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Chapter 380: Peaceful Development IV

Lu Wanqing was not an idiot. After seeing the proposal, and thinking about her father's proposal to her, she suddenly seemed to think of something.

"Shun Qing, do you mean that dad is going to make us, including the next generation, a privileged class?"

"Yes, it's not just that. I'm afraid I want to use my hand to combine capital and power to cultivate a huge interest group. The purpose of intervening in education is to cultivate talents for this group. The layout of capital power has already begun. The ultimate goal

It means bringing the country under the control of capital!”

Lu Wanqing was obviously a little surprised. She did not expect that her father would participate in such a plan. However, she would not have any objection to Qiao Yu's judgment, especially since she could also feel the anger from Qiao Yu's heart. This time her father

I'm afraid I really misjudged Qiao Yu!

"Shun Qing, maybe dad doesn't know. He's usually very confused. You don't have to be angry. I'll send a telegram to dad to tell him not to have any wishful thinking. To be honest, you are now the prime minister and I am trembling with fear. There are still people in the Forbidden City.

The little emperor's family lives here, and I'm afraid that one day will happen to Luan'er, and I will never let him inherit your position. It's better to be a normal commoner in such a life of fear and fear!"

Lu Wanqing was obviously telling the truth, and there seemed to be a trace of tears surging in her eyes. There were definitely many women around Qiao Yu. Just a few days ago, Qiao Yu had enjoyed the pair of Russian twins, but Lu Wanqing could become the same as him.

It is not without reason that Xiang Ruyimo's wife and the hostess of the Prime Minister's Office are sincerely respected and loved by Qiao Yu. Lu Wanqing has no desire to follow others and has a very indifferent view of power!

The initiative put forward by Lu Nai and others is obviously good for the Qiao family. Although they want to become a force that controls the country, they are still willing to recognize Qiao Yu's leadership, and are even willing to let Qiao Yu's descendants continue to conquer the country.

As the leader of this country, it can be said that the Qiao family can definitely reach a dizzying height, whether it is political power or control of capital, it will bring endless power.

But Lu Wanqing was not obsessed by this temptation at all. On the contrary, she tried her best to shirk it. With such a wife in charge of the inner house, Qiao Yu would undoubtedly avoid a lot of trouble. Only when the family is harmonious can everything be prosperous. If the family has a good wife, the husband

This is why you don’t get into trouble!

"Wanqing, I don't know whether my father-in-law is innocent or not, but sitting in my position, I have to think long-term and even plan for things a hundred years from now. Power and capital are twins. Power is too powerful.

, the economy will lose its vitality, just like ancient China, and if capital is too strong, it will turn the country into a tool for a few people to seek benefits. What I have to do is to maintain a balance between the two. Don’t worry, even if you are your father-in-law, what will you do?

I won’t embarrass him because of his scheming, it’s human nature, but I hope you can always stay vigilant, especially educate this kid Qiao Luan well!”

Qiao Yu knows very well that some things must be taken precautions from now on, otherwise there will definitely be trouble in the future!

"Wanqing, Qiao Luan relies on my protection. No matter how mediocre he is or how dandy he is, as long as he does not touch power, there will be no problems. Once he comes into contact with politics, father and son will be at a disadvantage. The ancients said

If you are not rich for more than three generations, problems will arise sooner or later!"

"Why do you expect your son to be a playboy? Are you as good a father as you?" Lu Wanqing's face was full of anger, and she stretched out her jade hand and pinched Qiao Yu's waist hard.

"Father, mother, Mr. Shi is here!" Qiao Luan's five- or six-year-old child was at his most naughty. The Prime Minister's Office in Zhongnanhai was very large and became his paradise. Just when he was running around like crazy, he came from

Shi Dingzhong, who rushed back from Europe, happened to visit the Prime Minister's Office!

Qiao Luan had seen this little old man earlier who often gave him fun things, so the little guy spread his legs and ran to Qiao Yu's office. He happened to see his mother pinching his father fiercely.

The facial features on his face were distorted, and the little guy tilted his head, not knowing what to say!

"Luan'er, didn't you say that Mr. Shi is here? Is it Mr. Shi Dingzhong?" "Well, it's that old man Bu who said he was coming to see daddy!"

Since Shi Dingzhong faded out of Sichuan's political circles, he has devoted himself wholeheartedly to building a museum, exhibiting all the treasures left by Shi Dakai, the then King of Wings, and also collecting many important cultural relics scattered among the people. Now with the unification of the country, China has also specially

In order to protect and recover cultural relics, a cultural relics recovery committee was established, recruiting a large number of antique experts to sort out China's vast cultural relics!

During the Paris Peace Conference, Britain, France and the United States agreed to return 5,000 Chinese cultural relics. In order to ensure the quality of this batch of cultural relics, Shi Dingzhong personally led a group of experts to Europe to recover them. However, this was equivalent to pulling a tooth from a tiger's mouth.

Britain and France both adopted the method of delaying as long as they could, but things took a turn for the better after the Battle of Northern Burma!

The Chinese people used their own strength to severely teach the British colonial army, and also forced the British to spit out Jiangxinpo and other areas. It stands to reason that the British would hate China for this, and would obstruct the return of cultural relics in every possible way, but this is not the case. China has proved through the war

He realized that he had the ability to shake the British and French colonial order at any time.

