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Three hundred and thirtieth IX Farewell Zhu Er Dian III

When Zhu Erdian saw the IOU sent by Gu Weijun, he immediately felt dizzy. What on earth are these bastards doing? The two sides are at war. How could they issue an IOU to the Chinese people? Zhu Erdian looked carefully.

Food, medicine, clothing, and even cigars and other supplies were listed.

"Mr. Gu, what's going on?"

"Your Excellency Zhu Erdian, don't you understand that your country can no longer support the Myitkyi Na and will surrender at any time. At that time, it will be very bad for your country's face. The Zhongchao Kingdom has benevolent considerations.

, did not accept their surrender, but provided them with some supplies appropriately to enable them to survive. Shouldn’t your country provide this money?”

Hearing Gu Weijun's explanation, not only Zhu Erdian, but also Rui Enshi couldn't bear it. This was a slap in the face. If I had known this, it would be better to allow them to surrender!

"Mr. Gu, even if you provide supplies, they won't be so expensive. You can only provide 50,000 kilograms of food. Adding medicines and other sundries, the total will not exceed 50,000 oceans. Thirty thousand pounds is equivalent to thirty thousand pounds."

There are still many Wan Dayang!"

"Mr. Zhu Erdian, the price you mentioned is for Shangluo Beach. Don't we still have to pay for freight? The roads there are rugged in Myitkyi, and we also have to occupy our precious military logistics. This is already a very good deal.

, and I would also like to remind you that this is the price per day. If we cannot reach an agreement as soon as possible and all the supplies in Myitkyi Na are consumed, then we will have to provide them, and the price will be even higher!"

Hearing this, Zhu Erdian couldn't stand it anymore and hurriedly announced the suspension of the meeting. He had to find out what happened to the British army in Myitkyi. If what the Chinese people said was true, then the British must make bigger decisions.

It would take a lot of concessions, and Rui Enshi also hurriedly reported the situation to the country. It seems that the combat effectiveness of the Zhongchuan Army is indeed not weak. Although Zhongchuan does not have a navy now, its army and air force are already second to none in the Far East and can easily

It will not be difficult to crush Britain and compete with Japan.

In an instant, the value of China has risen a lot. This is a force that must pay greater attention to. The United States must also strengthen its relationship with China. A political power with some strength and closeness to the United States has great influence on the United States' Far East strategy.

It is definitely a benefit. The views of China in the US team have quietly changed. China is not just a piece of fat, but a force that restricts strategic balance. Only strength can be respected.

By the time they negotiated again, Zhu Erdian's attitude had softened a lot. He had already learned about the situation on the Myitkyina front line. Hamilton was indeed unable to support it. If the Central Plains had not allowed them to surrender, I am afraid that this city would have been defeated long ago.

fell, and now the British Empire can no longer mobilize soldiers from India. India has already experienced an unstable situation. If something happens again in India, Britain will fight on three fronts. This will definitely be a tragedy for Britain, which has just emerged from World War I.


"Mr. Gu, the British Empire government is willing to make some concessions for the sake of peace in the Far East. The Sino-Indian border can be re-examined, but only in the eastern section. I hope that the issues of India and Western Tibet will be put aside for the time being. Here in the eastern section

We think we can let the local chieftains decide, and neither China nor Britain will interfere. They can annex their land to whichever side they are willing to annex. This is also in line with the principle of ethnic self-determination. In addition, the concession can be withdrawn, but the Yangtze River

The fleet is to protect the safety of the Yangtze River trade, and it absolutely cannot be revoked, and the compensation is even more nonsense, and the British Empire will never agree to it!"

It is good that Britain can make these concessions, but they still want to keep a hand. The Tibet issue has been shelved, and the Yangtze River Fleet is not willing to withdraw. With this fleet, the Yangtze River is still the British sphere of influence. If

If there is no more, Britain will be completely driven out of the Yangtze River, so Zhu Erdian will not let go easily!

Gu Weijun also knew Qiao Yu's plan in his heart. It would be better not to discuss the border between Western and Tibet now, because time is on China's side. As China's strength increases, Britain will only have to make greater concessions. As for concessions,

It is nonsense for the chieftains in northern Myanmar to decide for themselves. The Central Plains is in the process of abolition of slavery, and I am afraid that more than 80% of the chieftains will take the initiative to merge with Myanmar.

"Mr. Zhu Erdian's proposal of self-determination of the people is very good, and China is also willing to respect the will of the people. However, since it is self-determination, it cannot only include the chieftains, but also include all local people, each with one vote. In this way

Only then can we truly respect the will of the people!"

As soon as Gu Weijun said these words, Zhu Erdian almost vomited blood. The Central Plains was in the process of abolition of slavery. If one person had one vote, as long as their brains were not broken, those untouchables would support the return to the Central Plains. Britain could not stop it at all. Just when he was about to refute,

Rui Enshi suddenly spoke.

"I think Mr. Gu's plan is very good. Since it is national self-determination, it should include everyone, respect everyone's rights, and there should be no discrimination. The United States is willing to send an observer team to ensure the voting.

Fair and just!”

Rui Enshi also had the sinister intentions of the United States when he spoke at this time. There are many chieftains in Myanmar, and there are more princely states in India and other places. If this plan is followed, wouldn't there be an excuse to break up the British colonies in the future? Therefore

Only then would he support China's demands.

When Zhu Erdian saw that the United States had expressed its attitude, he probably had no choice but to accept it. Gu Weijun knew that he had scored a point, and what he had to do now was to step up his offensive and strive for a complete victory.

