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Chapter 323 China's Struggle Five

Now things are getting more and more serious. Everyone including Lu Zhengxiang and others are helpless at this time. Clemenceau's forehead is also covered with sweat. He really wants to shoot all the people in front of him and then declare war on China. But he is very

It is clear that before he can issue the order, the position of prime minister will be completely gone.

With such a big thing happening in Paris, it was natural to report it to China. Invisible radio waves spread the news about Paris to the Far East. The monstrous anger of Clemenceau and others was all revealed in the telegram. Qiao Yu also underestimated it.

The impact of this incident was tantamount to slapping the mouths of the three giants, but they had to think carefully about how to end it. Qiao Yu immediately sent a telegram to Jiang Baili, who was still in Paris, asking him to act as a representative with full authority to deal with the issue of the Louvre Museum.


Jiang Baili had already communicated with Li Zongwu before, but now a situation was about to get out of control. He hurriedly took Qiao Yu's order to the front of the Louvre Museum in the center of Paris. Jiang Baili used the open space to fight together, completely changing trench warfare.

This model has greatly enhanced his reputation, and he is known as the most outstanding military strategist in the East. Now Jiang Baili holds five divisions of soldiers stationed on the outskirts of Paris. It is this military power that shocks him.

Clemenceau and other talents were very cautious, otherwise they would really offend the Chinese and Paris would become a battlefield again.

Before Jiang Baili came to the Louvre, he felt numb when he saw the tense situation between the two sides. Fortunately, there was no big trouble, otherwise it would have been really troublesome. Now Britain, France and other countries are in desperate need of development. China is in urgent need of time to develop. Both sides

It's like fighting a wolf with a straw, it depends on who can survive to the end.

"Mr. Prime Minister, I have been entrusted by the Chinese government to resolve this matter with full authority. I think it is better to end the confrontation as soon as possible. Otherwise, if there is a slight accident, we will not be able to bear this responsibility!"

"Humph, this is all caused by you Chinese. You can clean it up yourself. I strongly urge you to take these gangsters away and punish them severely!" Clemenceau was obviously mad. Wilson and others were not stupid. Now they can

This is really not the time to compete.

"General Jiang, I suggest that you move those dangerous gasoline barrels out of the Louvre first, and we can talk about the rest!",,

Jiang Baili nodded. He led the Chinese generation to a great victory, and his prestige and reputation increased rapidly. Especially these workers often saw his photos in newspapers, so they were all familiar with him. When they saw Jiang Baili coming, they all relaxed.

The confrontation for several hours was definitely an unprecedented test for these honest workers. Even the leaders such as Zhuang Wenshan were "exhausted mentally and physically."

"Baili was very moved by your patriotic enthusiasm. The Paris Peace Conference taught us a vivid lesson, which is that a weak country has no diplomacy! We are still a weak country, so we will be treated unfairly, but China

People are bloody and courageous, and you are China’s hope for the future!”

Jiang Baili's speech at this time undoubtedly affirmed that the actions of these workers could be recognized by the country. These passionate men who did not care about life and death cheered loudly, and many of them cried like children.

"But I also want to say that burning down the Louvre is too extreme and not a good idea. I hope everyone can temporarily withdraw from the Louvre, hand over all the gasoline, and we will handle the rest."

"Commander Chiang, we must not hand over the gasoline, these French people will not let us off easily!"

"Yes, we absolutely can't do it. The worst we can do is burn this bastard's nest together!"

"You risk your life with the French, and you're still a good man after eighteen years!"

"Everyone, don't worry. Now all 50,000 of my soldiers are ready. If France dares to take strong action, we will not hesitate to fight. No matter whether we are wrapped in horse leather or buried in a foreign land, it will not weaken the prestige of China. You can rest assured.

, everyone should evacuate the Louvre first!"

Jiang Baili's words are not only for the workers, but also for the French. If there is a fight, no matter how many people die, France will definitely be disgraced, lose all prestige, and the good Paris Peace Conference will become a laughing stock. Of course now

It's not much better. What Clemenceau regrets most now is why he didn't send these Chinese people back immediately as soon as the war ended. Now they have become a hot potato, no matter how they are dealt with.

Fortunately, these people listened to Jiang Baili's words, handed over all the gasoline, and were temporarily taken to a military camp outside the city for custody. France did not dare to give these seemingly honest and honest Chinese any chance, and France

Once bitten by a snake, and feared for ten years, all the colonial students and businessmen were expelled from Paris, and the diplomats who were stabbed were also strictly controlled, for fear that they would do this again.


At this time, Jiang Baili was surrounded by the Chinese delegation and sat across from the three giants including Clemenceau. The crazy behavior of the Chinese workers finally gave the Chinese representatives an opportunity to talk to them on an equal footing. This was also a great progress.

Neither party spoke for a long while.

The silence lasted for three minutes. Jiang Baili was the first to break the silence: "First of all, I want to apologize for what happened today. The actions of the Chinese workers were indeed inappropriate, but what I want to emphasize is that the extraordinary actions of the Chinese are entirely your fault.

