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Three hundred and fiftieth chapters command the world

After capturing Lanzhou, Zhang Xiaohuai, the real commander, retreated to the second line and rarely showed up. Instead, Cao Kun rushed to the front line and commanded his men to rush to Hezhou and arrest Ma Anliang and others, and also arrested Ma Fuxiang.

, Ma Anliang, a member of the Ma family from the Ma Qi branch, could not bear the blow after hearing the news that Lanzhou was defeated and the entire army was wiped out, and he died!

In addition to arresting the Ma family, we also need to restore order in Lanzhou and arrest those who have committed crimes. For those with criminal records and criminal records, Cao Da’s patrol envoys will execute them severely and quickly. Almost every day outside Lanzhou city

Shooting criminals in large numbers..com

The Lanzhou people who had been harmed by these things not only did not have any objections, they all clapped their hands and applauded them. These rubbish and miscellaneous things had brought them too much suffering. Based on the principle that he would rather kill the wrong people than let them go, Lao Cao launched a large-scale manhunt.

, almost all the people who came to Lanzhou to support the Ma Jiajun were arrested, and all those who had committed evil crimes were shot. The remaining people also had to undergo comprehensive labor education. In short, they were treated as laborers and used to build the upcoming construction.

The railway from Lanzhou to Xinjiang is under construction.

The Battle of Lanzhou was a rather peculiar battle. When Zhang Xiaohuai, Cao Kun and others announced the results of the battle, they only said that more than 30,000 Ma Jiajun diehards had been annihilated, but in fact more than 70,000 people died. Historically,

There are many people who praise military achievements in a big way, but I'm afraid those who praise military achievements in a small way are not justified. The Battle of Lanzhou became such a strange special case.

But all the princes in the world are not stupid. Everything from the licorice store to Lanzhou City was stained red with blood. The battlefield that was not cleaned in time can be smelled from ten miles away. Moreover, no one from the Ma family army was spared. A conservative estimate of the death toll

It also needs to be more than 50,000 people.

In less than a day of fighting, 50,000 cavalry were wiped out. What kind of concept is this? Even 50,000 pigs would take a lot of effort, let alone 50,000 live Ma Jiajun cavalry, even if their equipment is backward.

, but the Ma Jiajun is famous throughout the country for their bravery and fearlessness, especially since the air force was not dispatched for bombing this time, otherwise the Ma Jiajun might not be able to hold on for even half a day.

Thinking of this, all the local princes felt chills on their necks. It was true that Zhong Yang was not something they could compete with, but they still obeyed the arrangements honestly.

In fact, Qiao Yu also rushed to Lanzhou from Outer Mongolia. Zhang Xiaohuai, Cao Kun and others all lined up to greet him. Qiao Yu was very satisfied with the effect of the Lanzhou Battle. His plan to kill chickens and scare monkeys was fully realized. It also prevented the turmoil in the northwest.

Most of the elements were eradicated, especially Cao Kun's wisdom that satisfied Qiao Yu, which saved him a lot of trouble without having to bear the infamy. It seems that these Beiyang old men should really be put to good use. Even if their talents may be insufficient, they know how to

Try to figure it out and you will get things done!

It is more comfortable to use, much better than those who are arrogant and arrogant.** Thinking of this, Qiao Yu suddenly realized that it is no wonder that emperors in history like to use ministers. It turns out that the secret is here. They have no edges and corners, and they are comfortable to use.

It's easy. And they have a bad reputation, so they have to do their best to please you. Only in this way can they keep their position.

When they are really smelly on the street, you can easily remove them and replace them with another one that is better, and you can also gain a reputation as a wise king. This is the secret of the so-called power, but this will not work.

It is a disaster for the common people all over the world.

As a person trained in the old times, the old man from Beiyang should be very aware of this situation, but he still couldn't resist the temptation of power and was willing to be that toilet.

"Cao's Inspection Envoy, Runnong, you fought well in this battle. You brought peace to the northwest and brought peace to the world. On behalf of the government, I want to thank you!"

"I don't dare to praise the Prime Minister, we just performed our duty!" When Cao Kun saw that Qiao Yu was very satisfied, he knew that his hard-working performance had been successful, and he immediately relaxed a lot.

However, Zhang Xiaohuai's mood was not very high. "Prime Minister, eradicating the Ma Jiajun is only the first step in governing the northwest. Next, we must vigorously rectify it, especially to develop the economy. The people in the northwest are too poor and too backward. They don't know what's going on outside."

The changes have made this place a paradise for local emperors like Ma Jiajun. If it cannot be changed, I am afraid that the peace in the northwest will only be temporary!"

"Well, Runnong is right. I have ordered Minister Zhang Lan to formulate an education plan to fully implement compulsory education in the northwest, so that all school-age children can go to school to learn literacy, learn cultural knowledge, and change their destiny!"

The compulsory education that Qiao Yu mentioned has been in the pipeline for a long time, but due to the government's limited financial resources, it has not been implemented. Now that Qiao Yu has received the Czar's gold, he can spend money freely again, and it is imperative to implement nationwide education.

OK, but the number of teachers is still very scarce and cannot meet the needs of the whole country. Qiao Yu said that he will fully promote it in the northwest, which shows that Qiao Yu must give priority to education in the northwest region, and gradually stabilize the northwest in Qiao Yu's heart.


Of course, Qiao Yu did not want to make the mistake of the Manchus. The Manchus spent a lot of money to train new talents, sent them to study abroad, and gave them high-ranking officials and generous salaries. As a result, these new talents all embarked on the road of anti-Qing. Education in the northwest must be based on

We should mainly promote Chineseization, speak Chinese, write Chinese characters, and learn Han etiquette, so that other ethnic groups can increase their sense of national identity and national belonging, so that they can establish correct national concepts from an early age and avoid being used by forces with ulterior motives.

