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Chapter 370 Soviet Russia is Coming

At this juncture, the old guy from Yamaxian County Youto showed his ruthlessness and ruthlessness deep in his bones. With the level of oppression in Japan, it would be great for the citizens to just take to the streets to march. If it were replaced by other countries

, maybe they have started to rebel, but the old guy didn't reflect at all, and instead wanted to carry out bloody suppression. It is really ruthless and unjust to the extreme!

However, Yuan Jing also knew at this time that he could only listen to the old guy. He said goodbye and left his home in Shan County. There were people marching all the way. The loud slogans made Yuan Jing tremble. This was hundreds of people.

The roar of thousands of people!

After returning to the Prime Minister's residence, Hara Jing immediately ordered the country to enter a state of martial law. The military and police came out and began to violently suppress the demonstrators. There is a saying that there is no revolution in the era of rear-loading guns. It means that with the advancement of technology, the government has become more powerful than the people have.

There are too many advantages. In front of the regular army, which is armed to the teeth, the Japanese people have no ability to resist at all. They are completely at the mercy of human beings and can only rely on their flesh and blood to compete with steel!

Japan is ruthless to foreigners and even more ruthless to its own people. It shows no mercy at all. The blood has dyed Japan red again. The prisons are full. In this bloody suppression, the relationship between China, Japan and the United States

Negotiations were held again. Hara Kei and Uchida made substantial concessions and agreed to give up the garrison in Qingdao and Northeast China. All other privileges were placed at the Washington Conference for negotiation and were canceled through negotiation with other countries!

U.S. Secretary of State Hughes also assured that the United States would definitely persuade all major powers to cancel its privileges. After receiving these guarantees, China also achieved its goals. Gu Weijun agreed, and peace between China and Japan was basically restored. Hughes

Most of the mission has been completed. Being able to successfully mediate the war between the two countries will be of great benefit to the United States in demonstrating its strength.

There is another issue that needs to be resolved between China and Japan, and that is the issue of the Far East. Originally, both sides were in the same camp and wanted to jointly deal with the Soviet Union, but the successive conflicts between China and Japan have made mutual trust between the two armies no longer possible.

It has been reduced to the extreme. If they go to the battlefield together, China and Japan will start fighting before the war with the Soviet and Russian Red Army begins. How can the two sides cooperate under such conditions?

After repeated negotiations, China and Japan reached an agreement on separate occupations. China recovered the Russian-occupied territories except Sakhalin Island, while Japan gained the coastal areas of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk extending westward to Chita. At the same time,

Including the Kamchatka Peninsula, the territorial area allocated to Japan is not small, but there is a fatal problem, that is, the Chita area is deep inland and is an important node on the Trans-Siberian Railway. If you want to

Transporting supplies here must pass through the outer northeastern region of China!

Therefore, Japan requires China to open the railway to Japan, and at the same time open the ports of Haisenwei and Temple Street as free ports for Japan to transport strategic materials. In addition, Japan is allowed to station troops along the Siberian Railway to ensure

Logistics supply!

Gu Weijun despises Japan's insatiable greed. If Japan only wants to annex the areas around the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, Japan's army will temporarily break away from contact with Soviet Russia. China will definitely be the first to be affected, and will be regarded as the worst by Red Russia.

The main enemy, China's military, will also be under tremendous pressure.

Now Japan does not want to give up Chita, which means Japan will bear the Soviet attack for China first. From the map, the area allocated to Japan is like a huge protective barrier, covering China's outer northeast.

It has become the first barrier to protect Northeast China.

In fact, this is not to blame for Japan's greed. After losing the fat piece of China, Japan must receive sufficient compensation for its benefits. Therefore, Japan really does not want to give up any interests in the Far East, but if it does not want to give up, then Japan

Logistical guarantees from China must be obtained, because now the easternmost end of the Siberian Railway is all in the Outer Northeast.

Gu Weijun also reported to Qiao Yu, and Qiao Yu and his staff conducted careful research. Jiang Baili and others were not optimistic about Japan. It was still very difficult to defend Chita. In the end, China would have to fight in person, but Japan himself was willing to go first.

If they fight the Russians desperately, China will definitely want it!

However, it is absolutely impossible to give up the power of the port and garrison. These are matters within the scope of sovereignty. How can we give in!

After some bargaining, China refused to give back a cent. Gu Weijun only guaranteed that China would fully assist Japan in transporting supplies without any interference. At this time, the domestic turmoil in Japan was still continuing, and the situation of Prime Minister Hara Jing became more and more serious.

Difficulties, many young officers have regarded him as a national traitor. All the rights that Japanese soldiers had gained with their blood were ruined by Yuan Jing. This is not traitorous!

Yuan Jing was under unprecedented pressure, and Shanxian Youpeng no longer received him at this time. He was left to handle everything by himself. Yuan Jing instinctively felt bad, but there was no other way, so he had to agree to China's proposal.

Plan, because Japan will take the lead in resisting the Russian Red Army, Japan requires China to support 100,000 tons of grain, and at the same time allow Japanese businessmen to operate legally in the outer northeast. China will also resume economic and trade exchanges with Japan, especially import and export!

