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Chapter 337 Farewell to Zhu Erdianyi

After reaching an agreement with Qiao Yu, Xiyuanji Gongwang secretly rushed back to Japan. At this time, the fighting in northern Myanmar reached its most intense moment. After a week of continuous fierce attacks, all the peripheral positions in Myitkyina were captured by China.

, Hamilton led the remaining defeated soldiers and retreated into the city, relying on the streets and alleys of the city to carry out the final stubborn resistance.

The fiercest battle was in Bhamo. Troops from three divisions of the British and Indian troops took turns attacking the Chinese positions. Both sides were furious. Almost all the British tanks were destroyed, and most of the Chinese tanks were damaged. The battlefield turned into a

A test of fighting will among infantrymen.

The Scottish division commanded by Jacob lost more than 700 people in the first day of the attack, but the Chinese position was intact. More and more British corpses were piled up in front of Bhamo, smoke and blood

, stumps and broken legs decorated the ordinary town of Bhamo like a hell.

Jacob knew very well that with the passage of time, Myitkyina had reached the final moment. His reinforcements could not arrive, and the only fate waiting for the British army in Myitkyina was surrender. Although the British did not think that surrender was a

It's a shame, but surrendering to the Chinese is definitely an unbearable insult. The British and Indian senior officials absolutely don't want to see this scene, so the pressure on Jacob is increasing.

The soldiers of the Scottish Division once again charged towards the Chinese position under the cover of artillery fire. They bent over and moved very quickly, but no matter how fast they were, they could not outrun the bullets. A 6.8mm caliber bullet

The rifle bullet accurately passed through the chest of the British soldier running at the front. The bullet entered through just a small hole, but behind him there was a hideous wound the size of a fist, and blood, muscle, and internal organ fragments were all brought out.

, the young body fell silently on the battlefield.

The British army had no time to think about sacrificing themselves and rushed towards the Chinese position. At this time, the ammunition consumption of the Chinese soldiers was also very serious. There were only a few rounds of mortars left, and they could not stop the British attack. However, in the hands of the Chinese soldiers

There are grenades, bayonets, and fists.

More than a dozen grenades were thrown out, and there was a deafening sound. Twenty British soldiers were blown to pieces. Some of them luckily survived, but the shrapnel had left terrible wounds on their bodies, and blood was flowing from the oil.

It declares that this life cannot last much longer.

The remaining British troops finally rushed to the front of the Chinese soldiers' trenches, and an even more brutal and bloody hand-to-hand battle ensued. The Chinese soldiers formed fighting groups one by one, and the desperate battle with the British turned into the most primitive fight.

The soldiers are tall and strong, which seems to have an advantage, but the Chinese army trains harder and treats death more seriously. When a person does not take his own life seriously, the combat effectiveness that bursts out is absolutely super strong.

What Britain faced was such a group of lunatics. The offensive once again withdrew like a tide. Jacob, who was helpless, suddenly received the news like a bolt from the blue. A Chinese bomber formation had blown up the British airport, and more than ten Camel fighter jets were bombed.

into pieces.

Without air assistance, although the British and Indian troops still have a numerical advantage, the balance of victory has been reversed. Without the interference of British aircraft, Chinese bombers and fighter jets can fly unscrupulously over the British heads, and the bombs are like hailstones.

The same thing happened to the British. The more daring pilots used the machine guns on the planes to shoot at the British troops, causing large areas of casualties.

Jacob had to temporarily stop the offensive, and at this time even worse news came that the Chinese reinforcements were only dozens of kilometers away from Bhamo, and what was even more terrible was that there were a large number of Chinese reinforcements this time.

Tanks, without air support, and without armor strength, the situation of these three divisions is extremely dangerous. I have changed from an attacking party to a party that needs to be defended. Is there any point in waiting here anymore?

Jacob immediately decided to let the two Indian divisions take charge of the rear. He led the Scots to quickly withdraw to Mandalay. The situation in northern Myanmar was irreversible. The only question now was whether the Chinese would attack Mandalay.

Lu Han has been in high tension these days. After all, his own troops cannot compare with the British. If they continue to be depleted, the British must have the upper hand, so he can only count on the air force to break the deadlock. Just yesterday on the Myitkyina side

Two bomber squadrons were mobilized. With this weapon, Lu Han immediately became more confident. The current war felt that it could not be fought without the support of the air force, especially an army like the British.

After corrections, the dragon decisively dispatched, destroying the British airport in one fell swoop, turning more than a dozen camels into rags, and killing many air crews. With the disappearance of air power, Jacob was already determined to quit.

As expected, when he heard the news about the arrival of Chinese reinforcements, he immediately ran away.

Lu Han used the local Chinese forces to learn about the British retreat, and decisively led the remaining tank troops on a large-scale detour. After the British and Indian troops saw the Chinese tanks, they had no will to resist at all.

He ran away, but his legs couldn't run on the tracks. Even with war horses, it would be the same. Lu Han successfully rushed in from the junction of the two Indian divisions and the Sugar Division.

