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Three hundred and seventieth chapters bloody Soviet Russia 1

Even Qiao Yu did not expect that the Japanese would be defeated from Chita so quickly. After all, according to Qiao Yu's estimate, there were more than 70,000 Japanese soldiers in Chita, and the Japanese were also prepared to defend Chita to the death.

They are very determined, so it is normal to wait for two or three months!

Fighting in the Far East is a huge drain on both Japan and Russia. Japan has to transport supplies along the railway from Haisenwei. This line is under China's control. Japan is not at ease, and Russia also has to

Supplies were shipped from distant parts of Europe, and World War I and the Civil War had completely depleted Russia of all its wealth.

Qiao Yu's original plan was to wait for the two countries to fight to the point of exhaustion, and then China would join the war and take advantage. However, God is not as good as God. In fact, Japan's defeat this time was a complete accident. They were also prepared to defend Chita.

They even want to capture Lower Udinsk and take the entire eastern part of Lake Baikal into their own hands.

However, just as both sides were trying their best, a Russian troop bypassed Chita and attacked Japan's logistics base. The food, fuel and medicine that Japan had finally transported from the country were taken down, and all the fuel and medicine were reduced to ashes, which was even more terrible.

What's more, two ammunition depots were destroyed, and all the 300,000 rounds of artillery shells stored were destroyed!

After losing arms and food, the situation of the Japanese soldiers became difficult instantly. The Russian soldiers were inspired by the victory and their morale became stronger. Without enough firepower, the Russian cavalry could easily break through the Japanese defense lines. The Russian sabers

He chopped the Japanese into pieces like chopping melons and vegetables.

The hungry and cold Japanese soldiers finally couldn't stand it anymore. Even the most obedient war machine couldn't bear it anymore. They endured unimaginable cold and depression in Siberia, and a large number of them were infected with internal diseases.

The sao uprising that took place in Japan not long ago was bloody suppressed by the Japanese government, and some scattered news also reached the ears of these Japanese soldiers!

They were fighting for the glory of the Emperor, but the Emperor was massacring their families and arresting their brothers. A strong sense of betrayal permeated the Japanese military camp, and all the accumulated anger was transferred to the upper echelons of the Japanese military.

The morale of the military is fluctuating and morale is low!

The person who commanded the sneak attack was Napoleon Tukhachevsky, the famous Russian military strategist in the future. He only led two thousand of the best soldiers to complete a large-scale roundabout operation. Now he is commanding the soldiers to attack Japan.

My rear.

The Japanese were facing Brucher. Both of them were the best commanders in Russia, and they were also the first marshals of the Soviet Union in the future. They fought together and showed great power. () Soon the Japanese soldiers

There was a rout.

Originally, these soldiers should have fled to the northeast, that is, defeated along the Trans-Siberian Railway, so as to get rid of the pursuers as quickly as possible. However, these Japanese soldiers knew very well that these areas had fallen into the hands of China. The relationship between China and Japan has also changed.

They were so nervous that they had to worry, and the commander of the Japanese army was not willing to let China see their embarrassing side, so they decided to bypass the Chinese-controlled area, bypass the northern part of the Outer Xing'an Mountains, and directly enter Japanese control.

Coastal region of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk!

This plan was also approved by Japan, but it was destined to be a road to death. The weather in Russia is still very cold, especially in the north. These Japanese soldiers were defeated on a large scale and did not have enough protection against the cold.

Clothing can only rely on body temperature to keep each other warm.

After an arduous journey, it took them two months in total to finally reach Antkan on the coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. However, there were only less than 10,000 people left in the original team of more than 50,000 people, and the rest all died in the

On the Siberian wasteland, it became a delicious meal in the mouths of hungry wolves!

However, the Japanese government gave the highest reward to these Japanese soldiers, praising them as brave travelers. Honjo Shige, who commanded these people, also rose to the top and became the Japanese-appointed governor of Okhotsk. He was responsible for the newly incorporated into the empire.

The security and defense of this land in the territory!

Of course, this will not happen until two months later. Now that the Japanese have been defeated, the Russian army took the opportunity to occupy Chita, and then the troops reached Nerchinsk. The war finally burned in front of the Chinese people. The two Eurasian continents

The largest countries above are finally about to collide head-on!

Just after learning that the Japanese army was defeated, Qiao Yu, who was in Hailan, immediately ordered the entire army to mobilize. He absolutely could not wait for the Russians to arrive at the door. What he had to do now was to actively face the enemy and collide with a behemoth like Russia.

Morale is very important. You must take the lead and inflict pain on Russia in order to gain the advantage!

In fact, Russia is facing more difficulties now, and China is also facing many difficulties. The wealth accumulated in World War I has been exhausted. Unifying the country, reorganizing the army, and carrying out economic reforms are all extremely expensive. The wealth accumulated in Sichuan has been exhausted.

, if Qiao Yu hadn't successfully obtained Kolchak's gold and ensured the stability of the newly issued Hua Yuan, China's finances would have been in danger!

