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Chapter 365 Peace Negotiations

The United States definitely did not have any good intentions when it proposed peace talks at this time. Now the United States is competing with the United Kingdom, trying to take over international leadership, and the European region has been carved up by the Paris Peace Conference. Without the United States, nothing will happen now.

The largest chessboard in the world is in the Far East.**

A conflict breaks out between China and Japan. If China and Japan continue to fight, once one side completely falls, a giant will rise in the Far East. Whether it is Japan or China, it is possible to share the Pacific equally with the United States. This is something the United States is absolutely unwilling to see.

Yes, and if both China and Japan lose, the situation will be even worse. The Soviet Union and Russia will take advantage of the situation to become bigger. The United States has only one fulcrum in the Asia-Pacific region, the Philippines, and cannot compete with Russia at all. It may even be defeated by Britain first.

And now that the United States is facing a post-war depression, it also needs various countries to maintain appropriate stability so that it can consume American industrial products. The game of Far East cannot be ruined. The United States is in this position to consider decisive intervention and return it.

This is the lifeline of Japan. Oil will always be a nightmare for Japan, a small island country. Without oil, Japan's warships are just a bunch of coffins.

It can be said that this attitude of the United States is very powerful. Later, Secretary of State Hughes was sent to East Asia for mediation. As the most important figure in the United States after the president, being able to personally come forward for negotiations is obviously a sign of the importance it attaches to the Far East issue and reflects its importance.

The United States is determined to win.

Qiao Yu had long had the idea of ​​controlling the scale of the war, so he showed great sincerity to the United States' mediation, agreed to postpone the attack on Qingdao, and allowed Japanese merchant ships to supply Qingdao through the sea. Of course, China would not really let the Japanese

I feel better. Qiao Yu relaxed his offensive in Qingdao, but increased the intensity of troop reinforcements in the Northeast. Most of the newly trained Class A divisions have been transferred to the three northeastern provinces and the Beijing-Tianjin area. Qingdao is just a dead place for Japan.

China can take it down whenever it wants, and the three northeastern provinces that have been run by the Japanese army for a long time are the real dangerous places.

A large number of well-equipped squadrons were deployed in Shanhaiguan, Shenyang, Liaoyang and other places. At the same time, Qiao Yu also transferred Lu Han's tank division to Hailan. This was to prevent Japan's troops in the Far East from entering the Northeast.

On the black soil, Qiao Yu deployed a total of more than 200,000 soldiers, and they were all the elites of China. Qiao Yu knew very well that if Japan wanted to start a full-scale war, it could only attack the Northeast through the Korean Peninsula, thereby threatening the beijing.

, we are still following the old path of the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1894, and it is simply impossible to go in any other direction.

Qiao Yu established the Northeast Military Region in Shenyang. He appointed Wang Huai as the commander-in-chief and Xu Shuzheng as the chief of general staff. They had five A-divisions, three B-divisions, and a large number of air forces, mainly responsible for the security of the three northeastern provinces.

When the war breaks out, this army must quickly seize the South Manchuria Railway and at the same time deal with the Japanese Kwantung Army and the Japanese reinforcements coming from North Korea.

In addition, the Far East Military Region was established in the outer northeast, Zhang Zuolin was appointed commander-in-chief, and Wu Tong was appointed chief of staff. The main task was to deal with Japanese soldiers in the Far East. China had already set up an all-out war posture.

At this time, Japan is caught in a debate. The main war faction hopes to start a complete war with China. Don't worry about the thoughts of the international community at all, just like the Sino-Japanese War of 1894. By relying on war to completely interrupt China's modernization process, it can be said that this

One faction is highly supported by the Japanese military headquarters.

The other group believes that the views of the great powers cannot be ignored. Moreover, Japan's land and air force are not ready, and the navy has been hit hard. It is blind to start a full-scale war with China at this time, especially since the empire still has to compete with the United States for power in the Pacific. At the same time, in

There are still a lot of interests in the Russian Far East, but these are simply the actions of reckless men. The main supporters of this faction are the government.

The two factions fell into a fierce debate. Although the Japanese military headquarters was very powerful at this time, the government still had certain forces, especially now that the veteran Shanxian Youpeng was still there. Everyone knew that everything had to wait for this old bad guy.

The leader's decision made Emperor Taisho a mere puppet given his mental state.

Yamagata Aritomo was also caught in an unprecedented conflict at this time. His intuition told him that such a huge enemy like China must be firmly suppressed and China should not be given any chance. Now he should use a great victory to completely stop China's industrialization process.


"China is really a strange country. If you look at its history for three hundred years, it is a reincarnation. After being ruled by the Qing Dynasty for three hundred years, those people have been completely numb and the country has been shattered. It stands to reason that there will be no more than a few decades.

It will be unified again. This is the best opportunity for the empire. Just like the Manchus, they galloped across the Central Plains and dominated the world. However, in less than ten years, they were reunited and had a huge industry.

The foundation is like a dream, I can’t believe it at all!”

The Duke of Xiyuan Temple listened quietly to Shanxian Youtomo's emotion. As the only elder who could compete with Shanxian, he gave up the previous disputes at this time. Japan still needs a voice at the critical moment!

"Everything depends on your decision. If we need to go to war with China, we will bet on the fate of the country again. I will absolutely support you unconditionally!"

