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Chapter 331 Bombing

On the border of southwest Yunnan, Wang Mingzhang was leading a patrol team that was marching quickly. At this time, Wang Mingzhang had been promoted to the leader of the group. This time he accompanied Zhu Qinglan to the border of Yunnan to garrison. The pride in his heart surged. China has been since ancient times.

There is a lack of effective control over the southwest border, and there is no defense at the border.

The army led by Wang Mingzhang is now the first force to officially assume the task of border defense. However, just a few days after patrolling, the bad weather has made them suffer. The border area is hot and humid, and there are countless mosquitoes, locusts, and venomous snakes.

In addition, the lack of fresh water is also the most serious problem. The hot climate requires soldiers to drink a lot of water.

Although it rains frequently in the area and there are streams all over the forest, although the water looks very clear, you will definitely get sick if you drink it. These streams contain unknown toxins. After drinking it, some people will suffer from diarrhea, and some may even die.

, all drinking water must be supplied from the rear. Without enough clean water, washing and washing has become a big problem. The temperature is also very high, and many soldiers have been infected with skin diseases and are extremely itchy.

In addition to water, there are also various poisonous plants that emerge in an endless stream, threatening people's lives at all times. During the days of patrolling, three of Wang Mingzhang's men have already lost their lives.

As for the losses of the entire army, it was even more shocking. As a last resort, we had to hire some local people and rely on them as guides to continue patrolling. However, this difficulty did not scare the soldiers of the Southwest Army. From the day they joined the army, they were

He has repeatedly inculcated the concept that territory is sacred, blood can be shed, lives can be lost, but not an inch of territory can be lost. This has become one of the creeds ingrained into the bones of the Southwest Army.

Just as Wang Mingzhang was commanding the army to advance, suddenly there was a sound not far from the opposite side. Wang Mingzhang hurriedly asked the soldiers to hide. Not long after, a group of British colonial troops also appeared. The leader of this army was the British*

The * officer, followed by local soldiers, is walking this way, eleven of them in total.

Most of the troops in the British colonies were young soldiers. They came to the colonies to enjoy themselves. All the locals were their slaves, and they didn't have to worry about doing anything random. Under the control of this mentality, what kind of combat effectiveness could the army have?

While cursing the damn climate and marching hard, the British officer seemed a little tired and wanted to sit down and drink water. At this moment, a crisp gunshot came over, and there was a risk on his forehead.

The blood-covered hole suddenly became more deadly. The other local armed men were stunned when they saw that the officer was dead. They didn't know how to hide, they didn't know how to fight back, and they didn't even know how to escape. They had no master.

Under his command, this army instantly became as docile as a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. How could these people not even understand basic defense, but there was no time to think about it. He led his men and rushed out, killing all the remaining ten people.

Prisoners, these prisoners also follow the Chinese obediently, and are extremely obedient and docile. This is the state of a completely tamed colony. Without the master, nothing can be done, and the battle becomes extremely easy.

This kind of confrontation between patrols is not uncommon. In fact, both China and the UK know that as China's strength increases, conflicts between the two sides will inevitably increase, and even a large-scale war will directly break out. There is no way

The British took advantage of the incompetence of the Qing Dynasty to continuously expand their power and extended their hands to Taiwan, Yunnan and other places. Now that China has become stronger, the British do not want to spit out the fat in their mouths.

There is no other option but war.

It's just that the British made a fatal strategic misjudgment. The British high-level officials firmly believed that Qiao Yu would not rashly launch a war with Britain without unifying the country. Their judgment was also very reasonable. In order to fight against foreign aggression, one must first pacify the country at home.

All countries understand the truth. Now Qiao Yu directly controls only seven provinces, plus some peripheral provinces, less than ten, which is exactly one-third of China. The other provinces are still controlled by Beiyang, so any

No smart politician will launch a war arbitrarily.

Therefore, the United Kingdom judged that the border conflict may occur after 1925. By that time, Britain had been able to recover from the war, and by then it would be able to massively reinforce the Far East. It was not certain who would win.

Perhaps the British judgment is correct, but Qiao Yu has a hundred years of leading vision, but looks at the problem differently. Troops who can only fight a civil war are not enough. Of course, those who cannot win the civil war are even more useless.

, the domestic competition is not a competition for military power, but a political contest, a contest of people's morale. China's national destiny has reached its weakest moment in thousands of years. No matter which political group, as long as it can bring hope to China

and dignity, allowing China to gain independent power and rise again, this group will receive the support of the domestic people, and will be able to remain invincible, and even be able to defeat others without fighting.

This is also the main reason why Qiao Yu has begun to consolidate border defense. Now that Beiyang has not solved the problem in the north, but the Sichuan Clan can defeat the British in the southwest and safeguard the territory, it will be obvious who can lead this country. By then, Qiao Yu will rely on his powerful

Public opinion can overwhelm the Beiyang clique and avoid civil war to the greatest extent.

Fighting foreigners is equal to internal peace. There is no priority between the two. It is based on this consideration that Southwest will transfer its army to Yunnan. However, Britain, which has misjudged its strategy, is very passive at this time and is on the border.

