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Chapter 345 You also want to vote


With the large amount of personnel and material assistance, the situation in the outer Northeast began to tilt in favor of China. After Wang Yongjiang arrived in Hailanpao, he did not directly attack, but began to visit a large number of Fengjun troops at all levels to conduct detailed investigations and understand

, At first many people didn't care, thinking that this was just a quartermaster's duty, but soon they realized that the situation was not good, but by this time it was already too late. Liu Cunhou, Deng Xihou, and Pan Wenhua's three divisions had already entered the northeast.

Among them, Deng Xihou's division was stationed in Shenyang, and its main task was to defend Japan. After Feng's army moved north, Fengtian became empty. The Japanese prodigals took the opportunity to cause chaos and made Fengtian a mess.

Deng Xihou was flexible and suitable for this kind of work. One of the two divisions, Pan Wenhua and Liu Cunhou, was transferred to Harbin and the other to Hailanpao. Most of these soldiers were from the south. The first thing they had to do was adaptability training. The severe cold in the north was extremely severe.

What tests people is that about one meter of snow makes it almost impossible to walk.

Soldiers who are accustomed to the warmth of the south really need to adapt to the deadly cold wind. Fortunately, they are well prepared and have all kinds of supplies. The soldiers did not suffer too much frostbite. With the arrival of the Sichuan troops, Zhang Zuolin and others

It was an eye-opener. The Sichuan Army is indeed a force that has participated in the European War. In terms of equipment, it is absolutely excellent. It is also equipped with tanks and chariots. The sight of artillery of various calibers makes people drool.

And as a direct descendant of the Southwest Army, he also has very high requirements for himself. The military appearance is neat, the barracks are clean, and there are strict rules for eating, drinking, sleeping, sleeping, etc. The entire army is neat and uniform, and the spirit of it makes people unable to help but pick at it.

Thumbs up, and a large number of aircraft have been transferred to the country. Zhang Zuolin, who has long heard about the power of aircraft, has never really experienced the elegance of aircraft.

Now after several drills and trainings, Lao Zhang was completely shocked, "Fu Chen, we have taken the right step. Let me just say that we are a big China, how can we let Japanese little devils compete with us?"

Zhang Zuoxiang nodded again and again at this time. He was also sending troops. Japan was far from being as well prepared as the southwest, and the military appearance and discipline were extremely corrupt. The decision to turn to the central government was definitely correct. At this time, we were waiting to see Feng Delin and others.


China has increased its troops stationed in the outer northeast, and Japan has taken similar measures accordingly. To reorganize the army, support the Belarusian forces, and at the same time formulate an immigration development plan, Japan's national machinery is finally turning at a high speed. It is preparing to take this piece of fat in the Far East.

Swallow it.

Qiao Yu, who was in Wuchang, also wanted to rush to the north and personally direct the action to regain his homeland. However, things in the country were really complicated and chaotic. The land reform in the southwest was basically completed. It can be said that it has achieved very good results.

, a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises soon appeared, and newly established farms also began to purchase large quantities of fertilizers and agricultural tools, and plain areas also purchased large quantities of tractors and other agricultural machinery. With strong demand, the industry in the southwest began to operate at a high speed. And

This time the demand is not different from the previous demand for civilian light industrial products, but a huge enthusiasm for steel, machinery, building materials, automobiles, ships, chemicals, etc.

The industry in the southwest has also begun to upgrade. It has moved from being dominated by light industry to being dominated by heavy industry. This is definitely a huge progress. The strength of heavy industry directly determines the strength of medium industry, which is also the reason why China's armed forces

Your own foundation.

While the southwest is undergoing industrial upgrading, a large number of light industrial enterprises have also been separated. As the southeastern provinces with the best basic conditions have begun to receive this part of the division, an unprecedented blueprint for industrialization has been outlined on the land of China. Qiao Yu

With a stroke of the pen, the gods in the southeast, including the two lakes, are required to add a thousand vocational and technical schools within three years to cultivate talents for the next industrialization revolution.

Of course, these are not the only good things. After the conflict in northern Myanmar, China captured two divisions of Indian soldiers in Bhamo and besieged more than 20,000 soldiers in Myitkyina. These people need to be dealt with. The British did not promise to compensate for the cost.

Then Qiao Yu had no choice but to exploit the prisoners of war, offer a high price of three million pounds, and ask the British to redeem these people. Regardless of their rank or race, they would all be counted on a head-to-head basis.

The British were not fools. After careful consideration, they redeemed all the British officers at a cost of less than half a million pounds and left nearly 40,000 Indian soldiers to China. Naturally, China was not polite, since the master did not want these people.

Now China is preparing to develop northern Myanmar and bring in a large number of immigrants. But now northern Myanmar is a land of smog and is full of poisonous snakes and insects. If you enter rashly, there will be countless casualties. Chinese lives are valuable. This

This matter should be left to Indians who like to cheat. I believe that their Lord Shiva will bless them and make them invulnerable.

These Indian soldiers became the vanguard of the development of northern Myanmar. It is hard to say how long they will survive in the end. China will definitely not publish such records. The rest is up to their own imagination.

After dealing with the prisoners of war, there is still one big thing to do in northern Myanmar, which is to hold a local referendum to decide whether to merge with China and unify the country. Liang Qichao, executive member of the central government of the Communist Party of China, resolutely took up this important task. Liang Qichao took it.

