colonial power. It can be completed completely when they have no energy to interfere.


Jiang Yonggui, Qian Moyin and others were also frightened by Qiao Yu's big move, but after thinking about it carefully, it has indeed reached a juncture and has to change. The industrial system that was originally developed in the southwest with the help of World War I now has the most favorable conditions.

has disappeared, the Russian revolution has occurred, and the shock to China is naturally huge. China's situation is even worse than that of Russia. If no changes are made, the revolution is bound to sweep across China.

The southwest itself has also developed to a bottleneck, and the market must be exaggerated. Jiang Yonggui and others also agreed with Qiao Yu's view from the bottom of their hearts. Their task is to make Qiao Yu's reform plan more detailed and make his plan more reasonable and more practical.

To facilitate public acceptance, it is necessary to select and allocate enough officials to implement the huge plan so that the entire plan can be implemented link by link and thoroughly to provide impetus for the further development of the Southwest.

In addition to reforms, there is another thing that has attracted everyone's attention, and that is the trial of Sun Wen and his family. Since Sun Wen and others were arrested, this case has attracted attention from all parties for more than a year.

Attention, hundreds of academic celebrities have formed a huge team of lawyers to defend the article. The confrontation in the newspapers has already begun. The trial should have started half a year ago, but it was interrupted due to the problem of influenza.

It’s been delayed until now, but it’s time to deal with it! dd

This chapter has been completed!
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