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Chapter 335: Bamo Sniper Battle

At this time, the commander of the Indian 4th Division discovered that Chinese Tanking had launched an attack on them, and was immediately horrified. On the narrow road, the army could not deploy, and all the strength advantages on his side turned into a liability. Ordinary soldiers

Without the protection of bunkers, tanks cannot be stopped at all, and because the distance between the two sides is too close, artillery cannot be used. If you want to block the crazy attack of Chinese tanks, you can only use tanks to fight back.

The tanks of the Fourth Division were attached to the infantry and were not concentrated. Now they could not care about anything. The British steel behemoths were all launched. Many Indian soldiers who had collapsed were hit by their own tanks and crushed.

It became meat sauce.

The British tanks finally gathered together, but the Chinese tanks had turned away, leaving only a burst of dust and a mess on the ground for these British tanks. Lu Han's attack was effective, and he did not take credit. He only had twenty men.

Each tank was the essence of the tank brigade and there must not be any losses. Moreover, the ammunition on the tanks was almost exhausted at this time, so when the British were preparing to counterattack, they all retreated safely.

On the Chinese side, only a few tank soldiers were scratched, and none were counted at all. However, the Indian Fourth Division suffered a total of more than 500 deaths, nearly 1,000 people fled, and lost three tanks and a large amount of supplies.

Looking at the stumps and broken legs on the ground, Commander Jacob also felt chills in his heart. The Chinese were far more vicious and cunning than he imagined.

After one encounter, the Indian Fourth Division lost more than one-tenth of its combat effectiveness, and the blow to morale was even more shocking. The originally aggressive Indian army was now thinking about how to survive, and its courage was fading. Jacob

Bu had to temporarily move the Fourth Division to the rear and send the Scottish Division to open the way. A dog is a dog after all. No matter how cruel it is, once it hurts, it still has to point at its master.

Jacob secretly cursed these Indian troops in his mind. Of course, what made him even more angry were the bureaucrats in Mandalay. The three divisions of his troops attacked without providing air force escort. They were simply taking care of human lives. If there was aerial reconnaissance,

Do you still need to worry about these Chinese tanks?

Jacob immediately announced that the troops would rest on the spot and put up a defensive posture. Without sufficient air force support, they would never advance further. Lu Han did not expect that his attack would have such a great effect.

I was really overjoyed. The Chinese side just had enough time to reinforce their positions, the runway was also reinforced, bombers could take off and land, and reinforcements from Yunnan also arrived.

The soldiers from the Southern Yunnan Garrison Brigade who came to assist are a reserve team. The entire brigade only has 3,200 soldiers, which is almost half the strength of the main battle force, but this is enough. With these

With the addition of soldiers, Lu Han had nearly 10,000 troops, and he had enough confidence even when facing three divisions of the British and Indian troops.

After Jacob waited all night, the British finally sent a group of planes to assist. With the planes, the British and Indian troops had eyes and the courage to fight. The three divisions of the army were lined up.

, the Scottish Division mainly attacked the front, and the Indian 4th and 6th Divisions were used to contain the attack from the left and right wings.

Jacob also learned the lesson from yesterday and began to gather the tanks for use. More than forty tanks formed a powerful arrow and rushed towards the Chinese position. The British soldiers followed closely behind, while the artillery was

Provide cover from behind, which was also a typical tactic on the Western Front battlefield in the late World War I.

After yesterday's battle, Lu Han has discovered the advantages of the Biao tank. It has good maneuverability and outstanding firepower. Although the British tank has some advantages in terms of tonnage, it cannot withstand the gunfire of the Biao tank, and the British tank design

There has always been a misunderstanding in history, that is, the British always try their best to pack as many machine guns as possible into a tank.

Although this concept can enhance the firepower of the tank, it will also increase operational difficulties, and mechanical failures are commonplace. Therefore, Lu Han decided to rely on his own tank advantage to severely damage the British tanks first. Without the tanks, the British team would be equivalent to tigers.

Without teeth, the threat is greatly reduced.

China's armored forces had long been prepared for the attack. As soon as the British tanks appeared, the tanks in the Chinese position roared out. This was probably the first collision of steel behemoths on the battlefield in the Far East.

The advantages and disadvantages of the tanks on both sides soon became apparent.

The No. 1 car driven by Lu Han took the lead in firing. Suddenly a British tank turned into a pile of scrap metal. Flames rose into the sky. The soldiers inside had no time to escape. They were all turned into fireballs. These fireballs

The man ran wildly for a few steps on the battlefield, then fell down and turned into a pile of black coal.

The tragic scene of burning a living person is nothing on a living battlefield. The soldiers on both sides seemed to have no time to care about them. Instead, they tried their best to fire at each other. The British tanks were also equipped with 37mm main guns.

However, the power of the artillery is much weaker than that of the Chinese, and the Chinese tanks are more flexible and faster. Most of the artillery shells fired by the British can be easily dodged.

The British tanks were not so lucky. Soon these water tanks turned into fire cabinets. Jacob was commanding from the rear. Seeing that the tanks on his side were destroyed one by one, his heart was bleeding. At the same time, his heart was bleeding.