Shanxian's turbid old eyes looked at Xiyuanji Gongwang, and then shook his head firmly, "Xiyuanji-kun, the Japanese Empire is a small country, and it is still a small country caught between several big countries. Although we

You have to have the courage to risk everything, but you also have to have enough wisdom, and you can’t act recklessly!”

After Shanxian said these words, Xiyuan Temple Gongwang secretly let out a sigh of relief. The old guy is not allowed to fight. Indeed, Japan is not ready at all at this time. The Chinese have already partially left in the field of military technology.

When Japan reaches the forefront, the price paid for the war is too high, and the United States and Britain control Japan's resources. What Japan needs is an opportunity!

Shanxian thought for a long time, and then said slowly: "The resources of the Far East must be obtained quickly. Within five years, the empire will surpass China in all aspects of technology. Within ten years, a war must be launched to eliminate China. If this cannot be done, the empire will be destroyed."

There is no hope of victory anymore!"

After the old man finished speaking, he lowered his eyelids again without saying a word. He was already in his twilight years, and he had no hope of seeing who would win or lose between China and Japan. Shanxian Youto's statement had a profound impact on Japan and Japan.

The voice of the peace talks finally overcame the voice of the main war faction. Japan issued a statement indicating that it accepted the mediation of the United States. At the same time, Japan also issued harsh words to China and began to recruit a large number of troops in the country. The two countries

A division was sent to North Korea, and the Combined Fleet also dispatched some warships equipped with anti-aircraft firepower to rush into the Chinese waters.

After receiving the information from Japan, Qiao Yu and Jiang Baili couldn't help but feel relieved.

"Prime Minister, this time Japan sent more troops to North Korea just to cover the troops in the Far East. The navy looked aggressive, but Japan did not dare to send it to Shandong waters. Instead, it sent warships to the Yangtze Estuary. In name,

It is a threat to our trade routes. But in fact, Japan has a guilty conscience and does not dare to fight with us. As the saying goes, an old tiger never bites. Youpeng in Shanxian County is too old and no longer has the courage to choose war. Japan is like this

It's Japan's tragedy that an old guy controls it!"

"Japan's sorrow is a good thing for us. If we really start a war this time, we will have no choice but to risk our lives. But even if Japan wants to die down next time, I may not be willing to do so!"

Sooner or later, China and Japan will have to decide who is the master of the Far East. This is a fateful showdown that cannot be changed. But time is more advantageous for China!

"In the next five years, China will establish a complete coastal defense system and start building our aircraft carriers. Submarines are the top priority. We will design and build our submarines based on the German U-shaped submarines.

, the number must be more than twenty. We must also make great efforts in the air force to increase the number of air force aircraft to more than 1,500. Ensure that the Japanese navy can no longer show off its power in our territorial waters!"

The Chinese side is intensively planning for the next step, and US Secretary of State Hughes also traveled across the ocean and came to Tokyo. After some confidential talks with Japan, Hughes issued an invitation to the Chinese side. Hughes was prepared to

China-Japan peace talks conference held in Tokyo!

Obviously, the venue of the meeting was chosen in Tokyo to take care of Japan's face. I'm afraid there is some collusion between Japan and the United States. Qiao Yu sees these imperialist countries very clearly and has no friends at all.

There is no friendship. In the face of interest disputes, the United States can easily start an arms race with the United Kingdom, which has the same roots and species, let alone China. However, Qiao Yu is not worried. The exchange of interests between the United States and Japan should be more directed toward the United Kingdom.

, rather than China.

Gu Weijun still represented China in person at Japan's peace talks, and Japan's representative was Foreign Minister Uchida Yasuya. Although only China, Japan and the United States participated this time, it can already be regarded as a preview of the Washington Conference. The United States began to postpone the meeting.

The role of international mediator was previously assumed by the United Kingdom. The United States used this meeting to demonstrate its strength and to make arrangements in the Far East.

Hughes looked gentle and like a gentleman. As the mediator, he took the lead in speaking.

"The government of the United States is extremely concerned about the situation in the Far East and expresses extreme regret for the conflict that broke out between China and Japan in the Qingdao area. We fervently hope that peace can be restored in the Far East and that the people of China and Japan will no longer bleed. There is no problem that cannot be solved.

Should it be resolved through peaceful negotiation?"

"Your Excellency Secretary of State, I strongly agree with your point of view. The world has just experienced a tragic war in which tens of millions of people died. I think there is no one in the world who does not long for peace. But as you said, the war happened in Shandong.

That is China's sacred territory. Just above the Paris Peace Conference, China suffered unfair treatment. Shandong was stolen by the Japanese. This was a mistake. Inspired by the great national enthusiasm, the Chinese Volunteer Army took up arms to expel the invasion.

This is a completely just action. Japan must recognize the reality and withdraw from Chinese territory. Only in this way can China and Japan restore peace!"

Hearing Gu Weijun's words, not only Uchida Yasuya, but also Hughes almost vomited a mouthful of old blood. They are equipped with aircraft and tanks, and can sink battleships. They are not just Chinese regular troops, but they are also the elite among the elite.

However, what is important in international exchanges is this fig leaf. China is currently using the name of a volunteer army. Otherwise, China and Japan would have to formally declare war and there would be no way out.

Uchida Yasuya said with a serious face: "The Japanese Empire's acquisition of Qingdao's rights and interests was completely approved by the Paris Peace Conference. It has reached an international consensus and cannot be changed!"

"International consensus? If I remember correctly, the United States of America did not ratify the contract. How can this be considered an international consensus?"...)


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