Qiao Yu is not a Han chauvinist. We must consider the interests of ethnic minorities and cannot discriminate against them. Of course we do not discriminate against minorities, and we cannot overcorrect and become discriminatory against the majority. We cannot only consider the interests of Han people, but in this country

Among them, more than 90% are Han people, accounting for the vast majority. If the power of the Han people is ignored, then this government will have no value in existence.

When Zhang Xiaohuai heard that Qiao Yu had a plan, he didn't say anything. Instead, he led Qiao Yu to inspect the army and go to people's homes to express condolences. This kind of behavior would be regarded as a show in later generations. No politician is willing to do it now. Those who

Houses that are low, dark, and even have a special smell are not a good place to go.

However, Qiao Yu knew very well that the people of Lanzhou had suffered tremendously during this period and were in urgent need of comfort. Therefore, accompanied by everyone, he walked through the streets and alleys and went to more than a dozen people's homes. Some of them had died, and some had died.

Some families were frightened due to the loss of property. Qiao Yu comforted them all without any pretense and promised that Zheng Fu would compensate. Qiao Yu also announced an even more exciting news, that is, Zheng Fu was about to

Comprehensive exemption from agricultural taxes in poor areas.

In the future, there is no need to pay the national tax on imperial grain. These common people were almost dumbfounded. Since ancient times, they have farmed and paid for grain. It is a matter of course, how can it be exempted? Everyone seems to be a little doubtful, but when they know that the person who made the promise to them is the cabinet

When the prime minister became the most powerful person in the country, these people were extremely excited. It seemed that good times were finally coming.

In fact, there have been plans to exempt agricultural taxes for a long time, but except for the southwest, the fiscal revenue of other provinces still mainly depends on agriculture. If all were exempted, these provinces would be paralyzed immediately, so Qiao Yu did not rush to proceed, and now with the

With the progress of land reform and China's economic situation continuing to develop, capital originally imprisoned by the tenancy system began to flow.

A large number of corporate factories have been built. At the same time, agricultural investment has continued to increase, and the demand for chemical fertilizers, agricultural machinery, and agricultural tools has continued to grow rapidly. Under these conditions, appropriate reductions and exemptions from agricultural taxes have become inevitable. According to the plan of the government,

The first batch of regions to be fully exempted from agricultural taxes include Sichuan, Hubei, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Guangdong, which are regions with relatively good industrial development, as well as backward mountainous areas in northwest China, Mongolia, and central China.

The former is because the industry is developed, and the proportion of agricultural taxes is already very small, so it can be completely exempted. The latter is because the economy is backward, and the people cannot afford food or clothing, so exemption has become inevitable. After the industry is fully rolled out, it will be exempted nationwide.

The exemption of agricultural tax will be a matter of course.

However, this plan still shocked many people. It seems that times have really changed, and the good days of the people are coming. Qiao Yu, while facing the Ma Jiajun and killing chickens and monkeys, also released the policy of exempting agricultural taxes. This is exactly what he said.

It is a display of strength, and on the one hand it is to calm people's hearts, with every word and force, and relaxation, the cooperation is very tacit.

With the support of the people of the world, and the guarantee of powerful force, Qiao Yu's status and prestige became more and more stable, and his reputation reached an unprecedented height.

"Zhongshan, you've handled the northwest affairs very well, but there are still some noises!"

As he spoke, Qiao Yu sent several newspapers to Cao Kun. They were all negative news about the Battle of Lanzhou. Many people criticized Cao Kun for his brutal behavior, especially accusing him of killing innocent people indiscriminately.

The finger was pointed directly at Qiao Yu. Although China's political power has changed, there are still many unwilling people who want to take the opportunity to cause trouble.

Cao Kun read the murderous words in the newspaper and suddenly felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave. These literati were really powerful. Sometimes these words were more frightening than swords and guns.

"Prime Minister, I feel so humbled and terrified in my humble position. I am guilty!"

"You are not guilty, and you still have merit! Those garbage should be cleaned up in the first place. If these literati's opinions on life were pointed at them, the country would be over long ago. However, sometimes these criticisms cannot be ignored. I think so, your Northwest Patrol

I am exempted from the military envoy. It is considered a punishment. You go directly to Bei Jing to assist Jiang Baili in presiding over the national army reorganization work. From now on, there will no longer be any distinction between the Beiyang and Sichuan factions. All are the National Defense Forces, all of which are national


When Cao Kun heard that Qiao Yu had taken over his northwest patrol envoy, he was not dissatisfied. He had never officially taken up the post and he was not distressed now that it was gone. However, the right to preside over the reorganization of the army was too great. A nationwide reorganization

, there are too many people involved, and many of them have to change their official titles. Once you master this power, then I am afraid that all the military attachés in the world will look up to you. This is not a demotion, it is clearly a promotion!

Even if he is Jiang Baili's deputy, he still has a high position, especially after he controls this power and can take proper care of the old man of Beiyang, then he will naturally become the new head of Beiyang. His status and power are far from what they are now.

It can be compared. At this time, Cao Kun also understood that with such an arrangement, Qiao Yu would probably have to check and balance the power of the Sichuan faction himself to prevent Jiang Baili from gaining too much power. It seemed that he was already qualified to become a top chess piece.

"Thank you Prime Minister for your love. I will do my best in my humble position and never let the Prime Minister down!"..)


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