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Chapter 378 Peaceful Development II

After the end of World War I, the world did not truly achieve peace. On the contrary, it gave birth to a greater crisis. This is something that many outstanding politicians can see clearly. Before World War I, countries such as Britain and France had already begun to move forward.

It was going downhill, and the victory in the First World War not only did not put them on the road to recovery, but began to weaken at an accelerated pace, and their true strength declined even more!

This serious reduction in strength makes Britain and France no longer able to maintain the new international order that was finally created through war, and they do not have the strong execution ability to maintain the weakening of Germany. This gives the defeated Germany a chance to rise again!

With the rise of the United States and Japan, Russia has turned red, making the international situation unprecedentedly complex. Now with the rise of China, the shock to the world situation is even stronger. Colonies in the world are desperately trying to seek du li.

, Get rid of the control of colonialism!

All the contradictions between defeated countries and victorious countries, emerging powers and established powers, Red Russia and imperialism, colonized countries and colonizers are intertwined. The development of this world is no longer about some countries and politicians.

Those who can take the lead will definitely be reshuffled through a larger-scale war again!

It can be said that the end of World War I has planted the seeds of World War II. Living in this great era, Qiao Yu clearly feels the pressure of this kind of ups and downs. China can only firmly seize the next ten or twenty years.

We need time to rapidly develop industry and grow strong muscles. Only in this way can we pursue our own interests in the new round of changes in the international order.

Qiao Yu said meaningfully: "Baoxuan, China's future national destiny will be won by military power, and military power is the power of heavy industry, which is the competition of coal, iron and oil! The mission of our generation is to build the foundation of the country's industrialization

Tamp it down, only in this way can we truly escape the fate of slavery!"

"The Prime Minister is assured that a comprehensive plan for the future national industrial development has been formulated. In addition to the steel industry, the coal mining industry centered on Shanxi, Suiyuan, and Chahar is also accelerating its layout. In addition, in Yumen, Gansu, and Northeast China

Large-scale oil fields have been explored in Daqing. As long as they can be developed, they will be enough to support China's initial needs for industrialization. It can be said that China does not need to worry about energy in the next ten or even twenty years. However, for a huge country like China,

With such a large population, our energy demand will definitely reach an astonishing amount in the future. Even if it exceeds the United States, it is not impossible, and long-term planning is required!"

Qiao Yu nodded slightly. The question raised by Zhao Baoxuan was very realistic. China's huge size determines that China's industrialization will be the most magnificent page in human history, almost reaching an unprecedented level. It is this huge scale that has caused China's almost

It can become a black hole and absorb all the resources and raw materials in the world crazily. This is an irreversible situation!

Thinking of the unfair treatment that China received in the national market in later generations, Qiao Yu still felt deeply in his heart. He has accelerated China's historical process for decades. With this precious buffer time, China will definitely be able to better complete its layout.

,No one can stop China’s progress!

In addition to vigorously developing industry, a more important point is the development of education. This is also one of Qiao Yu's main focuses since Sichuan. Competition in the industrial age is ultimately the competition of production capacity. This is true during World War II.

It has been perfectly explained that as long as it has an overwhelming production capacity advantage, it can completely crush the fascist group like the United States! The conditions required to ensure huge production capacity are nothing more than three aspects, factories, raw materials and workers, factories

As a production base, naturally the more, bigger, and more advanced the better, and sufficient supply of raw materials is the guarantee for smooth production, but the key to everything is people!…

Under the situation that the quality of people is basically the same, naturally the larger the population and the larger the labor force, the greater the production capacity. Germany's industrial strength can exceed that of Britain and France to a large extent because Germany's population exceeds these two countries.

Only with sufficient labor force can we maintain an increasingly complex industrial system!

Of course, if industrialization is not achieved, just like China in history, although it has the largest population in the world, it will still be suppressed by a small island country and cannot hold its head high at all. The huge labor force cannot be converted into production capacity at all.

, we can only rely on the Xiaomi rifle to win the victory with our lives!

Now that China's industrialization has begun to take shape, an important mission of the Chinese government is to comprehensively promote the development of education, continuously improve the quality of Chinese people, and adapt to the requirements of the industrial era. As long as the quality of the labor force is equal to that of the major powers,

China's huge population advantage will be revealed, and it will be able to explode several times or even ten times its production capacity advantage, easily crushing any opponent, just like China can become the world's factory in the future!

The problem of education is no more than that of industry. It is a very systematic project, and it involves the academic world, so it must be treated with caution. Qiao Yu called together his main assistants Zhang Lan, Zhang Taiyan, Huang Yuanyong and others to study this issue carefully.

Zhang Lan, the Minister of Education, has already started formulating an education plan.

"Prime Minister, the Ministry of Education believes that within the next ten years we must universalize compulsory education, ensure that more than 90% of school-age children can enter school, and reduce the national illiteracy rate to less than 30%. If this goal can be achieved, we and the great powers will

The gap in national quality will be greatly reduced."

