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Chapter 362: Sino-Japanese Collision Three

This time, Japan mobilized a total of four dreadnoughts, including thirty auxiliary ships, and a large number of merchant ships to transport a division to the mountains to assist Kamio Mitsuomi. Since the Nagato-class battleship had not yet been completed, Japan had to

Settsu, Fuso, Ise and Hyuga were dispatched. A total of four huge battleships set out from the port of Yokosuka, Japan. Under the escort of many auxiliary ships, they rushed towards Qingdao.

The four giant ships rode the wind and waves, as if they were emperors on patrol. They were majestic. The dreams and dignity of the Japanese island country were all on these battleships. The leader of this fleet was Japanese Navy Admiral Kato Sadayoshi, who was also the one who attacked Qingdao five years ago.

He led the navy to attack the German army, and now he is fighting again. On land, it is still his old partner Mitsuomi Kamio, but Kato Nobuyoshi's mentality is completely different.

In the past five years, China has undergone earth-shaking changes. Since the late Qing Dynasty, the first regime that truly unified the country has taken shape. Japan has changed even more than China. In the past, Japan was just a dog of Britain in the Far East.

Even if Japan defeated the Manchus and Russia, the same would be true. The key technologies of the navy still depended on the United Kingdom. Moreover, the country was also very poor and had little accumulation. It could barely be considered a great power, but it was just a little brother.

However, after the huge profits of World War I, Japan fully developed, its industrial system tended to be improved, and its navy also embarked on the path of independence. Especially the huge profits of the war turned Japan from a debtor to a creditor, and the situation in the Asia-Pacific also changed dramatically.

Changes. Not long ago, China defeated Britain in northern Burma. It suddenly acquired more than 70,000 square kilometers of land, which greatly shocked Japan and China. It turns out that Britain has declined to this extent! Since then

The Japanese Navy, who thought they had seen through the British trump card, had set their greedy eyes on the South Seas, which was the real fertile land. If Japan could take a bite, it would definitely be full of oil.

It can be said that Japan was dreaming about how to spread the glory of the Emperor all over the world, and did not realize that China's power had rapidly expanded. It was not until the Battle of Qingdao that Japan finally woke up. It turns out that China also did the same during World War I.

After practicing hard on internal skills, the army and air force have now caught up with Japan.

Japan has basically reached a consensus that it must contain China's development and ultimately destroy China's industrial strength. Kato Nobuyoshi came to China with this mission. Once the battleship, the most powerful weapon of this era, is put into use

In war, you will be invincible.

Kato Sadayoshi carefully formulated an attack plan. The Japanese fleet first entered the Qingdao waters. With the ultra-high range of naval guns, it was able to create an iron curtain and firmly control Qingdao in Japan's hands. Kato Sadaikichi even believed that China

There is no naval force, and the only two giant ships are still being renovated in Qinzhou. Therefore, Japan does not have to worry about the safety of the battleships. After solving Qingdao, the Japanese battleships can blockade Tianjin to the north and Shanghai to the south. In this way, China

I can only admit defeat.

Kato Nobuyoshi was having a sweet dream here. He had no idea that from the moment the Japanese fleet left Yokosuka Port, the Chinese side had received intelligence. There were several camouflaged merchant ships and fishing boats on the sea along the way, all dedicated to detecting intelligence about the Japanese fleet.


Now all the information has been sent to China. As the only one that can threaten Japanese battleships, the Chinese Air Force is currently massing in Shandong. A total of 120 aircraft are concentrated at airports in Shandong. The newly appointed Air Force Commander

Wang Yue is training his subordinates on their bomb-dropping abilities.

Using aircraft to attack warships. Aircrafts occupy high-altitude terrain and have obvious innate advantages. However, that was during World War II. Today's aircraft are far less mature and have short ranges, making them unable to search the sea for a long time. The bomb load is insufficient.

The flight speed is slow, which means that it is likely to become a target for warships, but China has no retreat and must fight to the death.

As the commander-in-chief of this air force, Wang Yue has the greatest pressure on his shoulders at this time. Although there were incidents of aircraft attacking warships during World War I, aircraft were more primitive at that time and often could not threaten large ships. Now he is creating a new world.

A new history, using air power to attack battleships, regardless of success or failure, is destined to be famous in the annals of history!

The Chinese Air Force has been undergoing intense training for several days. The pilots flew the plane over the open fields again and again, then found the target that had been prepared in the lake, then lowered the altitude and dropped the bomb, again and again.

Although it was just an exercise, every pilot felt heavy in their hearts. China currently has very few ways to deal with giant ships. If the air force is not good enough, it can only rely on the Border Governor and Moltke, which are still under repair, to fight for their lives.

No one could believe that those two warships could defeat the combined fleet.

The Chinese Air Force is already China's biggest support, and victory is allowed without defeat! Japanese warships are getting closer and closer to Shandong, and Qiao Yu and Jiang Baili also secretly left Beijing and rushed to Jinan in person to take charge.

"Prime Minister, Japanese warships will sail into Jiaozhou Bay around eight o'clock tomorrow morning. Japan has a total of four battleships and more than 30 other auxiliary ships!"

This information came from the spies that Qiao Yu had placed in Japan earlier. It has been infiltrated into the Japanese military. It is the intelligence trump card in Qiao Yu's hands. It can be completely believed that the news transmitted through fishing boats at sea has basically confirmed this.