Forced out, it is the result of you ignoring China's reasonable demands. I hope that the Allied Powers can correct their mistakes and give China fair treatment!"

Clemenceau was very angry. I am afraid that none of the tiger prime ministers in his life had ever been so angry. He was so angry and said nothing. However, British Prime Minister Lloyd George said with a smile: "I think the anger of Chinese workers is completely

A misunderstanding. The Qingdao issue is not opposed by us, Britain, France and the United States, but by Japan's interference. I think the best solution is for China and Japan to reach an agreement first. As long as the two countries can compromise with each other, we will not do it at all.

I care, and it is also because of Japan's opinion that we have temporarily shelved China's opinion. In addition, the issue of abolition of privileges is not a trivial matter. The countries involved are not only our countries, but also Germany and Russia. The situation is now different.

What a mess, what the British Empire means is that from now on we will discuss China’s issues in detail, and the Paris Peace Conference will mainly deal with Europe!”

Lloyd George is indeed an old fox. He is totally pushy and has no sincerity at all. The British army also participated in the Qingdao battle, and Japan also attacked in the name of the Allies. How come it has nothing to do with Britain?

Now that Russia is about to fall into the hands of the majority party, they are sworn enemies of Britain and France, but they can still sit down together to talk about China. Isn't this a typical deception?

"Mr. Prime Minister, Qingdao was originally occupied by Germany. Now as the victorious country, China should return the power of Qingdao to China. There is nothing to shirk!" Li Zongwu also spoke.

Wilson also spoke at this time: "I have a suggestion. The Qingdao issue can be negotiated between China and Japan. The United States is willing to provide a location. As for the issue of privileges, we can also negotiate. I think this negotiation is called Pacific Peace Talks!"

Although Wilson was not as experienced as those two old foxes, he was still an elite figure. He immediately discovered that there was a good opportunity for the United States. Britain and France controlled the peace conference and excluded the United States. The Americans simply

It has not gotten everything it wanted. If the United States can successfully coordinate the relationship between China and Japan at this time, it will be able to establish a trans-Pacific alliance and then fight against Britain and France. It is not without deep intentions.

How could Lloyd George not see through Wilson's tricks? He immediately interjected, "The British Empire also has huge interests in the Asia-Pacific region. I think it would be better if Britain and the United States join forces as hosts to jointly help China and Japan resolve their disputes!"

Jiang Baili was disgusted by the ugly faces of these so-called giants at this time, and his face became more and more gloomy. He was a soldier, and he was all about acting vigorously and resolutely. He didn't have time to mess with these old foxes.

"Mr. Prime Minister, Mr. President, it is a good idea to convene an international meeting to solve the problem. But do you think such conditions can satisfy the world? Can you explain it to all walks of life?"

At this time, Clemenceau barely suppressed his anger. He also knew very well that today's incident was too big. Not only France, I believe that people all over the world will soon know what happened in Paris, and the opposition parties will also ask questions.

The overwhelming pressure on his shoulders is getting bigger and bigger. There must be no more accidents, otherwise Prime Minister Tiger will have no choice but to get out and go home. But there are still more than 300,000 Chinese workers in France.

The army, these people all paid the price for France's victory. The French government really cannot deal with these heroes of victory casually, otherwise the trouble will be even greater.

It seems that appropriate concessions should be made. Although Clemenceau is timid and irritable, as an outstanding political figure, his wisdom is definitely not inferior to anyone else, and he knows very well when to retreat.

"Chiang Jiangnian," I have a proposal, which is that the three countries issue a statement agreeing in principle to return Qingdao to China. However, this statement is not binding, and you and Japan will have to discuss the specific handling!"

Another bad check! However, Jiang Baili also heard Clemenceau's softening intention. Jiang Baili shook his head slightly: "Mr. Prime Minister, if it is not binding, it means that it is still a piece of paper. I have no way to express my gratitude to those who use my life."

To explain to the workers who went to fight, aren’t the Allies prepared to hand back their privileges?”

The three giants all looked away at this time and did not say a word. They had already reached a consensus on this issue. They must not loosen any restrictions on China, otherwise the huge China will embark on the road of industrialization and will definitely rob them.

jobs, and thus change the pattern of the world.

Jiang Baili sighed slightly, "Mr. Prime Minister, since you are unwilling to give up your privileges, I have a proposal. France will return all the Chinese cultural relics collected in the Louvre to China to show the sincerity of the Allies. We will deal with the remaining issues later.

Negotiate the solution!”

When it came to all the Chinese cultural relics, Clemenceau felt as if he had been stepped on, "No, absolutely not, those belong to France, and I will never give them back to China!"

Wilson's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard Jiang Baili's suggestion. This is a good suggestion. Although those Chinese cultural relics are exquisite, they are not the same as the Western civilization system, and they are not taken seriously. With some cultural relics, the Chinese side can

Giving up hostility is also a good choice.

"Mr. Prime Minister, I think this can be discussed, but returning all of them is too much. I think I will return 500 pieces first! The United States also took out 100 cultural relics as a commendation for China's great contribution!"

This chapter has been completed!
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