It also gave rise to a very funny feeling. Just a dozen years ago, the Chinese relied on their flesh and blood to compete with the steel of the Eight-Power Allied Forces. Those ignorant farmers thought that they were blessed by gods and were invulnerable. Obviously, they were all beaten into sieves by the coalition forces.

But in less than twenty years, the status between China and Britain seems to have changed. Now it is China's turn to use advanced equipment to start killing the British. Is this retribution?

In addition to the desperate fight on the ground, the battle in the air was equally fierce. The war eagles of both China and Britain were fighting desperately. This time the British practical aircraft was the famous Camel fighter, which was the most popular fighter in World War I.

One of the most famous dogfighting planes, it has made great achievements. German ace pilot Richthofen was shot down by a "Camel" flown by a Canadian pilot.

The powerful combat effectiveness of this aircraft is mainly due to its unique flight characteristics, that is, extremely sensitive maneuverability! This characteristic is not only loved by flying masters, but also makes some pilots stay away from it, because a little careless control can easily lead to dangerous situations.

The tail spin (also called spiral) state cannot be recovered. The designers are pursuing the purpose of combat performance, so they have to sacrifice some stability to increase the response sensitivity of the aircraft. This kind of aircraft has become a veritable fierce fighter.

Horses are not easy to tame.

However, this famous aircraft has become somewhat outdated in today's rapid advancement of aviation technology. China's new fighter Suzaku has surpassed the famous Tutu in terms of performance.

Qiao Yu has always believed that the naming of Chinese weapons in later generations followed Western habits too much and lost its own characteristics. Therefore, most of China's new weapons are named after beasts and birds in Chinese legends. Tanks are named after Biao. This kind of fighter jet has a structure because of its structure.

It was named Suzaku due to its simplicity, quick action and strong firepower. It was a new product produced in 1918.

Nearly two years later than the Camel, China's Zhuque surpassed the performance of the Camel. The Suzaku's engine power reached 180 horsepower, and the empty weight was 60 kilograms lighter than the Camel.

The change that came was that the Suzaku's speed exceeded 220 kilometers, which steadily overwhelmed the camel. In terms of mobility and other aspects, the Suzaku also surpassed the camel.

And due to the advancement of technology, the Suzaku's body structure is more stable and can withstand the recoil of the aircraft cannon. Therefore, the Suzaku is equipped with a 20mm aircraft cannon and a 7.8mm machine gun, which also exceeds the firepower of the Camel.

, but the Camel aircraft is not without its advantages. That is, most British pilots have experienced the baptism of World War I and have richer combat experience. Especially in dog fights, British pilots can often gain an advantage.

However, Suzaku was able to survive with its excellence. China sent out elite pilots this time. The best among them was Wang Yue. It was he who dropped the first bomb on the Japanese warship. This was also regarded as the official name of the Chinese Air Force.

As a sign of his participation in the war, Wang Yue's flying skills have become more and more superb in recent years, and the performance of Chinese aircraft has also improved rapidly.

However, there is one problem that has not been solved, that is, China's aviation contract has not participated in actual combat. This is also the result of the Allied Powers' restrictions on China. Air force combat has just emerged. The Allied Powers are not willing to give China a chance to catch up, so they have refused to send China several times.

The Air Force is required to participate in the war, so the Chinese Army's battles are often provided by the air cover provided by the Allied Powers.

This has also become a regret for Wang Yue and others. The pilot has not experienced actual combat and has not shot down a few planes. How can he be called an ace? In the first few days, Chinese bombers attacked Myitkyina and shot down three British planes.

, got a good start, which is a great stimulus for the fighter pilots. These young men of the Chinese Air Force have regarded this battle as a battle of honor. They must shoot down the enemy plane with their own hands and pay tribute to their own fuselage.

Draw some stars on it.

Wang Yue's war eagle just narrowly dodged a bunch of machine gun bullets. Suddenly Wang Yue's back was soaked with sweat. However, although it was thrilling, his plane had already occupied a high place, and its aerial cannon was pointed directly at the British plane.

From the side, this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Wang Yue pressed the button without hesitation, and the thick aircraft cannon fired a series of shells from the muzzle, hitting the camel just in time.

The ferocious aerial cannon instantly cut the camel into pieces, and the British pilot was also beaten into two pieces. The sky was stained with blood. Wang Yue won a good start. At this time, the battle in the air became more and more intense. From time to time, planes were shot down, as if

It's like making dumplings.

It was difficult to tell the difference in the air, but the armored forces on the ground had already decided the winner. The ferocious Chinese Piao tanks destroyed the British tanks one by one. The British attack plan was suddenly hit hard. The tanks were their arrows, and now they are gone.

How can this arrow break through China's position?

In the end, China's Piao tanks gained an absolute advantage with a record of 8 to 21. This collision of steel ended in a disastrous defeat for the British. The British army evacuated the Chinese position in despair. Jacob was full of chagrin at this time.

The Japanese team is so difficult to pay, but the British and Indian senior officials are still urging them, and Hamilton in Myitkyina is also urging reinforcements. Isn't this putting himself on fire?

Looking at the retreating British troops, the Chinese tanks did not pursue them. After a melee, the Chinese suffered considerable losses, and most of their ammunition was consumed. Many tanks also needed repairs, waiting for more fierce fighting to follow.


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