With strength, you can naturally gain respect. Moreover, Britain and France also hope to use the Chinese market to get out of the post-war crisis. Therefore, the upper levels of the government are not willing to embarrass China on some trivial matters. The speed of returning cultural relics has accelerated significantly, just after the outbreak of the Far East War.

, facing Soviet Russia, Britain and France discovered the value of China again!

If we want to contain this red regime in the future, we cannot do without China's assistance. Therefore, Britain and France spit out the cultural relics honestly. These are all national treasures and must be kept properly. Any slight damage will be huge.


Cultural relics are useful if they are useful, and useless if they are useless. After all, they cannot be eaten or used. If you are guarding a bunch of treasures, should they be robbed by the foreign powers? But for a country with such a profound history like China, it is too

It's important, with a territory of more than 10 million square kilometers and a population of hundreds of millions.

What unites these things is not the army or the government, but the Chinese civilization accumulated over thousands of years. And these cultural relics are the carriers of civilization. Every Chinese sees these ingenious works left by their ancestors.

When the baby is born, I am afraid that he will feel emotional. The cohesion of the nation is generated in this process!

"Mr. Shi, it's really hard for you to spend so much time in Europe and the United States!"

"The Prime Minister is too polite. I have never been so prosperous in my life. I snatched meat from the British and French bandits. I feel relieved just thinking about it. This time we brought back a total of nearly 7,000 cultural relics, of which 5,000 were from the British and French."

Among the items returned by the three countries of the United States, there was also a batch handed over to us by Germany. Old General Seckter also specially sent me a handwritten letter, which contained a strong sense of friendship with China!"

After World War I, Sekter personally went to China for a secret visit and finalized a cooperation plan with Qiao Yu. Now Qiao Yu has become the Prime Minister of China and can legitimately represent the Chinese central government. The cooperation between China and Germany has also changed.

Gotta go deeper!

After World War I, Germany drove away the emperor and established a republic, but the Germans still had to bear an annual indemnity of 320 gold marks. There was no way for Germany, which had been completely consumed by the war, to repay it. France after Germany's defeat

A large number of German factories and machines were relocated, and these things were used to compensate for the compensation, but these machines could not be turned into money, and they were seen all over the world!

The United States and Britain are in a lot of troubles themselves, and they don't like these things. If they want to sell these machines at a good price, they have only three options: China, Soviet Russia and Japan. Among them, Japan's domestic industrialization has almost been completed.

They offered very low prices. Therefore, although the French hated China and hated Red Russia, they still had to sell some machines secretly. France's economy was in extreme embarrassment!

Even if the victorious countries were like this, the defeated Germany would be even more miserable. With Germany's defeat, vicious inflation broke out in the country. When ordinary Germans go to a cafe to drink coffee, they have to drink it quickly because the price may change at any time.

Change, now you need q.mark to drink a cup of coffee, and it will rise to the old q.mark in a few minutes!

This kind of situation has not occurred many times in human history. It can only be compared with China in the past four years. Four years was the time when the Chinese people completely abandoned that incompetent regime. The current Weimar Republic is also in turmoil, and the political situation is in turmoil.

Extremely turbulent!

Just a few months ago, the Kapp coup occurred in Germany, which highlighted the acute domestic conflicts in Germany. As a veteran, Sekter was very sad about the country's decline, but he firmly believed that Germany could still rise one day.

Before rising again, all he can do is maintain the seeds of the German army and military industry!

Cooperation with China is imperative. After the war, China introduced a large number of industrial technologies and talents from Germany, and the Chinese paid a large amount of US dollars to the Germans. It was Sino-German trade that allowed Germany to continue to maintain its

If Germany continues to develop further, it cannot do without China as a market and source of raw materials. Therefore, Sackt personally lobbied all parties and finally allowed Germany to return more than 2,000 cultural relics to China free of charge as a sign of Germany's goodwill towards China.

Shi Dingzhong told all these things, and Qiao Yu also sighed with emotion, "Mr. Shi, this world still pays attention to fists after all. Only when China becomes strong will these great powers choose to bow their heads. I think the value of this batch of cultural relics is not just cultural relics."

itself, and more importantly, it tells all Chinese people to remember the painful historical lessons and find a good place for cultural relics to be placed.

I think I might as well empty out the Forbidden City from the Forbidden City. The little emperor has already lived there for so long. After I entered Beijing, things were so complicated that I had no time to pay attention to him. China has long been the Republic of China, and the Forbidden City is not Aixinjue.

The property of the Luo family belongs to all Chinese people, so let the little emperor get out!"

It would be a great idea to turn the Forbidden City into a museum that collects various cultural relics and is open to the public at the same time. The mysterious and majestic Forbidden City in the past can allow ordinary people to enter and exit at will. This will definitely be a huge change for China.

Truly bid farewell to the imperial era!

"Prime Minister, it would be great to give up the Forbidden City. The place is big enough and magnificent. More importantly, the Forbidden City itself is a huge cultural relic. But will the old and young people from the Manchu Qing Dynasty be willing to do so?"

"Mr. Shi, you may not know that I have ordered the arrest of all members of the Zongshe Party. Shanqi and others colluded with the Japanese ronin to split the three eastern provinces. They are already sinners of the nation. Now we are working hard to deal with them.

A trial will be carried out, and Mingzheng canon punishment will be carried out soon. The courage of those old and young people in the Manchu Qing Dynasty has long been frightened. Do they still dare to jump out and oppose it? "

This chapter has been completed!
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