Even now, China should not drag out the war for too long, otherwise it will definitely affect China's economic construction. Therefore, after repeated discussions, we are ready to give the Russians a head-on blow and completely destroy their courage. Only in this way can we force the Russians to

Honestly give up the Far East and admit that these territories are back in China's hands.

This time the task still fell to the Chinese armored forces and air forces. This time Qiao Yu mobilized a cavalry division, two infantry divisions and a tank division as the most powerful troops to seize Nerchinsk, and at the same time mobilized forty aircraft.

Provide air cover.

Lu Han led the tank division to the front. Nerchinsk is 305 kilometers away from Chita. For previous marches, this may not be a close distance, but for armored troops, it is nothing.

Prior to this, Zhang Zuolin and others also used a large number of civilian workers to completely renovate the Siberian Railway. Now the transportation capacity has basically returned to the pre-war level, and materials stockpiled in the Northeast are being continuously transported.

The biggest enemy of the armored forces is logistics. As long as logistics can be solved, Lu Han is sure to crush any enemy. This is the pride of the Chinese tank corps. Whether it is on the European battlefield or in northern Myanmar, including Qingdao, the Chinese tank corps

They have repeatedly made great contributions and have become the ace force of the Chinese Army. Tank soldiers and pilots are the most sought-after arms in this era, with unlimited glory!

These honors did not make these soldiers lose their way. On the contrary, they must demand themselves more strictly. Enhance their military quality and truly become the kings of the land. During the march on the land, the squadron encountered some Japanese defeated troops one after another. These

The separated Japanese were like walking corpses, completely lifeless, and their empty eyes were full of boundless fear. It seemed that they had been frightened out of their wits by the Russians.

Seeing this, the Chinese soldiers despised these Japanese people even more. The little devils are nothing special. They are all the same. They don't know what the Russian Red Army, which is rumored to be amazing, looks like, but it should look better than the Japanese.

I need to be able to fight!

The Chinese ** team quickly marched towards Nerchinsk. The same goes for the Russian army. Moscow transferred both Tukhachevsky and Blyukher to the Far East, which shows that they attach great importance to this place. With the war in Europe,

At the end of the war, the real headaches for Moscow are China and Japan!

Russia instinctively has a fear of the huge China. The combined population of vast Siberia is smaller than that of one province in China. How can such a huge gap not make people fearful? The Yellow Peril theory is an important invention of the Tsar.

The same is true for Japan. A Japanese-Russian war made the Russians feel unforgettable pain. Japan was not easy to deal with, but Chita's victory greatly inflated the Russians' confidence!

Brucher quickly marched towards Nerchinsk with his cavalry troops. If he seizes this place, he can threaten the Chinese garrison in the outer northeast and also threaten China's Heilongjiang Province. The strategic position is very important!

A speed contest is taking place in the Siberian wilderness. On one side are majestic cavalry, on the other side are steel monster tanks. The cavalry division was the king of land battles in the past, and the tank division is a newly emerging force. In the Battle of Lanzhou, Chinese tanks have already

Proving that the era of cavalry is over.

However, the Russians don't seem to know this yet, so it is necessary for the Chinese to teach them a profound lesson. The two troops thrust towards Nerchinsk like two swords, but the speed of the Chinese swordsman is obviously more outstanding.

, the tank troops basically do not need to rest and can move forward quickly as long as they have sufficient fuel.

In less than two days, the Chinese army ran 300 kilometers and finally captured Nerchinsk. This was a very special city. The emperor of the Manchu Qing Dynasty who was once praised to heaven signed an agreement on Nerchinsk with the Russians.

The treaty gave up a large area of ​​territory in the Lake Baikal region and opened the door for Russia to develop into the Far East, causing endless disasters!

There were also many members of the Russian majority party in the city of Nerchinsk. After the Japanese were defeated, they were ecstatic and began to establish their own political power, waiting for the Russian army to come over and incorporate this place into the great Soviet Russia.


But God made a joke with them. What was waiting for them was not the Russian army, but the iron-blooded army of China. Naturally, the Chinese just did those inhumane things and simply controlled them. What was waiting for them was Semyonov.

This big bear will definitely be willing to deal with these red Russians.

China's task is to build the airport, set up fortifications, quickly regain strength and wait for the Russian army to fall into the trap!

The Chinese were not kept waiting for too long. After the afternoon of the next day, the Russian vanguard had already approached Nerchinsk. They did not know that this place had fallen into the hands of the Chinese. Just when they tried to approach Nerchinsk

, two fighter jets appeared in the sky, and like eagles discovering their prey, the two planes quickly rushed towards these Russian cavalry.

By the time Russia realized that the situation was not good, it was already too late. Machine gun bullets pierced the sky. In an instant, two Russians were shattered on the spot and fell from their horses like a pile of mud.

Others also discovered the horrifying scene and wanted to turn around and escape, but the speed of the war horses could match that of the airplanes. Just like a cat catching a mouse, the Chinese pilots smashed the Russian cavalry into pieces one by one, along with the war horses.

Inside, no creature can escape the attack of the Chinese war eagle!..)


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