The British and Indian troops were completely divided into two parts. Jacob took the rest of the Scottish Division and fled madly, while the remaining Indian 4th and 6th Divisions could only be captured. At this time, Chinese reinforcements also arrived in Bhamo.

The person in charge of the operation was Wang Mingzhang. This so-called reinforcements only had one regiment of soldiers, and its main task was to transport supplies. Its combat effectiveness was not very strong. Only a few of those tanks were real, and the rest were all on trucks.

A wooden cannon was installed.

Some special devices were installed on the tanks in front, which kicked up a lot of dust during the march, half-hiding the trucks behind them, and because the distance between the vehicles was deliberately widened, it gave the illusion of a large force.

Successfully deceived British intelligence officers.

When Jacob learned that China had a large number of armored troops to assist him, he was immediately stunned. He chose to escape without even having time to think about it. Although the Scottish division successfully escaped, the two Indian divisions were not so lucky. Nearly

All 20,000 people were captured by the Chinese army.

Facing these prisoners, Lu Han also had a headache. There were only 7,000 soldiers in Bamo now, and Wang Mingzhang's regiment did not exceed 10,000 people. All of the more than 3,000 people died in this battle.

War is so cruel, and now the soldiers are in urgent need of rest, and it is difficult to take care of so many prisoners.

Wang Mingzhang and Lu Han had a brief discussion and came up with a good idea, which was to put all the British officers alone and keep them under strict supervision. Without these officers, the Indian soldiers would seem to have no brains.

He no longer knows how to escape, he will only remain a prisoner.

Lu Han was a little skeptical at first, but after testing, it turned out that it was true. Only a few people on patrol could keep an eye on the Indian soldiers. They were all honest and no one dared to resist. The power of hundreds of years of British colonial training

It's really extraordinary.

After Jacob was defeated, the British could no longer send many soldiers to Burma for the time being, and Hamilton from Myitkyina had already sent a telegram asking for permission to surrender. The British really couldn't sit still. If Hamilton and his men

If all the soldiers surrendered, then the British Empire would really lose all face in the world. On the one hand, the British asked Hamilton to persist, and on the other hand, the British Minister Zhu Erdian contacted the American Minister Enshi, requesting the United States to intervene.

The United States suffered a loss at the Paris Peace Conference. Congress did not ratify the Versailles Peace Treaty. Instead, it negotiated a separate peace with Germany and did not join the League of Nations. Now there is an anti-British sentiment in the United States. It can be seen that Britain is unlucky in the Far East. The United States

I am very happy, but the United States is also unwilling to let China grow bigger. Moreover, it has to deal with the majority party in Russia and contain the development of Japan. Although the United States does not want the United Kingdom to lose face too much, it decided to mediate between China and the United Kingdom.

Dispute. U.S. President Wilson also personally sent a telegram to Qiao Yu and the British government, asking China and Britain to temporarily cease fire and resolve the border dispute between the two sides through negotiation!

Misono's attitude is still very weighty, and at this time, Japan is shouting everywhere, encouraging China and Britain to continue fighting. Britain can see clearly that although the United States and Japan have different attitudes, they are both trying to gain benefits.

The British Empire has been playing a balancing act for so many years, but it cannot see through anything. Burma must not continue to fight. If the fight continues, India, the largest British colony, will be unstable.

People under the low eaves had to bow their heads. Who said the British Empire had declined? Britain announced that it accepted Wilson's proposal and decided to launch war negotiations with China. Minister Zhu Erdian became the plenipotentiary representative of the British side, and the representative of the American side was Minister Germ.


This border negotiation is of great significance to China and Japan. As the leader of the delegation, Gu Weijun represents the Southwestern China Ministers' Conference to negotiate with the United Kingdom. The location of this negotiation is Wuchang, which is Qiao Yu's territory. The strength of the two sides is very strong.

The situation could not be more obvious, and Britain was determined to do so. However, the situation in Myitkyina was too critical now. China could capture Myitkyina at any time, and Britain was not allowed to hesitate at all.

Gu Weijun had even seen such big events as the Paris Peace Conference, but this was the most exciting time for him. Although he tried his best to control his emotions, the feeling of elation still filled his chest.

The British Empire finally bowed its proud head to China. Qiao Yu had given Gu Weijun the bottom line for negotiation. The British concession was revoked; the Yangtze River Fleet withdrew from China; the Sino-Indian border was re-demarcated and China's sovereignty over Jiangxinpo, Nankan and other places was recognized; in order to

To protect China's commercial interests, Myitkyina was established as a free city, so that Chinese and British businessmen could travel freely.

Once upon a time, China was forced to accept various unequal treaties, but now China can finally claim its own power with confidence. As a diplomat, I feel the strongest about this huge change. In the final analysis, the world is still an era of the law of the jungle, and only

Only when the fist is strong enough can it gain respect. If Britain is not convinced, he will continue to fight and see who can't hold on first! dd

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