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Chapter 342 Zhang Zuolin

After coordinating the interests of all parties, Qiao Yu's cabinet list was also announced, and the new government was finally born. However, Qiao Yu was not in a hurry to join Bei Jing, but appointed Duan Qirui to stay behind in Bei Jing and be temporarily in charge of the north.

For business affairs, Qiao Yu chose Wuchang as his official office. This arrangement was also out of safety considerations. Qiao Yu knew very well that Bei Jing had been managed by various powers since the Qing Dynasty, so everything done in Bei Jing was transparent.

, and there is Dongjiao Minxiang, and there is also a large public concession in Tianjin not far away, where all the great powers have stationed a large number of troops.

As a result, Beijing was firmly under the control of the great powers, and nothing could be done without cleaning up. Therefore, Qiao Yu chose Wuchang as his office location, and at the same time sent Wang Lingji, director of the Investigation Bureau of his confidants, to go north to thoroughly clean up all the affairs.

This kind of force swept Bei Jing clean.

China's regime has undergone major changes, and Qiao Yu has ascended to the throne of Prime Minister, which means that the Sichuan clique has officially become the largest faction in charge of China's destiny, and Beiyang has been reduced to a supporting role. There are also two completely different voices in China regarding Qiao Yu.

, some people regard him as the hope of saving the country, and naturally some people regard him as Yuan Shikai's second, the culprit who destroyed Min Zhu.

This kind of argument is also very normal. As long as you do something, you will inevitably be criticized. Moreover, Qiao Yu also knows very well that most of the people who speak out now are under some influence. Most of the time they say good things about themselves because they want to curry favor and get a good position, but they scold themselves.

It’s not necessarily that they all have ulterior motives. Qiao Yu simply won’t interfere too much in these debates. Of course, public opinion work must also be done. This work will be handled by Huang Yuanyong, and the news control will be implemented nationwide. Let the monkeys express their opinions

Let the voices out, and those who should shut up, shut up.

Qiao Yu is very clear that what is in front of him is still a mess that is falling apart. The people still have a wait-and-see attitude and do not trust the new government. They think it is just a change of soup without changing the medicine. The Chinese people have become accustomed to it.

Starting from the former Qing Dynasty, when the cabinet was replaced by Beiyang, the prime ministers were like a revolving door, changing one in less than a year. Therefore, it was impossible to win the hearts and minds of the people without putting forward something tangible.

Therefore, on the day he officially took office, Qiao Yu announced a nationwide rectification of social atmosphere, prohibiting drugs, gambling, and regulating institutions.

Porn, gambling and drugs have been a cancer in society since ancient times. But just as everyone has a dark side, there is no way to completely solve the dark side of society, but it must be controlled within a certain range and not affect normal life.


Regarding drugs, Qiao Yu has adopted a policy of resolutely prohibiting gambling. The prostitutes, on the other hand, require regulations. They are not allowed to buy or sell women, nor to force girls into prostitution. The prostitutes must undergo regular physical examinations to ensure their health, and at the same time, they are allowed to withdraw at any time.

Abolition of the deed of sale.

In addition to rectifying pornography, gambling and drugs, Qiao Yu also ordered a strict crackdown on various underworld organizations, bandits and bandits. He strictly rectified gangs, confiscated guns, disbanded landlords' armed forces, strengthened patrol teams, and resolutely eliminated the bad apples.

What Qiao Yu values ​​most is execution ability. These orders are not just for fun, but must be implemented. The troops assigned by Zhu Qinglan, Long Yun, Shi Yi, Wang Huai and others are the guarantee of execution ability. Who dares

Deceiving the superiors and concealing the truth, what awaits them is a bullet.

The power of the Unified Min Zhu Party has also expanded rapidly, and its ability to control society has rapidly improved. With the Unified Min Zhu Party as its leader, the rectification work has been carried out very smoothly. All kinds of social cancers have been eliminated, and local public security has been unprecedentedly good and safe.

A public security environment is very necessary for everyone, and Qiao Yu's image among the people suddenly became taller.