"The British are willing to revoke the concession. This is a manifestation of sincerity. I think the British should show greater sincerity. The Yangtze River Fleet must withdraw. The Chinese people have the ability to protect the Yangtze River waterway. We accepted the Border Governor and Moltke.

In addition, the Qinzhou Shipyard has built a batch of destroyers, and the Air Force will send fifty aircraft to form an escort air force. I believe these forces are enough to protect the safety of the Yangtze River, and the UK does not need to worry at all!"

Zhu Erdian naturally knew that Gu Weijun was showing off his force to him, but the question was whether the British Empire could withstand the resistance, especially the Chinese Air Force, which was probably the most powerful force in the Far East at present.

Not even Japan can fight it, let alone Britain, which is beyond its reach.

"The Yangtze River Fleet can withdraw, but the British Empire will never pay compensation. This is unacceptable. In addition, China must lift the siege of Myitkyina. At the same time, China and Britain must jointly safeguard the freedom of Myitkyina.

The status of Chuyou City is that within thirty kilometers, neither China nor the UK are allowed to station troops!"

Gu Weijun looked at Zhu Erdian playfully and nodded: "The British Empire has made great concessions in this negotiation, and China is also willing to make the same concessions. The issue of compensation can be abandoned and the secrets can be kept."

It is the consistent position of the Zhongchuan Kingdom to establish Zhichuana as the city of Ziluoyou, and we naturally agree."

When Rui Enshi saw that China and Britain had reached an agreement, he, as a mediator, also felt bright and said with a smile: "Next year the United States will hold an international conference in Washington, focusing on the issue of peace in the Far East and the Pacific. I think that between China and Britain,

The disputes can be resolved peacefully during this period, which is a good start for the Washington Conference. We look forward to true peace in the Far East!"

China and Britain have reached a final agreement. Although it still needs to go through the local people's vote, it is no longer important. The Chinese and foreign teams are there, and the result is already destined, that is, a large proportion of the people will pass.

This time, the victory over Britain allowed Qiao Yu not only to gain face, but also to gain a lot of money. There were so many benefits, and the biggest benefit was the territory. Qiao Yu immediately took over the 27,000 square kilometers of Jiangxinpo.

With the land in hand, he also directly controlled the northern Myanmar area with Jiangxinpo as the center, covering an area of ​​more than 70,000 square kilometers. In other words, Qiao Yu had already obtained more than 90% of the land in Kachin State in Myanmar in his own hands.

In addition, the Namkan area, the area north of Jiangao Mountain, Bhamo and other places have actually fallen into the hands of the Mesozoic Kingdom. Although the land in northern Myanmar has many mountainous areas, the water and heat conditions are well coordinated. As long as it is developed well, at least

Being able to resettle more than two million people will be of great help to China in alleviating the contradiction between man and land.

What's more important is that by virtue of his control over northern Myanmar, Qiao Yu has finally legitimately extended his power deep into the sacred land of Indochina. China will definitely not stop in northern Myanmar, but will continue to look for opportunities to expand settlements.

area, and even extends its influence deep into India. The Chinese throughout Southeast Asia are Qiao Yu's best helpers in implementing this strategy.

It can be said that with northern Myanmar in hand, the offensive momentum of China and Britain in Southeast Asia has changed. China has completely won the strategic initiative. Yunnan has escaped the fate of a border province. The security situation has been greatly improved, and with the help of Myanmar

North, Qiao Yu can influence India at any time. If India is the jewel in the crown of the British king, then China has smeared shit on the pearl and can disgust the British at any time.

Of course, the main thing now is to develop areas such as Jiangxinpo and bring life to this desolate land. Qiao Yu has great confidence in the farmers of the Central Plains. They are the most hard-working group. As long as they can give

Given enough opportunities and protection, the entire Southeast Asia would become the food warehouse of the Middle Ages.

The three concessions in Hankou, Guangzhou, and Jiujiang were revoked, and the Yangtze River Fleet also rolled out. The Nanzhong Kingdom was instantly cleaner, and Qiao Yu's Yangtze River Cruise Fleet soon took the place of the British, including Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and other places.

In fact, everything is under control.

The Zhongchuo Kingdom has always attached great importance to the achievements of opening up territories. Although Qiao Yu has always insisted that Jiangxinpo and other areas are the inherent territory of the Zhongchuo Kingdom, these lands were originally controlled by chieftains and were not directly controlled by the Central Plains Dynasty at all.

In the system, especially because this was a piece of fat snatched from the British, all the Chinese people rejoiced, and Qiao Yu's own prestige was also pushed to a great position.

With the victory in northern Myanmar, the platform of the United People's Democratic Party has become more popular among the people. In the local elections, the United People's Democratic Party won more than 80% of the seats in the parliament. It can be said that the party is in power.

The political situation has been established.

At the same time, the Battle of Northern Burma also stirred up the entire Southeast Asia. The Chinese who had suffered so much finally saw that their motherland was beginning to become stronger and could thwart the ambitions of the British Empire. Especially after Myitkyina was established as a free city, for

This is a huge encouragement for all Chinese businessmen. This is the bridgehead for trade with the country. They can finally conduct commercial activities without restrictions and receive support from the motherland. This is definitely something they could not imagine in the past.


People's hearts were quietly changing, and Zhu Erdian left China after the negotiation, preparing to attend the Washington Conference. With Zhu Erdian's departure, an old era also began to countdown, and China was about to stand up.


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