Many elite personnel of the United Party asked them to carry out propaganda to the local people, telling them that as long as they agreed to merge with China, they would be able to obtain freedom. It turned out that the chieftain's land, mountains and forests could be evenly distributed to them, and they would also be able to

A group of former chieftain slaves were transferred from Yunnan to give their own testimony.

Faced with this powerful public opinion offensive, these people quickly made the right choice. Some chieftains still wanted to resist, but without exception, they were all wiped out. The voting results were quickly tallied, with 100%

More than 70 people have chosen to merge with China. So far, all legal procedures have been completed. More than 70,000 square kilometers of land have finally returned to the embrace of China safely. From Myitkyina to the north, all have been included in the territory of Yunnan Province.


Even Myitkyina is under China's control to a considerable extent. Although it has been established as a free city where you can do business, British businessmen rarely come, and it is still unclear whether the natives of Southeast Asia can understand money.

But for a while, it was the Chinese businessmen who really dominated Myitkyina. They transported Southeast Asian specialties and grains, and then purchased industrial products and sold them back, making huge profits from the transactions. Soon a powerful network was formed around Myitkyina.

The Chinese-inhabited areas generated strong radiation and driving capabilities, and China's clutches began to extend into Southeast Asia.

"Prime Minister, now the affairs in northern Myanmar have been basically dealt with. What is left is immigration and development. Luo Changchun handles these matters too easily. This time, the Prime Minister has made a great contribution to the expansion of territory."

"Mr. Xizi, thank you for your praise. This is the homeland of China, so it doesn't matter."

"Prime Minister, you are being modest when you say this. When China was in its heyday, there were more than a thousand vassal countries. If you count them all, even if you occupied Europe, it would be regarded as regaining your homeland. And the Prime Minister seems to have set a trap for the British."

"Mr. Xizi, where do you come from?"

Yang Du smiled slightly, "Those are the prisoners of war. According to the business, the more important they are, the more expensive they should be. But you did the opposite and made the British and Indians have the same price. It seems that you are forcing the British

Just leave the Indian soldiers behind. If my guess is correct, you won't just prepare them to develop northern Myanmar?"

"Mr. Xizi, you are getting better and better now."

Of course, Qiao Yu's arrangement will not be that simple. Although the development of northern Myanmar will definitely result in countless casualties, many can still be preserved after all. Can these Indian soldiers who have experienced the test of life and death change their appearance and become desperate and bloodthirsty?

Even if they don't change, China will brainwash them.

Then releasing these people back to India, they are just the vanguard to disrupt the British colonial order, and they are also a sharp sword for China to intervene in South Asia. Of course, Qiao Yu must have arranged more than these chess pieces, and he wants to seize this treasure land of Southeast Asia.

Once you get it, you have to put in a lot of hard work.

Ruan Aiguo's Vietnamese are pawns, and the local Chinese also shoulder an important mission, and their layout in Southeast Asia has begun to take shape.

"Prime Minister, although the referendum in northern Myanmar was very successful, it also had sequelae."

"Mr. Xizi, why are there still people who want a referendum?"

"That's right. Ma Fuxiang, Ma Qi and others from the northwest jointly issued a call. They believe that since the chieftains in northern Myanmar can decide their ownership by voting, the northwest region should also do the same, and the local people will decide the ownership issue."

Ma Jiajun? Qiao Yu is very clear about this famous warlord armed force in history, and also hates it very much. The Ma Jiajun relied on religion, ethnicity, and blood as ties to form a tight network, and once controlled Ningxia, Gansu, and Qinghai

, and most of Xinjiang, became an important force dominating the northwest.

The Ma Jiajun, who rose up through the Tongzhi Rebellion, was divided into two branches, Qingma and Ningma. They were the same kingdoms. The northwest was originally a barren land. In order to maintain a huge army, they naturally looted excessively, were cruel and cruel, and persecuted the Han people.

, especially those who persecute other people in the name of religion, committing countless crimes that are too numerous to list.

Of course, they haven't fully developed yet, but they are still a huge cancer. Qiao Yu has long wanted to eradicate it, but he didn't expect that they would ask for a vote at this time. Isn't this an attempt to split the country? They are really a bunch of people who don't know how to live or die.

Thing, Qiao Yu has already made murderous intentions.

"Mr. Xizi, what do you think should be done?"

"Prime Minister, your large-scale abolition of slavery this time has touched the interests of the Ma family army. They are now the largest slave owners in the northwest, so there will be a backlash. If you can agree to retain their power and positions, these people can be stopped."

Qiao Yu's face darkened, and he waved his hand and said: "No, absolutely not. Abolition of slavery is inevitable. I not only want to abolish slavery, but also take back the military power in their hands. I also want to completely reform the northwest issues and carry out a thorough religious reform."

"Regardless of any religion, as long as its teachings conflict with the spirit of the Constitution, it must be changed. Anyone who dares to split the country under the guise of national issues will be resolutely suppressed. For this, I don't mind a river of blood."

Qiao Yu, who had always been gentle and elegant, turned out to have a ferocious face. Yang Du knew at a glance that Ma Jiajun had touched Qiao Yu's bottom line this time. What awaited them was probably a bloody suppression. However, as a senior counselor, Yang Du

Do not agree with taking tough measures against Ma Jiajun

"Prime Minister, when it comes to national unity, we have to be cautious. The troops we have now are not sufficient at all. We have to deal with the changes in the outer Northeast. The country is undergoing reforms. There are really no extra troops to send, and the Ma Jiajun is deeply entrenched. Prime Minister

You should think twice."






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