Rectifying the social atmosphere is just a way for Qiao Yu to win over the people. The key is to reduce the burden on the people and increase their income. Qiao Yu completely rectified the salt policy in the north, eradicating the influence of salt merchants that had lasted for hundreds of years, and the whole country followed suit.

In Sichuan, new salt industry management measures were implemented, and the price of salt in the north suddenly dropped by 70%. The people clapped their hands and cheered. This was something they had been waiting for for a long time. In addition, various exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes were gradually reduced, and the people could finally relax.

The tone is gone.

Reducing the burden is only one aspect. The other is to vigorously support agriculture. For a country with a large population like China, food is always the most important thing and there must be no problem. Therefore, Qiao Yu ordered the renovation of water conservancy facilities nationwide.

Promote the use of chemical fertilizers. In addition, although the northern provinces will not implement land reform for the time being, they must first reduce land rents to ensure farmers' basic livelihood.

In Jiangsu and Zhejiang and other five provinces, Qiao Yu's actions are even greater, mainly to support the development of industry and commerce, support the establishment of factories, and provide financial and technical assistance. Jiangsu and Zhejiang are the most affluent areas in China, and the basic conditions are also very good.

After policy support, industrial development showed a blowout trend.

Qiao Yu's actions have achieved good social results even after the new official took office. Although they did not touch the deep-seated contradictions in Chinese society, a new situation has emerged and the people finally saw hope.

In addition to promoting the New Deal and carrying out reforms at home, Qiao Yu is most concerned about the Russian problem. Now that Outer Mongolia has been controlled, in the direction of Xinjiang, Liu Xiang, Zhang Guangjian, Yang Xinxin and others have moved out of Lake Balkhash to seize Russia.

The territory that had been lost was regained, but the real trouble was in the outer northeast.

Now the Outer Northeast area has become a mess, and the chaos continues to grow. The legions that interfered with the Russian revolution mainly came from Japan. Japan sent a total of seven divisions, accounting for more than 80% of the total number, to steal a large amount of territory in the Outer Northeast.

It has also reached out to the Lake Baikal region and is the most powerful among the intervention forces.

In addition to Japan, there were intervention forces from the United States and the United Kingdom, as well as legions of Italian and Czechoslovak prisoners of war. Zhang Zuolin commanded the squadron to control Hailanpao and brought all Jiangdong No. 64 Tuns under control.


Jiangdong Sixty-four Tun Jiangdong Sixty-four Tun refers to a section of land on the left bank of Heilongjiang, starting from the mouth of Jingqili River on the opposite bank of Heihe Town in Aihui County, and going south to the opposite bank of Holmo Jintun in Sunwu County. Historically,

There were once sixty-four villages where Chinese people lived, hence the name.

Through the Treaty of Aihun, Tsarist Russia forcibly occupied a large area of ​​China's territory on the left bank of the Heilongjiang River. However, the treaty stipulated that Chinese people still had the right to live in the 64 villages in Jiangdong.

On July 15, 1900, the Russian army suddenly blocked the Heilongjiang River. On the 17th, the Russian army armed with swords and axes forced thousands of Chinese residents and businessmen to gather on the riverside. They massacred the unarmed Chinese people for several days.

More than 5,000 people were killed, resulting in the Hailanpao Massacre, which was condemned worldwide.

Two days later, the Tsarist Russian invading army caused a brutal and inhumane massacre on the left bank of Heilongjiang, in the "Jiangdong 64th Village" opposite Heihe Town. The Tsarist Russian army burned, killed, and looted wantonly, and gathered the captured people into several large rooms and burned them to death, or

Pushed into the river and drowned. In the area from Hakata Tun to Jingli River Estuary alone, more than 1,000 Chinese residents were massacred, and their houses were burned down. In this appalling "Kodong 64 Tun Massacre", 2,000 Chinese residents were killed

Tsarist Russia later announced that the 64-tunnel area in Jiangdong was under Russian jurisdiction, and Chinese residents were not allowed to return to the area.