There were simply not enough troops. Although Hamilton on the front line seemed confident, neither the British nor the Indian colonial government were optimistic about this war.

They still tend to use diplomacy and rely on loud threats to make China retreat. This is a good method that has been tried and tested in the Manchu era. It is also very effective in dealing with Beiyang. However, Qiao Yu, who has seen through their background, does not want to

Will buy it.

As the most authoritative China expert, the British Minister Juldian also fell into confusion at this time. He once thought that he had seen through the Chinese. Although they have a long history and a splendid culture, it all belongs to the past. Today's China is humble.

Cowardice, although there are still a group of people who are not willing to sink, but overall there is no difference between China and Africa and South Asia.

But with the rise of the Southwest, Zhu Erdian saw another brand-new China, hard-working, smart, and especially with an extraordinary grasp of the world situation. There was no instinctive fear of the great powers, and Zhu Erdian noticed the progress of the Southwest

The speed of industrialization is simply monstrous. It took Western countries hundreds of years to develop to the present, but China seems to have caught up in less than ten years. This can be seen from the various products now scattered in the Beijing market.

Clothing, cloth, matches, food, small electrical appliances, cars, cement, furniture, etc. are all produced in the southwest. Japanese goods that were once dominant in China have begun to disappear in large numbers. Within a few years, the main markets in China have

More than 80% of the market will be occupied by domestic products. This is something that no one would doubt.

Only at this time will Zhu Erdian be shocked to realize how huge a country China is. If the whole of China completes industrialization, it will be an economy comparable to the United States and Europe, and the power it contains is absolutely amazing. Thinking of this, Zhu Erdian's back

There was constant air-conditioning coming out of the room.

Of course, there is no need to worry about this now, but the confrontation in Myanmar has made Zhu Erdian think hard. The domestic pressure is also great, and he knows very well that the only one who can decide this matter is Qiao Yu. So Zhu Erdian hurriedly took the train to Sichuan, and in

When passing through Wuchang, Zhu Erdian also went to the concession to take a look. The situation was far worse than imagined. The concession could only hire a gangster group at a high price to help them smuggle supplies, grains and vegetables. A large number of wealthy politicians had begun to move out and it was becoming dirty.

In the dirty and scarce concession area, Zhu Erdian knew that in order to solve the problem, he had to get Qiao Yu's compromise, so he came to Chengdu without any delay.

"Mr. Touring Envoy, along the way I saw your country's achievements in economic construction, which are worthy of praise. I think Mr. Touring Envoy should understand that China's prosperity is inseparable from the support of the United Kingdom. Our two countries

We are still good friends, those unpleasant things should be put aside!"

Once upon a time, the British also learned to speak softly. Qiao Yu did not buy this old guy's fault and put away his face.

"Mr. Minister, should a good friend give China's territory to Japan? Should a good friend ride on the heads of the Chinese people? These are not good friends, but enemies and enemies! China has only one principle for its enemy,

That means complete annihilation and resolute destruction!"

Zhu Erdian's smile suddenly weakened a lot. It seems that the other party's grievances are indeed not small. The difficulty of his negotiation this time is too great. "Mr. Inspector, I myself am very sorry for some things, but I feel that both of us

We should understand each other and adopt a friendly attitude to negotiate and solve the problem together!"

"What do you think we need to negotiate, Mr. Minister?"

"There are two main points. The first is the issue of the concession, and the second is the issue of Myanmar. Southwest now imposes rough material restrictions on the concession. This is an extremely unfriendly behavior. It is not only the rights and interests of the British Empire, France and Japan.

They have also been harmed. The ministers of several countries are jointly formulating a course of action. If Southwest cannot take appropriate measures to solve the problem, we retain the right to take further action.

The demarcation issue between China and Myanmar was agreed upon during the Qing Dynasty. I hope China can respect history, maintain the existing line of actual control, and not wantonly provoke war and threaten the peace of the Far East. The British Empire is determined and capable.

Able to maintain order in the Far East!"

After Zhu Erdian finished speaking, Qiao Yu burst out laughing, as if he had heard the funniest joke, and Zhu Erdian was also a little dazed.

"Mr. Minister, when you say you respect history, that history is the British's repeated shameless invasion of China and your attempt to colonize China. Your reason is your fist. Whoever has a bigger fist has reason. Now China wants to test its fist.

The British side must give up its coveting of China's inherent territory, abolish various unequal treaties signed with the Manchus, return Jiangxinpo, Gaojianshan, Nankan and other areas to China, and re-examine the boundaries. This is true respect for history!"

Zhu Erdian never expected that Qiao Yu's attitude would be so tough. The conditions between the two parties were too different. They were completely opposite and there was no possibility of reaching an agreement. Zhu Erdian had no choice but to inform the British government.

Just after Zhu Erdian left, and three days later, Britain took the lead in declaring that northern Myanmar was in a state of war readiness, and China also issued a similar order. Both sides did not declare war out of the desire to control the scale of the war, but the front line was full of gunpowder, and a war could happen at any time.

They will all explode.

On September 5th, a Chinese air raid formation consisting of twelve bombers took off from Tengchong. Each plane was loaded with 800 kilograms of bombs and flew towards Myitkyina, an unexpected place 200 kilometers away...)


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