At one point, the time for the Chinese Air Force to attack has arrived!

Success or failure, rise or fall, all in one fell swoop!

In the early morning light, the combined fleet was speeding towards Jiaozhou Bay. The giant ship was riding the wind and waves, with unparalleled momentum and shock. Kato Anji was very calm and relaxed at this time. In his impression, China could not threaten the Japanese battleships at all.

weapons, so the Japanese fleet is absolutely safe. Entering China's territorial waters is like the back garden of its own home.

He had no idea that China's first wave of attack aircraft had already taken off from the airport. The sixty aircraft were divided into two formations, one searching from east to west and the other searching from west to east. The two air force formations were moving towards each other like a pair of pliers.

Japanese warships approach.

Blessed by God, the weather conditions were very good and the visibility was high. The Chinese pilots could see far away in the air and the search speed was very fast. However, as the commander, Wang Yue was not satisfied at this time. He knew very well that the Dragon bombers

If the Japanese fleet cannot be found quickly, the Chinese Air Force will have to return to refuel.

At this extremely anxious moment, several black smoke seemed to appear in the distant sea. Seeing this, Wang Yue was elated and hurriedly accelerated his flight speed and rushed forward.

After flying a certain distance, a magnificent fleet finally appeared in front of him. Japan adopted a circular formation, with four battleships placed in the middle, as if they were proud kings, with thick muzzles

Showing the majesty of the Japanese Empire, this is the power that dominates the seas of East Asia!

Wang Yue gritted his teeth and flew the plane quickly towards the Settsu, which was at the front of the formation. The Settsu was the second Japanese Kawachi-class battleship, with a standard displacement of more than 20,000 tons. It was called a Japanese dreadnought, but it was equipped with

Although the caliber of the artillery is 305 millimeters, four are fifty times the caliber and four are forty-five times the caliber, which will inevitably affect the shooting, so more strictly speaking, it can only be regarded as a quasi-dreadnought ship.

Wang Yue's first target was the Settsu. At this time, Wang Yue took an extremely bold move, lowering his flying altitude to about 300 meters and passing over the huge Japanese fleet. This was definitely a very risky move.

It can be said that Japanese soldiers can threaten Wang Yue's safety as long as they use rifles, but for the accuracy of bomb delivery, he can no longer care about anything.

At this time, the Japanese navy was still a little at a loss. Although they saw the Chinese aircraft rushing over, they did not know how to respond. The Japanese warships had only pitiful anti-aircraft firepower, and due to lack of training, the soldiers now

When they encountered planes, they didn't know how to open fire. Some Japanese navy officers were even pointing and wondering what was going on with these planes that suddenly appeared.

However, it was too late and soon, Wang Yue's plane had already approached the Settsu. At this time, Wang Yue simply lowered the flying altitude to about 200 meters. The two 500 kilogram bombs were penetrated. The maximum load of the dragon was

The bomb capacity was only over 800 kilograms. In order to be able to load larger bombs, special reinforcements and modifications were carried out. Finally, the two bombs were successfully dropped. After dropping the bombs, Wang Yue hurriedly pulled the bomb without having time to observe.

The high-altitude aircraft quickly broke away. At this moment, two huge explosion sounds came over. Wang Yue felt a wave of heat rising up. The violent sound of the explosion made his ears roar, and he dangerously flew to high altitude again.

, when he looked at the Setjin again, a scene that even Wang Yue couldn't believe appeared.

Wang Yue dropped a total of two bombs, one of which landed just on the front deck of the Settsu. The Settsu was a cargo before the First World War. It did not consider the issue of air defense at all. The horizontal deck was also very weak, and it was

After the bomb hit, a huge hole appeared under the violent impact. It was as black as a monster opening its mouth. The bomb penetrated into the warship, just in time to detonate the ammunition depot, violently

The explosion caused the Settsu to instantly turn into a giant torch, with a blaze of flames shooting straight into the sky from the center and front.

Before that, another bomb exploded less than ten meters away from the Settsu. It happened to be a near-miss. After the explosion, huge water pressure pressed towards the Settsu. At the same time, the interior of the Settsu

The explosion produced a powerful force pushing outward.

The two forces were superimposed together, and the battleship's proud armor suddenly became fragile. The armor was twisted in an instant, and a wound several meters long appeared on the Settsu's hull.

Then a large amount of seawater poured into it, and at the same time, explosions continued to occur inside the ship, and the entire warship quickly fell into silence amid the two layers of ice and fire.

The Japanese navy aboard the Settsu were all stunned at this time. They couldn't believe that the powerful battleship they were proud of was actually attacked by a toy-like aircraft, and their battleship was also facing the danger of being silenced.

These Japanese navy frantically rescued their warships.

However, the huge thrust generated by the explosion has damaged the keel of the Settsu. After the influx of seawater, the situation of the warship is even more worrying. The sound of metal breaking is constantly heard, and the rapid influx of seawater greatly damages the warship.

Balance, the bow of the ship had almost reached the waterline, but the stern of the ship began to rise high. The Settsu did not last long, there was a loud cracking sound, and the warship broke apart from the front third.

But within a few minutes, the Settsu found the best destination and sank into the blue waves with nearly a thousand Japanese people. The Chinese Air Force got a good start! dd

This chapter has been completed!
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