These economic interests are not too important. After all, China is too big and must carry out economic exchanges with foreign countries. As long as there is no formal declaration of war between China and Japan, the trade between the two countries cannot be completely cut off. Gu Weijun finally agreed to Japan's


The difficult negotiations finally ended, and Gu Weijun left Tokyo. However, Gu Weijun was attacked three times during the short journey away from Tokyo. Some young military officers were firmly opposed to compromising with China, so they wanted to achieve their goals by assassinating Chinese diplomats.


The Japanese military is also very opposed to this kind of reckless behavior. Even killing Gu Weijun now is of no use. It can only make China and Japan completely break up and affect Japan's international image, especially since you have friends from Shanxian County.

He stated behind his back that the safety of Chinese diplomats must be guaranteed.

Gu Weijun and his party finally left Japan safely, but another person was about to be unlucky, that is, Prime Minister Yuan Jing. Just after he had just reached an agreement, Yuan Jing turned around during a bus inspection.

At the intersection, two young Japanese officers wearing kimonos and bandages on their heads suddenly rushed out. The two of them took out their weapons and sieved Hara Kei, his secretary and the driver.

Hara Kei, the first civilian Prime Minister in Japan's history, was stabbed eight months earlier than in history, and became the first Prime Minister to be assassinated in Japan's history. Since then, violent incidents have emerged one after another in Japan's political arena.

, and it became more and more intense, until finally pushing Japan to the point of no return of militarism!

Youpeng in Shanxian County knew that Japan had misjudged the enemy this time and was not ready for war. He could only choose to give in, but someone had to bear the blame. Be the scapegoat and tell the people that Japan was still strong and that it was better to fight.

The only thing that is invincible is that there are thieves. Only in this way can the confidence of the Japanese people be strengthened. The most important thing for a small island country to dominate the world is confidence. Without confidence, Japan is really doomed.

However, this incident also dealt a huge blow to Shanxian Youpeng, and made this old guy dry up his efforts. He really became a candle in the wind and could not last long. He also vomited blood several times in a row, so he obviously died soon!

Gu Weijun returned home with great honor this time. China successfully forced Japan to regress. It is getting closer and closer to China becoming a communist country. As long as it waits until the Washington Conference and sweeps away all its privileges, China will truly be able to unlock the world.

With all the shackles on my body, I stand in the east of the world with my head held high.

Being able to witness this great moment is the greatest honor for a diplomat. Gu Weijun is naturally very satisfied, and Qiao Yu, who is in Beijing, is completely relieved at this time, temporarily getting rid of the evil dog Japan.

, China will be able to deal with Russia with all its strength. As long as Russia is solved, China will be able to usher in a precious period of peaceful development.

Qiao Yu is not too worried about defeating Russia. China and Russia have a long land border, especially Qiao Yu has taken back Outer Mongolia. The strategic situation has been reversed. Even if it is attrition, China can still fight to kill Russia. Moreover, the current

Soviet Russia had blood but no industry, passion but no guns.

Before the crazy five-year plan of Comrade Steel, the current Soviet Russia has not really grown muscles, and its industrial level is still not as good as China's. Qiao Yu is still sure to force Russia to choose to surrender, but what follows is a speed war.

It’s a contest to see whether China, led by itself, will be the first to complete industrialization, or whether the Russians will get there first, to determine who can get the strategic advantage first! When warm flowers are blooming and the scenery is full of scenery, Chita in Siberia is still cold.

The wind is freezing and there is no sign of warming.

Not only was the weather cold, the situation in Japan and Russia was even colder. Kolchak was dead and Denikin was defeated. The Red Army finally had enough energy to deal with the problems in the Far East, and the conflict between China and Japan

The direction of Moscow is even more delighted. The imperialist countries are all of the same virtue, and their contradictions cannot be adjusted at all. This is a good opportunity for Soviet Russia.

After making their own preparations, the Russian Far East Red Army also gathered more than 30,000 people, and more than 8,000 cavalry. These were all well-trained veterans who had climbed out of the First World War.

The majority party's education and morale are exceptionally high.

The surrounding area of ​​Chita is still under the control of the Japanese, and the Japanese have also built a tight line of defense. Although the supplies of these Japanese are not sufficient now, and they have to endure hunger and cold, the Japanese still have a kind of

Blind self-confidence. Just a dozen years ago, Japan defeated the behemoth Tsarist Russia through its own efforts. Since then, Japan has become one of the few great powers in the world, truly holding its destiny in its own hands.


Now the Japanese can still defeat the Russians, and there will be no changes just because Russia has turned red. However, these Japanese people obviously underestimated their opponents and overestimated themselves. Just at dawn,

The Russian Red Army began to charge towards the Japanese positions, and at the same time the Russian artillery began to roar!

The Russians did not have enough artillery, and there were not many artillery shells, but the Russians concentrated these artillery pieces together, forming a huge local advantage. In an instant, the sky seemed to be burning, and the red light produced by the shelling even surpassed the light of the rising sun.


The Japanese position was like a small boat, constantly shaking under the Russian attacks. Under the cover of artillery fire, tall Russian soldiers rushed to the Japanese position. In fact, the two armies were full of weapons.

It was not enough, so they all chose hand-to-hand combat. The smelly blood dyed the white snow with a strange color!...)


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