It can be said that the blood of the Chinese people has dyed the water of Heilongjiang red. This is the most painful experience. This time, taking advantage of the Russian Civil War, Zhang Zuolin was able to regain the control of Jiangdong No. 64 Tun, which is definitely a great achievement. It is enough.

The history of famous brands.

However, Lao Zhang is now in big trouble. Although he has successfully recovered Hailanpao and other places, it has become extremely troublesome to continue to expand his power. He must face the armies of the great powers head-on, without the support of the government, and Zhang Zuolin does not have that.

Such courage led to the collapse of Duan Qirui at this time. Qiao Yu ascended to the position of Prime Minister of the Cabinet, and Zhang Zuolin immediately knew that the opportunity had come. With this Prime Minister who dared to fight against the British, dealing with the great powers became more difficult.

Much easier.

Sure enough, it was as Zhang Zuolin expected. When Qiao Yu had just become prime minister, he dispatched Chief of Staff Wu Tong to personally lead a regiment of officers to Hailanpao. Wu Tong was only in his early thirties and looked gentle and elegant.

Like a scholar to a soldier, Zhang Zuolin knew very well that this was the first person to follow Qiao Yu and had always held power. In terms of intimacy, he was far more intimate than Jiang Baili. Moreover, Wu Tong's cousin Wu Hengchang was also Qiao Yu's confidant. It can be said that

The fact that he was able to visit Hailan in person is enough to prove that Qiao Yu attaches great importance to the Northeast.

At this time, Wu Tong was also sizing up Zhang Zuolin. For this little man who was born as a bandit to be in the position he is today, he was no less legendary than Qiao Yu. Therefore, Wu Tong was also extremely interested in him and carefully reviewed Zhang Zuolin's resume.

I have studied it many times, but now when I meet him, I can really see the extraordinary qualities of this little man. There is a hint of reckless cunning in his prowess, especially his pair of fox eyes, which are even more shrewd.

"Inspector Zhang has heard about the Ming Dynasty for a long time, but now he realizes that being famous is far worse than meeting him."

"Chief of Staff, I, Mr. Zhang, have heard about you a long time ago. You are Premier Qiao's right-hand man. I will ask you to take care of me in the future." Zhang Zuolin took a few steps and took Wu Tong's hand. He looked very enthusiastic and said

As if he were an old friend he hadn't seen for many years, at the moment of shaking hands, a foot-long box slipped out of the sleeve of Zhang Zuolin's fur coat and was delivered to Wu Tong's hand.

"Chief of Staff, please accept some local specialties."

Wu Tong hated giving gifts and was very strict with himself, but Wu Tong didn't want to refuse this gift from Zhang Zuolin. Zhang Zuolin said it was a local specialty, which was not wrong at all.

Although old wild ginseng and wild ginseng are very rare, they are not uncommon. However, the one given by Zhang Zuolin is so rare that almost no one has heard of it. After weighing it with your hands, you can see that this wild ginseng weighs at least one kilogram.

There is a saying that seven taels is a ginseng, and eight taels is a treasure. It is already a rare good thing to reach eight taels. Zhang Zuolin sent this one and it actually weighed more than a kilogram. How can people not be tempted?

The medicinal effect of old wild ginseng of this age is amazing, and it often has the effect of extending life. If the old man's life comes to the end, just take one piece and it can last for a while. Therefore, many big families spend a lot of money to buy some spare parts for this purpose.

Used at critical moments, it can extend the life of the elderly, facilitate posthumous matters, and avoid family disputes. Therefore, it is extremely precious. Wu Tong quietly put the ginseng into his sleeve and held it over to Zhang Zuolin.

"Thank you Zhang Shuai for your kindness. The reason I came here this time is for matters related to the Northeast. The Prime Minister is most concerned about this place now. We have already coordinated the relationship with Japan. They will not interfere with the transportation of supplies. Within two days, there will be

Twenty wagons of supplies have been sent, and we must not treat our brothers badly."



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