Qiao Yu agrees with the development of basic education. Compulsory education must be strengthened. However, Qiao Yu is not very satisfied with this time. "Ten years does not seem to be a long time, but I think it needs to be faster. It is best to

Compulsory education will be popularized within five years. The government has already allocated 15% of the budget to education. Ten years may not be justified. The faster compulsory education is popularized, the sooner the children can have the opportunity to read and learn.

If we delay the opportunity for five years, we will waste so many children’s youth, we can’t afford to wait!”

Zhang Lan's expression changed slightly. Although Qiao Yu didn't say it clearly, he already had a hint of accusation. The financial support for education was indeed going all out, but the Ministry of Education also had its own considerations.

"Prime Minister, the Ministry of Education has hired a large number of experts to study this issue. We believe that the focus of investment should be tilted towards higher education, especially the establishment of more comprehensive universities to tap the quality of students and comprehensively cultivate talents in all aspects.

Only in this way can we catch up with the great powers in science and technology and achieve national rejuvenation. The compulsory education stage must also imitate foreign countries and add practical content to fully tap students' potential, so the investment will naturally be larger!"

Qiao Yu frowned completely when he heard this. Qiao Yu had heard a lot of this argument about quality education in his previous life, and it was very reasonable. But now he stands at a different height and looks at this issue completely differently. Quality education

It is indeed true, but it must be done after the country becomes truly prosperous and powerful. To promote this kind of thing prematurely will only harm the country!

"Minister Zhang, I have a question. Do you think universities should cultivate masters or engineers?"

Zhang Lan was stunned for a moment. He also felt Qiao Yu's dissatisfaction. This was something discovered by a large group of experts. Every sentence made sense, but why was it completely inconsistent with the Prime Minister's wishes?

However, he still answered honestly: "Of course he is a master! The size of a university does not lie in its area, but in its profound academic accumulation, the inheritance of ideology and culture, and the cultivation of qualified citizens. It is natural to cultivate high-end talents!"...


"Mr. Zhang, what you say may make sense, but it does not apply to China today. I have repeatedly emphasized that competition in the industrial era is the competition of production capacity and the number of engineers. We need to cultivate our own cultural and scientific talents, but

We have lagged behind the great powers in this aspect. If we are still struggling to catch up in this direction, we will only get half the result with half the effort and lose more than we gain. What we have to do is to surpass our opponents in terms of production capacity and give full play to China's advantage in population!

Training masters is very good, but the cost is too high, and the success rate is too low. One master may be worth dozens of engineers, but the cost is hundreds of engineers. What we need most now are real workers.

We are doers who accumulate wealth. It is admirable that the great powers can develop new technologies, but when our strength is not reached, there is no need to compete to be the leader. At most, we can just imitate. The British were the first to build dreadnoughts, and

Germany is not far behind, and the quality is even better than that of the UK. Whatever the great powers develop, we just copy it!"

As Qiao Yu talked, he understood in his heart that this is the essence of the spirit of copycats! As a latecomer country, copycats are indeed a shortcut to progress. Latecomers do not have such a huge capital accumulation, nor do they have enough capital.

If you want to surpass others in technology all of a sudden, you will have to put in a lot of effort. It is better to simply follow behind the great powers and copy whatever you come up with! Then rely on a sufficient number of engineers.

Team, make the counterfeit goods better than the genuine ones, and directly seize the profits of the great powers. This approach has shown great power in later generations, but the current conditions are still different from those of later generations, but the general idea is still the same, a strong country with counterfeit goods!

Of course, in some key areas and core technologies, we still have to rely on ourselves to tackle key problems. Some things cannot be obtained by relying on copycats! "Prime Minister, this is not good. Intellectual property rights are still protected!"

"There's nothing wrong with it. Now that the great powers control colonies all over the world, that's called robbery with open fire. Why can't we imitate their technology!" Huang Yuanyong strongly agreed with Qiao Yu's point of view.

"Minister Zhang, I think what the Prime Minister said is correct. China has a large population and rich resources. We naturally have to give full play to our own advantages. Education must be open to everyone, pursuing minimum investment and maximum benefits. Therefore, I suggest comprehensive control

Comprehensive universities, build more vocational schools and technical schools, and compulsory education mainly focus on literacy and exam-oriented education. Only in this way can we guide and cultivate qualified workers from an early age!"

Maybe some people are unwilling to accept it, but the fact is that there is no need for China to use its own shortcomings and the strengths of the great powers to compete. Of course, this exam-oriented education model will definitely have various sequelae, but if it does not do this, China will

You don't even have the chance to enjoy the sequelae, you will only be eliminated by the world!

"Minister Zhang, the Ministry of Education must carry out reforms, and those who are full of old scholar-bureaucrat habits must be kicked out. These people will only interfere with normal national construction, and education must not follow the elite line. We cannot afford it!" Qiao

Yu said firmly.

This chapter has been completed!
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